There is a range of Xbox LIVE Arcade titles, as well as add-ons, mobile and PC titles.
Keep in mind that being the US, their 28th will just about be our 29th. The Xbox LIVE Marketplace updates after 6PM AEST, so expect it to expire somewhere around there.
Here are some of the items available. (title - type of content - price before - price after - saving amount)
Magic 2012 Arcade 800 400 50%
Bejeweled Blitz LIVE Arcade 400 200 50%
Bejeweled 2 Arcade 400 200 50%
Stacking Arcade 1200 600 50%
The Fancy Pants Adventures Arcade 800 400 50%
The Baconing Arcade 1200 600 50%
Super Meat Boy Arcade 1200 400 67%
OutRun Online Arcade Arcade 800 400 50%
Phantasy Star 2 Arcade 400 200 50%
Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm Arcade 800 400 50%