• expired

[PC, PS4, XB1] Cyberpunk 2077 - Free Registration Rewards When You Connect My Rewards with GOG Account


You will need the base game to claim these rewards.

Want your V to look like a badass modern monster slayer? Then this is the jacket for you!
Add this to V’s wardrobe to celebrate the DRM-free revolution. Keep that rebel spirit strong, cyberpunk.
Casually show off your monster-slaying expertise as you stroll the Night City streets.
Get up close and personal with this cutting-edge take on a bladed classic.
Bring a warm and cuddly touch to the world of the dark future — well, into V’s apartment at least.

FAQs -

  • Will there be more rewards added in the future to MY REWARDS?
    Yes, that’s the plan. Make sure to follow Cyberpunk 2077 on the game’s official social media channels, as well as cyberpunk.net to stay updated on what’s coming in the future.
  • Is MY REWARDS available for Cyberpunk 2077 on all platforms?
    Yes, all platforms will allow players to take advantage of MY REWARDS in Cyberpunk 2077. This includes when playing the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility.
  • Do I have to start a new game to claim my rewards?
    No, you can claim your rewards at any time, regardless of how far you’ve progressed into Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Where will I find the rewards received via MY REWARDS?
    Unless stated otherwise in the item’s description, you’ll find all items claimed via MY REWARDS in the stash located in V’s apartment.
  • Do I have to be connected to the internet in order to participate in the MY REWARDS?
    An internet connection is required to register a GOG account, log in to REDlauncher (Steam and Epic Games Store) / register Cyberpunk 2077 with GOG (Xbox, PlayStation, Stadia) and claim your rewards. Once claimed, however, rewards will be yours to keep regardless of whether you’re playing online or offline.
  • Is MY REWARDS also available on the local version of Cyberpunk 2077 — which can be downloaded via GOG and installed separately from GOG GALAXY?
    Because MY REWARDS requires an internet connection, the local version of Cyberpunk 2077 that you can download via GOG will not support MY REWARDS.
  • I don’t have a GOG.COM account. Can I still sign up for MY REWARDS?
    MY REWARDS requires a GOG account. If you don’t have a GOG account, you will be able to create one for free during the registration process.
  • How do I integrate other platforms to the GOG GALAXY library?
    To integrate libraries from other supported platforms to your GOG GALAXY library, follow these instructions.
  • Can I unlink my GOG account from Cyberpunk 2077 and then link it with another one?
    You can only register to Cyberpunk 2077 MY REWARDS with a single GOG account once.
  • I previously played Cyberpunk 2077 on platform A and connected my in-game profile with my GOG account. Now I own and play Cyberpunk 2077 on platform B. Can I connect this in-game profile from platform B with my GOG account again?
    Yes, you can.
  • If I’m playing GWENT on mobile (iOS or Android), will it automatically be added to my GOG GALAXY library, or will I need to add it manually?
    Yes, it will.

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Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

closed Comments

  • +43

    Got far too moist when I saw Cyberpunk 2077 - Free

  • +1

    Why does every game these days want you to connect something to claim day 1 things.

    • +16

      Player analytics and marketing for a few cosmetic items. I’d imagine gog is also hoping some new users might buy other games on gog once they have an account.

    • +3

      Its a anti piracy measure. You buy the game, connect online and it unlocks this stuff while the pirated v is usually kept offline so misses out on these things until someone works out hpw to manually unlock them. For the witcher 3 cdprojekt gave away 1 free dlc a week for 10 weeks.

      • But I usually ignore the linking thing, for the indignity of it, and I miss out on the items anyway. Am I forcing myself into a subpar pirate experience by ignoring the Ubilink/Goglink/EAlink/ETClinks?

        And actually I noticed in Assassins Creed Valhalla, I've been playing it a LOT, and I still only have like one hat, one shirt, one pair of pants. In the older games I would have had dozens of different clothing items collected in game by now. I guess Ubisoft want you to pay for variety.

        • +3

          Ubisoft wants to bleed you for everything they can.

        • I agree, it is super annoying having to link especially when you delink and they take the dlc back so you have to stay linked all the time. Thinking of batman Arkham knight. I would rather pay for something than get something free that they can take back. in fact that sort of shit makes me inclined to find ways around unlocking the free stuff in other ways. Then there is the linking that is required to start up the game. which is just absurd because one drm should be more than enough.

        • if there was any AAA publisher I would try not to pirate, it would be CDPR. They're very player/consumer friendly with the mtx (if it even has any) ie. no lootbox gambling.

          • @Blitzfx: I don't pirate. Not Xbox or PC games anyway. But I still don't like linking things. I just paid $100 to preload this game and I'm pretty sure I don't want to bother linking my gog account. Imo if they were consumer friendly they would ship a complete game. Either these items don't fit into the ideal vision for the game, or they were taken out of the ideal vision for the game experience and they are forcing us to not only pay $100 but to link into their little marketing tracking system or whatever. Consoles are meant to free you from all that crap. Put the disc in, or select the icon, and play. Never a miscommunication.

