One of the best priced models and it's in stock! Get in quick before it's sold out.
eVGA GeForce RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra 8GB GDDR6 $949 + Delivery/Pickup in VIC @ PLE

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not long enough
Already have a 3080 but I still look back to when I wanted to wait for the 3070 instead. But the 8gb Vram put me off.
Good decision
@LordNoon6: absolutely - it was $1,139. so $190 more than the card in this deal but performs much better :) although not so sure how easy it is now to find a 3080 at absolute retail. or even around 12-1300.
and if you use the card for video editing, the 3060ti and the 3070 perform about the same due to the 3070's extra compute speed being cucked by 256mbit bandwidth, but this bandwidth much better matches the 3060ti which doesn't get affected
It's not just the 8GB VRAM that should put people off. The 3070 uses GDDR6 while the 3080 uses GDDRX which is twice the bandwidth. There a huge difference between the two cards not just a matter of a step up or down.
8gb vram a joke
I got one last time they were available at PLE. Arrived express and no worries.
Same price as the 6800 reference model, but I think the 6800 has better value. faster in raw performance and double the vram
I did my solid research last night and its 6800 XT or RTX 3080 for me.
Depends highly on price but I am leaning towards the 3080 unless there is a more than $300 difference most likely.
6800 non XT is too underpowered for my liking but it does have its purpose for a less powerful build.
Ultimately I want to see the 3080 Ti and how it is priced and performs before I make my ultimate decision.
Definitely not going to get a 3090 and 6900 XT seems to overpriced unless it comes down a lot which I doubt it.
So you're basically determined to spend $1500-$2000. Why wouldn't rx 6800 meet your requirements?
I should be getting my 3080 this week, my brother gave me his preorder got the xc3 ultra for 1235 delivered
A reference 6900XT costs $1599 which is similar to higher end 3080s
Also reference 6000 series aren't going to restock in Aus so if you find one buy it. They are great deals, no markup. Even the 6800 is a great deal considering it's already 10% faster than the 3070, and can be overclocked another 10%
Yep I thought the same and so I got the XFX RX 6800 reference model instead.
6800 all the way if the price is the same, that card will only get Better and it's 16gb
one of the best priced models
$140 more than MSRP
only 8gb Vram$140 more than the very limited FE cards. MSRP of this is the also $949 on EVGAs site. Googled to see the rest of the card wondering if it had the red highlights, and learnt along the way there's an AU EVGA site.
This card is not worth more then 800
$140 more than the very limited FE cards
Limited count or not, $949 is way too much for a card like this. The $140 is better spent for a higher vram model except they aren’t available yet. Imo, either spend bit extra for 3080 or wait for more vram model.
Even the 3080 isn't a high enough VRAM model, and not to mention overpriced.
You are much better off waiting a few months and see what is to come in the future, then at least you can purchase something of better quality or save some money along the way by buying an older card. 20 or early 30 series.
@boydbino: 3080 due to supply issue of vram, 3070 because it will sink 3080 sales if higher vram model is released. pretty much a paper release
Just wondering what game you guys playing with this card?
N64 emulator
Solitaire and mine sweep
my man!
Rtx ON
Qbasic Gorillas
Scorched earth
Your wallet with RTX on
Hello Kitty: Island Adventure
Mental omega, warzone, rocket league, age of empires, raft. So bit of overkill
Doom 1993
I play doom 2 regularly on my system which now has a 6800
I just move the cursor back and forth really fast and try to keep track of it with my eyes.
Leisure suit Larry 1
Ken Sent Me
The simple words that I'll never forget. That and 'get orat part'.
Stardew Valley
Crysis and lowest settings
Commander Keen.
Space quest 4
Old School Runescape
Worms Armageddon.
Maniac Mansion
Test drive
Emulated C64 version to get the most from the system.
Day of the Tentacle
The SIMs, everything looks awesome
raid shadow legends
Among us
Duke Nukem on 640k floppy disk. The Platform version.
again????! this is the normal price. I bought one before xmas. good card, managed to overclock +160/+1000
there is no shortage of 3070 or 3090, only 3080.
