This was posted 4 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Cyberpunk 2077 ₽1999 (~A$36.47) @ GOG (VPN Required)


Great price if you're willing to do some VPN'ing to Russia. I used Hola VPN extension in Chrome and it worked a treat. You only need VPN to purchase the game and not to play. Mod: Use Hola at your own discretion.

Make sure you add the game to your existing GOG account (if you have one).

Don't forget to pick up the free registration rewards.

Credit to HUKD and Chollometro.

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closed Comments

    • +4

      (no spoilers) no, but its kinda building on me. Its a really slow burner and definitely no witcher 3

      • +6

        sounds like my girlfriend, slowly burn me until on fire

    • No, it's 2020 in a nutshell.

  • Merged from Cyberpunk 2077 (A$39.79) @ GOG (VPN Required)
    Go to Deal

    All you need to do is to have a VPN (i used expressVPN) connect to Ukraine

    1 go to gog website and download and make a account

    2 connect to Ukraine and close GOG with task manager

    3 then open and you should see that cyberpunk is now 29.99 USD

    4 click purchase and pay with paypal

    5 i turned off my VPN and it said it had a server problem so you do have to download with it on
    or you may be a able to restart your PC and it may work but I just downloaded it with it on

  • Cyberghost VPN. Russia location. Got price in Ruble. Paypal pay method. Good luck

  • -4

    Heard the game turned out to be a crap? Glad didn’t buy it and fitgirl already had it repacked

    • Haven't had many issues so far and I'm surprised at how smooth the game runs - 10+ hrs in. Though had a couple NPC's clipping and teleporting, but that's about it. Nothing game breaking.

      Graphics are excellent, dialogue is engaging and believable, really draws you in. And everything is so detailed to the point where a guitarist playing the guitar on the street is actually using the right chords lol.

      Be sure to apply the AMD fix, gained some 8-10fps.

    • Not really. People had high expectations and got let down. I don't know why so many got hyped since it seems a lot don't even know the tabletop game it's based on, and are unfamiliar with the overall genre.

      I had low hopes though, when they announced it as a FPS RPG I noped out of the hype train. Not really into CDPR's games either.
      It's definitely very flawed, not just because of the bugs but also because they tried to overstuff it and didn't quite polish any one particular aspect of the game.

      It's a pretty solid Deus Ex-y sorta thing with a great cyberpunk backdrop when it's not bugged and you're not mucking about with half baked open world stuff.

      • +1

        Good not paying full price then.
        Seemed like it was the most anticipated game of the year and should be a bit of fun and put the rig to the test

        • Yeah def wouldn't pay full price, though there's not a lot of games I would pay full price for anyway.

          • @Diji: 50 hrs in

            still plenty to do

            • bug fixes, content they add back in and 2 free dlcs. even at full price this game was worth it
    • +2

      Depends on your preferences, I'm having a blast exploring the world and getting lost in doing sidequests. Probably 15 hours in and I've only just gotten to the point where Johnny Silverhand (Keanu appears). There are a few immersion breaking moments but it's not nearly as bad as what everyone makes it out to be but it does require some tweaking to run optimally.

      Playing with the following:
      * RIG: 3900X, Rtx 2070 (overclocked +190 clock +1100 memory), 32GB (16GB x 2) 3200 ram, 34" UW 1440p
      * Settings: High, ray tracing off + local shadows high, contact shadows on, screen space reflection quality high, DLSS: quality, AMD fix for CP2077 exe
      * FPS: 57 (low) - 83 (high) FPS - Hideo Kojima easter egg

      • Cheers just applied all those and will give it a crack tonight (haven't played yet)
        (3700X, RTX 2060 super, 32GB 3200 ram, 32" 1440p 165Hz.

        Assume you don't need to apply that fix to the exe file every time the game updates?
        You'd think the developers could fix it..

        • Sorry for late reply, it didn't do anything for my 3900x

      • people didnt get a life simulator with no grind and theyre losing their minds basically

        • Which is fair as they changed the genre from rpg to action-adventure at the last minute.