        • Ubi purposely made AC:V to be less looty, as the last two games were way too cluttered with crap. The 'loot' you do get is more meaningful, and it's intended for you find something you like, upgrade it and stick with it.

      • Cdpr games are available DRM free… This has nothing to do with piracy, it's about getting people to use/know their store (gog)

  • Where is the My Rewards link? Can't find it anywhere :(

    • In game is how I interpreted the page

      • Interpret is the right word, alright. I went over it a couple of times to be sure that I just need to wait for launch.

  • +1

    Has anyone ordered from Amazon? I ordered the PC version back in Jan, and it still doesn’t have a delivery date. They emailed a few days ago, saying the don’t know when it will be available.

    • i pre-ordered some Nintendo games for a friend from amazon they got it a day earlier than actual release but YMMV.

    • +1

      Yep, got the same email for the PS4 version.

    • Nope nothing, did you get the email last week saying it might be delayed though?

    • also did this, any way to preload the game before amazon physical copy comes?

      • +1

        nope, which is why I cancelled my amazon preorder and got it on Steam instead

        • I'm tempted but steam is $90 and my amazon order was $63 after a $5 prime bonus. Seems unreal that amazon can't get delivery of a box with a code inside (pc) correct. They should have already had them in stock for the November release.

      • Amazon are sending the game code in a physical box.

        • Yeah, hence asking to pre-load i know they're sending the code via box



    Man, I miss Beta-era Gwent.

  • +1

    Performance on PC looking very bad. GTX 1060 6Gb gets 37fps average for 1080p medium settings.

    It really flies in the face of what CDPR put out regarding system requirements. It's worse than RDR2.

    • -1

      37fps on that low end card is hardly "very bad".

      • 51FPS at 1440p for 3060TI is good?

        They put out system requirements months ago saying 1060/1660 would be enough for high settings fluid gameplay 1080p:

        Their whole chart is pointless, none of what they put out is actually how it runs on that hardware.

        Also really, negging me for providing reviews showing performance is really bad across the board? I'm not the one in charge of performance, I'm just the messenger.

        • +2

          Also they delayed the game to clean up bugs, but then ship it full of bugs. And the "proper" next gen patch could be late next year, or delayed even longer. You have to play it now to avoid spoilers, but I wish they just delayed it another year.

          • @AustriaBargain: Yes it's clearly not ready but they have to get out for Xmas release to keep the bills paid.

            Sad state of the industry as a whole.

          • @AustriaBargain: I believe I read the PC version of the game has been ready for months with almost all bugs ironed out (of course there will be updates to fix post-launch bugs since it will be used with a much wider variety of systems). It's the console versions that have been holding back the release of the game as they have been trying to optimise those mostly.

            • @ThatsCheap: Not exactly, ray tracing support on AMD cards will be enabled later (even though the game uses DXR). Reviewers (using PC version) all mentioned they encountered some bugs. Game development is difficult this year. However, the game really needs to be in this holiday season.

              The delay already costed the game Game of the Year title this year (due to the award being held early December). nVidia and AMD probably will be happy now the game is released, as more people will be interested getting a new GPU.

            • @ThatsCheap: Nope, every single review I've read was played on PC and every one mentioned significant bugs.

      • If it locked to 37 it wouldn't be bad. But if 37 is average then it could dip way below that during important parts of the game, like when you first see a new impressive area or there are lots of particle effects in combat.

        • 37 is pretty terrible for a FPS. Also considering most people don't have variable refresh rate monitors - a locked 60fps is needed to have smooth gameplay without tearing.

          60fps is what most people though of when they saw the system requirements, it also made sense considering Cyberpunk runs on an updated Witcher 3 engine.

          • -1

            @studentl0an: 60 is ideal but 30 has its own aesthetic.

            • @AustriaBargain: Strange aesthetic, I call it bad performance.

              • @studentl0an: It's how games were designed for decades. When the animators and game designers were testing and shaping these old games they were doing it at 30fps usually, on console dev kits. Some games even have their in game math built for 30fps, so if you hack the game to 60 then it messed everything up.

                • +2

                  @AustriaBargain: Dude it's 2020 and it's Cyberpunk 2077 on next gen consoles. 30fps is not acceptable anymore.

                  • @studentl0an: Even on the original xbox one hardware?

                    • +1

                      @AustriaBargain: No and not just because of the FPS. It's going to be hammered in dynamic resolution scaling and all graphics options. We can wait for the Digital Foundry episode on it, but you'll find you're part of a small and shrinking minority if you think 30FPS with very low graphics settings is fine for the biggest AAA release of the year.

