• expired

Learn Mandarin (Adult Online Introductory Course) - 2 Sessions Free @ K.T Chinese Learning


Now is the perfect time to learn basic Mandarin online, sign Up to our 2-week FREE (2 sessions) online class at K.T Chinese.

This free course is for 2 lessons over 2 weeks, with one class each week. We teach in Mandarin and Simplified Chinese.

Please message us at www.facebook.com/ktchinese for zoom link, or email us at [email protected] for free trial zoom link.

This course is suitable for:
- Over 15 years old

Our first class starts soon, don't miss out!

Our professional teachers will ensure you will have fun and learn Mandarin including speaking, reading, and writing. Our students love our classes!
Lesson 1: Greetings in Chinese, Chinese strokes, Chinese Pinyin system introduction
Lesson 2: How to introduce yourself in Chinese, Basic conversation in Chinese, Chinese pinyin, Number 1- 10

Time Zone:

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sydney Time (Every Saturday)

90 minutes, 10-minute break

Once after your confirmation, we will send you the ZOOM 24 hours before the course starting time

Have a fantastic journey of Chinese learning.

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closed Comments

            • -1


              @RimofLeo: You know nothing about a toxic culture. Loyalty to a brutal country is not good at all. I would say if someone loves totalitarian China, go back to China.

              I lost more than I gained ever since I moved to Australia. If I can get everything that I've lost back (interests and inflation inclusive), I'll go back to my country or somewhere else. I'm not from China but I've lived there for a bit.

          • +3

            @RimofLeo: I mean, there's probably immigrants from other countries (not China) whose children never learnt their native language either. Parents may have different reasons for that not just 'hating their own original culture'. People complain when immigrants don't speak English. ('Oh come on you are in Australia, you should speak English') but its the first time I've heard someone complaining about immigrants not learning their native language, lol.

            • @Rain Cloud: That's really funny šŸ¤£

            • +1

              @Rain Cloud: I get your point but I was not complaining as there is nothing to be complained indeed…
              Obviously he wanted to stir up a dispute and possibly spread hatred on this bargian website, otherwise he can simply close the tab and browse another post.

              • +6

                @RimofLeo: I am a good man trying to familiarising you how vicious the communist China is. Freedom and democracy are luxury for a billion people

    • +13

      As a Chinese-Vietnamese, I'd love my future family to learn Chinese.

    • +7

      Mate you can be as much of a sellout as you want to your culture but deep down you will never be accepted as white irrespective of your culinary or pop culture preferences.

      • Rubbish

      • -1


      • +3

        Sorry, that's not sellout or betrayor as I was never a follower of that kind of culture (chinese culture is all about hierarchy and compliance). Also, I dont want to be accepted by any preferences. Mutual respect and live our own life.

        • +4

          And yet you said people who love China should go back to China? What sort of mutual respect are you wielding in your hand?

          • +1

            @hjbolide: Mutual respect only applies to who appreciate universal values not to Chinese propaganda. The concept of Mutual respect itself is also not possible in China, cuz only one voice is allowed.

            • +5

              @nanoxz: Jesus christ, talking to you is like talking to a chump

              • @hjbolide: I was surprised by your stupidity šŸ˜‚

                • +2

                  @nanoxz: Alright looking forward to your reply to my comment above.

        • +1

          Oh really it is "all about hierarchy and compliance"..did your parents yell at you too often when you were little? You broken toy. You do you, but one person just can't justify the good and bad sides of a culture. You take yourself too seriously.

          What are you expecting from people who share the same cultral background?
          Kudos to your future parenting top notch idea?

          • @Bortus: You know nothing about the culture, better do some research before complaining my opinions

            • +2

              @nanoxz: LOL, I just stuffed it in your throat, didn't I?

              I happen to come from the same culture. So which particular topics you are suggesting me to revisit? And I wasn't complaining about your opinion, I was making fun of it because with all those many racist comments under this learning madarin "freebie" post and all you got to say was your twisted parenting strategy.

              You know no matter what language(s) your kids would speak in the future, the voice in your head is always Chinese, isn't it?

              • @Bortus: I bloody love this episode.

                • @hjbolide: Yeah, I might have taken a bit too far. Such a crazy world in 2020.

                  • @Bortus: eh well, yolo.

                    I like where this is heading tho.

    • Now this innocent and honest comment attracted the 50c Army!!!!

  • +3

    I will have to politely decline.

    • don't you mean "politically decline"?

  • -4


  • +12

    Wow, as a Chinese, I found that the comments are way more interesting than the deal.

    • +19

      Most of them are just offensive tbh. Imagine if there was this much racism but for another language bargain..people would be up in arms

      • Most of it is off topic but it will be allowed to stay

      • Imagine if there was this much racism but for another language bargain.

