great cpu for the price, discount applied at checkout
if you want to run fast ram, you can buy b560 motherboard which is not expensive at all
for example, $119
still $90 less (including the motherboard) than a current 5600x by itself
Note the power limits on a lot of the B560 boards means motherboard choice actually makes a not insignificant difference to performance. See this Hardware Unboxed video for testing on this CPU. The stock cooler also isn't great so factor that into costs. Still a great CPU for the price.
only really matter if you do work, for gaming, you shouldn't see a difference in performance between low and high power limit, low power limit is actually better as you can just use the stock cooler
the result was shown pairing with a 3090 running at 1080p which is an unlikely scenario to an average person use, this is why i don't like HW, most of their videos are theoretical and skew people expectation uncessarily
while I agree with you re some people's expectations, however that testing method really is the best way to isolate the cpu usage albiet in extreme conditions. I personally prefer testers that do it this way, even more so the ones that test in multiple resolutions too.
These seem like better deals but they're 10th gen if that matters…
10100F + board for $189…
10400F + board for $279
Damn the 10100F is great value. You're not squeezing out many more FPS with this 11400F anyway, unless you were silly enough to buy an RTX 3090. And at 4k it may as well be the same CPU, 3090 or no.
Think I might pull the trigger on the i3. Great price. Anyone have a clue about ram? Seems it's not worth buying fancy ones for an i3.
I grabbed their ryzen 3600 + board combo for $350 last week. Should have waited for this 10400F deal!
Edit: looking at some quick comparisons and the 10100F isn't much slower at all. Fantastic value.
Do we need graphic card with the 10100F bundle?
Yes, the F in the model number denotes there's no integrated graphics.
Thanks. Just checked the GTX 1660 Super, the price had doubled from previous $300 to around $750.
the F in the model number denotes there's no integrated graphics
Currently the F is to pay respects to your hopes of surviving with integrated graphics until GPU prices become sane.
Are the intel stock coolers still a joke? I'm guess it's better if I get a cheap AiO deal?
They're fine if you're running at stock. If you want to replace it with something cheap then I would avoid AIOs and go for a normal HSF instead.
It will cool a 11400F just fine for gaming. 65W chip is not really that hard to cool, not unless you're running Prime95 all day long. Just buy some decent thermal paste and you'll be fine. It will always be better than the lame paste that Intel includes.
The 10-game-average benchmark shows similar performance to all the best gaming CPUs, close enough you won't be able to tell the difference without having an FPS counter up while you play:
(The very fastest thousand-dollar CPUs are between 0% faster at 4k, to 15% faster at 1080p - and that's with an RTX 3090, for the dozen or so Australians silly enough to buy one for 5 grand).
Silly to pay more than this, for 95% of gamers.
Plus it's easy enough to lower a specific setting like shadows or water effects and see that 15% disparity disappear.
Digital Foundry often do a great videos showing the ideal settings for best performance.
Although I do understand people wanting to just put everything in Ultra and play.
Need vs want…
This would last me a year
Why after one year would u magically need a new CPU??
CPU coolers are not necessary? Maybe that's the thought process. Or OC on stock fan haha
So it turns out it was a bad joke. The photo looks like an earlier post of a blue box of condoms.
Was excited for a moment for my ITX build… until I looked into the mobo options
on the same boat,
using ryzen2600 atm, itx case, cant be bothered to look into 5600x way too much money. 10400F or 11400F both works, now just need a mobo……………
Why not a 3600? It's barely any different to the i5's.
oh i thought this was a pack of condoms selling for $199 a pack
this one doesnt have an iGPU?
correct, it requires a GPU to be added
Thought this was those condoms from the other day.
Is Shopping Express part of the Intel Ubisoft promo?…
OOS atm… not sure if they are going to "Restock"
Back in stock
How long does Shopping Express take to post?
I tried calling them as I am thinking of making a change to my order but they disabled the phone system.
Out of stock again. I plan to buy it tonight…
$199 price doesn't show until you add to cart, just an FYI to anyone else that needs it.
EDIT: was already in description, my bad