I haven't heard anyone say this yet, but due to high prices of cyrptocurrency now, gpu's may become even harder to get.
pretty sure i saw someone do the economics, and at this price it still wouldnt make sense apparently.
and at this price it still wouldnt make sense apparently.
Oh that won't stop some people. During the last mining craze people were paying such stupid amounts for AMD cards that they'd never pay them offit doesn't make sense to buy a 3070 solely for mining since the return is the same as a 3060 ti, though you could also buy it to use mainly as gaming and mining on the side when idle, with proper undervolting, I'm sure you'll make a profit.
Unless COVID becomes less of a concern to the world, you should be well covered with cryptomining
With current pricing, if you mine 24 hour a day, I think you'll make between $100 -$150 / month with the average electricity cost in australia
off topic but the fact that BTC dropped 5k aud in 7 hours.. this thing is crazy rn. still regretting not buying a whole coin in march for around high 6s (aud). but to be fair - I wouldn't have held this long. at all.
Don't worry, you'll get your chance to buy sub 10k
3080s are the only card hard to find in stock now 3070s and 3090s are often in stock at pccg and probably other stores
Got one thanks OP.
Planning to upgrade from a 5600 xt but happy to wait till these get back to their MSRP or better.
I'm on the same boat but decided to wait for RX 6800/XT for my hackintosh
macos not support 6800xt yet right?
someone already had success with it so I hope support will be there soon
i wanna upgrade from 580 too
Are they still worth it? Given some of the system apps may not work and you cant update os as often you like
Thanks Op - just got one
I got AMD cpu and motherboard. Should I get this or 6800? Is ‘SAM’ any good?…
It seems like a good technology so I don't think Nvidia are sleeping on it.
At this point might as well wait for the higher vram cards. I dont see 8gb cards lasting long at all.
Yeah that's the play, may as well wait now
Currently running a 2070s, should I get 3080 instead?
2070 super is enough for 1080p and 2k,only upgrade if you wanna play in 4K. But I think 2070 super is still enough for most game nowadays.
What resolution you play now and are you upgrading that as well?
I’m playing CP2077, COD running on a 144hz 2k monitor.
Thinking of moving to a 4K monitor and not sure if 2070s is enough.
Everytime I see a GPU on the front page, it's never a 3080
I kinda think 3080 is a bit overhyped. People willing to pay a large premium for it. it might be a 4K king now but with 10gb of vram it won’t age very well. And it’s overkill for 2k.
When you consider that a 2080Ti costed $2200+. The 3080, being considerably more powerful suddenly presents itself as good value.
The 3080 will run out of performance long before it'll run out of VRAM.
Cyberpunk uses 9.9gb at 4k and it's a slideshow regardless
Don't use that unoptimized mess of a game as an example.
or a 3080 Ti
This deal is not published(Insufficient quantity/Expired on posting/Out of stock on posting)…
They sell out in 2 minutes. You need to be in the discord groups with bots
Great card MSFS in Ultra @2k res!
Or pay roughly the same price for a 6800 for 20% better performance
I found the 3080 overkill for my needs. Sold it for the same price i got it for.
If only evga was more popular on ebay then i would have gotten it. Couldn't find a store to price match.
Picked up a msi gaming x trio 3070 for $927 through ebay gift cards/price match vs Harvey norman.
How could you get price matched, as it's not currently in stock on Harvey norman (I see it's pre-order)?
they didn't notice it . quite common when price matching harvey norman they won't read that one line as you can still add to cart and estimate delivery etc.
i had a backup to price match scorptec which was slightly higher but i managed to get through first try.
i bought the last one from bpctech on ebay.
just a note the MSI gaming x trio is ranked slightly lower than gigabyte and asus but you are talking like a tiny bit of performance which u won't notice. I just liked the build quality as my 3080 was a msi gaming trio as well.
So good how GPUs are cheap now days. LOL
yeah miss the good old time you can get a 500$ gpu 2 weeks after lunch for a x70 card
Not to mention 1080ti for $700
While there is insane demand, why would prices drop?
Some still don't get the basics of supply and demand. Still comments like "it's not worth this price". It can't even stay on shelves longer than 30 minutes! If anything the price should be raised to curb demand.
That's what the eBay scalpers are for! Go on, help yourself!
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alright let's see how long this lasts