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[eBay Plus] DJI Mini 4 Pro Fly More Combo (DJI RC 2) $1,498 Delivered @ DJI Store eBay


Original Coupon Deal

SAVEFEB brings this popular drone combo to the same price of $1498 Delivered as this deal from 16/01/25.

Requires eBay Plus to be eligible.

Could be helpful for anyone that missed out the first time around. Says more than 10 available.

Requires eBay Plus for coupon code to work.
I did try the other codes listed for eBay and wasn't eligible (ie. TECH15/17 FBRY15/17).

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  • +1

    Great deal

    • +1

      Yes while the deal is absolutely amazing it is still far from the best deals last year. I’m still waiting on a good deal on the plus combos for the same price

  • +1

    Paid just over $1400 at JB before xmas when asking for a deal …

    • That’s less than the deal here. Are you complaining or showing off? lol

      • Maybe he's just showing that there's some truth behind the old saying, "If you don't ask, you don't get". I'm all for someone haggling a better deal from their local store, good on him. :)

        • Daem. Every time I’ve been to JB I was told to f off when I asked for a discount. Even asking for a price match was a hideous experience 😂

          • @foreverphoenix: I've had the opposite experience at JB Hifis near me, they're usually pretty keen to see what wiggle room there is, depending on the product.
            Harvey Norman on the other hand can be rough to deal with.

      • @foreverphoenix I was meant to say that I don't think $1498 during a non-peak/hot period is a bargain …. but I CBF typing that much explaining …

        But here i am 😭🫡

        The person told me their black friday was slow and didnt make any sales so got store manager approval to sell to me at staff pricing $1407, I remember paying like $1100-1200 for the Mini 3 FMC when it first came out and thought that $1400 was too expensive but CBF trying to save $0.05 and waiting another 17 years….

        I'd say since there's 27 days to go on this deal, perhaps Amazon will do a price match and you can get JB gift cards when they are 10% off - would be a sweet deal if it happened!!

  • -1

    This or the DJI Avata 2?

    • +1

      I'm not fully versed on this drone vs that drone comparisons, so someone else might be able to help you there. My main concern would whether you're legally use the Avata 2 FPV goggles in your location.

      My understanding is, atleast in my location in WA, that you cannot use FPV goggles without a permit. I'm sure someone here can correct me on that, or explain further.

      • +2
      • So the rules suggest that FPV is only fully legal indoors but can be legal outdoors as long as you acquire an MAAA club membership, which covers insurance because these drones have a higher tendency to crash due to less spatial awareness compared to conventional drones.

        This all sounds great and I'm all for safety, but ~$200 for an annual membership and needing a spotter is ridiculous. These clubs also tend to have a niche for FPV racing which typically use analog goggles, so I suspect they don't welcome DJI users as their goggles take up too much bandwidth and cause signalling issues for others with analogs. Sounds like a bad deal in Australia if you want to legally fly the Avata 2. Just my 2 cents, sources from CASA and opinions from Reddit.

        The flip is definitely more appealing now, thanks OP.

        • The Flip definitely was what I was leaning towards as well, but then I watched the reviews. Of main concern to me was its issues with object/collision sensing and drifting in any breeze. Issues that the Mini 4 Pro does not seem to have, at least to the same degree. The Flip does look awesome, but the locations I'd see myself flying in like remote beaches / national parks etc might make it worth the price difference.

    • +3

      Two completely different drones. I suggest you watch some YouTube videos on both. Avata requires goggles and hard to master or become expert. You can probably get by with mini.

    • +1

      @devisticshash not all drones are equal.

      they are completely different drones …. different build, different capabilities, different features, different usage.

      What do you want to film? Do you need omnidirectional obstacle avoidance system? or are you happy with downwards and backwards? Do you want the drone to be under 250 grams or happy for over? Do you want 34 mins flying time or can live with 23?

      I think answering those questions will help you decide …. especially the first one on what you want to film, as the speed of Avata 2 will allow you to do things that the Mini 4 Pro can't do even with the extra specs.


  • -2

    this or refurb air3?

    • Again. Two complete different drones. Look up some YouTube vids as there’s many differences to count or summarise here

      • I have and im still at a loss. the main differences i see are single vs dual camera, flight time, registration not needed vs needed. I guess I'm asking does this do anything better than the air 3?

        • +2

          The Mini 4 Pro is easier to transport and also quieter and less intrusive when flying around. Great if you're not wanting to attract attention. However it is also more prone to be blown around in very windy conditions. Both are awesome drones and you'll have to decide which one suits your needs more.

          • @gabes: Ok thanks, those benefits aren't really critical to me

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