• expired

Citibank Credit Cards: Free Citi Payall for All Payments Set up from 1st April 2021 to 31st October 2023 (Normally 2%)


Received in email. Maybe targeted.

Free points on your rents, and any other fees that normally don’t accept credit cards without a fee.

Email excerpt below:

We are writing to advise you of an update we are making to the Citi PayAll product feature available on your Citi Rewards Card.

For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023 (the Period), the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%:

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up during the Period will not incur the Citi PayAll fee for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• Any Citi PayAll payments set up after the Period ends will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment.

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up prior and after the Period will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment. This fee will apply to all recurring payments made for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• From 1 November 2022, points will be capped at $20k per month or the lower of your credit card limit.

For more information on Citi PayAll, please refer to the Credit Card Terms and Conditions and Other Important Information and if you are enrolled in a Citi Rewards program, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Rewards program you are enrolled in.


This is a good guide:

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Citibank Australia

closed Comments

        • -1

          For those that are negging me, can you explain how to make Citi setup my previous PayAll transactions that they cancelled when I disputed a transaction on my card? Not sure why you are negging unless you know otherwise. I already stated this previously in the thread it happened to me

    • im getting new mastercard (to replace visa) end of dec. will be interesting to see how all my payall setup after that.
      new card, new number etc
      hmm according to some comments above they all will be gone i need to resetup all the payall … oh well

      • they said:
        Further to your inquiry, we recommend setting up again the Citi Pay All as we are unable to set this up on your behalf.


        • Ouch, kick in the teeth.

    • I had the exact same issue. They issued a new card but the existing Payall transactions were not cancelled. YMMV.

      • Same with me. As long as the card just naturally expires due to the calendar, then all set PayAll payments carry over to the new card seemlessly.

    • Im now in this situation. My unauthroised transactions were going to the Microsoft store.

      Did you have the same?

      Thankfully my payalls kicked in, so only a few $ i over paid remained for the taking. I keep an extra $50 on the card so it can be used every 6 months to keep citi happy.

      Now my payalls have been cancelled and I need to set them up again…

      • Rule of thumb: if you wanna keep your set PayAll payments, do NOT do anything even remotely risky with the card. That means no online payments, no international use and definitely no recurring subscription service payment use. I'd also cancel any supplementary cards to prevent anyone else using their card on the same account for these sort of services. People using this card for crap like Amazon, PayPal, Netflix, iTunes, AppleTV, Microsh!t etc. accounts are just asking for it to be cancelled IMHO

  • Hey peeps who've used this for ATO payments via Payall.

    Question: I've schedule a Payall payment a day earlier than the ATO due date. Just wondering if this one day lead time is enough to process and hit the ATO to have an "Effective date" before or on the ATO due date? Can't make it any earlier due to the 7-day advance setup time for Payall unfortunately.

    Any experiences about how long Payall payments need to get fully processed? Thanks!

    • +2

      you should be fine as your payment will be debited 3 days before the actual date ex: if ya payall is setup for 9th Nov, then Citi will debit your card on 7th Nov and credit the bank/ATO on 8th Nov. For ATO the effective date will be 8th Nov, the credit in your ATO account will only show by 9th or 10th Nov but the effective date should show as 8th Nov.

      • Nice! I was wondering about the 3 day thing. I presume you're speaking from experience?


        • +1

          of course I'm!

          • @maverick1: Thanks. Very helpful. It's been processed today, im sure it'll turn out fine like you said! Cheers!

  • Hey bud, how did you go with the card replacement? Any tips before I call Citibank (can't wait…urghhhh)?

    My card has been compromised and just saw I have 10 x charges on my account for $1.45 each going to the Microsoft store. My Payall is in 7 days.

    • PS - I haven't used this card anywhere. So either Citi/ NAB have been hacked, or the Credit union I Payall to has been compromised.

    What a time to be alive ey?

    • cant be the credit union, they are the receiving even if they get hacked they cant access your citi.
      so must be citi ? are you sure, NEVER use that card elsewhere? ever? is this brand new card, if not how about the previous card?

      • Had a look. I have used it 3 times since new issue.

        Woolworths, Coles and KFC (in store) on the 1st June. All tap and go. Came out my cupboard for one day, then been back in my cupboard since then.

        Only use it for one day in June to keep card alive. Citi sent a letter saying they noticed my card hasnt been used in a while and may cancel the card (even though it does $15k payall monthly).

        • that is scary well as you said, after covid we have hackers, never ending bro…..

    • Let us know if your Payall's survive moving to a new card.

      • +2

        Gah! I just got a text saying my Payalls have been cancelled and i have to set up new payall arrangement. My statement generates next week and i dont have a card.