        Are you new to Ozbargain? There's plenty of nonsense associated with religious and specific cultural offerings.

        Any language/offer that has an association with terrible acts/news items usually draws the attention of others. So no, this unfortunately is not a unique experience at all…

      • +15

        Except criticising the Chinese Communist Party isnā€™t racist. Theyā€™re different to the actual Chinese populace, as much as the CCP tries to paint the narrative that theyā€™re one in the same.

        • Too right, comrade!

        • +9

          Why is a post about Chinese language the place to criticise the CPC? Do you criticise Trump on an ESL deal?

      • Nothing offensive. People are being extremely civil. It's just that some people can't take the truth. Facts are facts unless you live in a dictatorship where whatever the leader says is a fact.

        • +8

          Mate even from the point of the OP. Do you think a German language provider/teacher would appreciate 100 people coming onto their page and ranting about Nazis and making jokes about the holocaust. It's simply irrelevant and I'd be a little offended too if my intention was just to provide a deal out of goodwill

    • haha, fully agree

    • +7

      This is to communicate with the people not the government

    • +6

      You talk like Trump.

  • +1

    Time to become True Blue.

  • +3

    "Adult Online" ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

    • Bonk!

    • Yea but itā€™s not ā€œAdults Onlineā€. You will settle with that? ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

      • ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

  • +18

    Someone always loves to turn a simple ozbargain deal to be a political matter. If you don't want to learn Chinese, just ignore the deal instead of finding an opportunity to throw your anger online.

    • +7

      With ps5 and Xbox sold out, what else is there to do?

      • +2


      • +1

        make paper rtx3080 and sell on ebay!

  • How much does it cost normally e.g. if you wanna continue with the lesson?

  • Can't find any further info about this education institution.

    No about-us, no physical address, no ABN/ACN
    .com website, probably not in Australia?
    Toll free phone number search on Google not getting any meaningful hit.

    No much info on Facebook page as well.

    Maybe better off to sign up with accredited institutions or even your nearest TAFE.

    • It's free, what have you got to lose?

      • +1

        Perhaps personal info? :(
        But can fake it when signing up! :)

    • "K.T Chinese" shows up in the ABR with ABN 58 554 605 255, and I wouldn't read too far into whether it's a *.au website. My website is *.com and I'm an Australian sole trader…I don't list my ABN on the site either.

      Whether it's better to go with an accredited institution/TAFE is a separate question though. I think most will want to do this out of curiosity, not to gain a certificate. In which case it doesn't matter. Better to study alone/with decent help and get HSK levels than a 6 in CHIN1001 at my local uni taught by a really bored lecturer.

      • +1

        D'oh! Forgot to check ABR, my bad :p. Registered in Queensland, it is based in Australia.

        It was often said chinese/mandarin is not an easy language to learn, probably not a suitable self-study subject.

        I once sat outside a mandarin class in TAFE Southport (Gold Coast), saw quite good interaction between the tutor and students, they seem to enjoy that class.

        • I think it depends on your level of interest. There's a little over a hundred truly proficient speakers of Mandarin in Australia who are not heritage speakers. If you'd like to join them then serious university study (which I'd define as including multiply more hours self-study than in the classroom and at least a year at an in-country language school) is a strong option. It's possible to get there through self-study though, and decent online teachers (there are orders of magnitude more good Chinese teachers in China than there are in Australia) can give you all the instruction you'd get in a uni degree/TAFE course and more (just not the piece of paper; I'd argue HSK is more useful anyway).

          I should clarify that I'm in the couple hundred or so fluent non-heritage Australian speakers of another difficult East-Asian language after doing the university route. I also know a few of the 130 Mandarin speakers mentioned above through work. There are better speakers than me who learned primarily through self-study, in less time than I took, though I think I would have had a lot more trouble that way. People are so different in how they learn and what they need to motivate them (many people need less extrinsic motivation than I do, basically).

  • There is just no way someone could learn Mandarin in 3 days.

    • +3

      Its probably just a trial to see if you want to continue

  • +1

    K Rudd endorsed?

  • Just here for the ROLs

  • -6

    Here come the racist (profanity). Can't wait until China annexes us xi at least is competent unlike scomo from marketing.

  • Wow it almost seems like China has a bad reputation or something!

    Who would have thought there wouldn't be comments relating to the language predominantly used by a nation that's threatened Australia, destroyed the environment, actively committing a genocide and arguably the source of the pandemic that's effected the world.

    Its like posting a BP offer whiles there's an oil spill from BP in our backyard… what do you expect?

    • +3

      If this was about a German course. It wonā€™t attract the same responses. How Ironic.

