Start the chopper up and get going to Ashwood!
Coordinates: -37.8670, 145.1030
Credit to Projectzerothree
Start the chopper up and get going to Ashwood!
Coordinates: -37.8670, 145.1030
Credit to Projectzerothree
this question has probably been asked tons of times, but does more premium fuel result in better fuel economy? or just keeps the engine cleaner/better.
do any of you guys actually see that your fuel economy (L/100km) go down on the next tank? (Assuming you are driving along the same roads each time)
Short answer, no. Premium fuel does have additives that could prolong engine life, but they're more to do with engine design. Unless your engine specifically requires premium fuel (think Euro cars where the fuel lid specifically states an octane level), you're more than likely just wasting your money. That being said using the cheapest fuel (E10) doesn't necessarily save you money because the ethanol content increases the fuel consumption and decreases mileage so you'll be filling up more often.…
my car doesn't required premium fuel (Honda)
but I did compare between U91 and U98
with the same empty to full tank, U98 does allow to drive more km before running out
just my personal exp, might not be for everyone
On my old 1993 Honda Civic, I got about 15% better mileage with 98.
@mun4: There is some reason behind improved mileage. While the energy content is near identical, or perhaps even infinitesimally worse on the high octane fuels, they're (obviously) higher octane- meaning that you can run more aggressive timing at a given load, which slightly improves efficiency.
Modern engines (and even many from mid 90's onwards) run near or at the knock limit, and will pull timing when knock is detected (from lower octane fuel).
So, there's some efficiency gain from higher octane fuels. Many current cars are intended to be run on 95 octane or better.
Wrong. 98 premium has less sulphides in it. It reduced engine knocking. So it burns better and makes more power. Watch engineering explained for clarity.
Same experience here. With my research, I had found the same answer that Premium fuel is not better if the car doesn't need it. I used to drive to my work every day. I changed job so now I use public transport so decided to use the premium to see how it feels. I can definitely feel that 98 performs better in my Camry with less engine sound and more power (not a lot though). Didn't see any mileage advantage with premium.
@lastkey: I find the difference between 91, 95 and 98 noticeable in my Camry and Mazda3. The main difference is the acceleration and power, so it's a much better drive. I find 95 to be the sweet spot.
It reduced engine knocking
If your engine had engine knocking using 91.. then 91 was the wrong fuel type.
Sulphides/sulfur content is more for environmental purposes rather than "power"
@cwongtech: Or the engine is in poor condition and has issues that exacerbate knock/issues with low octane fuels- blowby, oil leaks around valve steam seals, carbon buildup etc.
I've had some older cars that because of their age/condition certainly benefitted from running a higher octane fuel than originally intended.
I use it because I’ve been told it cleans the engines - happy to be corrected though. I drive a car requiring ULP95 anyway so the slight increase in price doesn’t work out to be much over the course of a year anyway (~$50).
For my 70L tank it's currently nearly $15 more to fill with 98 compared to 91.
Cheaper to get this for $4 and add it to each tank…
Recently stocked up on them for $2 ea from Autobarn sale
unsure of economy, but does feel a performance difference in some/most cars
My personal experience is that you get better fuel economy on premium. Haven't done any actual measurements to work out by how much or if it is worth buying premium regularly though.
Similarly I get worse fuel economy on E10 compared to regular.
Every car is different, but generally, if your car only needs 91, then using 98 may only give a very slight benefit fuel economy wise.
If your car requires 98, it will run on 91, but performance and economy will both suffer.
If you have a supercharger or turbocharger, then premium fuel is recommended to help prevent engine knock.
My own experience from comparing over the course of a few years has been approximately 10% increase in mileage 98RON vs 91, in a 1989 Mazda which had a knock sensor. This was almost 20 years ago now… All modern cars have knock sensors now so should all be able to take advantage of the increased power per unit of fuel - provided you don't waste the increased power by driving more aggressively, a fuel saving is easily achievable.
That said, many Euro cars requires 95 or 98 anyway, so you have no choice.
be able to take advantage of the increased power per unit of fuel
Biggest load of shit I've read on 91 vs 98.
There is no "increased power per unit of fuel" because 91 and 98 have the same energy density per kg (unit of fuel). That's not how the laws of thermodynamics work. There is no "bigger spark" or "bigger bang" or "bigger" anything. The only difference is the amount of anti-knock additive that is added to the fuel at the refinery.
You've been watching too many Shell/BP ads
True. In fact, the specific gravity of higher octane fuels are actually lower, leading to slightly less energy density. The engine can compress the air/fuel mixture more with high octane fuels, but it should also use more of that fuel.
I drive a Hyundai i45 and I clearly see a 70-100km difference in tge mileage between a full tank of u91 and u91.
One of the servo must have cheated on the reading if you are getting such a big gap in mileage for the same full tank and petrol grade. LOL
:-))) I meant U91 and U98. But I also have to add that the U91 was United and the U98 was Costco.
