My neighbours have picked up a habit of parking on my nature strip with two wheels on the nature strip Image. They do have a large driveway and two garages at their house, but who wants to use those, right?. I left a note on their windscreens a few times asking politely not to park on the nature strip. Do you know whether it is illegal to park like this?, council area is Blacktown.
Parking on Nature Strip with Two Wheels on The Nature Strip

Poll Options
- 369It is illegal - report to council
- 35Ignore it- life is too short
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- 2
I sent them an email, so far no reply.
I got fined for it in Melbourne. The stupid part was that it was on a really narrow street and you had to park that way on bin day otherwise the truck couldn’t get down the street when cars were parked on the other side of the road. About 6 people got fined that day and the council refused to overturn any of them.
Truck its problem. And if it is Rubbish truck, then it becomes council issue. From now park your car with all 4 wheels on the road.
( Unless there is a law saying that you cannot park your car if there is not enough space for a truck to pass, then the ball is in your court, and you simply not allowed to park there, even if there are no signs )@cameldownunder: Exactly this. Unless there is a "no standing Wednesday 9am-10am" sign (or similar), just park normally.
@cameldownunder: Please don't listen to the advice above, you need to leave 3m of clearance otherwise you can be fined
@cameldownunder: Sounds like it wasn't safe to park there. Just because you can park somewhere, doesn't always mean you should.
@cameldownunder: Please consider the fact that if a garbage truck can't fit through a fire truck probably won't either.
There was a story back in 2019 about a lone cop heading to a suburb on the Central Coast with no guttering and shitty narrow roads, and then fining hundreds of people for parking on the nature strip (because the roads are impassable if you don't). In that case they all ended up getting withdrawn / refunded:…
No idea if the same thing can be argued in Melbourne.
You should call them and talk to them.
Talk to your neighbour too.
These notes and emails does not make you appear serious about this matter.
You may not want to appear confrontational, but speaking to people matters.
Thanks, I will ring the council and ask. I don't want to talk to my neighbours. They renting the place and have no respect for neighbours, start playing basketballs at midnight a few times during their 4-month rent (so far). My other neighbour shouted at them once at midnight.
@darshu: Cool.
If speaking to council fails.
I reckon you can start deploying the "random" fun remedies by others here :D
@darshu: To add…
Start recording in the act of them, doing those annoying activities (e.g. midnight bball), you may need it for a future ACA segment :)
@darshu: With a car that looks like that i'm not surprised.
In this case i think it's safe to say you can judge a book by its cover.
council area is Blacktown.
But this…
Yes. when I checked the rules, some councils allow.
I'm in Blacktown area and the council actively books my neighbor who keeps parking to close to the corner
They told him to ask the ozbargain community.
Get some large garden rocks and line the edge with them.
This, works well in my area.
Do I have to use big rocks or small ones?
I would say fairly big but also reasonably heavy so people don't move them out of the way. You want them big enough for people not to want to damage their tyres.
Big enough that they can't park over the top without damaging the underside of their car and also too big to easily be moved by one or two people.
I don't think you can do this on council property if that's what you have. Better check before in case someone damages their car and blames you for it
Ideally small enough to drive over but tall enough to get them stuck on top of the rock.
The biggest one that you can lift and place on their dash, via the windscreen.
Is it even legal to have big rocks on nature strip? What if people fall on the rocks and get injured?
The council could probably remove them if they want, same as they should be mowing and otherwise maintaining it. If people trip over it isn't your land
But you're expected to mow and maintain your own nature strip?
I left a note on their windscreens a few times asking politely not to park on the nature strip
If it is in-front of their house, I wouldn't worry about it.
If it is on yours, talk to them or Bikies.
By the look of that busted arse VT, they are the bikies…
This Poll option Ignore it- life is too short might just be the right answer :D
OPs patience and temper may be shorter.
I don't blame them. I know mine would be, with the neighbours they have described.
Definitely bikies. Like come on.
Snap Send Solved is always the answer.
Thanks. I will try.
Yeah. It's not perfect but it's good in my area (around Melbourne). At least everything generates a number that you can track, and the Council has been reasonably responsive.
I've tried this plenty of times with people parking on the nature strip and blocking footpaths in my neighbourhood, my council has been useless and never helped :(
I tried it once, they (the council) replied hours and hours later that I should have just called them
As others have said, depends if the nature strip is in front of their house or yours.
If it is theirs, let it go.BTW, I think those 'soft' gutters on the roadside are an indication that it is ok, but happy to be corrected (by someone who definitely knows).
They park on my nature strip. I don't mind they do anything on their side. Yes. I checked the city council web site. I could not find any information.
BTW, I think those 'soft' gutters on the roadside are an indication that it is ok, but happy to be corrected (by someone who definitely knows).
