Super Mario 3D All Stars is now available for pre-order via Amazon.
This item will be released on September 18, 2020.
Mod Note: The price in the title has expired and increased to $69.
Super Mario 3D All Stars is now available for pre-order via Amazon.
This item will be released on September 18, 2020.
Mod Note: The price in the title has expired and increased to $69.
No cr for GAMES
Lol, who here remembers the 2012 - 2015 Wii U era arguments of "true" 3D Mario games like 64 and Sunshine vs Super Mario 3D Land/World?
I'm personally just pretty keen to have them all on the one console!
Mario 3D World was/is a great game, but it was admittedly a step down from the heights of Galaxy 1 & 2, so I think that's where a lot of the disappointment came from. Thankfully Mario Odyssey raised the bar all over again.
Nah Super Mario 3D World was way better than both galaxies.
It's just not as famous because so few people bought the Wii U.
And if multiplayer matters to you, it's arguably better overall than Odyssey.
I'm a Super Mario Sunshine elitist myself.
3D World is a good game and is clearly far better for multiplayer, but the Galaxies smoke it for single player.
Actually 3D world sold about the same amount of copies as Galaxy 2 did (around 6 million), which is crazy considering the difference in install base the Wii had over the Wii U. I agree 3D world is awesome for multiplayer though; for single player I'd still go with the Galaxies every time.
Bargain! Sold!!!
Couldn't click fast enough.
I just wish they had done more than just emulate the games with original graphics. Not the end of the world for Galaxy and Sunshine since they still hold up as gorgeous games, but Mario 64 is really looking old these days, sadly.
Nostalgia goggles will still help though!
Actually, they did make some improvements. They are all running at higher resolutions. 960x720 for 64 and 1080p for sunshine and galaxy.
64 also has new higher res textures. Shame they didn’t add widescreen but it’s not bad.
1080p for Sunshine and Galaxy is definitely great! 30 or 60fps?
I just wish they had done more than just emulate the games with original graphics.
Little bit disappointed to hear that… Mario 64 with a fresh coat of paint would have been great
Plenty of easy to use high texture mods online for emulating SM64, and they are working on it so they can be used on switch.
Think about it - why can you only able to buy this until March 2021? The time when the Switch Pro is being announce. They will also announce Super Mario 3D Allstars PRO which includes Galaxy 2 and all the games will have more enhancements.
I also got a promotion message: "Get $10 off only on the Amazon mobile app. Enter code APPONLY10 at checkout.
Get $10 off when you spend $39 or more on eligible items through the Amazon Shopping mobile app only."
Yeah that deal has been around. It is targeted though. I wasn't eligible when I wanted to use that on another purchase.
Not only is it targeted (as Jorgonaut has already mentioned), but only first time app users will be targeted.
$58.26 when using 3% off Amazon gift cards via Suncorp rewards.
I'm so sorry,JB Hi-Fi.
Pre-order is already out of stock, wtf
Amazing price! Amazon just gave me a free month of prime too even though I've had prime in the past.
Anyone else not able to add to their cart?
Yup, looks like it's sold out. This is what I get for dawdling for half an hour.
How can preorders get sold out? Wtf
Because, it's limited run
OOS already damn, was refreshing all morning, but it literally went up when I started a meeting for work. Go figure!
RIP. Ozbargain'd.
Gone already?
I'm thinking I may order for $69 + $1.99 shipping at JB as this is a limited run thing so will likely sell out like crazy.
Thats what I am going to do.
Yep I just did. I'm not missing out on this. Not taking any chances.
Is JB Hifi reliable for preorders though? Never preordered through them.
It was honest and said to me 2 - 9 business days after release with $1.99 shipping, I could do click and collect on release if I wasn't in Melbourne.
Yea I've pre-ordered from them before no issues.
Yeah I just ordered there for $67.44 (5% Suncorp Gift Card)
Same 67 is ok
Can live with 7 bucks more if this is limited release
Got a order confirmation from jbhifi as well
@agalea101: Yeah same, I'm happy with $7 extra to ensure I have got it instead of refreshing the damn amazon page every 3 minutes for the next month.
Damn, missed it!
Literally hadn't finished watching the direct and it was gone!
This is why Nintendo is Nintendo. Crazy as this is the first preorder gone so fast
I view Nintendo's commitment to fun and quality as the essence of Nintendo.
