Includes the stock wraith cooler and the cpu is installed before posting for those that are not confident doing it themselves. This cpu and board will be more than enough for 80% of people on this site and 200% of people who love making up statistics to suit there argument.
This is for those of you still on an old i7 4770 or something similar and just want to upgrade. You will need ddr4 ram, but can probably reuse your PSU, hard drive and case and add a gumtree GPU and have a great time knowing that people waiting for an RTX 3080 TI will be waiting a long time as people wanting an RTX 3080 will also be waiting a long time and their GPU has been released.
It also has a M2 slot for those needing the fastest transfer times to their other M2 slot, however it only has one slot so results may be disappointing.
I take it this doesnt have integrated GPU?