Looks like a steal at the price for a decent gaming CPU. Possibly a pricing error? JW was listing it at $409 yesterday but has now dropped for $308.
Intel Core i5 10600K 4.1GHz $308 Delivered @ JW Computers

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For anyone who sees this, I pulled the plug and got it. Upgrading from 4790K, was planning to go 5800X but the price of this is a steal and I game at 4K so performance should be decent.
What is the best price to performance motherboard?
I am looking at the Z490 VISION G. I will definitely be overclocking (I already have a Noctau NH-D15), so it needs to be a decent overclocking board. RAM I already got 4 x 8Gb 3600Mhz CL16 (when they went on that crazy discount for $76 for two sticks).
Check out some of the reviews from Hardware unboxed, Steve does good valuations on them especially since you will be over clocking. Stay away from every Asrock Z490 boards from memory.
But 100% agree at this price it’s a no brainer for gaming pc.
Thanks, yeah I'm checking Gamers Nexus Z490 reviews and will check Hardware Unboxed too. Both very reliable I know. Gamers Nexus already mentioned VRM's run hot on the Vision G, so probably won't go with it. Damn motherboard is going to cost more than the CPU lol
@ThatsCheap: Yeh I know lol..maybe wait for BF if you can… probably have a few good ones that will pop up during the sale.
If you want a bit more forwards compatibility, check out which ones have the necessary hardware to support PCIe Gen 4.0:
Gigabyte and MSI seem to be the picks. Avoid Asus.
Yeah I am researching the Z490 motherboards now, and it seems that all the good boards are $400+, which is crazy, I might cancel my order. Because if I am paying $400+ for the motherboard, I might as well go X570 and get the 5800X or 5900X.
@PlagueistheCheap: They haven't cancelled the order yet for price error. I haven't called to cancel it yet either. Still researching, tempted to cancel the order, but haven't decided yet.
The MSI Z490 A-Pro was recommended by Hardware Unboxed and Buildzoid. The Asus Z490 Prime-P also performed well. Both can be had for under $250.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nakLNkNwch8&t=653sIm on 4790K as well, was thinking to go AMD.
I'm thinking of cancelling this order I made and go with AMD too. Nothing beats the X570 Tomahawk at its price, basically have to pay around $500 just to get something equivalent on a Z490 board.
That’s what I was on … :) iTX build .. went to 5600x and x570 .. still my old r9 270 gpu though lol… the way things are it’ll be no new gpu till next year
@scud70: YA! I'm thinking of buidling those sff pc too! I have been with intel for the longest time. I might switch side now unless there is other reason to stay with Intel?
@froddoog: No reason to stay with intel… this is first AMD build for me and aside from my own mistakes it’s been really impressive.. although cpus always been intel my gpus have been ATI and AMD … so wasn’t expecting it to be totally smooth build but it has been … very unAMD like haha
@scud70: Yea from all the reviews and recommendations, they have been saying to switch side. But I may stick with Nvidia? I'm not sure the AMD card can support my G-sync monitor?
@froddoog: No i don't think theres a need to change from Nvidia… Unless AMDs cards are too good to pass up. Nvidias drivers etc will likely still be more solid.
Next gen 11 fits in same socket as Gen 10! Great upgrade path
See, that's how you are supposed to do it, AMD clearly stated AM4 was gonna last for ages and it did, Intel needs to do that same, lets hope this is it.
Ages? it only lasted 1 more gen than Intel
not a whole lot lol
So far….
@crc32: nothing so far about it
300 boards dont support 5000-series
initially, they even thought about killing the 400 boards, and soon they'll move to 2 gens like Intel
People think of AMD as these saints but they are a business dont forget
Possibly pricing error, this is a steal, especially when the 5600X is $469 - this is probably only a few % slower for over 30% less. That said, I think we'll likely see price cuts on Intel as Zen 3 availability gets better. With pricing on Zen 3, if the 10600K is under $350 and 10700K under $500, they'll be better buys. The 10900K, however, is probably a silly product at this stage.
5600x beats the i7 10700k and trades blows with i9 10900k. It's easily 20-30% better than this CPU.
Don't be a fanboy, the 5600X is nowhere near 20 - 30% better than the 10600K. This is coming from someone who owns 4 AMD Ryzen CPUs and no Intel CPUs.
I have never owned a Ryzen System :). This time I will get one.
@[Deactivated]: Great - I've been happy with all of my Ryzen purchases, all the way from a 3600 to the 3970X.
For low res high refresh rate gaming with a powerful GPU, the ryzen is significantly faster. For normal use the difference won't be as pronounced.
Don't know what you're referencing there, but looking at all independent benchmarks, the 5600X is 20-30% better at pretty much any load you throw at it
Video here for full comparison
Notable that an overclocked i5 10600K still doesn't even match the 5600X at stock configuration.
5600X is 20-30% faster according to hardware unboxed ….in games only its around 10-20% faster
NO idea why so many people down voted the guy above for giving everyone the truth. The only people who down voted him must be intel fanboys people need to wake up… intel is now the budget CPU company that makes slower CPU's that run hotter and use WAY more power…numbers don't lie
numbers don't lie
But your link literally disproves what he said, he said "easily 20-30% better" but your link it shows its only 11.4% better.
