This was posted 13 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Kindle eBooks - $0 - 8 Different Titles


Hope someone finds this useful, remember is free! Titles are worth $2.99 US or 0.99c USD

Dont forget you can read Kindle books on your PC free using the Kindle app:…

or free on the iPad too using:

Free Kindle Ebooks from Amazon.

Amazing Cakes -

Killing Faith -

The Last Call -

44 -

The Emperor's Edge -

3 Lives, In search of bliss -

Buddha in Blue Jeans: An Extremely Short Zen Guide to Sitting Quietly -

An Easy Guide to Meditation -

Related Stores

Amazon Cloud Reader
Amazon Cloud Reader

closed Comments

  • ha ha… nice reviews…

    "If you can do these cakes, you probably don't need a book."

  • Is there a way to save these to put on the kindle later? I have just purchased a kindle but it's for my wife as a Christmas present.

    • +1

      The 'purchase records' are saved on you Amazon account and you can log on to download them at any time.

      • Cheers for that, i saved it to the kindle cloud online thing instead of just kindle, is that ok?

        • Even better.

  • A few promising titles here. I hope they are as good a read as their reviews suggest.

  • Once a book is saved to a kindle (tied to same account), can I move it to a different kindle or to kindle cloud etc?

    • +2

      it stays with your account, you can use it on any device as long as it's still yours…

      • +1

        great thanks!

  • There are a few more free ones if you have a look at the best seller's list (browsing via the Android app)

  • +11

    Freebies come up all the time on Amazon, I don’t consider them all bargains as a lot of the time they're very ordinary and not worth the time it takes to read them however seeing as this has been posted, here are a few others
    Open Season by Archer Mayor reviews on goodreads are positive for this one.…

    Also recently there have been some pre-orders available to Aussies only for $0.00 some of these are just novellas or crap books but occasionally a pricing mistake slips in, I recently got a bundle of 5 Tara Moss novels for nix unfortunately that one’s not available anymore but this one is
    Aussie Special Edition Pre-order $0.00…
    The usual edition is $10.88…
    There are a number of others but mainly all novellas I can't seem to get the link to work so heres the mobilereads post where they are listed…

    A Couple Free Horror/scifi novellas by award winning Joe R Lansdale Wiki…

    I get all my bargain ebook info from the Mobileread Forums- Deals & Freebies section

    Also at the moment if anyone’s interested in epubs have some coupons for 35% off non agency ebooks
    30% save3089us
    Expiry 7th Dec non agency books only also try the variants uk,ww,au,row

    • +5

      Thanks for that. I'm sure there are quite a few readers here who don't visit forums or look out for free books on a regular basis. Hence, it's good for someone to post good free titles from time to time so that everyone can benefit.

      • Yeah I kinda wish I had posted the Tara Moss one when it came up I just didn't realise at the time how much of a bargain it was it's now $29.70 :o

    • +1

      "or crap books"

      this would by great for scatologists !!!

      • "or crap books"

        this would by great for scatologists !!!

        That sorts of books literally produced by scatologists for the literarily challenged.

  • +1

    72 Free Books!!! Nice post, but you should edit the title, by scrolling through the free books listed, there are 8 free books on the first screen, but there are 72 free books in total! Thanks for alerting me to this deal as I would not have found it any other way.

  • +1

    Another one

    Slow Cooking Cookbook (Classic Cookbooklets)

  • +1

    Don't know if I'm stating the obvious here but most "classics" that are no longer protected by copyright (authors life time + 70 years) are widely available for free. Through amazon kindle store, search "Public Domain Books", returns 5000+ results. Otherwise boasts 36,000 free titles for Kindle. kept me occupied the afternoon I bought my kindle…

  • Nice collection.

  • +1

    List of top 100 free ebooks…
    On the right

  • The Undead: Zombie Anthology -

    THE UNDEAD is a stunning collection of 23 tales of the living dead by zombie fan favorites and up-and-coming authors. The Undead includes classic tales of survival in a world populated by the living dead as well as an array of unique takes on the zombie genre: zombies as reality entertainment, glimpses from inside the "life" of the undead, intergalactic war with humanity's own dead turned against us, and everything in between. The Undead will leave zombie fans hungry for more!

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