500GB BLOCK now just €8,39 / $8.99!
1000GB BLOCK now just €14,39 / $14.99!
2000GB BLOCK now just €25,79 / $24.99!
You can stack blocks. They do not expire. But I wouldn't bother. Specials all the time. Particularly Black Friday. Better to buy another block from a different backbone imo.
ViperNews is a provider of Uzo Reto. A NL based Tier 1 usenet service provider. Uzo Reto currently has connection points in the Netherlands only with no plans to expand to the USA
Backbone: Independent (plus backfill from undisclosed source)
Uno Reto Retention: 100+ days (it could be 800+ as commenced redundancy in October 2018)
Backbone Retention: 1500+ days
Takedown Policy: NTD (backfill likely DMCA)
Connections: 5-40
No transfer limit or FUP.
You can share your account with one friend/family member.
They don't log what you do. They do keep counters of the number of articles you've requested and their cumulative size.
NB> ViperNews backfills from an undisclosed source so their independent retention is less than 1500 days.
I have never used this as a primary. Just a backup block account.
My recent nzbget stats and priority:
10TB - All servers
9.9TB - Eweka
54GB - Usenet Express
12.6GB - Vipernews
3.55GB - Usenet Farm
2.47GB - Usenet Prime
Stats don't always tell the full story because of priorities and I have limited nzbget retention for Vipernews to 500+ days as likely covered by my other blocks
+1 because you provided the stats of other providers :)
- priority 0: Newsdemon*: 44.9GB
- priority 0: Usenet Farm: 53.8GB
- priority 1: Blocknews*: 328.7MB
- priority 1: Astraweb: 455MB
*same parent; the only difference is block vs unlimited account