This was posted 3 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Herman Miller - Embody ($1630) & Aeron ($1590) @ LivingEdge


Hi all,

Noticed there was a 'deal' on the HM Aeron but got taken down yesterday. Looks like the deal is back up?

Aeron - $1590 (…)
Embody - $1630 (…)

If you are familiar with the Embody's pricing, you'll know this is a crazy discount (quick glance, sees pricing at $2K min for the Embody).

I just visited my local Living Edge and put a deposit on the Embody, ETA end of June/early July.

I was informed that the sale will end on June 30.

Good luck, sorry this is my first post - hope it comes out OK!

UPDATE 16/06/2021

I received the below update from Living Edge. Not ideal, but I'll probably just keep my order in. Keep this in mind if you are considering ordering.

We have recently been advised of another COVID-19 outbreak in the Guangdong district. This has shut down the shipping line without notice and our containers never left.

All our Embody stock that was due to arrive in mid-July has now been pushed back to mid-September.

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closed Comments

  • +75

    Truly the performance sports car version of ergonomic office chairs.

    Want it but absolutely no chance it will get past the CFO aka wife.

    • +32

      I used to buy $150 Officeworks chairs every 2 years with wheels falling off, peeling of material and the chairs just looking trashy quick. I have had the Aeron for a few years and it's a buy-once, use for 20 years chair.

      • +7

        This was my exact experience too. Was spending about $200 every 18 months at Officework on those well padded leather office chairs where the cushioning would compress and provide no padding and be horrible after 12 months.

        Eventually bit the bullet and got an Aeron - they were $900 back in 2011 - and now 10 years later, it's still going strong. Still comfy, still solid and reliable.

        • would you buy it again for $1590?

          • @ADDZY: for an extra $690?

          • +1

            @ADDZY: I've had an Aeron for 14 years now and would absolutely buy another one IF I could get one without arms.

            • @apsilon: I purchased an ex-corporate chair without arms and don't miss them at all.

            • +1

              @apsilon: You can remove the arms fairly easily if you have the tools. It's just a few hex screws and a T15 for each of the arm the locking mechanism (one has a backwards screw pattern).

              • +1

                @happychappy1: Unfortunately no you can't, at least non destructively on the older ones. I can't recall all the details right now and can't be bothered looking it up again but basically the fasteners are lock tighted into place and the nut is embedded in plastic which can't take the torque of breaking the loctite. I tried, can't be done. Only way is to cut.

            • @apsilon: you can just take out the armrest tho

          • +2

            @ADDZY: Yup I would. Although also temped by the Embody.

        • +5

          I am in the same bout at well. Have worked for myself from home for about 13 years. Stuffed around with basic chairs for years even with a back that needed the odd Physio appointment.
          I probably could have purchased a few chairs just in what I paid the Physio.

          I managed to score a crazy deal from living edge in November 2019 (lucky timing) for $1,150. Hands down the best chair I have ever had.

        • +3

          Bought my Aeron in London back in 2001. 20 years on and i am sitting on it right now in Sydney with the only maintenance being replacing the lumbar foam piece for $30 a couple of years ago (and they have a different design now without this piece so you probably don't even need to do that).

          Bottom Line:- If you find these chairs comfortable they are absolutely worth the money.

      • +2

        you can still get a good chair that will last a long time with a long warranty without spending thousands, e.g. buro metro (~$300)

        • +2

          I had the Buro Metro (used for about 10 years) and now have an HM Aeron (used for about 4 years) - whilst I think the Metro is a good chair that will last a long time, the Aeron is that as well as being a much more comfortable/adjustable chair. The question is whether you think that's worth the extra money, but they're not directly comparable IMHO.

        • is that better than the ikea markus? the markus is supposedly the king of budget chairs (around 250 at ikea, though unfortunately no shop in tas so i would have to pay shipping)

          • @[Deactivated]: I've used the markus for a number of years now and am now visiting the physio for lower back pain. It is a number of factors, but I believe the markus lacks back support imo. ymmv

            • @specks: i see, might give that one a miss then. thank you

          • @[Deactivated]: sat on both and i'd say so, apparently the metro isn't good for small people though

            • @s1Lence: do you know a good place to get it online? had a quick look and it was 440 on both places i saw it.

              by small, do you mean thin or short? if short, how short are you talking?

          • @[Deactivated]: definitely try the markus, its pretty average but for the price its nice.

      • +2

        Hmmmm I used to buy the $150 ones, they don't last long. Buying the $250+ ones they last because of the better foam.

        Just bought one for $279 and it's way too firm though - does officework take returns on firmness? lol

      • +18

        Swings and roundabouts mate. If you are not financially conjoined with someone else, that's cool too.

      • Orrrrr… this is how adults in a relationship manage shared money?

        Reading back through the responses here… when did OzBargain start moonlighting as an MRA outpost?

