This was posted 4 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] The Last of Us Part 2 $29 + Delivery ($0 Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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As expected, Amazon have price matched JB Hifi. Free delivery if you have Amazon Prime.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +5

    You always beat me by 30 seconds… :(
    hands in my ozbargain badge

    • +9

      Can't beat dealbot… Sitting in the chair drafting up deals and smashing refresh until Amazon updates their price, then just lazily hits post… Respect

    • +11

      Apologies mate. My web scraper works faster than the Camels if there is an explanation.

      • +2

        Would you reveal the logic behind your scraper? Does it search for a product in the whole internet and monitor for site element changes or is it specific for a site?

        Because, amazon has dynamic advertisements, so you will have to specifically monitor the price field. But, I see you posting deals not just from Amazon, but from all over the place.

        How does it work? 🙏🏽

        • +20

          Pretty much everything that you mentioned.

          Amazon was a tricky one because it can pick up you’re scraping it if there are regular pings. As a workaround, I tried scraping Camels and was put on their black list!

          90% of my posts are from scrapes. I currently have 300+ running with more added each week as I learn the algorithm/behaviour. I’ve mentioned this before that I have enough deals to spam the living daylight out of Ozbargain but i try to restrict myself to 3 deals a day.

          Oh I forgot to mention, depending on what I find, I also post in the UK, France, Germany, Spain and the U.S.

          • @456: Why post so much?

            • +6

              @silverrat23: I find stuff there to post here. I post something back in return. I don’t like to just take and not give back. Giving credit in words is easy.

              And if you’re wondering, I don’t post often in those sites.

          • @456: And all for the love of it, or do you make money from this?

            • +32

              @Master Bates: I make no money from this. Just giving something back to the community that welcomed us into the country decades ago.

              • +2

                @456: I respect that! Keep up the good work. :o)

          • @456: Thanks for explaining and kudos to the work.

            I am running few amazon specific scrapers every minute. No issues so far. But, HN has this Incapsula front, that detects and blocks my ip. Now I scrap at non regular intervals and it seems to work out.

            I run them from a NAS behind VPN (simple node server that mails me the changes).

            • +2

              @amazonaddict: I have no problems with HN and I scape them in regular intervals.

              I suggest you don’t scrape 24/7. Most of the ones I have for Aussie sites turn off after midnight. Might help with them not blocking you!

          • +1

            @456: Sounds amazing. Did you write it in python or something else?

      • I've done this specifically for gaming (hence why I post the EBGames deals) and run

        Got sick of running a scraper on a server so done everything via AWS Lambda and it's running so much faster and easier to maintain.

    • +18

      We're living in 2020 while dealbot is in 2077

  • +9

    Controversary aside, this will provide you with more than $29 worth of entertainment.

    Possibly more than $29 of frustration too, depending on how much you disagree with story elements.

    • +3

      loved the story elements - I could feel the raw-ness told over the years and will remember this game for many many years to come

    • +2

      I like the way they designed it, the story and all. Sometimes the AI gets in my way when I am trying to stay undetected but those are scarce so not a deal breaker there. One of those games that I see myself replaying.

  • +11

    Nooo… I thought the $35 one from black friday was a good deal (still has it unopened)…

    • Can you return it since it's not opened? Its already been 10 days since I purchased mine and estimate delivery is on the 15th so I'm going to return it and order from JB instead.

      • +2

        I think inthe scenario of change of mind, or find other place cheaper, Amazon charge me $7 for return.

        • +3

          Pretty sure the return is free if you choose "Item arrived too late", which I guess is a valid reason for him.

          • @MiscOzB: That's true. Item despatched on the 28th and arrived on the 15th.. That's too long.

        • Choose "Item incompatible" and there is no charge for the return. Maybe you meant to buy it for Xbox? ;)

      • +2

        If you bought from Amazon, you can contact them via chat and ask for price difference in credit. I do it all the time.

    • +1

      You could call them and explain…sometimes they will give you a credit. I have had this happen in the past but it depends if you get the right person….Just tell them you are disappointed and considering returning it and they may just offer a credit…

      Edit: Actually I think this only works if its 7 days after delivery date but can't hurt to try…

      • I used to also get credits as well from time to time but now on a few occasions I've been recently told to just rebuy the item and return the other one for a refund.

