• expired

56% off Wildberry Frozen Yoghurt at Noggi Strathfield & Macquarie - $2.50


Noggi is offering half price frozen yogurt with 3 toppings at their Strathfield and Macquarie Stores by scanning a code at the counter.

You have to use either:
- The built in scanner in the best2share iphone app
- Or visit www.best2share.com/redeem and enter the code HVOK from any smartphone.

In order to claim the discount.

Here's their promo pic at their store (off their facebook wall):
- http://bit.ly/wa45Gj


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Anyone know what has caused this craze of frozen yoghurt? All I see on social networking sites is - "Going to Moochi and Noogi because I got swag". WTF? It's just yoghurt with Oreos and shit on top and they are charging exorbitant amounts of money for it.

    • +1

      RRP = rippoff :)

      • +2

        Have you tried these places? I know its just frozen yoghurt but I must say, it was better than I expected.

    • Its the new way of social advertising. Instead of subtly liking something on Facebook, now you must "scan the code which will tell your friends about the awesome discounts they have on offer".

  • cool

  • -1

    Yoghurt, not yogurt…

    • Thanks for bringing this to my attention grammar police :P……. I fixed it up :)

      • It wasn't grammar, it was a spelling mistake.
        Might be the US spelling…?

  • is it like that other shop wowcow

  • Frozen Yoghurt is yummm

  • The url is incorrect. should be

    The code provided is for the Strathfield store. I will try to find out if Macquarie has a different one.

    The Best2Share application does not work on an iPhone 3G. Needs iOS 5.x

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