        • +1

          No idea but it's quite disrespectful. I'm sure @esq much like myself and many many others would happily sacrifice a $1600 chair to be in the relationships we are in.

        • +6

          Sorry mate, didn't want to offend you. Just saying it works out cheaper in the long run when you factor in medical bills and the fact that this chair will last 20+ years…..
          The resale value is also crazy on these chairs, you can get 50% of the price for a 10 year old chair. I don't even want to mention the pain, discomfort etc. from slouching in a "cheap" chair which will probably cost you the same since it will break down often and have 0 resale value…..

          • @ogiusa: You can buy a 2nd hand Mirra for like $500. (<$300 pre pandemic) it would save you said medical bills. You don't have to spend this much to save yourself from medical bills.

    • +1

      I bought one for the wifey too.. problem solved.

  • +13

    Had an issue with my Aeron in Jan 2021 and their technician still hasn't inspected it yet… You can blame Covid all you want but damm 6 months??!?

    • +1

      What's the issue?

      • +4

        just a squeek but Living edge is really a PITA to deal with with warranty

        • +1

          use silicone spray.

        • no even the after sale service their before sale service is bad either

  • +4

    serious question: my bum is hurting so bad around my tailbone from sitting too long during covid. Will this help?

    • +42

      I think seeing a doctor or suitably qualified physician and exercise will help, certainly not comment section of OzB

      • +6

        OzB cheaper advice.

        You get what you pay for (and you pay $0 for advice here).

      • +23

        I only trust fellow ozbargainer when it comes to sensitive topics

    • +5

      No, if anything this will make you sit for even longer.

    • +3

      probably you can fix it with $5 cushion.. but that can be a valid reason to get $1.6k chair..

    • +1

      Maybe stop sitting on Johnny's lap… will help… or use this offer

      $0 OzB advice

    • +2

      maybe not the answer you're looking for but I've had this before and it was entirely due to slouching. From what I could tell it was the bending angle of force on the tail bone that was the issue compared to the upright position it's built for. Pillows/nicer chairs helped with the symptoms but weren't a cure and the discomfort still persistent at time when i swapped to car seat.
      Anyway, my solution was to change the tilt of the seat bottom and the angle of the backrest so my bum would scoot to the back, while also stacking up reams of paper under my monitors to make me stay upright.

    • -3

      You have an infected stink bone.

    • I have the Aeron (and also have a second-hand Mirra which I got later) and it's actually firmer than your $99-$200 office works chair, so for tailbone problem, I'm not sure if it would help.

      It fixed my back problem developed when I had to give back a Haworth Zody and moved a crappy $199 chair for 2-3 weeks. The pain started after 1 week and quickly got worse. Once I sat in the Aeron, the pain went away after 1 week (takes a few days to get the adjustments exactly right)

      The Embody sits a lot softer and very comfortable when I tried it, but wasn't quit right for me in terms of back posture.

      • +1

        we have the mirra 2 at work and i just watched a video on how to adjust it. damn this thing is pretty comfy now.

        • +1

          yeah, Mirra 2 is a great chair, even the HM Sayl is very good and comfortable for about $700 (which I've seen around $300-350 on gumtree, these are newer so there isn't much older models). However Australia do not have the fully adjustable armrests (only the ones with just height adjustment)

          • +1

            @yannyrjl: I've got both the Mirra and Sayl, i prefer Sayl because it has a foam seat rather than mesh

            • +1

              @Serapis: indeed, I was very tempted to buy a Sayl brand new before I found a very good condition Mirra for $250 on gumtree. That foam is good grade and very nice so for folks thinking about getting a good chair the Sayl may be a good option as well (you can always upgrade an give it to a loved one later), if you can try all of them and in-store and see

              • +1

                @yannyrjl: The Sayl is great. I used the Mirra at work and can say I prefer sayl

          • @yannyrjl: I just bought a Sayl. happy with it, albeit iv only had it for 5 days
            I was concerned about the perceived lack of lumbar support. Only time will tell, but i do feel the mesh supports my back curve well. nil pain so far
            Feels so good to finally have a chair that isnt peeling away and having to vacuum constantly, my 6 years old Secretlab Omega chair can finally head to the garbage

            • +1

              @minatosensei: Congrats. It will serve you for a long time, Sayl has particularly comfortable seat padding. If people are not into Mesh seating (great in summer but bit cold in winter).

              The shape of the back is actually good (I too was initially sceptical given no distinct lumbar support, but found it very comfortable). It also looks really modern as well.

              I actually thinks it's a perfect high-end student chair. If you have young children you can pass it to them when they hit high-school !!

              • @yannyrjl: If i worked from home then i would have purchased the more premium ones.
                Im a nurse, so i stand all day. And sit at the computer a few hours at home after that.
                For the casual user i think its a great option. Altho iv seen reviews from office users and they enjoy it for long sittings.
                And yes it can be passed along in due time. Once i feel i need an upgrade.

