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R5-3500X GTX 1660 Gaming PC [B450 Mortar/16GB 3200]: $828 + Delivery @ Tech Fast


Good price. Enjoy :)

Spoke to rep Luke about shipping times and he said they're waiting on October RTX 3080 cards to arrive for those orders (no confirmed arrival date as yet for those wondering), so new PC orders will ship very quickly, just a few days.

  • 3500X 6c/6t processor
  • Galax GTX 1660 6GB
  • MSI B450M Mortar Max motherboard
  • 16GB 3200MHz RAM
  • 240GB SSD (upgrades available)
  • 550W PSU (Allied 550W)
  • Leaper Flair RGB case

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Getting back into the world of PCs and I'm a bit lost, hoping someone can help. Looking for something entry-level for casual gaming which could be potentially upgraded later on and this seems like a really good option at the price, do people agree?

    • +1

      it looks great and is at excellent value - my only concern is the PSU.

      • +18

        That's the sweetener, the thrill of not knowing when it's going to die or explode

      • +4

        For those who prefer branded, the Giga P650B is guaranteed for the 650W Bronze upgrade, and has been dropped to $79.

      • I had a similar system from and old deal, the system barely pulls more than 200w from the wall under gaming load, good chance it will be fine with the stock PSU

        • +12

          The issue with cheap power supplies isn't that they can't supply the claimed power, its that they are not as reliable and when they do break, they're more likely to take out other components with it.

          It's kind of like putting cheap no-name tyres on your car. They'll probably perform fine when they're new and in the dry, but when it get wet (e.g. a power surge), you're going to have problems.

    • -2

      In the current market, it's not bad. However, you can still buy the parts yourself for cheaper and build it yourself.

      • +1

        Even for this build?

        • +2

          Yes. Graphics cards and processors are coming down in price day by day because of the new range from the major companies. So sellers are looking to offload their older stock to replace the new. For reference, the NVIDIA GTX 1660 Super as been as low as 290 and the Ryzen 5 3600 has been as low as 260 and that's just in the last month. This is a good build but they cheaped out on certain parts. Don't let people fool you.

      • +11

        Doing due PCPP diligence. This uses a R5 2600 which is cheaper than 3500X and it still works out well in front.

        PCPartPicker Part List

        Type Item Price
        CPU AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor $209.00 @ Centre Com
        Motherboard MSI B450M MORTAR MAX Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard $139.00 @ Mwave Australia
        Memory GeIL EVO SPEAR Phantom Gaming 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory $92.40 @ Newegg Australia
        Storage Kingston A400 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive $39.00 @ Umart
        Video Card GALAX GeForce GTX 1660 6 GB (1-Click OC) Video Card $319.00 @ Umart
        Case Deepcool Wave V2 MicroATX Mini Tower Case $39.00 @ Skycomp Technology
        Power Supply Thermaltake TR2 500 W ATX Power Supply $59.00 @ BudgetPC
        Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
        Total $896.40
        Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-10-01 16:25 AEST+1000
        • +6

          Pcpp prices are for the people that don't go on Ozbargain

          • +4

            @ln28909: pcpp is standard for showing rough prices, if you'd rather find all the prices at their cheapest and compare i'd be happy to see the difference

            • +4

              @edumacation: CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 (Amazon) $270.08
              Mobo: Gigabyte B550M Gaming (Comp Alliance eBay) $143.10
              RAM: Corsair LPX 16GB 3200 CL16 (Amazon) $89
              Storage: Silicon Power 1TB SSD (Amazon) $107.99
              Video Card: MSI 1660 Super Ventus (Shopping Express) $300
              Case: Cooler Master N200 (Amazon) $10
              PSU: Corsair CV650 80+ Bronze (Amazon) $99

              Net: $1019.17 delivered, prices are available now or within the past 50 days

              Techfast $859.28-$874.46 with delivery

              Difference: ~$150

              better CPU, 6 threads vs 12 threads
              better GPU ~15% better
              better board, B550m vs B450m
              brand name RAM
              1TB SSD vs 240GB SSD (you would need to install at least a HDD to make it usable)
              brand name PSU, 650w bronze vs 550w (you know won't explode cause it's Corsair)

              Ok so yeah, pretty hard to beat the ~$850 price mark, since many components are cheap and Techfast could get better pricing, but don't think that you can drop ~$850 and be able to use the computer right away (ummm SSD umm)

              Also note, if you upgrade it to the same specs as me, it'll cost $1433 + delivery from Techfast

              So yeah, this is how people get hook, they give you a system that is barely useable and charge ridiculous amount for upgrades

          • @ln28909: Sweet so you'll build your pc over the course of say 3 months? While someone else enjoys that time playing some casual gaming next week.

            • +6

              @Jazza2400: It's Techfast, takes like a month usually

              PC parts from Amazon US arrives much faster than that

              • +3


                Techfast, takes like a month usually

                Yeah don’t know why it’s called TechFAST when it takes over a month!

