• expired

D-Link DSL-2750U Wireless N300 ADSL2+ Modem Router $8 (Was $79) in-Store @ BIG W


this router is on clearance for $8, down from $79 , what can go wrong for$8 , just check your local Big W, hope you guys can find one if you want to use for something.

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closed Comments

  • +37

    Honestly, you'd be better off with just about anything your ISP can provide you.

    • +1

      n300 yeah or anything from gumtree

      • make sure its cash only if it'; on gumtree

        • +1

          I can't imagine most sellers accepting anything else for less than $5.
          Personally, I'd suggest checking your local freebie and give away groups on FB if you needed something like this.

    • is this N300 that bad? for $8 seems like it might be worth using as a backup or is $8 paying too much for this

      • +4

        Might be good if they pay you $8 for router storage. Or if the router can disable routing and used as a switch.

      • +3

        AC2200 can be had new on marketplace for $20-50: Telstra Smart Modem.

        • Hey is that the Gen 2 or is the Gen 1 also ok?

        • $50??? That may be what they're asking but you'd be crazy paying that. $10-$20 is better, especially on the old Gateway Max.

          I've been running a Gateway Max 2 for a while as a second router (connected wired to cover the half of the house). Plan on rebooting the thing every week or 2. It sometimes goes longer without needing it but it's more convenient to just reboot before the wireless starts playing up.

          • @syousef: Smart 2 is more like $50.

            I never need to restart my SM1.

        • does telstra smart modem locked? I can go any provider?

      • +1

        A back up for what???

        Its useless
        ADSL is dead

    • +1

      with an exception of the Telstra Smart Modem. It's for real a very capable piece of kit.

  • +2

    pretty good for bridging

  • +28

    security alarm thing on an $8 product lol

    • +13

      That anti-theft gadget is probably worth more than the product it's meant to protect.

  • +2

    People still use ADSL?

    • +14


      • PLS

      • +16

        11, male, locked inside your house

      • ATM is the new/old standard these days.

    • +1

      There's still a decent chunk, most of which would be in those areas where Fixed Wireless and Satellite got rolled out.

    • Yep, also VDSL:

      Edit: …this doesn’t have VDSL?

      • +1

        It does not.

    • I do. It's cheaper than NBN, at least last time I checked the NBN plans had a higher price and slower evening speed than my current $40/month ADSL connection.

      • +1

        Not for long
        You are about to be cut off

        And if you needed an ADSL modem 1000s are giving them away

    • Yep, just 100km from Brisbane CBD near Montville and have no fixed wireless so still forced to use ADSL2. Won't go to rubbish Satellite either.

      • +1

        You really need to look starlink satellite. 50-150mbps down and 30-40mbps up for like $140, with a double in speed in the next 12 months

        • Yeah, but does it work when there's cloud cover?

          • +1

            @Loopholio: Not sure. Satellite Foxtel works when there's rain. Apparently in really bad storms it doesn't work properly but am yet to experience that happening

    • Nope

  • -4

    no NBN on this whats the pt, isnt everyone pretty much on NBN now?
    Actually says NBN ready but doesnt it need to be VDSL? Im confused

    • +1

      I think they put out a firmware patch to enable one of the LAN ports as WAN so you can connect to an NBN box. Still limited to 100Mbps max theoretical. I doubt you'll even get that from it though.

      • -3

        Wont work
        All NBN modems have been configured to their ISP.
        Its not as simple as providing a WAN port….

        CONFIGURATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • +1

          Shhh! Don't tell my non-ISP-supplied router or it will stop delivering my HFC NBN and VOIP home phone!

        • That is absolutely completely false.

          ISP settings for BYO modems and routers:

          For sale at retail:
          NBN modems routers @ Officeworks

          Yes, an ISP modem or router will generally be preconfigured with the authentication details, but that doesn't mean it's the only device you can use. This is especially true with FTTP/HFC. You only need a router that supports authentication over a WAN Ethernet port. This is not new. We've been doing this using HFC/fibre with modems in bridge mode for decades.

    • +2

      It's very misleading, basically what they're saying is you can connect it to a FTTP NTD, which any old router can do. Without VDSL though, it can't connect to FTTN or FTTB which most people have as their NBN connection.

      • -3

        Written before Liberals stuffed the NBN?

        Don't forget fttc, it will work for that

        • Fttc is a NBN. And I'm pretty sure it will not work on just ADSL modem. It has different protocol

          • +1

            @Astaltar: Both FTTC and HFC use NBN-provided modems. The customer-facing protocol is just plain ol' 1000BASE-T Ethernet and will work fine with any router (caveat: some ISPs, esp. TPG, use a VLAN so you'll need VLAN support on your router for those).

        • I don't vote ALP or LNP, I vote AJP

          To be fair to the LNP, they said they were going to ruin the NBN the entire time ALP were planning that money pit, yet ALP went ahead with it and now it's already superceded for the vast majority of people.

          Where we should be criticising LNP is that their gutting of NBN cost more than ALP's operational NBN was projected to cost 😂😂

    • Depends on the connection. This would probably work for coaxial cable connections

    • Not everyone is on NBN

    • You can configure it as wireless access point that has 4 port switch

  • +2

    might be good if you own an air B&B

    • +4

      Yeah, if you want the guests complaining that they're getting full signal strength but they can hardly use the Wi-Fi because the neighbour's microwave and cordless phone are knocking them offline.

