• expired

OzB Exclusive - $5 Bonus on $200 Discounted Woolworths Gift Card Purchase @ Cashrewards (Activation Required, Stack 5% Discount)


Hi everyone. Another nice bonus for our members which works out to a 7.5% saving on a $200 gift card, although the bonus does apply to any WGC purchase of $200 or more. Please read the terms and activate the offer prior to shopping. Once activated, shop as normal via the 'Shop Now' button on Cashrewards. Valid for purchases made from 12:00pm (noon) 28/09/20 to 11:59pm 28/09/20 (AEST). Thanks for your support as always. Stay safe, and enjoy :)

  • To be eligible for the AUD $5 bonus, you must first activate the promotion via the main link in this post, then shop as normal via Woolworths Gift Cards on Cashrewards.
  • Transaction must be made between 12:00PM AEST 28/09/20 and 11:59PM AEST 28/09/20.
  • $5 bonus is eligible when buying an eGift or physical card with face value of AUD $200 or more in a single transaction (excluding physical card delivery fees).
  • $5 bonus will not be added to your Cashrewards account at time of purchase. It will be credited separately as approved by 10/10/20.
  • $5 bonus is over and above the advertised 5% discount which still applies to the transaction.
  • Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, or mobile browser.
  • $5 bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Separate transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses.
  • $5 bonus is ineligible if your order is cancelled, changed, returned, or rejected.
  • For queries regarding the purchase of Woolworths Gift Cards, contact Woolworths Customer Contact Centre on 1300 10 1234 (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm AEST, Sat/Sun 10am-4pm AEST), or email [email protected]
  • Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

WGC 5% discount is not a cashback offer - it's an instant discount on purchase - electronic delivery varies from instant to 24 hours (controlled by Woolies). Your WGC transaction can take up to 7 days to report into your Cashrewards account, and the $5 bonus will be added on or before Oct 10, 2020. Check out our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Woolworths Gift Cards
Woolworths Gift Cards

closed Comments

  • -1

    Could you clarify this part?

    Although the bonus does apply to any purchase of $200 or more.

    • +2

      Simply means you don't need to buy a card to the precise face value of $200. You can buy $250, $300, $400 etc (in one transaction) and still get the bonus.

    • +15

      He's saying it's also valid for any gift card with higher value than $200, but it's 7.5% for $200.
      If you buy a $300 gift card, it won't be 7.5% anymore, since it's just $5 bonus on >=$200.

      • +2

        Thank you, explained perfectly :)

    • +2

      OP means you can buy woolworths gift card valued $200 or more (for example: you can buy woolworths gift card valued $300 to qualify)

        • +2

          I lol'd. Have a +

  • Are you able to buy 4x$50 as an example?

    • +3

      Please don't, as the gift card needs to be face value of $200.

  • +2

    Thanks TA.

    • +5

      On staples the difference is minimal eg. 59c vs 60c tomato cans.

    • +1

      found the impostor!

      seriously, have you actually done a real comparison with some of the branded stuff between ALDI and wool/coles?

      some of us just want food grown+packed in australia (eg frozen veges) instead of things grown and packed in europe and flown ship freight half the world here.

      • +4

        Loads of Aldi products are made locally.

        • Not if taste, appearance and general quality are anything to go by.

        • most of the ones that are in the freezer section if i recalled correctly, are imported. with the exception of a few 'branded' ones that you can find in woolies/coles anyway.

          I am by no means a woolies/coles supporter, but for someone (not referring to you) to claim they can get 'like for like' food in Aldi is false.

          Objectively, the best option to source all local products at cheapest rate is to shop at all possible retailers. if you have the time

          although i would like you to support your statement, as someone who've got a lot of time to be reading ingredient labels, which ones, outside of baked goods that are made locally and is cheaper at Aldi by a large amount? (because I couldn't find them, and would love to get more value in my shopping, so don't take that as an offense)

          don't get me wrong, I shop a lot at Aldi, (as much as the others), just that I don't pretend all of Aldi selection is capable of replacing the other options elsewhere.