        • Damn, that's frustrating.

        • GG back to only 20k max PayAll

          Also it seems very weird almost coincidental a lot of our Citi cards with PayAll setup are getting fraudulent charges. Have used for almost nothing other than this and there are a fair few posting about them. I have had 1x other incident of fraud on my CCs that I have been churning for half a decade.

          • @knobbs: This is my first ever comprised card (and ive had probably 50)…make of that what you will…

          • @knobbs: With Medibank Private for health insurance?

        • Damn man!

        • Doesn’t that mean when your card switches from Visa to MC the existing PayAll with be cancelled?

          • +1

            @abc: i have mine switched, i got the new MC but i have not activated it (visa valid till end of dec).

            will activate in 2 weeks then i can report if my current payall stays or not. at the moment looks like they are

            • @CyberMurning: i may add, on my app the old visa has gone (but still working) and my old payall stays.
              when i sent secure message, citi said i have to set everything all again. typical call centre, know nothing

            • +2

              @CyberMurning: This is good advice. Do NOT jump the gun and activate your new card until the old one has seen out its full expiry. If your card's natural expiry date is for example 12/22, then do not activate the new card until 1 Jan 2023 at the very earliest. Two really good reasons for this:
              1. Leaving both cards active will mean Citibank transfer your existing PayAll payment setups to the new card automagically seemlessly. If you activate the new card early, this cancels the old card and potentially its PayAll payment setups as well before they get transferred across to the new card.
              2. Assuming no out-of-sequence card cancellation/renewals since you first applied and got the card in the first place, your Priority Pass membership will have been applied for and activated shortly after you received your original card way back in late 2013 sometime. This means your annual PP renewal will probably still be within a couple of weeks of your card expiry too. If you leave your existing card active right to the end of its expiry date, then PP will auto-renew your membership on this card without you doing anything. When you then activate the new card you can apply to Priority Pass again with the new card details and invitation code you get sent. Use a new Username with Priority Pass different to the username you used for the old card and voila! you will have two separate and active Priority Pass memberships BOTH with 2 free lounge passes, one connected to the old (now expired) card, and two new ones attached to the new activated card.

              • @Legoman: I activated my new card asap and had no issues with both 1 & 2.

      • Just an update. I set up new Payalls. It didn't require my new card to be active (figured you cant compromise a card that isn't active).

        However, the Payall's declined. So it appears it indeed needs to be active. I figured this would be the case, but gave it a go anyway.

        • Of course it needs to be active on payment. Payall literally charges our main card. But thanks for trying :)

          • @hanofee: I received a letter saying that my card may be closed due to no transactions in recent months… Even though I had done 2 payalls per month for over a year. So thought they may process differently. So i went and used it twice (Woolies and Aldi)..and my card got promised..somehow.

  • -2

    So anyone had issues with paying themselves or their partner via payall?

    • +2

      No offence but if you have to ask this question then this deal is not for you !!!

  • so can anyone confirm, one of my family members set this up a while ago. they had a problem with their credit, (error on their credit file)
    their citi credit card has been put on hold for a few months,
    out of the blue, theyve sent a new card, and it looks to be working (even though the error is still there)

    Does the payall arrangement just move over to the new card?

    edit: just saw this, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/12942606/redir
    looks like one person has had their plan cancelled/one person their plan has migrated across

    • +1

      Does the payall arrangement just move over to the new card?

      Just login to the app, select the new card and see if the payall are moved?

  • So my comprised card has missed my Payall date …

    My statement generation date is the 11th, and my payall was the 14th and 15th $9k and $6k ($15k limit).

    But have missed this month…or can i sneak one in..say the 25th..then cancel it and redo the 14th after the 25th has been debited.

    Guess I will need to pay off the payall straight away as well so i have the credit to redo it for the right date the next month?

    Or can i just leave it to process on 11th anyway, and just make sure its paid off on the 11th, so the funds are good to go on the 14th?


  • While all the wise ppl here profit from PayAll and litttle me churning credit card thought I was playing the game well..

    Thanks for the wisdom guys, looking forward to pickup little benefit left (until Oct 2023 unless I can figure out Legoman's magic :) ) when the card arrives.

    • +2

      The benefit doesn't stop in Oct 2023. You have until Oct 2023 to setup the fee free pay all. If it's recurring for 2 years, you should continue to benefit from the fee free payall until the end of the 2 years (so in that case, September 2025)

      • thank you!

      • +2

        I've set it up until 2030…

        • 5 Nov 2034 here

        • Can you share how you did it till 2030 - did you use app or PC?

