I don't think so. I don't have ebay Plus and i applied coupon just fine.
Dell 27" 4K IPS 60hz Monitor S2721Q $319.20 Delivered @ Dell eBay » All Comments
It works ok for me, I didn't complete checkout though… I'd say, try again…
Would this be a good match for an Xbox Series X (playing at a desk, not on the couch)?
It's only 60hz refresh rate so maybe not the best monitor for consoles. Given 4k 100+ Hz monitors are well over $1000, next best thing would be a 1440p with high refresh rate.
Would you still suggest 1440p/100hz+ for someone who doesn't play competitive fast-paced multiplayer? I'm keen on Halo Infinite, Flight Simulator and Fable mostly.
120hz 1440p monitors are reasonably cheap these days. Gaming experience between 60 and 120hz is like day and night so yes I would recommend a high refresh rate monitor if you are buying next gen console.
@loksmack: Overwhelming majority of games on the Series X will be 4k 60, not 1440P 120HZ. While the difference is quite apparent, it's not as big with a controller. I'd definitely go for a 4k 60hz screen, and they're usually cheaper
edit: Answered my own question. NExt gen consoles like PS5 and Xbox whatever it's called can run at 120 fps.
next gen yes
Gotta say, I'll be really surprised if they live up to this claim. The next gen GPU's are equivalent to 2070 Supers, maybe slightly higher. Even with the SSD enhancements, Id' still question it. Considering a 2080ti which is 20% more powerful, can't hit 120fps on 4k, or even close to that on current games. If they do in fact manage that, that will rather impressive.
@ONEMariachi: lolz…….manufacturers make a lot of bullshit claims. What they actually mean is up to 120 fps at 1440p. No way you're gonna get that from a $500 console.
I'd say the vast majority of games will only 60fps at best so it's a solid choice, not sure if you can feel the main benefits of 120hz+ on a controller anyways
The consoles are not going to do 4k at over 60fps lol. I feel a lot won't even be able to hit that. Probably cos that's what the hdmi let's them theoretically hit.
All gone?, only 20?
Fingers crossed for a restock :D
They only had 20-40 units. More deals will come after October shipment of dgf and 2721d deals. They need to ship these before they can offer high quantity deals.
Hi, is there a limited number of time PDELLME can be used per account?
I don't think so, it's just the stock level per deal.
A maximum of two transactions applies. Multiple items may be purchased in 2 transactions (with up to a maximum of 10 items per transaction).
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/565608The ebay T&C link doesn't work…
Thanks. When in October will that be?
Important information regarding your Dell order: your order has been delayed by 8 weeks.
LOL, 20 just sold in 5 minutes, sat there and watched it. Ozbargain represent!
damn..out of stock as i was paying for it in checkout
Hey Dell, yea can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
reasonably sized 4k panel? me and all my homies prefer 32 for a sensible viewing distance
Idk I feel like 27" is good for dual monitor setups especially considering every desk I've had has been tiny in terms of depth. Not sure what viewing distances you're used to.
Damn. Had 2 in my cart and by the time I clicked buy after applying the coupon, sold out. :-(
First thing I did after seeing the price on eBay was check on Ozbargain history what was the best price before and I nearly fell off my chair. I was in market for a 4k Monitor, so this deal just made my day.
The S2721H looks great value too, a tad over $200. I'm holding out hoping a height adjustable version drops soon .
Ohh what the hell dell?! Can we get a few more?!?!
They don't have the shipping capacity after the dgf big deal. They will restock with same deals after October.
restock please dell
Got one, thank you OP
Such a good price for a 4k monitor!!! Sad I missed out will wait for after October deals. Hopefully can snag one then
Is Dell deal like this happen every month😅 or it is Black Friday deal that you mention. Sorry am now 😂🤣
27" 4K………………….ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I have a 1440p, 1080p and 4k TV. 4k belongs on 30+ inch screens.
Ma eyes. Gonna have to squint. Gotta scale up the icons and words.
You know you can just adjust the resolution right? Can just turn it down to 2k or 1080 on your machine.
You can't really adjust the resolution of an LCD monitor.
Yes you actually can through the display settings
@Ema000: I'm guessing he's saying 4 pixels on the 4k screen will all output the same colour hence imitating 2k screen. there will still be 4k pixels on the screen. Just lots of pixel with the same colour out putting.
