Pretty sure this is of the same quality as the rm750x but you also get to join the asus strix club XD
750W 80+ Gold Fully Modular 10 years warranty
Pretty sure this is of the same quality as the rm750x but you also get to join the asus strix club XD
750W 80+ Gold Fully Modular 10 years warranty
Thats not the 'X' version, its just RM850, I believe there is a difference between RM and RMx series (RMx being better)
ah i see
Yeah. The RM is a perfectly decent PSU, while the RMx is a very good PSU.
cheapest is about $210 for RM850x, so $31 extra.
It's a Seasonic Focus+ dressed in Rog outfit. Great PSU for the asking price but the RRP is far too high for the 750W………
1000W $279…
Another nearly identical Focus Plus re-shell is available for $149, this is not a good price.…
Pretty much the only difference is ROG branded heatsinks. Unless your PC is an oven, save that $30 and use it somewhere else.
+1 to NZXT C… Dunno why anyone would look at any other Seasonic Focus Plus rebrand, given the pricing.
Would this be enough to OC on a ryzen 9 5900x and gtx 1080?
Or should I go for 850w gold
For GTX1080, a decent 750W PSU would be more than enough.
But if you are planning to upgrade to RTX3080, its safe to get the 850W PSU
Although the recommended PSU for 3080 is 750W but there can be some spikes and if you decide to overclock your CPU then its better to have some extra headroom…
So would this be a better choice than a 850w Gold Corsair RM for $199? Despite the lower wattage?
I would personally go with RM850 for $199 over this PSU however if you are planning to spend $200 maybe wait for RM850x to go for sale - it should be around similar price when on sale
I believe [this is also a decent 850W PSU under $200] (…) but you also have to pay shipping
@Bappy: Beautiful reply Bappy, I appreciate your help big time. Thank you.
I'll definitely hold out for them juicy deals, until there's signs of the 5900x actually coming in.
Unart is doing lots of deal on psu rn, though gigabyte seems to have a dodgy reputation in psu
In running a 3080 ftw3 ultra (with further oc via precision x1) and a 3900x. My Seasonic 750w focus+ is handling them perfectly.
It depends on the 3080 that you are going to get, for 2 8 pin cards, this would be more than enough
3 8 pin cards maybe 850W would be a better choice
A quality 750w would be enough for any 3080.
@Crono: It only has 2 pcie cable which means you'll have to daisy chain, technically you can run a 450w 3080 with that since a 8 pin on the psu can supply up to 280W but you may burn the plastic connectors as that is out of specs
It is recommended that you don't daisy chain cables especially for high wattage gpus
@ln28909: It's fine to use one seperate cable for the 1st connector and two daisychained cables for the 2nd and 3rd. You will have no issues at all running it like that; only issue is when you run 2 daisychained connectors on a 2x8pin 3080.
@Crono: That doesn't apply to gpus that pull more than 400w, you can but doing so means you're doing it out of specs
I run it on a 650W so he'll be more than fine with 750, even with 3 pins
3080 def doesnt reach 400W that easily lol
@Freestyle: You have to get like platinum rated psu to get enough connectors, something rmx or this psu doesn't have enough
@Freestyle: I have a 5800x/Asus TUF 3080 and my Cooler Master MWE Gold 650W supply completely stopped working yesterday while not even playing a game or anything.
I've only owned the PSU for just over a year and it was running a 3600/2060 for it's earlier life.
I researched a little on this PSU and lemons can be common but I'm inclined to believe the power spikes from the 3080 killed it slowly.
TL;DR - 750/850 is definitely a good idea to be on the safe side of life. I've just purchased a white rm850x to sleep soundly at night.
@dsiritz: Dunno about that, maybe you are just unlucky, there' many using 3080s on good 650W psus
i dont really notice my 3080 power spiking much, never goes beyond 303W which is inline with what my PSU can handle
in games 9900k at max pulls 90W (more likely around 55-70 in most game barring exceptions like Warzone)
Also note I dont OC and I undervolted both my CPU and GPU (with negligible costs to performance)
I might grab an RM850X if prices drop under 180 but not paying a premium for something I dont need.
I am running an OC 5900x (4.65 GHz all core, 4.95 single core), RTX 3080, 4 HDDs, 3 NVMe, 2 SATA SSD. Including the power draw 2 monitors, NBN modem and router, it draws 684W at full load (24 threads Prime95 and Timespy Extreme run at the same time).
That would be running this 750W PSU at 91.2% in this unrealistic scenario. So I believe a good 750W PSU will be suitable for your 5900x and GTX 1080.
Your montiors and modem router don't draw power from your PC's PSU so it's silly to include them in your systems power draw calculations.
yes he knows his stuff :)
his PSU powers his modem and monitors….
ah sorry mate - just had to LOL
I really think if you are running a new system these days with 3080 or 6800 xt you need to go for 850 PSU and keep that for few more years, you pay little but extra now but you don't have to upgrade again for 10 years
@botchie: His point is that his whole PC isnt even taking 700watts. You don't need a 850w PSU for 3080 and 5900x. 750w is more than enough
@InternetExplorer: Correct. I've run a 3080 system off a cx650m and the max power draw ever recorded was 492w. So a good 750w unit is plenty.