    • +1

      There's no majik involved. Just a lot of time spent figuring it out and working the angles to the max well in time before the cutoff threshold dates for setups before the rules changed

  • This thread needs a FAQ and tips and tricks section at the top!

    I've only just started, but I'm avoiding transferring into NAB and Citibank accounts, as they would have access to other transactions from that account and potentially see a circular transaction.

    My high level plan is to Payall into Account A (non NAB/Citi), transfer that into account B (happens to be NAB, but not required), and then pay off from account B - making sure to not just pay back the same amount that was transferred out.

    Any other key tips?

    • +1

      Interested in the Citi/NAB circular link, anyone currently payalling into NAB, 82400 or ubank?

      • +1

        Yes. Been doing it from the beginning. No issues.

      • Nope. Macquarie

  • Anyone's payall been cancelled recently? Mine have.

    • What was the reason provided?

      • I just got the declined messages. I will log online tonight to see if there are further details.

  • Anyone had any issues with ATO payments? I’ve made a payment to ATO via PayAll in early November and the payment has still not been processed. Called both ATO and Citi multiple times - Citi can’t provide any evidence for the transaction other than what is on the bank statement. The correct BSB/Acc numbers and PRNs were used. It’s a large sum of money - wish I hadn’t used this feature and just transferred to myself… any ideas on what to do?

    • I had similar. I did two payments and they went through and the 3rd was not captured. I called and am waiting for the ATO to continue searching.

    • +1

      Had issue with the rental agency. But they were shit lazy and their system didnt capture it because it had Citi mentioned in there (even tho the rental reference was still there). Im just gonna use it to pay myself and then move the money, not worth the hassle and stress if the otherside is having issues.

  • From Citi website:
    "A cardholder can make up to $20,000 (subject to available credit) in Citi PayAll transactions each calendar month across all Citi branded Credit Cards."

    If I already have a Rewards card and using the $20k limit, can I still make use of Payall if I apply for a Premier card? Is it $20k per card or for all citi cards combined?

    • It doesn't allow you to do more than $20k irrespective of no. of card.

      I also hold Premier card and it didn't work

  • Anyone got this email from [email protected]?

    We have been attempting to contact you with respect to your Citi Prestige Card accounts ending in xxxx and xxxx.

    It would be appreciated if you could contact us on the number listed within the signature of this letter within ten calendar days. Our office hours are Monday to Friday; 9am until 5pm (AEDT).

    We will also endeavor to establish contact with you on the telephone number we currently have on record should we not hear from you.

    • Not me

    • Let us know what they say when you call them

    • Call the number u have on the back of ur card

    • Hi Padman, i hope you dont mind sharing the phone number they listed on the letter. I havent got the email but my online access was locked after unsucesful Payall attempts. I have tried to contact them twice today on the generic line without success. Both times the agents tried to connect me to their Account Solution team but noone picked up and just got cut off in the end.


    • Didn't get an e-mail, but got a posted letter to mailbox just advising they were sending me a new card due to natural expiry. Letter claimed they couldn't contact me via my online details and asking me to update them. Was total crap and just pure scaremongering because none of my contact details had changed or were wrong, so clearly they hadn't in fact bothered trying to contact me at all. Just the bank playing games for no apparent reason. I changed nothing in my profile, turned the letter over to find it had only been printed single sided and slipped it into my printer for the next receipt I have to print.

    • Not sure if you have spoken to them yet. I missed their call back in 2021 and got the same email.
      Called them back - they wanted to know about payall transactions. Who is getting this money, source of funds etc. More like KYC.
      Supplied the info and they were fine. I think I would have posted about it here back in 2021…

      • +3

        I send the money to a Nun..last name Ofyourbusiness.

  • I have a $2000 credit limit (lol wasnt expecting to use this feature), and have already used citi payall for atleast $3,300 (1,500 and 1800). Maybe it wouldve stopped me the third time. Will find out next month.

  • With payall, provided the transaction is recurring does that mean you will continue to get the 0% rate post ~Oct 2023? It seems that way?

  • +1

    Just applied for a $20k limit Citi Rewards card (the one with the only $150pa annual fee). Fingers crossed it's approved, and then I'll set up PayAll payments all the way until 2034 like the golden god @Legoman…

    I can't believe I've only found this now and not 20 months ago! I have disgraced my OzBargain family.

    • Did you get approved for 20K? I notice that the Rewards card has a cap of 10000 points earned per month on domestic spend.

      If you end up making well above 20K in PayAll payments per month please let us know if you manage to somehow get 20K points a month or they cap you at the card's points cap of 10K per month.

