This was posted 13 years 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Internode Slashes FetchTV Prices to $19.95 Per Month for FULL FETCHTV Includes Box Rental


Internode has carved $10 from the monthly cost of its fetchtv Full service, from $29.95 to just $19.95, while fetchtv Lite has gone from $14.95 to just $9.95. Internode has also cut prices for customers who bring their own fetchtv Set-Top Box, to $14.95 for fetchtv Full and $4.95 for fetchtv Lite.

Also, Internode has lowered the purchase price of the fetchtv Set-Top Box (STB) from $399 to $299.

Using a three-tuner, high-definition Set-Top Box, Internode's fetchtv subscription service provides subscribers with Video-on-Demand movies and programming, time-shifted television viewing and a great range of new TV channels. As well as free-to-air TV channels, fetchtv offers dozens of on-demand TV channels plus special channel packages for subscribers who want TV content from India, South Korea Singapore/Taiwan, Pakistan, China, and the Philippines. It also offers YouTube and Facebook access.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    This is perfect timing I was expecting you guys to reduce price then I swoop in.

    20$ total including rental for awesome discovery science channel!

    66.67 cents a day

    for full 24 hour. including MTV.

  • +1

    I personally think that it's expensive over say a once-off payment for something like TiVo. I understand that you get extra channels, but in my view there is enough free-to-air channels these days and to get the really good ones on FetchTv, you need to pay extra on top of the full service.

    • -1

      It sure does look expenive when you have to buy the set top box on top of the monthly charge, and the two year contract is too long.

      VOD is a very different service to free to air, this product from fetch tv should be compared to other services such as NetFlix, LoveFilm or the free ABC IView etc.

      Groupon UK recently had a great deal for LoveFilm, 3 months for £6 , im hoping to give it a go, small price to pay to try, and yes, a UK IP address is required for LoveFilm.

      • +2

        19.95 includes rental of box. so you just pay $19.95 per month. that's it.

        14.95 is for if you have your own or purchase a box.

        • -1

          Hey talking about the muppets, anyone see the movie trailer ? lol

          @Snail, I am the ONE who NEG'd you and my followers followed, based on ignorance not ur opinion, y else do u think we neg ?

          TiVo != Fetchtv
          PVR != InternetIPTV Box

          Infact the FetchTv box can do a lot than the TiVo, its the Crazy Big brother of the TiVo, Bro… ! lol

        • -1

          Apologies to Truebargains if that wasn't you.

          Elijah, as far as I can tell, you use both to watch, you know, TV shows (broad term that relates to movies, documentaries, news, etc).

          The bottom line is that the extra content/features you get from FetchTV does not warrant the extra cost in my opinion. Understand?

        • -2

          The TiVo is simply a PVR, this is can be a PVR & stream International/local CDN based content, lest it be TV Channels or iView/7Shows, your comparing a local recording device that records your DVB TV channels, with an Internet based system/service (IPTV), that does varied other things aswell !, please read about the differences first.., I don't have the space to explain everything… ;)

        • There are neg gangs on OzBargain? You learn something new every day.

          I'll have to get some peeps of my own ;)

          I'm surprised someone has a gang after a month though.

        • -4

          2 years and your still alone ? lol

    • O.T

      I remember the early eighties…a good brand cd player at D.Js was over a grand !

      • +1

        well you can get a full sized laptop for $297 these days vs. 4000 in the 90s

  • +1

    Be aware of the Optus deal at the moment.

    If you go on the Fushion $109 bundle (500GB internet plus unlimited phone) then FetchTV (basic) is FREE,


    Optus FetchTV main page

    Note - there's a $35 upfront cost. They sell a pair of Netgear powerline adapters for $19.95

    • Optus prices are good but not the service.

      24 mths is fail.

      • -1

        True - they don't seem to have ANY free channels.

        In fact, the entire FetchTV is a fail here in Australia.

        They've locked the box down so much, it cannot be used as a media player. There are virtually zero free channels.

        It could be a GREAT device… but as it is, even for FREE I am struggling to justify spending the $35 upfront for it.

        • I'll be happy to buy it off if you get it for $35 :)

  • +1

    So, I'm guessing that prices have been "slashed" because take-up has been poor.

    • Yes it was a joke before, and arguably still pretty weak.

    • never heard of it till now

    • -1

      ditto - ive never heard of fetch tv either

  • Seems like a really good deal for those ppl who want a cut down foxtel or who can't get cable at their premises. Thumbs up from me

  • it's a good alternative to watch cable shows; TLC, Discovery Science, Turbo

  • I got optus Metv. Very happy. It replaced my buggy Philip PVR. I can't get foxtel installed.

  • +1

    With the atrocious spelling and grammar within comments, OzBargainers would benefit from watching less (instead of more) TV.

    • SBS Letters and Numbers?

  • +1

    Internode generally have good products, slightly expensive, and the worst marketing department on the planet.

    I would expect this price reduction reflects them playing in a competitive market, out of their league, where the competitors actually spend money on real advertising.

    Internode really need to step up if they want take it to next level.

  • said basically he same thing as someone above :(

  • free trial on. 30 days

  • just got this set up. greatness.

  • the PVR is changing the way I watch TV.

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