It's possible for a local council to have special rules, but in general, you're meant to stay on the road.…
A driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless—
(a) the driver stops at a place on a length of road, or in an area, to which a parking control sign applies and the driver is permitted to stop at that place under these Rules…
(about parking on roads)"road" does not include a road related area…
(1) A "road related area" is any of the following—
(b) a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road,
A tundra mica VT commodore with unpainted try hard HSV bumper = don't get involved. They know people that you don't want to know.
Source: own a VT commodore
yeah. they get 100s of visitors every day, different cars and SUVs. They are awake the whole night (our security system recorded a video, a police car visited them at 11.30 PM— and talked to them for 20 mins). So I even wondered it could a police safe house or something. But the way they live, it cant be the police.
Police safe house?
No, local drug dealers is more than likely. See MSP's post.
they get 100s of visitors every day, different cars and SUVs
that's a big red flag right there!
Your neighbour is a drug dealer. You left a note a your local drug dealer's car…. If they get busted in the next few weeks, they are going to blame you.
Keep a low profile and wait them out. If they are dealing that openly they will move on or have a scare, wake up to themselves and ramp down in the next six months.
It is grass. It is not worth the hassle.
Yep. We used to have neighbours who annoyed my wife so she started taking photos of the cars turning up all through the night. The police were pretty interested in the photos after they raided the house and arrested him.
We had a terrible string of dodgy renters in that house but it's now owned by a retired couple who are almost never any trouble.
They know people that you don't want to know.
Plot twist
OP drives a GT-351
haha. I drive an old corolla (but well maintained).
Yeah they have connections, cartoon connections…
This! Just be awarned… MS Paint knows Clippy!
If you've had the unfortunate fortune to run into Clippy, you know to stay far, far away.Source: own a VT commodore
Do you ever miss your fuel filler cap or have you accepted its disappearance?
Surprisingly the original flap is still attached
You should enter it into car shows! It must be one of the best looked after VT Commodores in Australia.
why park on the nature strip if the road is big enough to fit the car on the raod?
Don't want anyone to scratch that mint VT..
I have the same question for all the flogs in my neighbourhood who park in their driveway, blocking the footpath, when there is ample street parking. Too lazy to walk an extra metre?
With the look of that car, it can’t fit in the garage because of the meth lab they have set up in there…
I left a note on their windscreens…
AKA: How to start a neighbourhood dispute in one easy step.
Could it be meth? Maybe they are dealers or I thought they run a call centre, online camera thing because they are up all night (I'm not nosy but I was curious).
Call centre??? You're too innocent
I could not figure out what they do (people working from home or doing a day job). So I thought maybe they do something at night for living :)
Drugs for sure. Stop fooling yourself my friend.
Source: buy drugs from the guy that owns this car
Plot twist , this is your car…
call cenntre
Funniest comment of the thread, are either from India or the Philippines?
Looks like they want to park their getaway car with easy access to take off.
By all means they are being considerate to other street users. except you.Call the council. They'll send out a officer who will give them a ticket…
I called our council a couple of years back when tradies were doing that for weeks and weeks building a house. They all got booked and didn't do it again.
Illegal. Who would want that bogan spec pos on their lawn.
this is the sentiment i like to see
Would it be better if a Tesla did it? How prestigious!
It would be better if something with a matching bumper did it. That thing is a complete eyesore.
You have a nice maintained nature strip.
Better than any strip I've had used to be much better than this, but I gave up.
i would start mowing your the lawn on the nature strip, they move they car quicker than you think.
Ahhhh. No they won't.
He hasn’t driven enough commodores, otherwise he would realise how quickly that care factor vanishes.
I tried, but they don't care. I don't want to hit the car with a lawn mover. But I used whipper snipper to send grass and dirt all over the car, but they simply don't care when I cut the edge.
I have been having the same issue since last year. I've taken photos of the car parked each time it happens and sent them to the council every once in a while. You will also need to call the council moment you see the car parked there. Infringement officer might or might not show up in next few hours, but if they do, they will fine the owner of the car.
My neighbour have also managed to damage the natures strip while repeatedly driving over my lawn after rain (deep tyre marks). As i have security camera, i showed the footage and asked the neighbour to repair the strip back to its original condition. In the end, council sent someone to fix the damage as its a hazard to pedestrians.
Anyway, my neighbours were not happy with my actions, but i found my peace as non of the neighbour parks in front of my house now. Not even on the street, which seems weired as i only asked them not to park on the nature strip.
Now i only get some retards turning their vehicle over my nature strip (i dont understand why they are not using the driveway…) but i guess its something that i have to live with… I still do collect footages of those. I will contact the council if enough damages are done on the nature strip.
I hope you keep reporting your neighbour to stop them parking on your nature strip and find peace yourself.Thanks, I will keep on telling the council. I can watch my lawn (nature strip) via security cameras while I work too.
I've setup smart detection alert via email. So whenever car drives over my lawn or drive way, i get an email with a snapshot. I then download short clip from the recording for future reference. Try those smart detection thing. Its quiet handy.
I much prefer a loud handy…
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Obligatory “what did the council say when you rang them?”