          • @Jenny Death: which is why you dont pre order

              • @Jenny Death: u wait until after the release to avoid any last minute changes, disappointments and day 1 bugs

                ppl have been setting unrealistic expectations or havent been following the news and updates for this game

                social media is full of lies and misinformed posts about broken promises that were never made

                • @furythree: Not sure about false promises but there were so many blatant lies that weren't delivered on. The fact that theres virtually no ai and not a single one of the 1000 promised npcs.
                  But in all honestly what i hate about the game is how easy it is, very difficult doesnt change anything except enemy hp from what I've played. Even what I assume was meant to be the final hard mission (secret ending) was cakewalk. Its a real shame and I dont understand why the game is getting so many 10/10s.

                  • @Jenny Death: on one hand the ai and police are laughably simple.

                    on the other hand, i wouldnt have interacted with them much anyway? non story NPCs are packed in for density and added immersion, doesnt affect core gameplay. i would rather them spend time fixing other issues. but theyve said thyre going to fix it somehow. we shall see

                    Other point is that CDPR despite internal management and work life balance issues, have consistently delivered on bug fixes. TW3 was not GOTY at launch. but it deserved it after years of fixes, expansions and both free and paid content

                    and this game is essentially a cyberpunk skin of TW3 mechanics in First person with a bigger and ambitious world

                    its very clear they built the city around key singleplayer set pieces and ran out of time to add the usual open world filler gimmicks that everyone is crying about. but at the same time that is also the easiest thing to patch in later.

                    this game just needed another year without covid and more patching and it wouldve been beaut. a dev even confirmed it himself. they were 4-5 months away if they crunched hard to really deliver the game of the millenium

                    the other thing to note. 20 years ago if a company released a game like this. it would be an death sentence. in the current world of live service, im amazed that people are acting that the FIRST WEEK experience of this game is the end game. like….just park it and come back to it next year instead of wasting hours on social media bitching about it or writing it off? why do yourself a disservice

                    regarding how easy it is….the point is that this is a role play game. Despite its flaws the campaign lets you make it as easy or as difficult as you want. Dial the setting to ultra hard. Dont use cheese weapons that one shot enemies. Playing the netrunner build too easy? try a ninja no cyber no bullet mode. the world is your oyster. of course if you behead the NPC in one shot after double jumping into a backdoor entrance is going to be easy.

                    the game gives you both easy and hard options. its up to you whether you use the easy way out

                    just for lulz i replayed a save where i was sneaking around naked punching the enemies to death using stat and health boosters only. died so many times. cracked me up for hours.

                    • +1

                      @furythree: Simple is an understatement, for context the chickens in csgo have a more complex ai. An npc stands during a gang fight, gets killed and 20 cops spawn right on you.

                      The world being bleak and uninteractive breaks immersion and really means theres nothing to do. Yes theres missions but once youve done one youve done them all, and theyre all self contained. You save this dude or that dude and it will at most change a dialogue down the line (again tieing into the rpg genre change). Like many have said the ai will require a massive overhaul, something that coulsnt be implemented in the first two patches. In cant see an actual ai being implemented, only boiler plate solutions like setting a delay or spawn distance.

                      Yes, the game needs another year of dev time. Its ridiculous and unexcusable that 8 years of developement amount to an early beta state game. It was only released because this is the kast major holiday season for ps4 and xbone (plus the staff bonus for 2020 sales).

                      I dont know if id call this the game of the millenium. To start with the story is disjointed and rushed. The story parts of the game are strongly cutscenes, most of the shooting takes seconds (eg the car scenes where 3 drones come after you and you can one shot all of them) or are drawn out for cinematic crashes (eg your shooting does no real damage).
                      The voice acting is woefully bad. Keanue sounds so bored during most scenes, female v doesnt work because all the dialogue is masculine in nature, so feels like a slot in (speaking of ehich i like how they removed the original female v). Dont get me started on the horrendous Australian accents which are obviously drawn out beyond even bogan levels.
                      Like ive mentioned most of the missions feel like im playing mgsv. Yeah theyre alright but theres basically no creativity to the way you solve the missions. Theres either stealth, gung ho or a painfully obvious solution because an npc says something.

