• expired

22% off Sitewide @ iHerb


Just used it to buy some vitamins. Didn't work on some items (e.g. CLO). Seems to be sitewide. Sort of.

Also 11% for SINGLE11.

DOUBLE11 js single use per account. SINGLE11 is multi-use.

Free shipping via AusPost from $55.65, but no greater than ~$170.

Don't forget +8% CR cb.

Edit: Damn, just realised I forgot to use the referral link! Now I'm definitely going to OzBargain hell…

Damn 2: Cashback is now 20%!!

Referral Links

Referral: random (338)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2020.

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closed Comments

  • how can it be 22% off?

    code is for 11% off, cashback is 8%

    it's around 18% [cashback not included GST]

    • +2

      2 x 11% = 22%. DOUBLE11

      • -7

        thanks for the clarification post could be made to be clearer so others won't make my mistake

    • SINGLE11 gives 11%
      DOUBLE11 gives 22%

      +8% CR cb

      • DOUBLE11 not cashrewards approved (yet at least)

        • +2

          Yeah, I saw it wasn't listed, but gambled it anyway. Either way, 22>11+8 (and 90 days later!).

        • I just checked and it is now approved

  • +1

    Nice, had some stuff in my cart from the other day too. :)

  • +7

    a lot of price jacking, as I have a lot of items in my wish list and they have a certain price and these are updated in the last few weeks and as soon as I go to the link $10 $15 is added

    It looks like 10% price jacks

    • +1


      • +1

        However, not all products.

        It would definitely be good if 8% cashback works with a 22% discount code

    • and seems like lots of items are shown "in stock" but when tried to add them to cart a pop up comes "sorry this product is no longer in stock" ?!

    • +1

      Yes, they jacked the prices with their last special.

      • +1

        Yup think I said as much last time.

        Check old invoices, some things changed by as much as 20%.
        Don't know any big warehouses that routinely have 20 fluctuations in their stock costs.

        • +2

          Actually, looking at their prices this time, it seems like a genuine sale. Not much has been jacked.

          • +1

            @RedHab: My fish oil was jacked by about 12%, but yeah looks like the rest are pretty close (likely unchanged and its just currency fluctuation).

  • Has anyone gotten melatonin from them? I've heard that it may get confiscated?

    • +4

      I've been buying melatonin for years and never had a problem

      • +2

        How do the imported ones compare to Circadin?

        • +1

          You can buy a time release version similar to Circadin, but I don't.

          I buy 1mg and cut it in half, and that's plenty for me. It's actually about as much as your body produces naturally.

        • Timed release is good.

          I do the same as the other chap.

          Buy 1mg fast dissolve ones and that's plenty.

          If I'm really worried about my sleep I'll take a 3mg slow release. But it takes me about 45 mins before I get a bit sleepy

    • I ordered 2 packs earlier this year, got them no worries at all.

    • +1

      Yes done a number of orders, my own doctor told me to buy them from there. No issues with delivery.

    • TGA allows import of 3 months supply for personal use or use by an immediate family member.

      I have too done with multiple prescription medications that aren't prohibited imports.

      Source: https://www.tga.gov.au/personal-importation-scheme

      Edit: Could also get your GP to write a script for melatonin and just don't fill it, if you are still concerned.

    • +1

      Go low dose, micro dose it. Works better.

    • Been buying melatonin for yrs.
      Most recent was delivered last week.

    • Been buying it for 5 years off them, even my pharmacist told me to as its a lot cheaper, its not actually illegal, just don't order 7 bottles of it and push the limit

    • I have yes - no issues but the package was never inspected. However, I think it is no longer a restricted import. Once upon a time, all hormones were restricted from being imported, but I think they have since come to their senses and allowed things such as Melatonin in.

  • +1

    Thanks OP
    I was going to order some yesterday. Glad I waited until today

    • +1

      Yeah, learned that already about iHerb; they periodically have sales on. Gotta keep building the cart and push the trigger when the sale comes on.

  • +1

    Any funny herbs on sale? 😊

  • But I placed my order last night..

    • +9

      OzBargain 101: Never buy iHerb without a sale on πŸ˜‰

      • +1

        There was a sale on last night - 11% off sitewide plus 8% CR cashback. I placed an order last night too!

  • Literally bought it last week :( i cry

  • Anyone has issues with the postage? It state that free shipping over $55.10 and My cart's subtotal is $56- Still wants to charge me $21 in shipping.

