1/2 Price Scuba and Snorkel Mask Sale - Prices from just $59 - plus free shipping for orders over $75
50% off Silicone Scuba Diving and Snorkel Masks (from $59) + Shipping @ Tech Dive Academy

MarketingLScubaDave on 16/05/2021 - 17:40 techdive.com.au (379 clicks)
Last edited 23/05/2021 - 10:45 by 1 other user
Last edited 23/05/2021 - 10:45 by 1 other user
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You generally should try them on in store - you won't really know from buying online. Also, more expensive doesn't mean better fit; you might find that an expensive mask doesn't fit your face but a cheaper one does.
Anybody have any advice about how to choose from among the masks? How do I know if it will fit my face correctly? They seems to be around the same price…