                      30fps is a dead horse. If you want to keep beating it, so be it, but it's strange you would argue for it as 'an aesthetic' rather than just being something you put up with, but would want better.

                      "I don't have bad blurry vision which can't see movement that well, I have visual aesthetic" - said no one ever.

                      • +1

                        @studentl0an: I don't think 30 is okay anymore now that we have the hardware to do 60 easily, but for a game that's gearing towards next gen hardware I would understand if it is 30 on the xbox one, which is almost eight years hardware old now. And for some games in the future 30 might be the right choice. Just like movies look odd in 60 instead of 24, some games benefit from looking a bit more like a movie in frame rate.

                        • @AustriaBargain: Movies look odd at 60p because the shutter angle has to be 180degrees open to have what we perceive as normal motion blur. It's not because of the framerate itself, it is due to how long the shutter is open in relation to the frame rate = shutter angle.

                          In the 1910's it was decided that 24FPS with 1/48th shutter was the reference point for motion as it required the least amount of film used to convince the watcher that a series of photos was actually in motion. It's that simple. What you think is 'movie motion' is nothing more than 'how much time/money can we save but still be perceived as motion' over 100 years ago. 24p with 1/48th shutter was found to be the minimum. For cartoons and 2D animation this was halved to 12fps, and they use tricks like 'multiples', or 'smear frames' to convince the watcher of motion when it's really like watching a flip book. It's really interesting stuff if you would like to read up on it.

                          High frame rate movies only odd because we have that 1910's era 24p reference point which LOWEST possible amount to perceive motion. Games do not have shutter angle. Games can emulate this by selectively using motion blur on objects in the scene. This is very computationally taxing, and not many games do this. Some games just blur the whole image which is usually a setting most people turn off. This is also why 30p is perceived as stuttery by design many games without selective motion blur.

                          It's interesting with kids these days not having that reference. Because they are used to seeing motion displayed at 60p, they actually view 24p as horrible, and not cinematic like us older people do. As the reference point shifts away from 24p to 60p, a subjective opinion that '30fps is fine' becomes objectively false when the target audience complains about it and will prefer a product with a higher FPS count with lower seen as stuttery by design.

    • +1

      Not entirely accurate, CDPR have said the press release has a very invasive and performance reducing DRM that isn't present on retail, Gamers Nexus have said that's why they haven't done performance testing as it wouldn't be accurate

      • I can't find where Steve said that, can you point me in the right direction?

        • +1

          On their twitter

          • @cille745: Oh man. It was a few minutes after I made my post so I should be forgiven.

            It's good news at least.

            • @studentl0an: can you edit your post. because this clarification is gunna get buried

      • aka denuvo

        • not just denuvo, apparently they didn't optimise their usage of it as it wouldn't be present in the final version too

  • -1

    Isnt GOG the place where the devs say they'd rather you pirate their stuff than buy it from there?

    • +7

      That's g2a

    • Maybe that's why gog don't use DRM for PC.

    • scroll to the bottom of the site and you'll see "Part of CD PROJEKT group.", they get 100% of the cost to buy cyberpunk, as well, it's them.

    • +1

      GOG is the official partner of CD Projekt and vice-versa. It's the ONE place where you purchase the game and all the money goes to the developers. For example when you buy it from Steam, a cut will go to valve.

      Also GOG is the one place where once you've purchased the game you can play it fully offline, meaning you don't need to be running GOG. As even with Steam games you need to run steam to run the games.

      G2A is what you're thinking of, as pointed out by another comment. That's just a website that sells games for cheap/cheaper, and depending on the game you're most likely getting a real copy these days, it was an old issue they had where third parties would sale fake keys generated by keygens on the site for dirty cheap I believe.

      • +1

        GOG isn't the "official partner" of CD Projekt, it's literally a platform owned and operated by CD Projekt.

    • GOG is owned by the same company making the game…
      It's DRM-free, as games should be, and is the best place to buy the game both from a consumer's perspective and in terms of supporting the company.

      You must have gotten confused with G2A which sell grey-market steam keys. GOG does not sell keys.

  • +1

    So I am in Gog Galaxy and looking at the 'Extras' section for Cyberpunk 2077. I see the online goodies links, but no where to download the other stuff mentioned.

    I bought the game through GOG.com. What did I miss?

    • +1

      Same, and just in case you bought it of the current deal that's from a Russian VPN. I bought it at full price here at $89 directly from GOG. So same situation. I think everyone that pre-ordered just gets these when the game is released. I followed the entire page up there and can't find some of those things.

  • Ohhh I see I see. Yeah I did do the deal - thanks for the info!

  • Anybody recommend a VPN to use?

    • hola vpn chrome plug in

  • wait so does this expire? or can i still get it after waiting for reviews to see if it's a good game in the first place?

  • Cannot find "My Rewards" in GOG launcher. Do you have to launch the game to claim it?

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