    • +2

      some products dont have free shipping. click on Auspost shipping option in your cart and it will show you which products are messing up your order

    • +1

      Some products are not available via AusPost (e.g. collagen). Not sure why… insurance?

  • Whats the deal with melatonin. I bought some but disnt really see the effect. I read on a previous comment that you have to go lower in the dose. Whats a good dose? Half a tablet, quarter?

    • What effect would you expect?

    • +1

      There are lots of factors and individual differences so it's hard to say why there wasn't an effect for you. I have adhd which comes with sleep latency issues so melatonin only had a noticeable effect when I got advice to take it a few hours before bedtime, rather than at bedtime (which didn't do much for me).

      There are also sleep hygiene factors like blue light exposure which stimulate melanopsin receptors in your eyes and inhibit melatonin production.

      Also your expectations about what it will do. For me it's not a magic instant sleeping pill. It allowed me to adjust my body clock (which has always been a bit delayed) so I could regularly get sleepy at a certain time and be awake at a certain time. But if my sleep hygiene is bad enough things get disrupted, no way around that.

    • +1

      Take a small dose aka 0.5 to 1mg (above 2mg is too much)
      Dont buy time release (useless)
      Dont buy fake homeopathic crap sold otc here

      • +1

        How the TGA allows people to sell homeopathic "melatonin" is beyond me. Basically some plants contain very small amounts of the hormone. Cherries, for instance. You can take 8 mg of cherry extract, put it in a pill press with some binding material and then flog it off as 8mg homeopathic melatonin tablets. The tablets contain a minute amount of a plant extract which in turn contains a minute amount of melatonin. You'd have to take around 12 million homeopathic tablets to obtain a therapeutic dose.

        • Grandfathered laws allow the homeopathic industry to exist here.

          It's pathetic. Call it homeopathic and the TGA rules don't apply. No need to have proof of safety and efficacy.

        • Man the entire vitamins industry is just short of an actual scam.

          There's no requirements to prove efficacy, no independent testing to ensure consumers are actually getting whats on the label, and no real consequence when companies are found to be half-assing their formulation or lying about the sources of ingredients.


          I forget which company it was but they found more than half of the pill was clover.

          • @Telios: Man the entire apparel industry is just short of an actual scam. πŸ™„

            By "independent testing" you mean government testing, yeah? You know there's a market for testing companies, no? E.g. ConsumerLab. Just do your research, as you would for any other product.

            • @wisdomtooth: You can't do you own research that's my entire point.

              If they aren't required to show any testing, you can't possible expect an end-user to take samples to private labs at their own expense.

              The onus is on the user, but the tools for informed decisions are not available or enforced.

              • @Telios: Are end users capable of benchmarking CPUs and GPUs? Competently? No. But, fortunately, there's no shortage of people and companies willing and able to do it for a buck. Why would this be any different? I already cited one such company that tests out supplements.

                • @wisdomtooth: Uhhh yes?

                  That's a terrible comparison. You can literally use free software that give you very accurate information for benchmarking.

                  There is absolutely no way without a high level science background and lab equipment you could do CMP testing, urinalysis, or lipid panels which is what is needed to test efficacy of things like multivitamins.

  • Is the referral link tool not working for anyone else? It just sends me to iherb.com without a code or anything.

  • +2

    Double11: single use
    Single11: multiple use, tested and worked on my 3 orders,

  • Was told this discount offer applies ONCE only

    How often is iHerb running a SALE - of similar conditions ?

    ( FREE SHIPPING LIMIT IS : max $ 165.26 & 10 lbs. (4,53kg) anything after that shipping fees )

    • +2

      Was told this discount offer applies ONCE only

      Correct. Apparently SINGLE11 works more than once.

      How often is iHerb running a SALE - of similar conditions ?

      Periodically. Build the cart over time, press the trigger when the sale comes on.

  • +1

    Just wanted to add that it’s possible to cancel your order and reapply the DOUBLE11 promo code to get the 20% cashback :)

    • Shipped out already. They're just too efficient!

  • I only see 3.5 % Cashback from CR , 7 % from Shopback … where does it say / mentioned 20% ?

  • Has anyone's order shipped yet? Mine is still pending since the 11th and I didn't get tracking notification from cashrewards yet ?

    • My order got shipped the next day and looks like I'm receiving it tomorrow. Cashrewards has tracked.

    • +1

      My order status is fulfilling, so I'm guessing that they didn't have stock of the items I ordered. But I did get emailed a tracking notification from Cashrewards

    • Mine arrived on Mon.

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