      • +8

        This is an MATX case.

        • -5

          Ah okay my bad, just you guys always put matx board in ATX case, so I thought it's the same as well this time

          • +1

            @ln28909: There is nothing wrong with putting a matx motherboard in an atx case; sure there's some wasted space but performance is not impacted and unless you are space constrained in your setup or you want the smallest case possible, it's not an issue.

            • -5

              @Crono: it's aesthetic, and as a gamer, aesthetic is important

              • +3

                @ln28909: I prefer performance over aesthetic but each to their own I guess

    • +1

      I'd wait a month or so. We are gonna get cheap next gen ryzen cpus and 3060gpus.

    • -2

      Get yourself a Dell Optiplex mid tower and throw in a gtx 1660 super. Will cost you about $500 in total, so you save yourself ~$328 when compared to this “deal”. Plus you will get an activated Windows 10 OS.

      • +1

        The ancient CPU in an optiplex can't compare to a 3500x.

        This is also new. Don't assume an old optiplex will be 100% trouble free. People whinge about a generic brand 550 watt PSU, but are ok with the generic brand 220 watt PSU in the dell optiplex which has already been used for 6 years

        • -1

          This is also new.

          Sure. But Optiplex is much cheaper. Best way to get a decent gaming rig for $500.

          …generic brand 220 watt PSU in the dell optiplex which has already been used for 6 years.

          Not comparable. Dell PSU are high quality.

    • You probably want at least 3600x if you plan on upgrading (presumably gpu), a better PSU and also more storage.

  • +1

    cooling looks pretty shit to be honest.

  • Is this any good for MSFS2020?

      • Thank you

      • +2

        MSFS2020 running at below 60 isnt detrimental though. You can play at 40-50 fps and still enjoy the game imo

        • I'm running X-Plane at between 20-30fps on my Mac, so any improvement would be welcome!

  • +1

    I bought this end of last year. But with crapper case and crap biostar Mobo. Looks like these don't need replacing in this.

    What I'd do by order but overtime.

    Replace CPU fan (must) stock way too noisy at idle and at gaming load.
    Replacing PSU (also noisy)
    Upgrade ram to 32gb
    Replace case fans with Arctic fans 12cm
    Upgrade SSD

    • +1

      Yeah I got the gammaxx a few months ago for under $30. Was getting temps of 85°C now have trouble getting to 71°C. It's so quiet too

      I'd be more worried about the PSU burning my house down or frying the rest of the components than the noise of it.

  • -6

    Xbox and ps5 makes this deal cringe

    • Which would perform better on a gamepass game for instance…this or series X?

      • +2

        Series x for sure. But that's all it really does.

        The argument of PC vs console price comparison is ridiculous.

        • PC gaming = for games
          Console = for games.

          Yes, ridiculous.

      • +1

        Definitely Series X. There isn't a PC build out there for the same price that can beat it at the moment.

    • +7

      Since when can you install Adobe suite on PS5? And Discord? And Steam? And games from GOG? And Office? And multitask these applications?

      • -7

        Since when you run a game without worry with drivers (issues)? Without worry with crashes? CPU temperature and graphic card temperature? Since when you can quick resume 5 games on PC? Since when you run this PC at beautiful 4k? Can you? Install more than 240gb of games? Since when this PC has only 5 kilos and can be easily transported to yours friends house? Huh? Since when this PC can run games without windows 10 and a lot of BS updates, notification, etc? If you are buying this PC for anything else but gaming, good on you and this comparison is not suitable to you.

        • +1

          I mean…..you do realise all the things you sarcastically said PC can't do…..it can do, right?

          • -3

            @mullman: Nah, it can't. This PC can not do anything I said. Unless this 1660 can run 4k and no one knows.

        • You do know that consoles also have updates, crash and run hot right?

          • @Ryballs: Waiting for your arguments in regards other topics as well. Never had a crash with a console.

            • @Dienk: My PC has a super ultrawide (32:9) screen that even next gen consoles don't support and hundreds of games that will never be ported to console. My console is for when I can't be bothered booting up the PC, fancy a local multiplayer game or just want to play on the TV.

              Personally I think a better example of cringe is when people take the whole PC master race vs console fanboyism thing seriously. One isn't necessarily better than the other, they are both great gaming experiences in their own way.

              • -1

                @Ryballs: Why is it so hard to admit this PC is worse than the new gen console? It is worse in pretty much everything and cost more. YOU guys are making this a conversation generic console X PC and I had just pointed out that THIS PC, THIS deal is cringe.

                • @Dienk: It's ironic that you tell us not to generalise while making blanket statements like this PC is "worse in pretty much everything" when compared to next gen consoles. Sure they have more graphical power, but that isn't everything mate.

                  Even this budget PC has lots of things that consoles don't have: Ultrawide support, thousands more exclusives, mods, cheaper games, mouse control, discord, upgradable hardware and that's not even getting into all the non-gaming stuff it can do..