At 1080p with an RTX 3090 the difference is 10%. Not sure where you are producing your figures from.
Through memory optimisation and the addition of a 6000 series GPU (adds another 5-12%).
@[Deactivated]: In that case its pure speculation since no third part performance figures have actually been released to back that up.
You also can't optimise the memory for one platform but not the other.addition of a 6000 series GPU (adds another 5-12%)
There are quite literally zero 6000 series GPU benchmarks so what you're saying is just pure speculation…
Again, don't take it personally. The 5600X is fantastic, but it's expensive.
It's faster in non-gaming workloads. Looking at this meta benchmark there is a 20% uplift between the 10600k and 5600x.
Since they didn't specify gaming performance specifically, they might have meant overall/production performance.
@scix: Yeah, 5600X is definitely faster in pretty much every productivity task.
However the comment said5600x beats the i7 10700k and trades blows with i9 10900k
Which I took to mean we are talking about gaming.
Why would anyone need 3090 to game at 1080p?
@botchie: That's exactly the point. The test condition is meant to represent the worst-case scenario for the CPUs in order to highlight the difference between them. In more realistic conditions the difference would be much less than 10%.
Prefer the recent Gamer Nexus Video with a Tuned 10600k, vs a Tuned 5600x. Tuned 10600k OC still can't match a 5600x stock, based on his video, other than possibly RDR2. The Hardware Unboxed video posted earlier also only runs two single rank sticks of RAM, vs the dual rank setup of GN.
You know someone will neg you now just like me. You can't give views lol
When one is $150 price difference, I don’t care how much you can or can’t tune it. The only argument I’d accept is the fact you need a Z mobo.
@ATangk: Yeah lmao paying 50% extra for 10% performance improvement, that's pretty much the people that paid $2k for 2080 ti
@ln28909: So all Intel customers each time the next generation came out until 6 core(8th gen) non extreme/enterprise CPUs came along?
@ATangk: When non tuned, the 5600X is about 20% better. Its only when you overclock and tune memory that the 10600K closes the gap to 10% but its still worse than the 5600X at stock.
stop fanboying with baseless claims
That being said… Its only slower by a few % if you OC it by a lot. That means that youre pulling double the wattage from the chip.
As much as people have been ragging on Intel lately, IMO this is a better deal than the 5600X and maybe even 3600 right now.
Can overclock to reach 5600X performance for $160 less, and Z490 boards are not much more expensive than equivalent B550 ones (eg. MSI Z490 A-pro $240 vs B550 A-pro $210).
Even the 3600 doesn't seem to be that much cheaper nowadays, when factoring in a good B450 board you're maybe saving $80 for a noticeably slower CPU at 1080p.My only issue is I find z490 ITX mobo deals harder to come by. Otherwise yeah, this is a pretty good deal.
I know everyone always looks at the overclock figures and conclude that the clock speed determines largely performance but it's not so simple. The 5000 series beats the Intel single core performance despite being 500Mhz slower in single core performance. The same goes for the previous generation 3000 series. Just because they can be overclocked to the same speed means nothing. The quality of the silicon and how that translates to MIPs and the design of the chip are totally different. The 5000 series has no competition right now. No comparison.
I'm well aware of the platform differences.
The point isn't that the 10600k overclocks to the same frequency, it overclocks to the same performance. Both Hardware Unboxed and Gamers Nexus have stated the 10600k can be overclocked to approximately reach stock 10900k performance, and in seperate videos they showed the stock 5600X to be slightly behind the 10900k. Pretty simple to extrapolate between those two statements.
Of course, the 5600X can be overclocked as well, but its generally regarded that Intel OC is easier and yields greater gains.The 5000 series has no competition right now. No comparison.
This is overly simplistic IMO. If we're only talking about gaming, the 10900k is literally within 1% of the 5950X and 5900X.
edit: wasn't my neg lol
@[Deactivated]: That was a great video and shows that in the hands of the right people the 5600X is indeed the superior part.
However, I don't think its relevant for most people. That was 6 hours of an expert overclocking with high end memory kits and manually tuned tertiary timings.For most people overclocking is setting an all-core frequency and voltage, and leaving it at that. In that case the 10600k OC would be about on par with the stock 5600X, and the 5600X OC might actually lose some performance due to reduced single-core frequency.
@jp1011: I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or another. I think it came across that way. It was just a point of view. But don't forget these CPUs are very new and software will take advantage of them better in the future. As is the case with GPUs when they first come out. After a few months you see their peak performance as things become optimised. And don't forget the extra 5-10% from combining it with a 6000 series GPU.
@[Deactivated]: Fair enough, I am not either. Reasonable minds can disagree on this kind of stuff.
I would just be skeptical of manufacturers' performance claims (ie. 5-10% from SAM) until third party benchmarks are published.@jp1011: I agree about taking it with a grain of salt but they didn't lie about any of the 5000 series benchmarks so I think they can be given the benefit of the doubt.