      • +2

        That was 70 years ago and they have done almost everything possible to make amends. Jewish people are flocking to Berlin because it's so welcoming.

        • Yet we are still taught about the Holocaust in senior high schools here in Australia. I remember my year 11 and 12 English class dedicated half a year of the curriculum to Holocaust literature just to remind us of what people of a highly civilised nation could do to other human beings they deemed a non perfect race.

          I so thankful for the materials taught in class otherwise being an Aussie who was born decades later and has not experienced such atrocities would not know about the history.

          Something happened years ago does not mean it is politically incorrect if it gets mentioned again.

          • @FrugalNotStingy: Circumstances are vastly different and cultures have changed compared to now. Germany is considered an ally and China are actively screwing Australia over, taking the first shots with the tariffs which were "unrelated" to certain COMMENTS by our government. We made criticisms and they threw a rock at us.

            • @Blitzfx: If Australia took a more neutral stance then things could be different. Australia doesnā€™t need to follow America and America would not give back Australia any good. We donā€™t need to be cronies of the US. Why not be like countries such as Sweden and the Netherlands? Mostly neutral, minding their own business?

            • +2

              @Blitzfx: We shouldā€™ve kept our mouths shut, like New Zealand. They were smart enough to remain neutral and not get tangled up into this US-China trade war, now theyā€™re going to see more investment and business opportunities from China. Do you not understand? Sometimes you gotta put your ideals behind because the whole nation suffers otherwise, weā€™re screwed over the next decade or so, just wait and see. All because of some politicians that cannot keep their mouths shut.

              • @unfinishedsentenc: I agree in what you said but I think if we got rid of ScoMo, things might get better.

              • @unfinishedsentenc: The ideals are tangled up with human rights abuse, and I'm not sure that is the correct thing to do.

                If human rights aren't an issue for you, then the next example is the Belt and Road initiative they are running in Africa. They've preyed on the corrupt politicians over there by getting them to sign deals that they cannot dream to pay off. Ours are already corrupt in allegedly accepting coal deals that are offered locally. Can you imagine payments from China that are 5x what is being offered?

                I don't want that to be remotely possible here. America is already a worst-case example of where wealth buys political power (donations), which generates more wealth (writing policies that favor big corporations)

                We either take the hit and deal with the issue now, or continue to live cheap with China's entire hand in the pie and deal with a problem that is substantially more difficult to correct a decade or two later.

    • +7

      Yea Chinese govt applied "one kid police" on Han ethnicity onli, meanwhile other 55 ethnicities in China can have more than one kids.
      Cant imaging committing a genocide on 86% of population, and no one protest against govt
      Werid country gonna say

      • +1

        Why are they forcefully sterilising Muslim women who have already had one child?

  • How do you learn Chinese in 3 days ?

  • +4

    Wow - gonna learn a lot in 2 x 90 minute lessons.
    I get to learn more by walking around the shopping centre in Box Hill (Vic) in my spare time.

  • +1

    Its great to be able to learn Chinese if you are travelling. People are nice the the government are not


    Cant imagine whats gonna happen to her in here…………….

    • Not everyone is nice in China. Plenty of scams, especially if you are a businessman.

  • that would have been very helpful when I accidentally changed my ms store into chinese.

  • Dankon - č°¢č°¢ä½ 

  • +7

    It's so easy to see who reads Murdoch news. It's just a language, Mandarin is also used in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia so it's very useful to know.

    • Same the other way my friend

    • -1

      The Murdoch press likes China more than the Left as they businesses make a lot if their money selling Chinese goods

  • I've found a much cheaper way of learning mandarin. Check out this app called Zungzi. It's flashcards with audio output and it's done wonders for me.


  • funny mud pee

  • +9

    Good to see how naive people are. Both Wetern Media and CCP feed you guys with what they want you to read. so called brain washed then. pls think independently and do you own research before making any offensive comments.

    • +4

      If people choose to not foreign language to make a political statement that's on them but i'm fairly sure we can all accept that the atrocities of the CCP aren't just media spin.

      • -1

        Early days "Oh (profanity) the CCP theyre throwing people in Vans for not following restrictions"

        Nowadays "Throw them under the bus for protesting and not wearing masks"

        Media spin is exactly what it is, notice what kind of language is used in any Uyghur post, its all suggestions and based on evidence with no verified sources. Talking about 'experts' who are unnamed.

        • -1

          I have read there most certainly have been verified sources and even footage proving it.

          We're those hundreds of Uyghur prisoners part of a BDSM world record?

          • +2

            @FlatulentFrank: Of course there is footage, but that doesn't stop people claiming there isn't. Facts don't concern these people, they just see what they want to see and then tell it as fact.

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