                  As Azukay said, they both have their pros and cons. Please just stop with dumb fanboy comments already.

                  • -2

                    @Ryballs: Fanboy is the person who cannot says a console with more CPU power, more GPU power, 4x more storage (5x faster). Everything you said make the pc more versatile, not better. But the master race community are known by their resistance. If this pc was a Pentium 4 you would be telling the same thing.

            • +1

              @Dienk: Gears 5 has crashed on my XBONEX more than a few times, agents of mayhem as well, Ghost of Tsushima on my OG PS4 crashed at least twice.

              So your argument on games never crashing just makes no sense. I have XBox, PS4 and a PC guess what I use them for different things. FPS games on PC trumps console anyday, while RPGs and platformers I prefer controllers and consoles.

              Each has pros and cons, stop being a console fanboy with nonsensical arguments. Right now we don't even know how well the new gen consoles even run 4k games. Granted PC will cost a lot more to achieve the same frame rate and resolution but the difference is PC is a productivity machine as well as a gaming machine, whereas console is just for entertainment.

  • @BongoOB has left the chat.

  • Do these come with video card?

    • Yes

      • Galax GTX 1660 6GB
      • Thanks. How many hdmi and DisplayPort does it have? Some websites says one of each, other websites say it’s 3x DP and 1x hdmi.

  • +5

    My 3500X build from techfast experience.

    Arrived on time
    Graphics card DOA
    Sent it back FOC
    Got replacement graphics card with no DVI input
    Had to buy a converter…


    System lacks space for wireless card
    No SD card reader
    Bit loud but cheap
    Front LED fans do not turn on automatically

    Other than that, good cheap system.

    • My 3500X build from techfast experience.

      Arrived on time
      …7 months later
      …Graphics card temperatures sky high
      Sent it to TechFast
      FAuLt NoT FoUnD
      Sent it to MSI
      FaUlT NoT FoUnD
      Repasted, add washers and remove backplate
      I'm finally happy

      Apparently a junction temperature of 110c at 3500rpm is normal.

  • +2

    Watch out for the their tricky returns and refunds policy where they claim as soon as their courier picks it up it is your title (ie not their problem if lost by courier) https://techfast.com.au/pages/refunds-returns-policy

    • I dropped it off at Australia post.

    • +1

      Well that sorta changes things a little. I was contemplating getting my boy a y12 graduation pc off them on release on new amd.. i really couldt be assed taking them to task on the way they look to try obviscating their responsibilities .. will just build it with him ourselves now after reading that.. thx for heads up

      • Buy the components and build it with him. It's quite easy to do (I've built 2, just rebuilt the first one now I understand everything a bit better). Not only will you save money and get the components you want, but it'll be a great experience to do with him

    • You are misunderstanding.

      Title to the product(s) passes to you when TechFast delivers it to the carrier and risk of loss passes to you when the shipper delivers product(s) to the address you designate

      • If carrier says delivered but it is not… ???

        • For something like this I would think that they require signature on delivery.

          Whenever I'm unsure about an online purchase, I just pay with credit card, lodge a complaint with the bank and do a chargeback if things go awry.

  • +2

    Great price. The Mortar is a very nice board.

  • +1

    I'm new to the PC game but I always wanted to play age of empires and civilisation games. My current monitor is 1440p ultrawide resolution. I got caught up in the hype and was going to get the 3080 PC that techfast offered but was told it would be overkill, would appreciate help from someone who knows what the ideal spec for those games would be, would this be it?

    • +1

      You will need a minimum of a gtx 1660 or similar graphics card for high resolution gaming with your monitor. I made an earlier comment above on how to build one yourself for cheap.

  • +1

    Someone comming from a Pentium 3 era with Vodoos, and does this tower run games like deadspace 1 and far cry 1 on maximum setting smoothly? If so how will it handle cyberpunk?

  • Where to find a good deal on the o/s, like Windows 10?

  • +3

    I just received my PC today from Techfast.
    It took about 2 weeks from purchase with postage taking one of those weeks.

    So far so good. This is my second PC from them and I'm a happy customer.

    • Hey mate, how much was postage to Melbourne?

      • It was $3x. You can add to cart and check postage yourself before purchasing.

    • Which one? The 3080?

      • It was the no graphics card build.

    • Did you get updates? I ordered mine about 12 business days ago and heard nothing yet.. getting bored in Vic lockdown

      • +1

        For anyone who reads this it got shipped on day 14

  • I'd rather spend less on the motherboard and more on the power supply.

  • Any idea if the MSI B450M mortar max in this is going to support the Ryzen 5xxx series?

  • Got this for my Sons bday, turned up today.

    One of the ram sticks was floating about in the case!.. I had to talk him through how to install it over a video call..

    I thought Techfast run tests after they build?

    Also, the CPU is idling between 55 and 61c which seems high, but I haven't used a 3500X before, so maybe that's normal.

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