• expired

Amaysim Unlimited - Unlimited Talk, Text, Social Net + 4GB Data - 1 Month - $10 - CUDO - OPTUS


It's on again. Looks like the 10% further discount for hotmail users isn't available this time.

Voucher valid from 20th DEC 2011 to 20th JAN 2012

Go amaysim UNLIMITED for just $10 and talk til your mouth drops off!
Includes UNLIMITED standard national talk, UNLIMITED standard national text and UNLIMITED national access to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter!
PLUS you get a massive 4GB of data so you can read the daily news, check the weather, your email and do anything else you like on the internet!
The next generation SIM card (normal) can used in most phones and the micro-SIM is perfect for both iPhones and iPads. The pack is great value for data usage!
Normally you’d be forking out $39.90 to go amaysim UNLIMITED and another $2 for an amaysim SIM pack, but today you save a gigantic 76%!
And to make this deal even sweeter, amaysim will deliver your SIM pack straight to your door, for FREE!
To redeem simply hit that ‘buy now’ button, fork out a measly 10 bucks, fill out all your shipping details and amaysim will send you all these goodies within five days!
You can keep your current number too!
Plus no lock-in contracts!
Read the small print
Cudo satisfaction guarantee


Offer valid for one month from 20th December 2011
amaysim UNLIMITED is valid for 30 days
Only available for new connections
One connection per person
Shipping details must be entered at time of purchase including full name, address and postcode and PLEASE ENTER YOUR PHONE NUMBER WHEN FILLING OUT SHIPPING DETAILS
Must provide a valid street address, strictly no PO Boxes
Your amaysim SIM will be delivered to the address you provide when purchasing – expect delivery within five business days of the deal closing
Full terms and conditions regarding amaysim UNLIMITED are available at amaysim.com.au/terms
SIM card must be activated within one month of purchase
Cancellation results in forfeiting of remaining prepaid balance
Additional services not included with amaysim UNLIMITED and cost a little extra include dialling numbers starting with 13,15 and 18; premium SMS; and international calls and SMS; and video calling
Additional data above 4GB is charged at 5 cents per megabyte
This offer is for personal use only
The $39.90 plan includes one month of unlimited standard national calls and text messages, unlimited national access to facebook and twitter and 4GB of data
Additional fees will apply for all other services. Please go to www.amaysim.com.au/unlimited for more details
Not redeemable for cash
Not valid with any other offers or promotions

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good deal. I am using the earlier deal which I just activated. And will get another one to activate in a month time :) I don't care about the number as I just block it on these deals because they are temp.

  • Which network?

    • +1


      • Cheers. Worth $10 for sure!! Great deal, thanks OP!

      • +1

        Added Optus to the title that can be a game-changer for some, depending on usage locations.

        • also isnt this just for the first month, second month reverts back to $39,95? so its just a once off saving not a continual saving.

  • +1

    Could you port the number from the previous $10 deal to this one? Or from current to third party (vf/woolies) then back?

    • +1

      All that work (port out, port in) just to save one month's access fees?

      • +15

        This is Ozbargain mate.

        • LOL, it's funny cos its true! / sad.

  • How legit are these guys? Anyone ever heard of them..? The coupon supplier, not Amaysim.

    • They did TV ads a few months back IIRC

    • +1

      I have a $10 unlimited sim from the last deal and I haven't used them long enough to vouch for legitimacy but I know one thing for certain, their customer account web site puts Telstra/Vodafone/etc to absolute shame. Whoever is the mastermind behind their web site clearly gives a shit about customer experience.

    • Cudo? Pretty sure they were created and are owned by Channel 9. That's why they had a shite load of coverage on channel 9 shows and adds about "changing the way we shop" when they first started.

    • I've used them for about 4 months now I live in Cairns which only has 150,000 people and I've never had problems with network ever! Optus is 2nd biggest mobile network in Aus ahead of Vodafone. If you're wondering why I say optus network it is because that is the network they are using (they rent right to use off Optus)

  • After the one month is up am I automatically obligated to continue on the $40 plan or do I have the option to choose a plan that uses this sim?

    • After the 30 days are over I would just cancel it online. They even have an iphone app that has the Amaysim Unlimited Cancellation function.

    • They only offer 2 plans, PAYG and unlimited, but I'm sure, is it is not a term contract, that you could just change it either online or by giving them a call.

      • If it's PAYG how do they charge for going over the data limit.. ?

        • The PAYG and unlimited plans are seperate, but for the unlimited plan it is 5c/mb afaik.

    • +3

      It becomes "as you go" so if you don't use it it costs nothing.

  • -3

    So this is just for One lousy month :\ how is that worth while?
    I dont like the fact that these Prepaid plans expire after 1 month then my money is gone,
    might as well go on a plan…

    Yes this is spam I guess :p

    • +1

      How is your money gone? You pay $10 and get unlimited calls/text/social networking and 4GB of data that is valid for a single month, you don't lose anything that I am aware of.