@crono i’m guessing he’s measuring the power draw at the wall socket where he has everything connected to
I put it down for disclosure so you knew what is being measured in my wall meter. I wasn't going to rejig my power meter to measure it. But it was a brain fart including it in the calculations! :o
It's 50W draw for the 2 monitors and modem/router. So 635W to give 85% with a 750W PSU.
@Sleepycat3: thats for very unique scenarios where your CPU and GPU are both pulling max power, it wont do it in gaming
power virus benchmarks dont give you a good idea of power draw at all
If you do some simple guesstimation: two monitors and an NBN modem would draw about 80W on average, so it would be safe to assume his PC draws about 600W in an absolute worst case scenario and heavy overclock. You could even get away with a quality 650W PSU. Gamers Nexus even did a video on PSUs and they found even the most high end system was struggling to crack 500W. People overbuy PSUs for all the wrong reasons. Buy for the quality not what the wattage says on the tin.
I don't know about this….most oc 6800 xt card for eg recommend 800 w so what do you do - go under that? why?
@botchie: Because manufacturer's PSU recommenations are usually overly generous and don't take into account the quality of the PSU. For a person who is building on a budget, being able to cut cost wherever possible is of high priority and these graphics are able to run off much lower wattage PSUs with no problems whatsoever.
Well I would happy for gamer nexus to tell me why I can run 2080ti sli with a hx1200
And yes it is very very high quality psu
I run a 3080 and a 9900k (with a 2 NVMEs 1 SATA SSD and 1 HDD) my 'max' power draw is around 550W but 95% of the time in gaming scenarios i'm nowhere close to that theoretical max limit
I have 3080 for over 6 weeks now, never crashed I played many demanding games in that timeframe (with holidays and all) so yeah he'll be fine with 750W, people panic too much over PSUs and the recommendations get silly.
I hope people realise having both gpu and cpu at 100% load is a very unrealistic scenario that wont happen for extended periods in gaming ever
Extreme Outer Vision has a good power calculator for what wattage PSU you need, if you want to play it safe.
Mind you, a higher quality PSU with lower wattage may provide more power than a lower quality PSU with higher wattage rating in the long run.
I lol at people thinking they need these massive psus for 1 cpu and 1 gpu for overclocking.
I use 1 750w psu and run 8 gpus off it easily.
Is everyone negging me because they want to feel special for buying a big psu or is it because I bought all the rtx gpus ? Lol
That's because you're mining, I can run 4 3080 on a 1200w psus without issues in mining but can't run 2080ti sli for daily usage for example
And what even is this flex, those gpus are probably models that nobody wants lol
Yeah I guess there is no market for rtx gpus right now. Your analogy makes no sense.
The manufacturers intentionally increase the amount of power needed for these gpus to sell bigger psus of the same brand.
Asus and others are notorious for doing this.
You can undervolt and overclock so many gpus to run “yes mining” and also play games at much lower temps and wattage than what is shipped as standard from the manufacturer.
Mining is much more intense than games as it’s running at 100% for 24hours a day. If anything mining has proved that the industry is not focused on efficiency at all.
Another fact is you can buy 1200w platinum server psus for less than the cost of this psu.
The “home” market is saturated with inefficiency’s and over pricing.
@worker: All im saying is why don't you run them at the best settings for gaming and see how much power you need
In saying that, it is dumb for manufacturers to recommend 750w for a 3070
And there is high demand for 3000 series cards not the rtx that you have lol
Mining uses different things than gaming, gaming uses core clock, memory clock is just there to prevent bottleneck, whereas the reverse is true for mining
Buying server psu, sure they are dirt cheap, but I like to have some sanity if I'm using my computer in a small office and don't want to hear a helicopter take-off all the time
And btw what's your hashrate on that rig, if you want to talk about inefficiency lol
@ln28909: Just over 450mhs on eth I don’t have any inefficiency on this rig mining $50usd a day for $9aud in power.
Would this be fine for a 3080 and i9-10900k OC, or look for an 850w?
They say you need a Nuclear plant to run an OC'd 10900K LOL
850W should be plenty though but do your own research… maybe this will help
Ive noticed how hot my bedroom is
I hit 684W maximum load/draw with my 3080 and 5900x. So I'd say you would hit 740W without even overclocking yet due to the 250W TDP. So I'd say go for the 850W.
You will confuse people by stating incorrect figures. A 3080 and a 10900k at stock will draw nowhere near 700w. Even overclocked it won't get near.
My 9900k and 3080 draws 550ish watts so add a couple more to that I guess
I dont OC my 3080 tho, that barely gives any benefit
too late to buy anyway I guess but this PSU would've been enough for your needs
They even managed to make PSUs look lame and gamerfied I see. I wonder what is next, is there anything left? Maybe they can paint the capacitors on motherboards to look rad.
The RGB will give you extra 50W of juice LOL
I love how it looks
Why paint caps when you make the whole thing look like My Little Pony.…
goodness.. waterblock for a motherboard?
Water cooled PSU w/ RGB! :)
@ln28909: I have one in an old rig with 3x Asus GTX980's, was planning to dismantle it last year but then Covid hit so I left it in storage…
Its a shame that the RGB is not enough to light my house, otherwise would have bought it ;)
Good price, but don't believe their $279 RRP. The 850w goes for $299.
this is a high tier PSU. I was considering getting the white 850w one myself but I didn't like that none of the cables are sleeved.
or just get RM850x for $19 more Here