      I recently signed up for the exact same Citi rewards card for their bonus points offer but with only 6K limit as had no idea about the PayAll functionality until just now. Want to know if it might be worthwhile applying for a limit increase.

    • +1

      If you had been quick enough you could have potentially set it up so that every month through to Nov 2034 you'd earn ~$134 in interest on the borrowed money (+potential increases beyond 4.6%); 35,000 Ciitbank points, 4 free Priority Pass lounge passes from multiple memberships when your card expired/renewed; and as I've just found out, your credit rating increases by about 8 points each month too from merely the act of maxing a credit card every month and paying it off on time.
      That's roughly…
      $20,000 in free interest
      more than 5mil Citibank points = 2mil Krisflyer or Emirates points
      More free lounge passes than you can comfortably use since J-class from all the points gets you lounge access anyway and…
      A credit rating that will easily be 1,000/1,000 well before 2034. Mine is 908 right now.

      • So can this be done?

        • +3

          Given that you're from Westpac, no, no it can't. I was lying all along. Nothing to see here, move along.

      • I thought the 2% is only getting waived up to oct 2023?
        If you continue till 2034, then you'd have to pay 2% fee for every transfer after oct 2023?

        Or that 2% fee is only a one time setup fee? And as long as the payment setup before oct 2023, no fee is payable each month even after oct 2023?

        • The 2% is for any payall you set up after Oct 2023. So it will be free if you set them up now, even if they are for 2025 to 2027.

          They let you schedule them for a later date up to 10 years from what I've read. So people have been able to set up payall for 2033 to 2035.

          • @CodeXD: Hey, do you have any updates on this and whether this method will work.
            Thanks :)

            • +1

              @chinawa111: Yes dude, set up until year 2033

              • @leeroys_dad: Nice, yearly fee basically pays itself off. Providing that they still give points for the PayAll service.

            • +1

              @chinawa111: Been confirmed by multiple people in here that it works and the T&C supports it

        • "Or that 2% fee is only a one time setup fee? And as long as the payment setup before oct 2023, no fee is payable each month even after oct 2023?"


          • @prodnus: 2% fee is for each transaction. Not a one time setup fee but to be paid on each and every payall transaction.

        • No one really knows atm how this will work after the fee free period runs out. All we can do is speculate and hope that future dated transactions setup before Oct23 continue to be free and continue to earn points.

          Interestingly Citi Payall in Singapore is currently free but these transactions don’t earn any points.

      • If you wanted to increase your credit score, would you recommend a 20k limit over a 22.5k if you are using the card purely to for PayAll. In that sense, with the 20, you would be maxing the card to its fullest unlike the 22.5k limit? Cheers Legoman

        • Makes little difference. The big thing is that you pay it off in full on time. Late or missed payments will crucify your credit rating for a long time.

  • Thinking of setting up transfers to self to "point collect".

    What are the ozb vets/pros here doing in terms of setting up their Payall dates relative to either the statement cycle end date or the statement payment due date?

    Just briefly thinking about it, the best way to maximise interest-free period + parking the money in an interest generating acc is to set the Payall date close to the statement payment due date.

    Does that make sense or am I missing something here? Thanks!

    • +3

      Schedule on at least 4-5 days after the statement due date.
      Ie, my is on the 28th of the month and i scheduled to Payall on the 3rd.

      • Had to think about this and draw the timelines out. Makes sense to do this so your Payall txns goes through with full credit available after statement due date. Whereas I was thinking of doing it before the due date just before, which would fail the next Payall round. Duh.


  • Skimming through the comments and saw the change to $20000 monthly limit or credit limit of card (whichever is lower) as payall limit recently

    Is it 100% confirmed that if you have a Citi credit card with a limit of well below $20000 you can only make pay all payments up to your card limit (or 95% of your card limit) regardless if you pay off your card balance in full early?

    e.g. Have a card with $6000 credit limit, make a payall payment of $5500 then pay off this early a few days later via BPay/direct transfer -> not allowed to make another $5500 in payall payment that same month, even though card balance is again at zero and have not reached 20K in payall payments?

  • Anyone else tried to set up a Citi Payall the last 2 days for later in the month and get an error saying it was unsuccessful? It would the first transaction for the month so shouldn't be affected by any limits? Unless the public holiday is screwing with their internal system? Annoyingly the error just tells you to refer to their terms and conditions without actually telling you what the issue is.

    • May need to call them as your card may be blocked. That happened to me and they fixed it when I called.

      • I'll try again tomorrow. The card worked for a normal Paywave transaction so I don't think it's blocked. Unless only the Payall is blocked?

        • OK, good luck. My card was blocked for all payments.

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