Intel OC is easier
You're not wrong, I just upgraded to a 10600K and all I had to do was click a button in the bios for a rock solid 4.9GHz. I haven't even bothered to tune anything.
@ThatsCheap: asus prime z490-p
Reviews indicate it has good voltage regulation compared to some of the cheaper boards.
@oznik: Which one button? Just set the CPU clock ratio and that was it? So confused because Gamers Nexus made a video titled "Do Not Use Z490 Motherboard Auto Settings: Excessive Voltage, Power, & Heat" which means you need to know what your doing for a safe tune and I have no idea…I want to OC but too scared because I dont know what all the settings do. Be nice if there was a step by step tutorial somehwhere for Z490.
@whorishmouth: I would assume the motherboard manufacturer wouldn't set parameters that are going to increase warranty claims, but who knows.
I'm reusing my 2500k watercooling setup, it runs way cooler than the old cpu.
I know everyone always looks at the overclock figures and conclude that the clock speed determines largely performance but it's not so simple
This is actually a very uncommon thing, most people compare by benchmarks not specifications.
Is this worth buying right now given black friday is right around the corner? Ultimately wanted the 10600kf, but having an igpu as a backup is a nice touch.
Curious to hear others thoughts on this as well. I'm personally eyeing off the Ryzen 5 3600 and the X variant in the Black Friday sales. Hold fire or jump on this?
I cant see it getting much cheaper at Black Friday
I've taken up streaming as a hobby also. Will be looking to game at 1440p too? Initial research shows that this will be fine but still a little unsure
just watch out where you are buying from. Had the worst experience with JW Computers.
What happened?
Bought a laptop in store and had issues but they didn’t do anything about it. People who work there has no idea what’s going on. They get 14-15yo’s to work at store.
F($k! I just bought a Ryzen 5600x.. . I should have gone this! Good find OP.
OC your 5600 and it will be better.
Is the 5600x worth the extra ~$150 over 10600k at this price?
For gaming and especially at 1440p and higher this is the way to go it’s a no brainer.
only you can answer that. is 10% performance for $150 worth it to you?
Factor in the board price too, lots of affordable B550 that are decent, but cheap Z490 are generally trash, but yeah that price diff makes it hard to argue in AMDs favour for once even if you need to spend $50 extra on a board you're still $100 ahead
For bragging rights yes. AMD > Intel
“look guys I spent an extra $160 for no reason!! Me so smart!”
It's a flex, has nothing to do with smarts. Money spent doesn't always have to reflect utilitarian value, that's why gold rolex's and ferrari's exist.
@TRANCE: It could also said to be like Caged Eggs Vs. Freerange Eggs, you just may object to the business behavior/practices.
Back up to $399 Now.
Link dead, removed… Searched their website, showing for $359 now.
That's for the 10600 not the K
Don't forget, there is no cooler included in this one!
Comes back to value, it's $308 vs $469 for the 5600X, I mean, get this. Both are on dead end platforms, yes the Intel system doesn't have PCIe 4.0 but it doesn't matter for gaming, and yes the 5600X has an edge in terms of raw numbers but not a 35% edge, maybe a 5-10% edge.
This is the reverse of the situation a few years ago with Intel and AMD, Intel had this price and performance, now AMD does, they've swapped places.
This is the reverse of the situation a few years ago with Intel and AMD, Intel had this price and performance, now AMD does, they've swapped places.
This is so weird to see especially with the 10400f for $229 and 10100f for $129. Nothing from AMD can touch those parts.
Yep it's expired, but consider the deal that is on there right now. $360 now + a decent Z490 board say $330 so $690
5600X is $470 then can you get an AM4 motherboard that has the same features for $220?
Well, you can get rather close actually, which is surprising… but it's still $50 more for AMD ($470 + $270 = $740)
Intel Z490 - https://www.umart.com.au/Gigabyte-Z490-Aorus-Elite-AC-LGA-12…
AMD B550 - https://www.skycomp.com.au/gigabyte-b550-aorus-pro-ac-am4-at…
Isn't the page down now because it was a pricing error, its $399.
They removed it completely. It wasn't the avengers one for $399.
It's always been a value proposition for everything outside of the "best". Performance per $ is a very real thing unless there are specific features you want.
That being said I do believe PCIe 4.0 will play a fair part over the next few years as developers take advantage of the GPU direct storage features.
GPU direct storage should be supported on PCIe 3.0, well it definitely could be as stated here by nVidia:
But knowing how things usually work out, they might end up making it PCIe 4.0+ exclusive to push for upgrades. We don't have any games that utilise it yet, and no developers have talked about it in depth, so we don't know if it'll be supported with PCIe 3.0 or not yet.
Hope OP wasnt hoping to get one cause he probably just got his order cancelled by posting here
Not as good but $339 from mwave (+delivery)
That is the 'kf' version without integrated graphics
True but for people who are pairing this with a discrete GPU then it makes little difference.
Oh they figured it out, link dead.
Congrats if u did buy one and they honour it
Did anybody grab a screenshot?
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Great price for those on a certain budget and need a CPU right now.