• expired

$5 Bonus Cashback on $5 Spend at Any Online Store - Including Our Gift Card Portal @ Cashrewards (Activation Required)


Hi everyone - another nice bonus for all our members. Please read the terms below carefully as it will save a lot of questions. Ensure you activate the offer prior to shopping. Once activated, shop as normal via the 'Shop Now' (Store) or 'Activate Now' (Notifier) buttons on Cashrewards. Valid for purchases made from 5pm 30/12/20 to 11:59pm 30/12/20 (AEDT). Thanks for your support as always. Please stay safe, and enjoy :)

Full list of Cashrewards stores listed alphabetically here.
Try our gift card portal with up to 6% cashback on gift cards (new cards added regularly).

$5 Bonus Promo Terms:

  • To be eligible for the AUD $5 bonus, you must first activate the promotion via the main link in this post, then shop as normal via any* online store on Cashrewards.
  • Transaction must be made between 5:00PM AEDT 30/12/20 and 11:59PM AEDT 30/12/20.
  • Bonus is eligible when making a qualifying purchase of AUD $5 or more in a single transaction (inclusive of GST, after any discounts, and before shipping).
  • Bonus will not be added to your Cashrewards account at time of purchase. It will be credited separately as approved by 13/02/21.
  • Bonus is over and above the advertised store cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
  • Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.
  • Bonus is ineligible for any in-store purchases.
  • Sales may report to Cashrewards ex-GST so the amount shown in your account may be less than $5. You will still be eligible for the bonus.
  • Selected stores may report orders with multiple items as separate transactions into your Cashrewards account. These are still eligible.
  • Bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Additional transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses.
  • Bonus is ineligible if you purchase from a 0% cashback store/cashback rate, if you purchase an ineligible item, or if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected. *Individual store cashback terms and exclusions apply (see Amazon & AliExpress especially).
  • Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Ensure you disable 3rd party plugins and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from Cashrewards as tracking will be lost (feel free to try our recently updated mobile app). Two common questions: (1) will I be eligible if I purchase anything from an Amazon category showing 0% cashback - NO (all standard store T&Cs apply), (2) can I use Amazon gift cards for purchase and still be eligible - YES. Note also that AliExpress now pays cashback on affiliate products only - see updated terms and link checker here. Don't forget to refer-a-friend for $20 (they get $10) - tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. Check out our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Keep track of all your cashback bonuses via Yowie's awesome master thread.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3765)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Pizza hut 10$ cashback is not yet tracked , its been 2 days now 😑

      • -1

        Why waste your time in this thread then ?

      • +9

        Hit and miss with both of them

      • +3

        Both have been fine for me so far, although I've only started using them 2 months ago. Never made a withdrawal yet so I guess that's where the keyboard battles and phone calls begin?!

        • +3

          There are problems with tracking at times but never had a problem making withdrawals.

        • Can only comment on CR but withdrawal has never been an issue for me

        • Withdrawals from both always been fine, once recognised and time passed always paid promptly.
          Tracking and not meeting rules? have been main issues.

      • It’s always been good for me
        I love Cashrewards!!!

      • Said no one ever????? LOL is this a joke? Shopback is hopeless. I'd rather buy high risk shares than try my luck at seeing if a cashback transaction goes through with Shopback.

    • +12

      That tracked instantly for me.

      • +3

        Same here. I've had 100% tracking from both over a long time. Never skipped a beat.

        1 Start with an empty cart.
        2 Go to cashback site.
        3 Click through to the shop.
        4 Add items
        5 Pay with credit card
        6 Make sure you get confirmation page/email
        7 Don't switch to another website or click back on your browser at any point.
        8 Make sure you don't have as blockers, etc.
        9. Keep a record of everything.
        10. Screenshot everything
        11. Once it tracks, be patient as it can take a few months.

        Do that and you'll be good. If not their customer support is pretty good.

        • +2

          Add one more step. Don't use Chrome or Firefox, they may have inbuilt blockers. Just use edge or something exclusively for cashbacks and you won't have any issues.

    • +4

      Mine tracked instantly (literally 1min after ordering). I believe their tracking software has improved dramatically since a month or two ago

      • +1

        Mine also tracked instantly. Thanks CR!

      • +1

        Mine too..

    • +2

      Mine has not been tracked too. And also during their 50% cashback promotion. Already sent the email to claim missing cashback but still no respond yet :(

      • I didn't get it tracked as well. Also sent an email without a response, probably have to wait for 7 days before making a claim.

    • +1

      Mine also tracked instantly. Still waiting for the previous two $5 ones to track.

    • Just send them an email once the seven days is up. Mine didn’t track either and I’m sure cashrewards will end up doing the right thing.

      • +1

        You won’t have any issues at all. Please see my comment here. Happy New Year!

        • +6

          It's the constant having to submit claims thats a pain. Have noticed this more myself these days and items not tracking, Like others here noted…..my Pizza Hut never tracked either and was ultra careful to ensure everything was done in the correct manner to save the pain of having to submit another claim. Strange as some deals track fine and others not.

        • hi, how can i see if product is valid or invalid for Cashback on Aliexpress, there is no product id in App to check ??

          • @Harsh Deep: The link is found in the AliExpress terms on the CR app. Just make sure to click back through CR once you’ve found your eligible item. Here it is…


            • @tightarse: thanks for the link mate, but there is no product iD or url in aliexpress App, to check

              • +2

                @Harsh Deep: Even it is valid, I won't buy from Ali for this kind of offer now. In order for the cashback to be approved, you must confirm the item received in your Ali account first. So in the event that your item is lost and refunded, you lose this bonus offer too.

