• expired

Illy Espresso Forte Capsules 10 pack $5.25 (Save $2.25) @ Woolworths

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Couldn't find the special in the catalogue but saw these Illy pods marked down in store yesterday.

Heads up for Nespresso pod users. If you like reasonably strong coffee (in convenient pods) - eg Nespresso Arpeggio (purple, intensity 9) - you will probably like the Illy Forte and Intenso (having a Forte as I type).

Best Nespresso-compatible pods by a fair margin for my taste and easily worth the extra 20c per cup compared to others when on special : L'Or (passable); Vittoria, Lavazza, Cafe Aurora, Moccona etc, all of which we've tried and found to have sfa coffee flavour. Your taste/preferences may be different of course.

Can't guarantee the end of deal date but store specials usually last 1 week so this price will probably expire Tuesday.

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closed Comments

  • Not sure why no lungo from supermarket.

  • I was pretty disappointed with moccona pods given I like their instant/freeze dried stuff.

    Will have to try these since a lot of the pods I've bought also lack that real coffee flavour. Vittoria Organic and Mountain grown comes close but obviously everyone's tastes differ.

    • How about the original Nespresso?

      • Nespresso coffee is the best.

    • Ditto. My standard quick fix is Moccona dark roast. Their pods are insipid.

  • +1

    The illy "red" pods are my favourite.

    Seriously love this stuff

    • +1

      The Classico ones are the best, but another one of my favourites are the Nescafe Farmers Origins Brazil (which seems to only be available in Coles). I'm fine with the L'or Estremo/Profondo as well… anything's better than instant!

  • +1

    Page 2, 30% off coffee pods, just that this brand not included in the photo.

    • Thanks quog. My local only ticketed certain pods, slackers.

  • Got to give these a go then.

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