  • +1

    Insane price!

  • Well done Amazon. I have to drive 60m to find a JB and delivery was preventing me buying at jb…

  • Greatest narrative game of all time.


    • -3

      Great game. Neckbeards seething 😤

      • +4

        And soyboys gasping?

      • +4

        Ah yes, because anyone who played it through and were disappointed by all of the major character's story arcs just couldn't handle strong women or lesbians or I don't know, whatever your agenda is that this game reinforced.

        Edit: neg away persistently offended. Yet more you have to believe it is either the literal best or literal worst game ever or you get attacked. fk people, calm down, THINGS CAN BE AVERAGE

        • +3

          She was revealed as lesbian in the left behind expansion for game one. The issues with game two is it forces you to make decisions you don't want & play as a character you naturally want to kill.

    • I wouldn't say greatest, but it's definitely up there.

  • +11

    Tedious game. Annoying role switch
    If you want the same ‘moral of the story’, watch the French movie Irreversible

    • +1

      didn't realise I was playing this game 'backwards'

      • +1

        You were holding it wrong

    • +1

      Great film!!
      I bought it on DVD at JB for $40. Couldn't find it anywhere else at the time and I believed the movie was also banned in Australia for a while. I remembered the fire extinguisher scene and the 13 minutes scene in the subway.

  • -3

    Good deal but out of defiance to the cancer that is the PC crowd i wont pay to play this game

    • +4

      Or Xbox people can't play it either.

    • +2


      • +1

        offended snowflake whinging about the "politically correct" crowd because there's a same sex romance and a trans side character

    • What has the PC crowd have to do with paying for this game?

  • Not to be a deal breaker but JB Hi-Fi has 5% off, which would be $27.55, much cheaper. 5% off ends tomorrow.

  • +4

    Good price. Still not buying it though. Jeez what we're they thinking..

  • How likely will this title be remastered?

    • +2

      In fairness the graphics are stunning in this game unlikely so if you want to play it then i'd say go for it - it also hasnt sold well after the 1st week sales dropped dramatically so i doubt they will remake it like they did the 1st

  • What's the problem with this game plz explain?

    • It is incredibly Wok - if you dont care for that then you might enjoy the game it is also pretty badly written the way the main character in the 1st game (Spoiler alert) is killed by the new main character of this game in reasonably poor taste.

      But thats just my opinion naughty dog as a company has become super left wing lunatic PC however treat there workers really poorly - essentially they virtue single but aren't very virtuous

      I have made a conscious decision in life to avoid companies that do this as best i can Gillette is another - not everyone will agree or disagree but imo the only way to stop the Wok idiots is to vote with your wallet

      • +4

        Lol what are you talking about?

        Forget this culture wars crap. Willco, that's the problem here, its flamed the culture wars and everyone who has an opinion on that one way or another thinks this is the greatest/worst game ever.

        As a sequel, I thought it was simply okay. It developed on the first one somewhat in terms of gameplay, I'd say it was smoother and had some better put together environments and set pieces. I personally felt it fell away in the second half, and just really dragged on. The last few hours felt like the game could finish at any minute, but it just kept going and going. I wasn't a big fan of the story. The graphics, envirnonments and sound are stunning, worth playing for those alone IMO. Especially at this price.

    • +2

      The only negatives I can think of is that they weren't innovative at all in the way you upgrade your weapons and skills. It's basically the same as the first game in that respect, i.e. collect X amount of scrap to upgrade weapons and collect X amount of pills to upgrade skills. The gameplay in general is very similar to the first game, which could be a positive or negative, depending on how you look at it. Also the puzzles were made for 10 year olds, who wouldn't even be playing this game.

      Other than those things, it's an amazing game. Definitely worth it.

      • +1

        Lmao Phade you got to be running out of negs

        games shit imo your allowed your opinion but allow other people to have theres

        • +3

          Of course you're allowed your opinion, it doesn't mean it's not terrible.

    • +2

      I think I'd agree with jdib. For me it was graphically pretty, the story was pretty meh and it REALLY dragged on.

      I like some character arcs (eg the kids' I really liked), but disliked the hate filled killing machine that everyone became, with almost no redemption at the end. Felt more like a missed opportunity to teach a lesson to me, I think the moral of the story never really landed.