                      Difficulty: cyberpunk is not an rpg, they changed the genre to action adventure. If im playing on very hard, i expect a challenge. Theres no difference between any levels in terms of ai or damage past a certain point. All builds are viable, but my god are most of the non dps builds slow as hell. Also on difficulty, if you change to easy that seems to enable auto aim once you change back to very hard which i found funny. Maybe its just me but auto aim actually makes the game harder. I was so confused why my shots werent hitting.
                      Boss difficulty: none of the 1v1s are hard, its not like you can be creative when theyre attacking you full aggro. None of the builds i did were even full min max or high/max level.

                      • @Jenny Death:

                        the game of the millenium

                        fanboy harder?

                        • @Diji: It wasnt me that said that, all of my points are responses to what furythree said

                          • @Jenny Death: Yeah sorry, OzBargain's reply system acting wacky. I clicked reply on furythree's comment.

                            • @Diji: Game of the Millenium is what the Devs were calling it and aiming for

                              definitely missed the mark

                              anyway. i am really enjoying the game for what it is. It has very very clear cut content. but its perfectly playable.

                              once you get over the disappointment and see the forest for the trees. theres content they did finish which is great. once they start patching things back in it can only get better

                              50 hours in its a 7/10 for me for something that could easily hit 9.5+ if they patched certain things. Its the most fun ive had since mass effect 3

                              some core mechanics feel too fundamental to patch in. and thats ok. this game will never be the perfection everyone was hyping it up to be

                              what it is however is an open world modern sandbox with a cyberpunk setting an aesthetic that nobody will try to make for a long long time. unlike the copy paste medieval/current day futuristic styled ones. So im glad i got to experience it

                              if they stuff up the next 12 months, then CDPR pretty much gunna crash and burn as a company. So any rational executive will try to salvage their goodwill by fixing this game asap

                      • @Jenny Death:

                        The world being bleak and uninteractive breaks immersion and really means theres nothing to do. Yes theres missions but once youve done one youve done them all, and theyre all self contained. You save this dude or that dude and it will at most change a dialogue down the line (again tieing into the rpg genre change). Like many have said the ai will require a massive overhaul, something that coulsnt be implemented in the first two patches. In cant see an actual ai being implemented, only boiler plate solutions like setting a delay or spawn distance.

                        thats pretty pessimistic view. all games are essentially this type of gameplay

                        keanu sounds like keanu. i actually felt emotionally attached at the final mission of ACT 2. Keanus default acting style is to phone it in. hes more of a body language actor not an articulate one. which ironically translates poorly in videogames cause motion cap isnt James Cameron level yet

    • the game is DRM free

      u didnt need pirates to do anything

  • is GOG really that good to have everything in one place

    • Gogs probably the best place to buy games since you can make backups for if the servers ever go down, unlike with steam or whatever else.

  • Can you pay using Australian debit card?

  • eh coming to 41$ for me (paypal) - edit:nvm used Ukraine pricing

  • Спасибо, купил игру!)

  • -1

    So I have ran into a problem. I used hola VPN to download and removed afterwards. Now I cannot connect to any online gaming servers. If anyone knows of a fix I would greatly appreciate it.

    • how would a browser VPN affect a native windows application

      • I don't know know but it has happened

    • Windoz… have you tried power cycling?

  • +1

    Anyone been brave enough to try and refund this via GOG?

    • +1

      I would also like to know, how can we get a refund for this ? Just downloaded today and play a little but seems like my system struggle a bit when playing it, might have to wait until I get a better card. is anyone has experience in refunding ? Do we contact the Australian customer service or Russian one? thanks

    • Link to instructions. Try the GOG support link?

      • I have filed for a refund last week and they keep on sending delayed response due to high traffic.

    • Just put a request through the Australian website even though I bought from Russian.. will let you know if they come back

      • Same. Put it last week still haven’t heard from them

        • They responded asking if I want credit, I replied saying I want a refund to my original payment method and they have now gone quite..

    • +2

      I did. Paid by Paypal so told them they better refund or I'll dispute it. Came through in a few hrs.

      • They still hasn’t replied, feel like lodging a PayPal dispute

        • Just lodged a Paypal dispute, see what comes of it

          • @juddy90: Yea horrible customer service, I will do the same

            • +1

              @ozvictor: Paypal dispute must have worked as they refunded within a day of dispute. And while the game is missing in GOG, i can still play the game directly through its .exe file haha

  • So…how's the game?

    • It's pretty good on PC.

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