@POSITIVEVIBESONLY: Exactly. It is even worse than simply outputting the same colour since 4k is not exactly twice 2k (3840 pixels vs 2560) so there is a lot of anti-aliasing involved.
@bio: I get what you mean but for most people this won't be an issue as they're just reading emails or typing up documents. As the comment addressed above, i'll rather have more pixels then less.
@bio: While 2K is a wishy washy term, it generally is applied to 1920x1080, not 2560x1440 displays. So 4K is actually twice 2K.
@bio: Just use Windows 10 resolution scaling, it outputs at 4K but enlarges everything on screen based on the percentage you choose, so items on screen aren't tiny. It's still crisp and there is no interpolation. Settings>Display>Scale and Layout
Windows does it all for you. It's only fuzzy if you try to output a non native resolution.@Dontreadthis: Yes, that's what Orico had suggested ("scale up the icons and words"). My comment was a response to POSITIVEVIBESONLY ("you can just adjust the resolution").
That's true. technically it'll be 4k but look like a 2k display when it's got 2k resolution being inputted but you get my point.
damn what a deal, missed out and hoping they restock
Damn missed out too. Please restock
Aww I asked dell eBay for more, they said no =(
why can't they restock, the Dell website has them in stock at full price so there is still stock so I am praying for a restock soon
it's not too bad for this price. But they don't tell you the color space and accuracy. Tilt seems to be the only adjustment, but that's fine with me.
60hz, IPS, 4ms, 1300:1 contrast, 350 nits, 1.07billion colours, 99% SRGB and has speakers included. Got it from this https://www.techarp.com/computer/dell-s2721qs-s2721q-4k-moni…
what's it missing that the ultrasharp line has?
By the looks of it ultrasharp has added lots of usb ports including usb-c. Adjustable stand and can rotate 360degrees and better colour's.
damn, another one bites the dust. I'm missing out on alot of bargains recently :(
Think of it this way. You're doing fine without it, so you've saved $$
exactly.. I missed this by few mins.. already have 3 monitors.. I am sure i'll end up with one more if they had more stocks..
My laptop only supports HDMI 1.4 so stuck with 30hz with 4k. I would need to upgrade my laptop too if I buy this :) Good deal OP
does your laptop have usb c? if so you can probably buy a usbc to hdmi adapter and get 4k@60hz
Mine is quite old (3.5 y) and It doesn't have USB type c port. Instead, it has VGA :D I'll upgrade my laptop later and it should support hdmi 2.0
Does anyone use this in combination with a Macbook? Would that look as crisp as an iMac 4K?
No, matte monitor kills it.
Reason why I'm still using my Korean 27" 1440p is because of the glossy LG panel used by the older Mac screens.
Any particular monitor you'd recommend to get that iMac picture quality?
LG ultrafine is the only glossy 4k I know. But it's 24" only.
Apple cinema display or 3rd party counterparts that use the same LG ips panel are the only 27" glossy panels I can find.
Glossy screens aren't popular nowadays unfortunately, despite phones still being glossy and actually get used in the sun ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Wow. What a bargain!
Well done to whoever managed to grab one.they just stocked 2 but someone got all of them! damn, hoping for more to come
Oh man I was looking at wanting to buy one of these monitors and didn't know it was on sale on Ebay
Omg what have i missed
Back in stock, 10 sold already, get in quick guys!
Yes! Thanks for the heads up! Much appreciated
No worries. Seems they only released 30, now only 6 left. A guy got 4, must have won a 3090 raffle, lol
Now out of stock XD, sold out in an hour.
27 minutes and 41 seconds give or take a second. Whose counting?
FFS I've been stalking this item on ebay waiting for stock to appear for two days..
it had to happen on the way home from work!Me too. Was hoping to get one for the PS5. Pain.
and 2 more came up 15 mins ago!
I have been refreshing the page for the last three days or so. Must be 1000 times or more.
Staring at 27 sold….. pretty much gave up they were going to add more.Came back from picking up the kids from school, 57 sold.. Unbelieveable was so upset, with 30 available I had a chance.
I had a feeling they may add some more, refreshed for the last 30 minutes or so.
