Up to 30% off
- The Black Friday Sale is valid from 00:00 (UTC+11), November 25, until 23:59 (UTC+11), December 1, 2020 and applies to orders that have completed the payment process within this time;
- Actual shipping time may be affected by order volume;
- Applicable gifts are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability;
- DJI reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
- The DJI Educational Program, Corporate Purchase Program, and Subscription Offer will not be available for use on products that are discounted through the DJI Black Friday Sale.
The discounts work out to be pretty small
Work outs below
Mavic Air 2 6.7%
Mavic mini 10%
Mavic 2 pro 4%
But here's a Cap, now its worth it.