    • Good as a paper weight or artifact

  • +1

    I don't believe you can connect to FTTN/FTTB with this unit, making it basically useless.

    • need vdsl for FTTN

    • +1


  • +6

    Trash, pick one up from an op shop for $2.

    No gigabit, no 5GHz, no VDSL.

    • When then am I the only (-) vote?
      Plenty of people here get it that its useless and a waste of money
      Where are all the other (-) votes?

      • It's potentially a bit of a grey area, but according to the rules a great price on an outdated item is not a valid neg.

        I also think that a lot of people probably don't want to neg a community member (as opposed to rep) posting what looks like a really cheap clearance item in good faith.

  • I got a brand new tp link w9970 for a tenner on fb
    Don't know if it's any good or better than this but it does the job
    Were quite a few on sale at the time

    • w9970 is pretty good with ADSL and VDSL and this one doesn't have VDSL I think. So if you use NBN FTTN this won't work.

    • Big difference

      Yours is 300Mbps Wireless N USB VDSL/ADSL Modem Router

  • +1

    Any stock in Perth??

    • Do you need more paper weights?

  • +5

    what can go wrong

    it's a D-link, so… everything :)

  • +3

    They don't make 'em like this any more!

    • +10

      Thank God!

  • +2

    plenty of free old router around, wouldn't pay a cent for an adsl modem router with n300

  • +1

    worth less than 8c

    • Where is your (-) vote ?

  • +4

    what can go wrong for$8

    Not using it and wasting $8?

    • Op obviously has NO IDEA

      Big W know what they are doing though

  • I am moving into a newly built place and have internet just connected. Modem supplied by ISP, FTTP. All connected fine.

    Question: Can I use this to enable more LAN connections to my modem? The ISP supplied Netgear NF18Mesh comes with 4 ethernet slots which isn't enough. I have a couple of PCs, a couple of wired APs and also a couple of consoles in different rooms to be connected via ethernet (yes I have pre-wired to the appropriate rooms).


    • +1

      Use an extra switch connected to the router.

    • +1

      I would pick something like a mini 8 port gigabits POE switch for this, around $100.

    • +2

      Get a cheap 8 port gigabit switch.
      If you're really on a budget, you can trawl op shops for modem routers such as this that are least gigabit LAN instead of 100BaseT.

      I picked up a couple of Telstra Gateway Max which are surprisingly capable.

      • Thanks. I'm not really on that much of a budget but I figure if it's $8 and does the job why not? Obviously the wrong call.

        • +1

          To answer your original question, this device will as a plain switch. (You'll probably need to login to it and disable DHCP server.)
          But since it only has 100 megabit ports, it will act as a bottleneck to any devices you plug into it.

        • Nope

          Wont do the job unless you are one of the last still on ADSL????
          But then why do you need another (about the be obsolete) modem router?

          • @Dr Phil: I was just gonna use it for extra ethernet connections (already have a FTTP modem/router but only 4 ethernet ports). As others have pointed out, the LAN is only 100BaseT so it won't do.

  • Whats ADSL2+?

    • +9

      Look it up using Yahoo Answers. Or ask your friends on Myspace.

      • Or Orkut
        Try asking someone on mIRC if Orkut or Myspace are too overwhelming :)

    • What Telstra considered "Broadband"

    • Ancient history now

  • +2

    $8 is $8 too much for a D-Link.

  • +2

    I wonder if you can turn a profit if you take it to Cash Converters…

  • Can this be used as a retransmitter ?

    • Do you mean a repeater or extender?

      This could be used as a extender if say, you have Ethernet cable in your walls. But it's only 2.4ghz which in most cities is pretty crap due to interference.

      If it does support being a repeater, it's going to half your speed.

      • +1

        Yeah thats what I meant .. thanks for the info

  • +1

    Better gear than this on the ewaste pile at the tip.

  • +2

    Cheap Mother’s Day present.

    • +2

      Are you talking about the anti theft device or the router? :)

    • perfect gift making sure your taken out of the will. No inheritance for you.

  • Might be good for a wifi access point if you dont really care too much about speed.

    • You'd probably want to live on a country homestead with no other nearby 2.4GHz devices, otherwise you'll just cause more congestion on an already congested band.

  • +1

    Any self-respecting person would buy a 5GHz N router/access point at an absolute bare minimum, but AC is absolutely the way to go these days.

    N 2.4GHz is dinosaur tech, and you will be disappointed if you live in any reasonably populated area due to the congestion and interference on that band.

    N was designed during the days when smartphones were in their infancy and you might have one or two devices mostly used for browsing text content online.

    Now each household will have at least 2 or 3 phones, 2 or 3 tablets, a laptop or two and maybe a desktop operating over Wi-Fi (probably streaming video), and the 11 channels available on 2.4GHz is simply swarmed in any urban area. 2.4GHz is simply unusable at home (unit block) and at work (business park) for me - my 2.4GHz only laptop could barely load a video.

  • Does this have ddwrt? Im looking at replacing a GLinet 750S router as its slow and need something cheap to run a vpn on as a repeater?

    • Get something better for like $10 from Gumtree.

  • After reading all the comments here, I think the verdict on spending the $8 is in…

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