                • @Neoika: already made mistake in last $10 bonus and this $5 bonus as well

        • +1

          My pizza hasn't been tracked. I have checked many times. Although I have faith in the system since I can lodge a claim after 7 days. In the worst case, there is a real person I can contact on ozbargain. It is a free pizza so I can't complain. Just looking through the comment section for any $5 thing I can buy. Thanks TA for all your work. Can't make all happy but you have definitely made many happy.

    • :-(

    • Same. Going to report as soon as the option becomes available.

    • Me too :( Has canceled the order but the store said the refund would take 5 days … Has anyone had issues with refunds?

      • the pizza hut eastwood store even do not want to cancel the order for me, although my pick up date is tomorrom

        • they should have, it's up to you to cancel not them

    • +1

      Had Pizza Hut $10 tracked within a few minutes.

      Only ever had 1 that did not track but I think it was my fault as my account on that website has a staff discount number entered. So I had used an unlisted discount code. The cash back is still showing as pending though after sending the receipt in after 7 days.

    • The only vendor that NEVER tracks: Groupon. Always have to lodge a claim!

  • +5

    I love how I see this after I place an order for a fridge lol

    • Thankyou for your service.

    • +15

      That $5 would really have saved your world huh?

      • +16

        Do you even know what site you're on mate? :P

  • +1

    Ive still had no tracking for a Ali Express purchase from the last $5 for $5 promo. Made sure it was an affiliated seller also. How do i get this looked at?

    • +1

      Please lodge a claim at 7 days via your click history and the support team will take care of the rest. Any issues, you know where to find me. Thanks :)

      • Thanks for that. Claim submitted.

    • none of my $5/10 promo's have tracked so I followed the incognito trick from my cashback not tracking forum post I put up due to things not working lately and it tracked instantly… will definitely have to do this all the time.

      • What's the incognito trick? Use a fresh incognito browser?

        • Yeah just open incognito in your browser. Guessing it disables all extensions and anything else that might cause an issue

          • +1

            @B-Man02: Incognito mode doesn't disable add-ons automatically. If you have add-ons installed, you need to manually disable them on Settings.

  • +2

    You had me at "H"

  • +6

    Ebay still not available :(

    • -2

      eBay USA is.

      • +3

        eBay USA is also 0%.

    • +7

      Grab a choice gift card and convert it to ebay :)

      • +4

        But need to spend $30 minimum 🙁

  • +3

    Time to stock up on more Choya Umeshu Soda cans from Dan Murphy's!

    • +1

      So much sugar

    • How are they compared to the Fruit Liqueur?

      • Haven't tried that; I assume it's the same just with soda already pre-mixed

  • +1

    shit…just saw this after making an order on CK

  • Guess I'm buying more gift cards since eBay is out of it.

  • +35

    But what's the fun in getting a gift card lol I'd rather spend 3 hours finding something I don't need for exactly $5 delivered

    Thanks TA free nights entertainment :)

    • +2

      Me too found this item and bought 10 of these for free


      • Epic. How long did you take to find that?

        • +1

          Cant remember but maybe 1 hr i think that you literally got for free.

          I was looking for like indicator light bulb or steering wheel cover or some freshner honestly but couldn't get to $5 with that or was too high.
          But then found this somewhere cannot remember how

  • +2

    Nothing to buy, guess another Choice swap card for eBay, here we come.

    • Same

  • Am I eligible for cashback on Amazon if I use the Amazon gift card and credit from this deal?

    • Only if the if the purchase is more than $5 after subtracting your bonus $5 from previous Amazon deal

    • According to Cash Rewards:

      Purchases paid with gift cards are eligible for cashback (not Amazon credit).

      The deal referenced by Phlume provides Amazon credit, and using that credit would make the purchase ineligible for cashback. I believe that means you also wouldn't qualify for the $5 bonus on this deal.

      • So how do I not apply the bonus $5 amazon credit? It automatically included the credit when checking out.

  • +5

    i have bought too many ebay cards already, but no sales on ebay recently.

    • +2

      Yeah really struggled to spend my last Ebay credits

  • +1

    Unfortunately no eBay, but very nice to combine with today's increased cashbacks.

    • Can always buy the Choice gift card (5% cashback) and swap for eBay gift card

      • Yeah but min is $30? Not that good if I just wanna buy small value items.

        • +6

          Gives you 22% off the $30 voucher though. 5% + $5 bonus.

          Good deal.

        • You are hard to pleased

  • +21

    I miss the Woolworths and Wish gift cards… That was always my easy buy. The choice gift card is minimum $30. I don't see anything else worth going for… What gift cards does everyone go for these days?

    • Usually just pick up a $30 digital restaurant card as we are going to eat out anyway… Can use it at Maccas or Chinese takeout

  • +1

    Should be nice for a bottle of bubbly 😁

  • Never mind. One bonus per account.

    • +1

      One per cashrewards account

  • +2

    Thanks TA!

  • With the Choice card, every time I go to check the temporary card charge number on my bank app, the field is reset on the Cashback page?

  • -1

    Dammit, bought some shoes off converse this morning. Whyyyyyyy

    • U need to order 5. Minimum

      • +2

        Nope. Can order 1. OOS anyway.

  • Can I activate now through this link, then tonight shop through the CR app on the phone as per normal? Or do I have to activate and shop through the activation link in one process?

    • You can activate the deal and shop later today.

    • +1

      Of course you can. Important thing is to first activate the offer via a desktop or mobile browser. You can then shop via the CR app :)

      • Can you confirm if using the $5 Amazon credit is eligable or not as it isnt clear

  • +2

    Thanks TA. Mine got tracked instantly. Cheers

  • +1

    Can combine with Etsy 50% CB, so free $10.

    • +1

      Oh.. I already made my purchase :<

  • -1

    Wanted to buy Amazon GC's :(

  • +3

    Bought a couple games through Fanatical. Cheers

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