          • @slowmo: I get some of what you say, and I will start by saying I shop predominantly at Aldi. I grab some bits and pieces at the "others", mostly instant coffee on special, the odd gourmet item.
            Anyway I don't have the time or energy to go through every product off the top of my head but I mainly pick up fresh fruit and veg, fresh meat, mince, steak, organic chicken thighs etc and they are all sourced locally, from my state or at least from Australia, and most at a lot cheaper prices.
            I have been doing a bit of shopping at Woolies the last month chasing bonus points and ooshies(lol) and I find the variety overwhelming, and unnecessary.
            Some of my fav products that I believe are much cheaper would be, as mentioned earlier, the organic chicken thighs, which vs woollies macro is at least a few dollars/kg cheaper, dont know exact price.
            The Lytos Greek Yoghurt, which is in exact same pot and has exact same ingredients as Jalna ( made by them i believe) is only $4 compared to Jalna $7.
            One thing I don't like is no Australian bacon at Aldi, which is getting harder to get at other shops too these days, but I must say their selection of Australian ham, salami and turkey is very good and seems better than the other shops, Woolies at least, which I struggled to find any Australian ham at the other day.
            Could talk about it forever, some of it wrong no doubt as just off the top of my head, but just my experiences. Each to their own, and I agree about shopping around if you have time, but we find we can get 90% at least of what we need there, quicker to shop once you know the layout, and less people, although the checkout experience not overly pleasant.

  • +13

    It's like TA is watching, waiting until I purchase, then a day later he posts a deal! Next time, I'm waiting one more day before I purchase.

    • +8

      And then he posts the next day :)

    • +7

      This is WISH gift cards. You wish you should have waited for this deal before buying. :D

    • I've noticed a few of the other deals have been posted after 2pm too.

    • chances is that TA is looking at aggregated wish card purchase history on CR :P

      i am in the same boat, i bought a $200 just a couple days ago.

  • +1

    Can you still use Wish Gift Card to refill Opal at Woolies?

    • +2

      Yes I have done last week going to do today as well

  • Hi Op can I activate on mobile browser and buy through the app
    Thank you

    • +1

      Of course. You can only activate via a desktop or mobile browser (not via the CR app). Once activated, you can purchase via the CR app.

      • Hmm didn't know there was a cr app

        • +1

          Here you go. New updated versions for iOS & Android were released just last week.

          • @tightarse: Please kindly make a confirmation whether purchasing 2X$100 cards is accepted?

            • @hatxihoi: Hi @TA, I would like to know too if purchasing 2x$100 in one transaction is eligible or not?

            • +1

              @hatxihoi: Please kindly read the third dot point?

  • +2

    "$5 bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Separate transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses."

    I'm not saying I'm negging the deal. But I'd like to highlight this so that it would waste people's time if they think otherwise.

    • +5

      For people who can't read, you mean?

      • +3

        I wouldn't play smart ass on this. The word "highlight" warrants itself in this particular case.

        • +1

          I would, it's clearly highlighted already in the OP, one of the dot points of important things to know.

          • +8

            @John Kimble: The problem with common sense is that it isn't very common.

            I'm often in this camp.

  • Thank you for the clarifications and the deal.

  • +2

    The $2 cashback deal was better than this, right?

    • +2

      No, $5 > $2.

      • +10

        But only needed $50 giftcard. If my math is correct the $2 cashback deal was better

        • +1

          I guess, but assuming you usually buy these (i.e. for your normal grocery shop) then this one's better.

    • +10

      Yes, 9% savings compared to 7.5%.

      • +1

        This guy maths

  • +1

    Thanks TA!

  • Thanks OP.

  • hey does anyone know if i buy this can i use the WGC to buy a JB HiFi gift card?

    • +1


    • +1

      You could if you are served by a trainee checkout person.

    • +7

      its $15 saving…
      But i guess writing that its not worth your time was worth your time lol

  • Anyone having problems with the checkout page not loading?

