Hasn't been this cheap for quite some time, and now is down to $337.
I think it is one of Ozbargain's fav chromebook, so no need to post all specs again, but there are extra perks worth mentioning (e.g. "Get Google One with 100 GB of storage" looks good after recent changes to Google Photos)
UPDATE: OOS at Amazon, but same price $337 at Bing Lee for next 19 days: https://www.binglee.com.au/lenovo-za6f0017au-ideapad-duet-ch… — use it to pricematch
* at Officeworks: https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/lenovo-ide… (price is still $395)
* at JB Hi-Fi: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/lenovo-duet-chromebook-12… (price is $499)
UPDATE 21 June: it's now part of Amazon Prime Day, and price went down to $299. Amazon's Customer support is absolutely amazing — contacted them and got $38 refund.
Yeah, sorry, realised after replying that it was you who got it delivered next day :)
Well, that's unfortunate that they refused, sorry mate.