      I paid launch price being such a massive fan of the first, I don't feel like I got ripped at $69 as I've bought worse games, mostly just disappointed.

      If you can avoid getting triggered, accept the grind and not really expect good "introduction - calamity - personal challenge - redemption" type character arcs then it's worth the $29

    • +1

      Graphics, animation - top notch (especially considered this runs on PS4/PS4 Pro).

      Story is where people had issues. It's hard to explain without spoiling the story (but will try here):

      • Fundamentally, the story is told in a way like a TV series. It has dramatic moments to shock / hook you. But after those moments, it switches the time so you get to experience it in a different perspective. It has a middle cliff hanger, and then you need to go through a different story arc (before returning to it). What works in a TV series doesn't mean it will work well in a AAA game.
      • It loses that organic flow of story like the previous game. As such, you have several out of character, defy general logic moments, which are fine in a TV series, but in a game, it is difficult to enjoy for a lot of people.
      • LGBTQ and SJ elements, the actual problem is that they are done quite well, and feel organic. It makes people feel that perhaps too much time was spent on getting those perfect, and the main story suffered as a result.
      • No bitter sweet ending this time, it is just bitter.
      • During game development, Neil (the producer and co-writer) indicated players will play as Ellie most of the time. A trailer with wrong information was intentionally released (to avoid spoiling the real story). However, once you played the game, you feel the misinformation is lying to fans.
      • The new / latest trailer now depicts part 2 as a story of Ellie and Abby.

      Part 2 uses a different formula for the story telling. I am guessing some of the new acting talents impressed Neil so much, the story was re-written to give them a bigger role (and set pieces). Wouldn't surprise me if they return for part 3.

      • +1

        Kojima did this with MGS2 (for almost the entirety of the game and it didnt get a bad rap), because you're still playing a hero. TLOU2 did this halfway through the game, and received heavy criticism because the other character is one that killed a major character in the first game - I get goosebumps, disgusted and felt ashamed as I was forced to play this game as a character I despise for half the game. I think its brilliant and storytelling at its best.

  • +4

    Maybe when it is $5. Still probably not.

  • +15

    Support your local, people. An extra 50c at jb won't kill you. Bezos doesn't need your money.

    • +3

      A Chinese share holder doesn't need my money either.

      • Mate you don't need to be Chinese to become a share holder. Just because you can't afford to buy shares why so bitter about Chinese buying JB shares? Its opened to everyone with money..

        • There are no more independent Chinese owned companies and investors in China. It’s all owned by the CCP. There were plenty of people defending nazi Germany just because they were a good financial opportunity at the time. And after Hong Kong, I agree with the anti China boycott.

      • +3

        Umm, wtf are you on? Like Amazon, worlds biggest company doesn’t have Chinese shareholders?

  • Think I'll wait for it to drop sub-$20 before I add it to the shame pile

    • -1

      Good idea. Probably be $15 or 10 before next EOFY. Since I think they’re trying to move as many units as possible before then to prove they didn’t under perform initially.

  • +2

    Next week $19.

    Spewing I bought at $35 :( might try return it.

  • Still waiting for delivery from jb from bf sales on this Might see what they say seeing as it’s dropped price before being sent

  • There's still people willing to pay over $40 for it used…

    Either no loss or profit if you just wanna play through it then sell, kinda tempted to do just that, even though I'm not a fan of the story.

  • +3

    Knowing the story vs playing it is a totally different experience.

  • +1

    Bought for $35 during the prime sales. Just spoke to Amazon support and they've given me credit for the price difference.

    • +1

      Thanks mate. Just did the same through live chat and got $6 credit.

      “I would like to inform that prices are subject to change and depends on the price at which we've received the item or any offer on the item. Normally we don't price match but as a goodwill gesture, I'm adding a promo of $6. It does not have any expiry date. This credit will not be visible but directly applied to the next order placed on the items Sold and Shipped by Amazon AU.​​​​”

  • +1

    Was going to buy this as I loved the first one but they destroyed the franchise. At least I played the masterpiece that was the first game.

  • +3

    Let's reward the first market mover, lest there be no JB to price match

  • Assume this will either be free with ps plus or on psn digital for under $20 at some point. Avoids using the noisy ps5 optical drive.

  • This is back in stock at this price and part of the Amazon Boxing Day sale.

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