    • Nope.

      • What browser are you using?

        • Chrome.

  • +2

    Don’t need to spend as much at woolies anymore now that the ooshies have finished…lol

    • +1

      I managed to get 6 ooshies when I spent $30.00 or more per transaction.

  • +1

    Thank you!!!

  • +3

    thanks op, got 1 to pay for a ps5 i ordered in bigw, a bit of a discount overall.

  • 2x $100 card eligible??

    • +1

      I think the GC needs to be higher than $200 for the discount to apply.

  • +1

    thx mate

  • +1

    Bewdy! Just in time! Thanks TA!

  • +1


    Might wait for ShopBack's make up offer. It better be a beauty.

    • +1

      Or just get both…

      • No point having tonnes of gift cards lying around.

        • +2

          You can always use at woolies to buy groceries or caltex to fill up your car.

        • Neither is speculating that Shopback will do an identical offer

          • @blighst:

            will do an identical offer

            If SB do an offer, it will be much better.

    • LOL, you still want to use ShopBack after the data breach?

      • Probably the best time to be using them, just like commercial aviation after a crash.

        • +1

          Yep get in the 737 max lol

  • +14

    Here are the recent deals:
    $2 Bonus on $50 (9% off)
    $3 Bonus on $100 (8% off)
    $5 Bonus on $200 (7.5% off)
    Unless you are a heavy user, this deal isn't very attractive.

    • Do you have the activation link for the $2 & $3 Bonus option? I can't find it here

      • +3

        I don't think those deals are active now as most of them expire the day they're posted

      • +2

        They have expired. These deals are only valid for the same day

    • +1

      I grocery shop once every week or so. Am I a heavy user? Because this is attractive to me still :)

      • Free money for doing my groceries is very attractive to me too!

    • +1

      you can also use it to top up your opal card

    • Unless you're a heavy user of ozbargain how do you ever see these deals before they expire

      • Alerts/subscriptions

  • +1

    Cheers TA!

  • Thanks TA!

  • +2

    Thank you TA :)

  • $2for$50 before. So $1 less for $200 bonus

    • Since you couldn't buy multiple $50 ones with $2 bonus, this is better for people who need $200 in gift cards. Also: check your maths.

  • Can't be bothered done this before on $2 I think it was and never got paid

    • +3

      If you activated the offer before buying your WGC, you were paid. Please check your CR account - the payment date of the bonus will be the same date as the promo. If you haven't received it, only explanation is you didn't activate the offer or you didn't buy a gift card of qualifying value. Only this WGC promo is yet to be paid to members (will be on or before 01/10/20). Please check and let me know :)

  • +1

    Thanks for that. I was looking to buy a Woolies GC soon anyway so worked out nicely!

  • +1

    Wondering which is a better bargain
    Working an hour extra for $15.

    Or spending the same hour on ozB a day and then score a $7.5 saving on a $200 purchase?

    The latter gives me the satisfaction of having scored a bargain, and the former makes me grumpy

    But in reality I might be ahead by not being lazy?

    • Hahaha that right there, is UnAustralian thinking.

  • +2

    Dumb question but if I purchase a $200 gift card and at checkout it is $190 (5% off with CR), do I still get the bonus $5?

    or do I need to purchase a $210.53 gift card to get a total checkout of $200 for the $5 bonus?

    • +2

      You just need to buy $200 gc.

  • Thanks TA, shopping night tonight anyway!

  • +1

    Thank you TA. Just in time.

  • -1

    (profanity) I bought one today without looking at Ozb…pray for me

  • +1

    Do these types of offers typically take a while to get tracked?

  • +1

    Does this apply to woolworths GC only or wish gift card too?

    • +1

      In the first line when TA mentions WGC he's talking about the WGC website in general, not specifically you have to purchase a Woolworths gift card. You can buy any gift card available on that site.

      • Thanks. Just thought it was worth checking

  • Of course I just bought one yesterday 😂

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