• expired

1 Month Free on nbn 100 Plans @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


Thanks to jimbler. An alternate ABB code, for 1 month free instead of $10/month off a month for 6 months, which will work out cheaper for nbn 100.

Edit: Code only applies to nbn100 (thanks matt15), for lesser plans you'll need to use the $10/month off for 6 months deal.

Edit: FB ad. Expiry 31/10.

Previous deal.

  • New Customers Only
  • Does not apply to higher speed plans (150Mbps or above)
  • Promotions cannot be applied retrospectively

Note it does work on 100/40.

Tested code:

nbnTM Internet Plan
100/20, Unlimited Plan $99 /month

Promo / Referral
First Month Free
-$99 /month

For first 1 month

Terms & Conditions

Related/Alternate Deal: $10/Month off nbn Plans for 6 Months (25, 50, 100 & Fixed Wireless)

Referral Links

Referral: random (260)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • How did you get it to work? The promo code was already prefilled and it says

    Invalid promo/referral code provided

    under the field for the promo code

    • Try a different speed plan. Try 100/20

      • I've tried 100/40, 100/20 and 75/20 with no luck.

  • +4

    100/20, Unlimited Plan $99 /month,

    As I remember, it was 89/m last month

    • +55

      They put their prices up.

      To be more competitive with Telstra.

  • +25

    Not really a deal after they price jack to $99 a month for their nbn100 plan.

    • Just sign up for 1 month and churn on the last day.

      • Going to hop onto Superloop on the 30th of Sept for 6 weeks of more free nbn.

      • As I remember ABB requests a 30-day notice for cancellation a year ago. Have they changed the policy?

        • There is no notice required. As long as you port out or cancel before next billing cycle, you will be fine.

  • +5

    hope its still around when Superloop promo ends..

    • +1

      You can specify a not connect before date but not sure how close the connection date is from that.

  • +7

    They are $20 or $30 dearer than Mate after the recent price hike.

    Just FYI if you wanna keep them after the free month.

    • +10

      Some mate users are being migrated to wireline, the traffic is more congested than the Westgate with 2 trucks lying across it.

      • Yeah just heard this. They were vocus layer 3 resellers and wireline is apparently WORST than that!

        • +6

          and wireline is apparently WORST than that!

          I heard they are so BAD, that it affects people's GRAMMAR

    • How does the free month compare with Mate's first month? I haven't been able to find anything comparable there myself.

      I usually like to slot a free month in-between whatever 6 month deals are going - did the ABB one back in June, hoping there'll be another come January.

  • +5

    Ouch !! Hope none of their customers who got an email recently telling them their fees are going up due to price sustainability are reading this.

    • +2

      I'm one of them. And I'm prepared to accept that it's still fair value exchange for the quality of service provided.

      • +4

        Agreed. If your nbn has a problem(which is more than likely, as nbn is flawed) this is the provider you want. Theyve been so good that out of respect im not switching providers to take advantage of promos. I reserve that for health insurance though so it all works out in the end

  • +5

    Seems like ABB is losing favour here a little bit. I might give Launtel a shot after this free month and compare. Thanks OP

  • +27

    Yep the arrogance of ABB have started from the time they intended to list on ASX. The founders and investors want to cash out now before the Big R hits

    • -1

      Keyboard Warriors, UNITE!

      It's a business, with an evolving model towards profit/earnings. You do have choices, ya know.

      • -1

        There's a difference between running a profitable and sustainable enterprise, and being a greedy (profanity). The latter occurs, almost inevitably, when a company is publicly listed because shareholders demand profits that increase year after year, indefinitely, and a surefire way to achieve this (at least in the short term) is to continuously increase the ratio of outputs/prices to inputs/costs, regardless of impacts to quality and customer service.

      • +1

        Have you even seen their recent media outings with all their advertising, now that wouldn't have been cheap at all. Ad after ad on TV and radio. No wonder why their prices have gone up.
        Coincidence, no, all in time for their listing on the ASX.

    • Big R ?

  • I got FTTC but dont have the NBN NCD, will ABB provide one? How do I answer their question "Do you need a modem/router?"

    I know the NCD is supposed to be free.

    • +1

      Maybe call them up? I bought their router but found it patchy in my house. Ended up with a mesh system and much better wireless connection through the house.

    • +2

      The NCD is free from NBN.

      Select yes if you want to purchase a router from Aussie BB and select no if you want to purchase your own router.

