Best price I can find at the moment for an Apple IPad 8th Gen model
Also might be eligible for the Apple TV’s 1 year free promo
Best price I can find at the moment for an Apple IPad 8th Gen model
Also might be eligible for the Apple TV’s 1 year free promo
unless the user only just use facebook, youtube and a browser..
32gb is extremely low considering how much space the OS already takes up..
Apple is quite stingy in how much storage they give..
yep - you always should go one size up in storage, just because the system already fills up half or more of the storage space making less than you think actually usable.
I'm sure some else can explain that in a more effective way. I can't be bothered rephrasing it
hashtag annoyedinlockdown
Unless you’re storing a lot of photos/videos (ie not streaming) I don’t see the huge issue for most users and 32GB. I have around 5 pages of apps, all of my old Uni notes (4 years worth) and textbooks, but still ~8GB free.
That said, I only have a few small games installed - definitely go 128 if you’re going for larger games. Civilization VI is 3.1GB itself.
I guess it depends on your use case.
Even though there is only about 20GB available to use on a 32GB iPad, this 32GB option might be sufficient if you are mainly:
* browsing websites,
* FaceTime calling,
* streaming YouTube/Netflix/PrimeVideo/Disney+/AppleTV+/Stan/Binge.. (and the list goes on),
* checking a few web-based emails with the Outlook/Gmail apps etc.
Also, on the topic of AppleTV+, purchasing this iPad should also give you the 1yr free AppleTV+ -
Agreed but it's such a steep jump to the next storage amount. I'd jump on a 64GB for $520.
What advantages does this have over my OG iPad Air, which I already own?
which I could also afford*
This is a joke right?
This one is faster
32gb Is pathetic
any apps recommenddations?
haha, that hurts!
I left that "mistake" on purspose. to ….
Improved and cheaper model is imminent.
you could say that at almost any point in time…
This iPad came out in September. The best you can hope for is a September release date but it could be later.
It won't be much of an upgrade either. If it's like the change from the 6th to 7th gen it'll use similar hardware with an improved design. Likely it'll still be an A12 or maybe A13 chip, but with a thinner body and it'll work with the Smart Keyboard Folio. And we'll see a redesigned mini to go along with it.
No point waiting if someone wants one now, especially considering the ~5 year life span iPads tend to have.
32GB, is this an iPad for ANTS?!
Nay. They have the iPad mini.
Pretty good for primary school kids with all the remote learning
Please get the version of the bigger storage. I regret to buy the 32gb version every single time.
If you intend on getting a single game at all then go with bigger storage.
From first hand experience I would suggest getting the next storage size up.