                • +1

                  @minatosensei: In that case, it is the perfect choice, enjoy the comfort especially in winter

      • How do you find the Aeron vs the Zody?

        I have a Zody now, pretty happy with it but don't find the reclining great. The thing that puts me off about the Aeron is the mesh seat, I do like the cushioned seat on the Zody…

        • the zody was more comfortable and the larger back as well as the left / right independent adjustment for lumbar support is a good plus.

          The Aeron is lightly better / solid built, actually has less adjustments (no seat depth given the 3 sizes) it forces better posture than the Zody (you need to get the right size based on your height and if you are in between try both sizes to ensure the seat pan depth is right).

          Aeron's reclining is pretty good although the newer Aerons has less adjustment on the recline locks.

          If you have the Zody already I personally wouldn't get the Aeron purely for upgrade unless you have someone else that also needs a great chair, I borrowed mine from work and had to give it back when I changed jobs hence there was a bit of urgency due to back pain problems sitting on OW chair

          • @yannyrjl: In that case, I'll have to check out the Embody :) Thanks for the reply!

        • I used to have a zody chair. I couldn't get comfortable in it.

          Now I have a humanscale liberty I picked up on ebay for $60 some years ago. I like it a lot despite all the settings on aeron and embody.

          Used to use the aeron at previous work and always slipped forward on the mesh.

    • +1

      I used to get this bad when i had my old office chair. I bought a cushion and it helped a bit but upgrading to be a better chair helped tremendously. I have had a secretlab softweave chair for over 6 months now and haven't had any soreness with it.

    • +3

      As a long time Embody user (11 years) - yes it will help significantly.

      It's not magic, just a really high quality piece of equipment. Misuse it and get mediocre results. Use it right and get great results.

      Correct usage: Adjust according to instructions. Learn what the various knobs and levers do. But also… adjust and readjust to meet your moment to moment comfort needs. Even the most comfortable/relaxed position, on the most comfortable bed will cause bed sores with enough time in that position.

    • Try standing every 20 minutes or so

    • short answer, yes and yes. There is a small chance this chair will not be suitable for you exact body type, then you’ll have to try embody, Leap 2 etc. I got the Aeron and Leap 2 and the Aeron is a perfect fit for me, needed a week or two to get used to it making sure i have adjusted it properly and sit all the way back. I can’t stress enough that this is probably one of the most wisest investments one can make when it vomes to you health and also you’ll save a ton when you are not visiting doctors and physios… lastly, it is tax deductable in AU

      • +1

        tell me more about the leap 2, many reviews are pointing to it, at around 1k vs HM high end chairs, its a few hundred cheaper too.

        • +1

          I’d try the Aeron at this price first. The mesh seat and back are a huge advantage for the aussie summers, and the resale value is second to none, you could get 50% of your money back after using it for 10 years :)

    • +6

      Maybe if you stopped browsing OzB your tight arse might loosen and relieve some of your discomfort?

      • haha got me good

      • HAHAHa, I guess that goes for all of us:)

    • I had tailbone pain for a while last year (before covid) switching chairs helped

    • Had similar problem recently my work office chair foam was kaput, foam was so squishy I sunk in & effectively had no real cushioning. Getting a new chair has helped heaps.

      Also lost a little weight, a little helps alot reliving pressure I've found. #notadoctor

    • Going outside and doing some exercise might.

  • +3

    Been waiting for this, thanks.

  • +3

    I was searching yesterday for any embody sales, no lucky

    Thanks op


    $60 shipping fee `!

    • to be fair it comes fully assembled

  • +7

    Chair or new GPU??

    • +15

      Por que no los dos

    • +14

      At least the chair is in stock

    • +10

      Chair will unironically last longer lol

    • +8

      Chair wont be outclassed in 6 Months.

    • +6

      can this chair mine crypto?

    • +3

      you probably spend around 10-30% of your life sitting, and your back is for a lifetime. A new GPU will be superceded very quickly

      • +2

        Rookie numbers!

  • +1

    Tried the Embody and Aeron in-store. Aeron was far superior in terms of lumbar support, but I ended up getting the Mirra 2. The adjustable height and tension lumbar was even better for me.
    Plus the Aeron bottom panel is too short for my legs. The Mirra 2 is adjustable as well.

    • if you are in VIC, where can you try those (when the lockdown finished)?

      • +1

        Living Edge has a showroom @ 650 Church St, Richmond
        (but currently closed due to covid restrictions).

        You should be able to try most if not all of their HM offerings in their showroom.

    • totally agree, that's what I concluded regarding Embody and Aeron as well. Mirra is a very good seat as well

  • which chair is better for smaller people?

  • Wrong reply, Sorry!

  • +2

    Uncle could do with a new chair

    • ^ i enjoyed this. A good 15 second laugh for a good ol Victorian lockdown kind of Wednesday afternoon

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