This was posted 4 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Hack] $1.80 Large Frozen Coke McSpider (Save $3.10) @ McDonald's


I haven't posted a hack before and it's been a while since a McDonald's hack has been posted (probably for a good reason) but I thought I'd give it a go. Today I felt like trying the Frozen Coke McSpider (expecting it to be about $2 for a large one). To my shock the large one cost $4.90. So it got me thinking…

Order one large frozen Coke/ Raspberry / Fanta Flavour(s) of your choice for $1. Then order one 80c soft serve and combine! You now have yourself a Frozen Spider for $1.80 with bonus cone. Even if you ordered 4 soft serves and combined it into your frozen drink you would still be saving 70c, plus you'd have 4 bonus cones!

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Wow! how thoughtful.

    • +2

      Thanks. I'm glad you think so.

  • +102

    Soft serves are 80c now?

    • +21

      I thought they were 30c not long ago? Must be covid times…

      • +28

        Me: Can I have a 30c cone please?
        14 year old staff member: That'll be 80c thanks.

      • +59

        Stamps were 45c and McDonald's cones where 30c. Now stamps are $1.10, letters only get delivered twice a week and McDonald cones are 80c. This doesn't seem right. No wonder people think old people are grumpy all the time, this must only get worse as you get older.

        • +1

          McDonald's soft serve cones were 30c in 1992.

          And they were cheap then. Don't let it be a cause to be miserable…

          • @UncleRico: They were 30 cents in QLD until 1998 at least, then they jumped up to 40 cents.

          • +14

            @UncleRico: They were still 30c in 2012 when I was dating my wife and it was costing me 60c to go on a date.

            • +6

              @CacheHunter: No wonder it took you 8 years to become a new Dad :P

      • It's been several years since they up'ed the price to 80c, its not because of covid

        • +3

          Even 50c was a rip lol

    • +1

      If you think they went up in price, I remember 40c cinnamon donuts around 15 years ago from DK now at $1.50-2.00 each depending on the franchise.

      • holy shizz! Haven't been to DK since I was a child but I thought they were still 50c each or so.

        • i remember they were 50 cent with a cofffee. is that deal is going?

    • is it still 2 and half swirls per cone?

  • +10

    sounds familiar

  • +3

    Bargain of the covid-20 year

  • +34

    Order Hot Cakes and a Strawberry Sundae for a delicious treat. Pour the Sundae all over the pancakes and you can pretend you're at Pancakes at the Rocks.

    • hahaha genius

  • +11

    I say shame on Maccas not shame on you for this workaround

  • +23

    I'm not upvoting bc it seems pretty common sense,

    I'm just here to say holy shit they have balls thinking they can ask a fiver for this normally.

    • +10

      Common sense should be renamed to "rare sense"

      • +2

        "Common sense isn't very common" is probably my favorite quote, and I forgot where I picked it up :'(

        • +1

          I like "common sense is the rarest commodity in the universe"

    • I've never considered it because I'm not gonna pay 80c for a soft serve

    • +2

      'Common sense' usually only becomes common sense when someone points it out!

  • +2

    One of the few good things to come out of 2020.


  • +6

    Can I swap the cone for another type of cone?

  • +2

    Bonus cone? Take my upvote!

  • +4

    So the 50 cent flake has suddenly became a 20 cent flake?
    (The soft serve with flake for $1 starts either today, tomorrow or Wednesday depending on state)

  • +4

    $4.90 is ridiculous!

  • +2

    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

  • +2

    This was posted 4-5 years ago as well

  • +9

    Can here for the hack, stayed for the bonus cone.

  • +2

    Lizard Spock you are the real mvp

  • +2

    Frozen McSpiders, Coke and Fanta are $2 in any size on the app (NSW). The soft serve cone is $0.70 so hack price is $1.70 or $0.30 cent saving with free cone.

    • +2

      must vary by store, they're $4.60 for me (NSW)

      • It does vary. Same applies store to store in VIC

  • Lol, and stick the cone into it upside down to make it a freak spider

  • +2

    I remember doing this in the original deal. So much fun and get a lot of looks but worth it.

  • +2

    Soft serve takes about one third of the cup. This means you also get full size frozen coke.

  • +3

    HJ's still have $2 large Spiders, just FYI
    this hack is better value though

  • +3

    Favourite Macca's hack is still the mini sunday/McFlurry. Perfect to cure the cravings for a McFlurry without paying the nearly 5 bucks.

    Soft serve in a lid =70c
    With topping of choice: hot sauce, Oreo etc = 50c

    Now I'm craving ice cream haha

  • +3

    i tried to beat maccas at their own game but was beaten..

    I tried ordering a hamburger and adding a slice of chesse ($1.5 + $1) which works out cheaper than a chesseburger($3.65). But they won't let me order that combination. :(

    • +3

      Go order the cheese in a separate order.

      I’ve ordered 2 hamburgers, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and special sauce before when hamburgers were $1 and it was fine.

  • +6

    Another to add to the list is when you order a meal, it’s actually cheaper to get a small coke, then add an additional $1 frozen coke on the side, than it is to change the small coke to a frozen coke.

    I usually make a point of the idiocracy by not even picking up the small coke off the counter.

    • +4

      Do you think the kid behind the counter cares?

      • Probably not but I’m sure they can drink it on their lunch break. Better than me throwing it in the bin

        • They'll just put it with the next order. The drinks are free for staff anyway, or at least they used to be.

    • I chew the ice and spit the small coke into the frozen coke to make more frozen coke.

    • Why not pour the coke in and turns into a slurpee??

  • -3

    This is just sad….

    • It's a hack. If you go and order something then later change your mind because you saw some other deal, maybe one should read all the specials before ordering. Just ssying.

    • No, it's Ozbargain.

  • No need to go to Macca's at all to get your fix of spider (float). Buy a tub of cheapo vanilla ice cream and a litre of soft drink (preferably sarsaparilla yum) and mix together and now you can have all the spider you want to your hearts content.

    Now feel like some root beer float now. Damn!

    • That sounds awesome, whats a good sars? Bundaberg was the last one I had that was pretty nice.

      • Been buying the Schweppes one as I find the taste is closer to the A&W ones.

    • +1

      Which brand of cheapo ice cream replicates soft serve ice cream?

      • I'd LOVE to know also🥺🥺pls

        maybe just partially molten IC? but still

  • +3

    I tried one of these hacks years ago (not this exact one) and the manager stopped the staff giving me my order and acted like I was embezzling from the company.

  • Nice day in Sydney, good excuse to try this out and enjoy the sunshine.

    Thanks !

  • +1

    Starts reading comments

    McDonald's App Notification: Do you feel like a McSpider for $4.90?

    Me: '_'

  • +4

    All the new offers on the mymaccas app have been shiite, since the start of the monopoly game!

    • Yeh where's my 18 nugs and 2x fries gone :(

    • ahah not for me, I've had a $1 large fries last week and a $2 large thickshake this week.

  • +1

    I hope OP is like a full time bank executive or something, spending his free time working out hacks like this.

  • Who remember's spider's at the school fate? fun times!

  • Last time I had a soft serve it was 50 Cents. The time before 30 Cents. Looks like its time to get another one.

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