Scotty Kilmer said it'll be beneficial only if:
However, my local mechanic that I trust (cousin works there), said to use 98 & he uses it in his own car (that doesn't require 98)
In summary, I'm still confused
They said that U98 has higher energy density and burns better so better mileage and engine is cleaner.
However, I find that mileage is same or no noticeable difference. I do, however find that the car engine sounds calmer, it purrs like a cat. I drive Mazda CX-5.
I'd love to know if the higher density/better mileage thing has truth in it.
I used 91 and 98 from 7 eleven and it given me the same average but when I used 98 grade from BP it given me 100km extra mileage, I am not sure how but yes.
Every time your engine knocks, energy which could have been used to drive the engine is wasted.
Therefore a fuel which doesn't knock will provide better economy.
If you find your engine knocks with a lower RON fuel, then premium will provide better fuel economy.
Premium fuel will always provide a better burn compared to 91 RON, but depending on your car, your mileage may vary.
does more premium fuel result in better fuel economy?
No, and anyone who says it does is full of shit.
Basically this video explains it.
locked, thanks :)
Basic Q - how do you get to these coordinates from your mobile phone to app
The first number is latitude, the second number is longitude.
If you enter them backwards then yeah, you'll have significant problems and you'll probably wind up in the Pacific ocean.
I'd like to know why longitude is listed first on so many apps. It's confusing!!!
Have been trying to figure out the app since the new app. I have no luck if I only have an andriod phone and don't want to root it?
Buy a cheap used iPhone or use a family members device. Much easier. I have an S10 and was in the same boat.
that, i basically grab me mums iphone every 2 weeks for the lock
If anyone else needs a lock, send it to me direct.
cheers PM sent
How is it done?
PM sent
pm sent
Ok, you guys are locked!
Your da man! Cheers
cheers, PM sent.
pm sent
Can I put this in my lawnmower?
can I put this in my washing machine?
Pretty sure there's a sticker under the lid that says DIESEL ONLY.
Is there a way to root my phone but also keep access to apps like serviceNSW, optus sport and other apps that check for root access? I really want to use this fuel lock but i dont want to ruin using all those other apps! TIA!
Magisk (which is currently the best root all in one I guess you'd call it) has Magisk hide which will allow you to select which apps you want to hide root from.
i used to use magisk and magisk hide maybe like 2 or 3 years ago , but i remember optus sport still not working and it really frustrated me back then. Is it all fixed now and all apps are accessible even while rooted with Magisk?
yeah, assuming you've done it right. I've got optus sport hidden from seeing root, services nsw etc. Even Google pay works with a magisk module or 2.
@SubNoize: ive got serviceNSW and google pay working but how do i get optus sport working? ive got magisk hide and i hid the name of magisk in the settings of it
Phone does not need to be rooted.
hi, how can i spoof the gps without the phone being rooted?
Not sure if I can post this here, but you need to google for 'iFakeLocation' and click on Github link then read up on the instructions and install on your PC or Mac. My iOS device is not rooted and works fine because the heavy lifting is being done on your computer/mac.
@cunningdrew: im on android, thats what Magisk is and android app, can you even root an iphone in the first place? i know jailbreak but is it technically a root?
@Toffcuz: Sorry my bad, I should have mentioned I am on iOS so not sure if this works with Android or not.
Cheers OP!!
Unfortunately my chopper runs on AvGas
finally, don't need the helicopter for this one!
If the boarders are closed do you think 711 would flag a lock in another state? Anyone had a ban or do you think they dont care?
if you get banned, just make another account. Zero risk now that you don't need to add credit like the old app
do you know of any cases where people have been banned?
If playing pokemon go can you slot into the gym if instinct
can anyone help out with a fuel lock?
Any Brisbanites need rooted LmK
Paid 1.36 for 95 last night.
'saved' $30 filling up 60L last night.
Should have waited.
Noted all fuel, including diesel has gone up quite a bit over the past few months. Diesel is usually particularly stable in price.
Locked and loaded
can anyone help out with a fuel lock?
Classifieds or read comment above :)
how do we lock if we are not close? Did not know we could do that.
I would like to root an iPhone or android phone to be able to fly my chopper. Any help would be highly appreciated. (For: iPhone 5c or Note 5) PM me please. :)
^ can anyone help with locking in this fuel price if you dont live near this area. How is this done?
Buy a helicopter
Done cheers
currently near $2/L at Sydney CBD, but ifakelocation is not working as usual on my iPhone sadly.
Awesome find. Thanks OP.
Ashwood gone :(
Back to $1.93
Wtf that was quick… I shoulda locked in this morning.
Sydney's western suburbs, Fairfield etc, 129c every day ..
Driving to Sydney now. Oh… wait..
How do we use this on Android so as to fake the location I mean. Is there an third party app process.just for future reference. Thanks!
Need root to be able to present your spoofed location as native. No other way
Must’ve sold out of U91, they’re the same price at Ashwood atm.