They added two more, I managed to get the 2nd one of the two.
Those two lasted 1 minute and 9 seconds. I can relax now.
But don't give up yet though, the Dell 20% deal ends tomorrow but looking at the revision list, they add them at random times was trying to work out a pattern (there is none).
They even added 9-10pm at night but a dry spell for the last 3 days I gave up, tiny bit of hope though.But I have a feeling still…
Great effort and it paid off fred
I've been refreshing too, wish me and dan and Orinshi luckThanks.
Good luck you all get one.
Looking at the other Dell monitors that were posted at the same time, they quantity was in round numbers.
This one is on 59.
I think they will update at least one more time before the sale ends. Round it up to 100 I think.
Missed out. So sad.
LiMaaa said there will be more 2k 27 and maybe 4k 27 deals back in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes on.
Just saw their post. Will be watching these like a hawk now, cheers!
Back in stock! Only 5 available!
Yay, I missed it. Added to cart and gone
You literally have to just click GO GO GO and not let it sit in the cart. 5 gone in 2 minutes. Intense, pirranha like activity.
Was try to put the code. Lol
Holy cow this thing moves quick. Just scored 2 at $319 but damn it was fast. 2305 - such a random time.
Literally just clicking YES COMMIT GO without really even checking my address.
They listed 5, and within 2 minutes all 5 were gone (I took 2). Checking the ebay site maybe twice per hour all day and just randomly got in the 2 min window.
Good luck everyone - I have no idea what logic they are using to add QTY.
Lucky you. I have ordered a 27 2k. Want to get this 4k if I possible.
have you just been refreshing every second and staring at a hawk.. or do you just have a bot? I don't understand how anyone can just keep checking over and over again when it might not event restock.
No idea where or how to get a bot. I got lucky.
and 5 more 5 mins ago - missed again..
Really? I am not talking anymore.
nah it's the same one that LostinReverie posted - I hadn't updated my OZB
just checked on my phone, went to the toilet, and bam missed it.. :-)
Hmmm, I did not think they were going to put up anymore stock especially at this time.
They put up 50 QHD monitors, they went quick too.
Deal ends in 14 minutes.
Keep refreshing I think, till the offer closes.
That Dell code has expired now, on the dot 12am.
Price still $399 though, this is still a good price though.
Anybody received theirs? Hard to find reviews on this monitor
I think they aim to send them out in Oct.
This batch should be SEP?
ETA on eBay page 07 Oct - 15 Oct, probably the same batch as S2721DGF.
The model is brand new. 2021 model.
27inch Year21
Some pretty poor feedback on this monitor from the SlickDeals thread. Apparently not as bright as the 2k version, backlight uniformity is patchy and the edges of the screen are dim :/
I guess they had to cut corners somewhere at this price point.
Let's hope it is is not all of them.
Use dark mode or dark wall paper…
Comment #76, he said he was shipped returns? Did these monitors not just get released?
Comments #79-80 have multiple people complaining about the issue, with most of them choosing to return the monitor, so that's not great.
Unsure happened with #76, maybe handling it when packed or potentially a customs inspection?
I hope it is not a common problem. I think most of those comments were from USA, hopefully AU will get a better batch. We will find out soon enough.
I have never checked before on my current monitor a LG 24" IPS screen.
I just checked full white, black and grey.
I see a little bit of "IPS Glow" I think they term it.
I do see some in the corners. a tiny bit on the edge.On a white screen, slightly grey on the edges and corners.
On a black screen, slightly brighter on the edges and corners.
Not that much, 0-5mm from the edges.But moving you head changing the viewing angle also makes some difference.
In generally usage I have never noticed it.
I have the brightness on lower side as well.
I believe it maybe a common issue with IPS screens.
@fredk1000: It is a common trait of the IPS technology. And getting an IPS that doesn't have these traits is like winning the lottery. For $320 I don't expect a flawless IPS panel. But if it turns out the IPS glow and brightness uniformity and colour accuracy is trash than that will be really disappointing.
Hopefully anyone here that gets theirs can comment on the quality. Really interested to hear.
@zintill: Technically it is a $699 monitor, so yeah it would be disappointing for a monitor of this price range if it turns out to be very poor.
Coupon cannot be applied??? Is is just ebayplus?