• expired

50% off Coffees and 10% off Brewing Equipment (Free Shipping on All VIC Orders) @ Inglewood Roasters


I was a little hesitant to post a deal from these guys again after what happened last time, but I think they've updated their website so hopefully their website/security issues are sorted. You can't really argue with their coffee however…its really good!

Unclear whether shipping is free above a certain amount (usually free above $50, and currently free for all Vic orders).

Email I received:



Inglewood subscribers receive early access from 5pm Tuesday, 24th November.

Enjoy 50% OFF ALL COFFEE including blends, single origin, decaf and pods.

​​​​​​​As well as 10% OFF all brewing equipment, tea, chai, chocolate powder & plant based milks while stocks last.

Sale ends 11:59pm Friday, 27th November

Team Inglewood​

Referral Links

Referral: random (88)

Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2020

Related Stores

Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +14

    Never had any issue with their actual product/coffee but extremely disappointed with the way they responded to the security breach (or lack thereof)

    They even deleted (including my own post) from social media when asked about this - and never even bothered to respond privately.

    • +2

      Yeah naah, not getting my deets then.

      • +1

        I never even got an order confirmation for my last order during that last security ordeal… I know a lot of others didn't either (but the coffee did arrive!)

    • +4

      Agree. Not good enough.

      Here is a post I made during a previous incident.

      Be aware that another poster reported that Inglewood's site may have recently been compromised:


      Some people are starting to report fradulent charges on their card after purchasing from Inglewood on the above deal:



      It's hard to know what happened or who was responsible as people are claiming their social posts were deleted:


      No communication about the issue was emailed to me either (as a customer).

      Just a heads up.

    • Can you confirm the data breach is still going on right now? They redesigned the site, maybe they solved it?

    • -2

      Hi Bianca,

      I recall the comment you posted, and the conversation we had privately after Inglewood had decided to remove it from our page.

      I explained privately that our website does not hold any of our customers payment details. All payments are facilitated by a third party (either Paypal or Tyro), and at no point were any payment details at risk. We removed your post because it contained misleading information regarding the security of our website.

      I sent this information to you in a private message on the 26th of September, so sorry if you didn't see the message come through. I hope this clears things up for you.

      • Cory
  • +3

    Didn't even know/was notified about the breach? What Happened?

    • Some of us ordered Turkish delights as that's what was advertised but we received coffee beans instead :/

    • -2

      Hi Fooah,

      There was no breach to any of our customers payment information. Our website does not store any of our customers payment details. All payments are facilitated by a third party (either Paypal or Tyro), and at no point were any payment details at risk.

      Hope this is helpful!

      • Cory
      • Was any other customer information exposed?

        • No customer details were exposed.

          • @Inglewoodcoffee: So what exactly happened with the website then?

            How can you be sure no customer information was exposed?

      • +1

        It is interesting that you specified payment information, how about any information? A data breach isn't limited to credit card details…

  • +3

    Coffee was below average IMO. Espresso was horrible, and the filter was just passable using a V60.

    Can’t really complain with the 50% off, but it’s definitely not good like some people are saying.

  • +4

    Do they have Turkish esco- I mean espresso?
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • +3

    Like others have said, their sales before were decent but the after-sales service was woeful (or lack thereof)

    there's plenty of other decent roasters out there

  • +1

    Their brew gear is really overpriced; 10% doesn't even get close to other retailers.

    50% off their coffee is undeniably a good deal, but I didn't particularly enjoy what I sourced from them last time.

  • +1

    For the soy drinkers out there:

    I've tried both Sunset Blvd and Roosevelt blends - they both don't mix well with soy milk and cause curdling.

    Soys I've used are Bonsoy and Macro Organic Soy.

  • +2

    Sale seems to be active now.

    Shame they never replied or were upfront about the incident. Won't be ordering from them anymore.

  • I've been trying to access their website all day, just thought it was a website issue like the last couple of time/s whenever they have 50% off sale. The comments here have made more sense of that!

    I've always loved their coffee, especially during lockdown this year. Now I'm not too sure whether to buy anymore unless they can post something about this breach others have mentioned.

    Was this breach from a previous deal, not Black Friday week deals..?

    • -1

      Hi Geoff,

      Great to hear you love the coffee!

      Regarding any security issues, our website does not store any of our customers payment details. All payments are facilitated by a third party (either Paypal or Tyro), and at no point were any payment details at risk.

      • Cory
      • Payment information is one component.

        Was any other private information from your customers exposed?

      • +1

        The fact that you guys have an active presence on OzBargain, flood the site with your marketing and generate a lot of your sales on here but still do nothing to acknowledge all the issues is very disappointing.

        • -2

          No customer details were exposed.

  • Impressed by the speed of delivery this time round. Ordered Tuesday night and was delivered today (Friday) morning.

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