This was posted 3 years 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dyson Supersonic Black/Pink $466.65 Pickup /+ Delivery (+ Possible $50 Store eGift Card) @ The Good Guys


Not the cheapest, but didn't see this low recently.

Note - you will get a eGift card on purchase. More info

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closed Comments

  • +1

    The Bonus E-Gift card T&C says "Pay the full ticket price for the product at point of purchase from Saturday 13 March 2021 to 11:59PM AEST Monday 19 April 2021 ("Promotion Period")…" Is this still valid with the After Dark promo code (MAR15)?

    • +2

      Purchased, will check with tgg tomorrow. If they say no, I shall cancel my order.

      • +1

        Looks like only when paying the full ticket price you will get the GC

      • +1

        Keen to know the outcome :)

      • Fuschia (pink) one is different link but same price than the linked Black here:…

        Have the pink one and have hacked a huge diffuser (there is a store that sells kits) to it for curly/wavy hair :P

        Sometimes they run this deal cheaper/with extra accessories at that reduced price but have to watch you don't get the older model SKU with older motor like the Iron/Red usually was on special and Dyson website itself was a bit difficult to find that generational/model info out - the new model is supposed to have much better motor.

        Keen to see the outcome with GC too.

        Perhaps best to add a disclaimer about the potential not getting the GC.

        • Sorry could you elaborate further on the diffuser?

          • @tommypickles: Which part?

            There is this adaptor thing, it hooks into the straight hair attachment;

            Someone cut extra attachment and did permanent silicon fix.

            Only downside is you have to ensure the airflow is not compromised as it can choke the engine.

            Or did you mean about the multiplier stuff? Yes it helps having with frizz less direct wind buffeting blowing thru diffuser.

            Or did you mean why we wavy/curly use big diffusers? Big hair big diffuser lol no going back!

  • +2

    Abit off the topic but can anyone tell me what s difference between dyson hair dryer and others cheaper ones?

    • +1

      Marketing and price

      • Did you own one?

        • Yup I actually bought one for the Mrs against my will.

          I don't have experience on my own hair, since I'm bald..but on the cat her old Remington air 3d blows as hard. It has a lower pitch sound as well, doesn't scare the cat as much

          Only thing I found good about the dyson was that the buttons are not in the handle, so no accidental press on the temp rocker. But it is on the top so you can't change it quickly and you have to cycle through from low to high to get the temp you want.

          Bottom part of the handle is for the intake as well, if you like holding the dryer by the tip, then you can do it with this since you'll block airflow

    • +1

      Active temperature management (still stepped though) and lightweight design.

      Yes parlux gives you lightweight ergonomic design too but it blows too darn hot air :(

      Dyson is mainly rooting around this:

      I have them both and I mainly use diffuser and diffuser is better with temperature regulation leading to less frizz :P

      I can manage frizz on either one so not that big thing but I like how Dyson regulates the output temperature.

      On otherside Dyson is DC motor and Parlux/others typically are AC that you can't easily fine control motor as such.

      There are many knockoffs for Dyson with DC motor.

      But the DC motor also gives high frequencuy squeal and it may be annoying.

      On old versions the Dyson DC motor was pretty flaky but they have improved quite a bit as long as you clean it with the attachment.

      ALso changing temperature on Dyson is pain as you have to click thru the different stages whislt as on old school ones you can just rock the button between temps.

      There is also another (IQ Pro Perfetto) DC motor costing half the price which also has a blow out dust feature but dunno about guarantees etc. compared to Dyson.

      edit: this sorry it was 399$ and out of stock maybe you can find it elsewhere…

      Lots of these small differences… start to add up!

    • +1

      Not big difference really. Similarly some people buy Mercedes/BMW, some people buy Toyota/Hyundai. Personal preference.

      • How "big" your hair is?

        For sure if your hair barely gets under your ears and you never get hairs down your buttcrack you will hardly notice difference on hair dryers when you never needed one :)

        For starters Mercedes/BMW and Toyota/Hyundai both generally use combustion engines and both have electrical models (I think?)

        Now they also both do a lot of electronics on their engine controls drive by wire.

        Dyson for starters has DC motor .. and say the Toyota in this comparison let's see shall we call it Reminton has AC motor.

        Dyson DC motor also allows aggressive active temperature regulation where as AC motor temperatures swing quite bit. If you look at the study I linked this is where the major difference is.