      • -1

        lol your right its only $10 :) bargin for a Month i guess, I wasnt in line of thought..

        Might get one just for kicks :D

        • make all your christmas/jewish festival calls and then call it quits

  • Fine print
    I just ordered 2 (should have been one-Can I still change before Cudo reaches its limit ?)
    Last time validation period was MUCH longer

  • The woolworths deal is better IMHO, ie you can buy the recharges and then have cheap internet for a year instead of just one month.

  • How does mobile data compare to Vodafone at Randwick? Sydney metro? I hear that Vodafone is better than Virgin, which uses Optus, does that mean that Optus in general is worse than Vodafone?

    • Optus in general is better than Vodafone but there could always be a few exceptions.

      • watch out for optus blackspots..they don't give a sh!t about them

  • So with this unlimited talk/sms 4GB plan, first month I pay $10 and following month I pay $39 if I want to stay?

    Well I vote for

    TPG $14.99 $550 credit 1.5GB data no contract plan

    or woolworthmobile $15.5 for $250 credit, $250 to optus, 5GB data 45 days expire is a lot better for me.
    Buy some vouchers and store.

      • with so many times of ADSL2+ free quota upgrade attacks from TPG, I guess many ozbargainers are loving TPG and staying with them and already have their SIM card?

      • Woolworths does not bill 10MB increments.. "Data is charged in 1MB increments for uploads and downloads within Australia."

  • im using it now but the internet is a bit slow in my area but good value for unlimited national calls. are you allowed to have two amaysim starter numbers?

    • If I remember correctly, they allow you 5 or 6. There is a question in the online signup process… I think the second page.

  • I wish this was an ongoing offer! argh

  • +1

    What on earth is the catch? I'm currently paying around $110/month with flOptus, getting the same amount of data and calls….. locked into a freaking iPhone 4 contract 'til July.

    I'm really considering cancelling my contract and switching…

    • Wouldn't that be because you got an iphone 4 with the contract?

      • …(subsidised) iphone 4

    • Yep - Amaysim is a service provider, these are not postpaid plans where you are paying off a phone.

      I hope you realise that for $110/month, you are getting a "free phone" but the phone isn't really free :-)

  • +2

    I just ported across from Telstra Prepaid on the last (Spreets) deal. There were a few hiccups in the activation (it didn't apply the deal, so I had to get it done manually) but it worked out OK. The port was fast - about 12 hours.


    3rd Month Free with amaysim UNLIMITED and amaysim MOBILE BROADBAND

    Great news! Activate or order your amaysim SIM with UNLIMITED or MOBILE BROADBAND (1GB, 2.5GB, 4GB data) before the 5th January 2012 and get your 3rd month free.

    Offer only available for new amaysim UNLIMITED or MOBILE BROADBAND (1GB, 2.5GB, 4GB) SIM orders and activations before 5th Jan 2012. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

    So, instead of $10 for the first month, and $39.90 thereafter (thus $89.80 for 3 months), you pay $39.90 for 2 months and get 1 free (hence $79.80 for 3 months)


  • Thanks for posting. I was curious about Amaysim, now I have a good reason to check them out.

  • +2

    I can give a bit of info about the Amaysim plan, since we just transferred across to it.

    Unlike Boost (which is similar price $40 but only 3GB data), the Amaysim does not include 13 and 18 numbers (they are charged at 29c/min)

    There is no contract. You can run it as a postpaid plan using your credit card, or as a "pseudo-prepaid" by choosing Bpay/Voucher as the payment method. If you use a CC, it renews automatically and any excess charges are applied automatically. If you choose no-CC, then you need to Prepay some credit or you will get blocked when the $ hits zero.

    Excess data is 5c/MB which is not TOO bad ($50 a gig), but like all Optus Resellers there is a TWO DAY delay between data usage and it appearing in the Usage Meter. So, you need to monitor your usage carefully. You can buy Data Packs at $9.90/GB, but only AFTER the credit runs out. How you actually organise this so that there is no excess charges I have no idea.

    The other thing - their phone service is DREADFUL. Nice Aussie call centre, helpful consultants, but certainly allow 30 minutes wait. Make sure whatever phone you use to call it is not charging you for 1300 calls!

    I ported my phone to LiveConnected $15.99/mth and my GF's to Amaysim Unlimited. I dimply don't make enough calls to even justify the $15.99 plan but that was the best deal overall that I could find.

  • Just a warning: I used amaysim last time they had the offer. I am never ever going back to that network ever again. They claim that they use the Optus network, but the Internet speeds are far inferior. A lot of the time, the data had connection issues.

