A great deal for a normally expensive seat. Less than $300 for a top-end Britax is fantastic.
This is the BabyBunting exclusive version of the Britax Safe N Sound Graphene which is $383.20 after discount ($479 prior to discuount) (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Britax-Safe-N-Sound-Graphene-Con…). They have the same measurements and design, but with different fabric. Some users also report side impact protection is different.
I've owned the Graphene for two years. We loved it so much, we chose the Brava for #2.
Also see grey colour: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Britax-Safe-N-Sound-Brava-Grey-/…
Nice! Been waiting for a discount on Baby graphene and got this.