Sold by Vaseline
Order fulfilled by Amazon Prime
The item shows Out of Stock but you can still order at this price and it gets delivered when in stock.
Sold by Vaseline
Order fulfilled by Amazon Prime
The item shows Out of Stock but you can still order at this price and it gets delivered when in stock.
I believe you can still order it and they will ship out when stock becomes available
Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your account will only be charged when we ship the item.
Still didnt work.. It says cannot deliver to the address
Yep, getting the same error message at checkout
Sorry, this item can't be delivered to your selected address. Learn more. You may either change the delivery address or delete the item from your order.
This issue has appeared before on selected product from Amazon AU, just need to let them know and they can fix it.
UPDATE: Received the following message from Live Chat - "It may be due to a technical glitch I've escalated the issue with the concerned team our team will get back to you with in next 24 hours."
100 grams? Will only last me a few days.
Amazon AU Current Promotion
Spend $70, get 15% off, select everyday essentials
You can purchase 26 Jars and receive 15% off.
‘Price jacking’
Lubrication requirement for jacking.
Good deal for TA
So… not a good deal for you too, JV?
not a good deal for you too, JV?
That's not a lube.
Sigh… have an upvote.
Do they have larger jars?
Do you need a 55 Gallon drum? This might be a good substitute.…
Thanks. Ill bathe in it
Did not work for me. It said it does not deliver to my address. Pickup from Bigw instead. Thanks OP.
So you're picking up the Big V from Big W?
I read a fun fact today that the guy who invented vaseline used to eat some of the product every day!!
Before or after use?
Maybe during use
I came for the comments …. disappointed so far, step it up guys.
If you've already come, you probably don't need it any more.
There is a dude made vaseline story down there.
Why blame Gerry when it's the neo-liberal regimes of the Liberal and Labour Parties that are the real cause?
And ultimately of course it's the people that voted them in despite their long, appalling record showing their intentions.
can't you eat this stuff?
Trust me, you rather not. :D
I see it's on back order…can we do any front ordering too?
Cuz it is better to use on back.
And you know the old saying:
Once you go back you'll never go black.
and once you've had black go back you never go anywhere at all
Love the Vas.
Vas the love.
Oh i'm sure George loved the vas.
Thanks, i need this when i buy something expensive the day before a 50% off.
Our story begins with a young man who's in the market for a used motorcycle. He's shopping around, answering ads in the newspaper, and not having much luck.
One day, he comes across a beautiful, classic Harley with a "for sale" sign on it. Upon inspection, he is delighted to find the bike in mint condition. He enquires about it with the owner: "This bike is beautiful!! I'll take it. But you have to tell me how you keep it in such good shape!"
"Well," says the seller, "it's pretty simple. Just make sure that if the bike is outside and it's going to rain, rub Vaseline on the chrome. It protects it from the rain. In fact, since you're buying the bike I won't need my tube of Vaseline anymore. Here, you can have it." and he hands the buyer a tube of Vaseline.
So our hero buys the bike and off he goes! He takes the bike over to show his girlfriend. She's ecstatic (being a Harley fan herself). That night, he decides to ride the bike over to his girlfriend's parents’ house. See, it was the first time he was going to meet them and figured it would make a big impression. When the couple gets to the house, the girlfriend grabs her boyfriend's arm.
"Sweetie," she says," I have to tell you something about my parents before we go in. It's really embarrassing but it's a family tradition. When we eat dinner, we don't talk. In fact, the person who says anything during dinner has to do the dishes."
"No problem," he says with a smile. "Sounds like fun". And in they go. The boyfriend is astounded. Right smack in the middle of the living room is a huge stack of dirty dishes. In fact, the entire house is littered with piles of them. This thing was no joke!
They sit down to dinner and, sure enough, no one says a word. As dinner progresses, our hero gets more and more bored. To spice things up, he decides to test the limits of this game this family plays. He reaches over, grabs his girlfriend, undresses her, and proceeds to make love to her on the dinner table.
While that is going on, he thinks: "her mother must have had her as a teen, she's gorgeous…", so he grabs his girlfriend's mother and proceeds to make love to HER on that same dinner table, but still, no one says a word.
Thunder sounds and heavy rain begins to fall. The ardent boyfriend panics, his perfect Harley! He lets go of the mother and as he pulls the Vaseline from his pocket.
The father stands up and shouts: “ALRIGHT! I'll do the bloody dishes!”
Erm.. uh… okay…
So the moral story is… always carry a spare vas tub? O_o;
The real story is you cant trust the systems.
Lol nice work buddy
Bloody hell. Can't believe I read all that. See what happens when one's at work?
Gonna buy me a ton of Vaso and hide them in the bushes.
At amazon website it is sold out