    In my opinion the network is worse than Vodafone and three

    • I agree the internet speed is crap. I have at this moment Amaysim, Virgin & 3.

      Virgin is the best out of those three. The 3 network is the worst during peak time, but it's good during off peak time. Amaysim is a close second.

    • They claim they use the Optus network because they do . And you must be one of the very few people in Australia who think that the Vodafone network is faster and more reliable than Optus.

      • +1

        Really depends on the area, at work I get great Optus coverage but at home it's terrible. So it's all subjective. That's wireless Internet for you though.

  • If these SIMs work with Optus dongles,

    …do Optus wireless dongles work with Android tablets (eg, ASUS TF-101's)?

    • Didn't see your post before making the monstrosity below, but can tell you that yes, you shouldn't need to do any modem unlocking for sims operating on the Optus network - just put in a new APN profile etc. for the new telco.
      However, dongles and tablets are a big issue (cue Viagra joke!)
      Seriously, whether a given tablet will function, or not, with a specific dongle really is on a suck it and see basis (oh, Crap!)
      Ok, really seriously: Certain brands and models of dongles with certain internal chipsets will, (AFTER sim activation) (IF you're lucky), work with some Android tablets. If you're going to buy a non-3G tab and think you are going to want to use a dongle, check with the manufacturer first, or expect to be disappointed. Best option in most circumstances is instead to usb or wifi hotspot tether from a smartphone (use iPhone or any Android with Froyo2.2 or above).
      Which reminds me …

      • [insert viagra joke based on big dongles and tablets here]

  • I've waited a bit to add my two cents worth. Llama has saved me some typing.
    I've also just activated an Amaysim in one of my devices (last Cudo deal), after coming off an Optus sim. I haven't experienced anywhere near the time lag in data usage display that llama has seen, but it's certainly not as close to real-time as Optus account page has become in recent times.
    What I have noticed (and this may be the norm on the Optus 'Open Network') is that data downloads are definitely slower. My guesstimate averaged over three weeks use is about 25%, which is certainly enough to add some extra irritation at times. Like Optus, the complete dropouts happen pretty frequently, but at least - unlike Optus - that doesn' t represent a10MB billing 'opportunity'. Still, 1MB ain't exactly flash.
    Because 13/18 numbers aren't included in the plan, this is NOT a 'chuck away your landline' plan. Calling pretty much any major business is gonna cost you big time, as you wait on hold …
    The only real, 'decent download allowance/maybe chuck away your landline' prepaid plan is the Red Bull Mobile one. They are on the Vodafone network, so you may need to have some experience in and around where you are to see if you have any difficulties.

    UPDATE: Just checked their website and they're in the middle of re-running a 'sign up for one month/free switch to slightly cheaper two month' plan. I've taken the plunge and will report back in this thread in due course. Somebody else can post the deal if they're keen, but there's only a fortnight remaining to have the sim delivered and activated.
    Anyway, basic plan is same as Amaysim, but with ALL numbers included, and the data increment charge is only 250KB instead of 1MB. Reasonable-ish.
    If I find coverage and download speed good I think I may be very tempted by the $365 12 month pre-pay that offers 5gigs per month instead of 4. We'll see. Roughly equates to Woolworths (normal voucher recharge price), but with no cap on calls and with the lower data increment charge.

    • Luckier than I have been mattgal. I have had at least a few brief and at least one long drop-out per day.
      Thanks to IVI. Forgot to mention: Woolworths don't allow tethering. Amaysim do. Redbull do. TPG ?

      • Woolworths don't allow tethering. Amaysim do. Redbull do. TPG ?

        No problem tethering with my Android phone on Woolies.

        • Tethering is just your mobile acting as a NAT router. They would have to do some packet analysis to detect that you have other devices behind the router.

  • I put a post on the Woolworths deal a while back asking whether anybody was actually having any difficulties tethering. Good to know the practical reality.
    Thanks greenpossum. I'm trying to picture you. Are you as green as the Woolworths apple logo?

    • +1

      Actually I'm a dog.

      • -1

        Just regained the ability to type.Still shocked and confused.Gaining some comfort at the thought that you're not living in somebody's ceiling, chewing on their wiring.Gaining no comfort at the thought that you are instead eating someone's slippers.Please tell me that you are at least a green dog.Please say yes.

  • tried to redeem voucher with Amaysim from Cudo offer here in Sept and AMaysim won't accept it. Expiry date 8 Mar 2012.

    • I had the same problem.

    • redeem voucher? you should have received a SIM card to activate online.

      • yes, but current balance is $0.01 after being activated.

        • One month credit wasn't automatically applied when I activated either. When I rang up, couldn't initially download the Cudo voucher on the phone I was on, but they had a list at hand of people who had taken up the offer. Credit applied. Suggest you ring back.

  • gp - I'm taking that as a 'Yes'!

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