        Not that I don't see pros/cons on either one but I wouldn't call it "Not big difference" and I own both a Dyson and a Parlux :P

        • What I mean was, the difference is not big, both dry your hair, similar to the cars, both take you from one place to another.

          • @sicaboy: It's not so simple if you have big hair trust me on this lol

            • @MissEm: Well I agree. When you sit in a BMW that’s much comfortable. Some people prefer to have a good car but living in a unit, some people prefer a common car but living in a mansion. That’s how people like to spend their money on.

              • @sicaboy: It's also safety/condition (long term) thing.

                Both BMW and Toyota offers similar safety and I know one person personally who survived "big flight" in Mercedes not to say Toyota hasn't had similar.

                But this is more of a motorcycle/car argument depending on how crap the AC motor is.

                Typical hairdryer AC motor heat output is not stable and it's highly variable on those small dryers.. cheaper it is cheaper it's regulation is.

                Some people's hair is just more fragile and weathered.

                This is what Dyson is aimed for with the active temperature regulation connected to the DC motor element:

                Have you ever had a thermometer on front of either?

                And now if you think I'm the champion of Dyson there is another post I've listed the cons but all I am saying there are significant differences.

                My scalp also gets really annoyed from heat so there is the dry skin argument.

                Now you also have the Ions and Ceramic stuff.. I'll save that debate for another day.

                • @MissEm: Well I’m a fan of Dyson. I have both my vacuums and blade-less heater Dyson brand. I’m just waiting for a good deal to come. I’ve been watching for Supersonic for years. Every time I was set up, like last year, I paid $399 for a supersonic on DavidJones for a Black Friday deal, but they cancelled my order two days later which is a shame.

                  • @sicaboy: I made friends with the Dyson shop associate at Myer and she gave me lots of freebies when they got the sale… she was also curious why I took a thermometer to test it's claims out :P

                    Also same "goes from A to B" argument can be used with something like GHD / other straighteners and people still spend good dollar on GHD/other premium straighteners.

                    You see if GHD allows effective temperature regulation at given set temperature and you only have one pass on your hair whilst crap ones have hot/cold spots and the hotplate goes cold too easily you have to do multiple passes leading to wasting more time and causing more damage to your hair due to crap thermal regulation and management.

                    On hair dryers however hairdressers who want to be quick just want the hottest output they can get whilst not necessarily understanding the long term hair condition (they get money for fixing split ends afterall) whilst thinking heat protector protects the hair 100% (fact is no liquid/cream thing hairprotector can protect hair >50%) that's been yapped by their affliate brand overlords.

                    And in comparison to hair straighteners for hairdressers having effective regulation and single pass saves the hairdresser money whilst with dryer it takes little longer to dry (in even) with colder but regulated air where the damage is less extreme but still happens.

                    Now some hairdressers can be quick with hot heat and get even results but for average home user messign with that ferrari exhaust poofs? yeah nah.

                    On other end hair dryers can be too cold as well in addition to the crap temperature regulation so you get hair that is already dry (from wind) and hair that is wet and boom you have more damage. And if you believe on that multiplier stuff then less wind helps with diffuser as well as if you don't blow your hair straight the wind can cause frizz.

                    Aand yes… there is a ferrari exhaust dryer (sort of) and from my test it's very very hot and btw it's DC motor too! :)

                    I will also leave comparison to how food cooks from A to B differently between cast iron/non-stick/stainless steel/enamel .. there is a lot going on thermo regulation/properties that affects things.

    • Just marketing and price. My brother has a Dyson unit and even he admits they are not worth 1/4 the price of what they sell for. Some people just have more money than sense..

      • Is your brother a hairdresser or does he have a big hair otherwise? I know there was a lot of both complaints and hearsay on some previous model on reliability and the filter is a pain which the another DC motor brand tried to solve with reverse-blast but I've never had same problem on the latest model engine as home user and I look after that filter. Some people just panic way too easily based on what others say without doing their own in-depth research based on wide range of needs and circumstances. Bad hairdressers too often in some cases that rot the whole industry are not interested on the long term condition but rather push product and rush rush be done quick as possible at max heat whilst double booking clients :P

  • +1

    Wow thanks for the reply, start to think abt it

  • cancelled the order, not eligible for $50 GC. better wait for ebay deals on refund once.

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