This artificial scarcity BS, where they deliberately produce fewer units than their predictions say will sell, to keep the prices high, is just a bad habit they haven't grown out of. I suspect it loses them more in lost sales than it gains them in price anchoring.
Deal is over :(
I preordered digitally using the Switch Online vouchers, which also gives a decent saving. Worked out at around $67.48 for the games, plus you get around $6 in gold coins for later eShop discounts.
They only weigh in at around 4.7Gb, too.
So you did this and Super Mario 3D World?
Nah, I only had one voucher left after preordering Pikmin 3.
Looks like I might need to buy more.
Fyi my voucher got denyed as it expires before the game releases so don't hold them for too long
For so called "limited" i'd rather get a physical copy on my shelf.
I miss my switch. I played it on my commute to work daily. Now that I am working from home, I don't play it :(
Why not just pretend you're on the train for 30 minutes and play it?
Couldn’t you just play after finishing your work?
Wow, that sold out quick.
I'd say they were just priced incorrectly, not sold out.
I think it may be a direct price conversion from US dollars for all the Nintendo Direct stuff, hence the weird prices. E.g. $60.06 $112.47 etc. but that may have been a mistake.
I got the amiibo ordered, but when i kept searching for mario it didn't show up on amazon so thought they hadn't added it. Didn't think to check ozbargain.
It costs $60 USD though, a direct price conversions would be $82.45. It’s not uncommon for Amazon to have these kind of prices for new release Switch games, so it’s most likely not an error.
I mean it doesn't matter now anyway, all of the stuff from the direct is sold out/not available.
Ozbargained already woosh
That went out of stock quickly
my brother sent me this link I'm very excited about the cars. I can't find any online for the pre-order yet.…
40 seconds into the first video.
You can pre order them on JB $149 each, they were $112.47 on amazon just before though, all gone now.
Link please?
damn missed out
I've been waiting for the amazon pre-order and now all gone. I hope more pre-orders are added.
There will be more stock coming for sure. But price may be bumped up.
Of course there’ll be more stock. It’s available digitally also. Calm down people.
Digital? Yuck
For limited items. You do not want digital only. No matter how you love digital, always get yourself a physical copy.
I feel my comment still stands. There’ll be plenty available. Calm down.
Of course more stocks are coming. They are selling for 6 months, not 6 days.
Previous digital titles that are no longer available to buy are still available to download if you own them.
I never buy digital unless its not released in Australia or under $10
That's nice? I prefer Digital unless it is significantly more expensive, no hassle of changing cartridges or kids potentially losing them or dogs eating them. To each their own.
And Digital is good especially when you have multiple consoles.
I don't want to be in this dogfight for the amazon preorder. Just ordered off JBHIFI
i cancelled my JB Hifi preorder and preordered from Amazon, because Amazon have a better track record of possible price dropping.
Back in stock for $69
Thank you! :D
Thank you!
back in stock but $69 now
Same with Mario Kart … $133 now
Yeah was a good deal, paid $75 including express from JB, happy enough with that.
Was $60 earlier now $69.
These are old games right?
But remastered!
I still have old consoles
They're not forcing you to buy it.
And they look like (profanity) shit on old consoles. Update you cheap ass.
Missed :(
Just got an email saying it won't be delivered on release day.
I didn't get a specific email but my original order confirmation says:
Tuesday, September 22 -
Thursday, September 24
Ok I just got the "not release day" email.Interesting the email is effectively blaming health reasons for shipping delays. But I wonder if it's a case of they over booked pre-orders given how popular this release was.
The email also doesn't specify WHEN I can expect my order, it just says it won't be on release day so I wonder if the dates above are what I can expect.
Wait a minute… I re-checked my order confirmation email and the dates have drifted to Wednesday September 23 - Friday September 25. That email must contain an embedded website link for it to be able to update itself? i.e. there's no other way they could edit an email they already sent me and in my inbox from 4th September.
I got an email too. My account still says “arriving Friday” though.
Same here, Friday 18th.
My order was just charged and change to preparing for shipment. As long as Australia Post can deliver on schedule it might still arrive tomorrow.
Mine hasn’t shipped yet, still saying it will be delivered tomorrow but has changed from “by 8pm” to “by 11pm”
Mine shipped at 3.30pm, and the order change from 'Delivering 18 September' to 'Delivering by 22 September'. A bit annoying but I guess that's to be expected.
Seems like I underestimated AusPost - mine is on board for delivery today. Very lucky. I hope others arrive today too
any cashback for games?