    • +1

      Any order that hasn't previously been connected to the Nbn will have the NCD issued with the order. If it was previously connected and the last person took it, you need to let them know

      • If it was previously connected and the last person took it, you need to let them know

        interesting. the last tenant was the owner of the house himself. will try to find out.

        • I'm not certain but this might tell you. Before I was connected it did mention NCD required which is what your status should be if you can find the NCD

        • +1

          The ncd is property of the house and nbn. You dont own it. So whoever was there last has misappropriated it. Report it and you should get another one or the previous owner will return it after being contacted by nbn

          • @aka nioh: NCD required means NBN has never been ordered.

            • +1

              @Twix: Thanks, ill recall my email to the rental agent then

    • +2

      FTTC installation includes NCD

  • Don’t mind it free for one month…

  • Only works for 100 mbps plans, or in case of fttn, THE 100 mbps plan

  • +17

    ABB have poor customer service, I was with them for 6months complained several times regarding dropouts either by email/app or phone & ABB wouldn’t do a thing about it! Ported over to Superloop had the same issue & after one phone call they got the NBN to investigate who found the problem at the exchange. Thank you Superloop! Bye Bye ABB

    • +21

      Ohhh but all the people Whirlpool keep on saying how good their call centre is, and how everyone should pay $10-$30 extra a month for that privilege.

      • +9

        Why do you care about call centre if there is no connection issues.

      • If you don't have connection issues, do you ever need to call call centre?

    • +6

      I'm with Superloop now on the current deal but just want to say I had the opposite experience to u, had drop outs and ABB kept on pushing NBN to do something even though they kept closing the complaint. Finally after 2 NBN tech visits without resolving the issue they realized the issue was at the pillar and it was solved. But ABB kept on pushing NBN to do something about it, I didn't even have to tell ABB the issue wasn't fixed, they kept on checking on their end and would keep me updated.

      • +3

        Same. Superloop half an hour wait times. Told to deal with it. ABB, 20second wait time if not instant. Super helpful and even calls up to check and update. Problem was eventually resolved as ABB kept hounding nbn who were dragging their feet

    • SL are nothing to write home about.
      Long wait times, no chat option, no mobile app and 3TB limit is enough for me to stick with ABB.
      Never had a single dropout or downtime (apart from network maintenance).
      Consistent speeds all day everyday (gigabit).

  • +10

    1 month free on some of the most expensive plans on the market now, yeah - no thanks.
    Code doesn't work on most plans btw.

  • +3

    Might be a dumb question but if TPG is $69 and AB $79 (both for the 50/20 plans) why use AB?

    • +6

      Because of their 'Australian contact centre' is the reason I keep on being given.

      • +7

        Sure, but if it works you never have to call.

        • +14

          Yes, but you are paying $120-$360 a year extra for that possible phone call though.

          • +3
            • +2

              @qedwards: All depends on your experience. Ive had a bad experience with tpg so i wouldnt touch them with a very long stick. Also love how they advertise on big billboards that their evening speed is 80 on a 100 plan. Like thats something to be proud of. Its 20% less than what it should be

              • @aka nioh: And AB is at 86Mbps, still not 100Mbps.

                • @Tony-Abbott: My point was that you should advertise your strengths not weaknesses. Eg tpg shoulda advertised the price in big letters. Then in tiny writing in the corner barely visible: evening speeds 80.

              • @aka nioh: I've got TPG FTTN 50/20 and I get 46/18 at most times and I haven't had to give them a single call in last 3 years. I got lucky, I guess.

                • +1

                  @OldSchoolHarry: Wow thats pretty good for fttn. 🤞 Your service doesnt play up. Any issues ive had was with the technology eg adsl or nbn, it really depends if your provider is good at kicking up a fuss with telstra (adsl at that time) or nbn.

      • And ABB have their own network so no reliance on a shared backhaul.

    • +1

      exactly why I went with TPG. I can put up with oveaseas call centre. I wouldn't pay $10 extra a month to chat to a local here, when I shouldn't even need to chat to anyone in the first place if all is meant to be working as per the agreement.

      • Exactly

      • And ‘put up with’ doesn’t do it justice, wait times are minimal with TPG and they are always extremely friendly and helpful (in case you need them, which is not often).

        And regarding set-up fee, I found that to be negotiable.

      • Its a hard ask as the current nbn is flawed. So yes i agree you shouldnt need to chat to anyone but youd be surprised at what nbn states is working as per agreement, i believe they said 5 dropouts a day on fttn/fttc is normal🤣. Imagine your car manufacturer saying, your car will turn off randomly on the road 5 times a day and warranty doesnt cover it

    • +4

      Tpg also require you to pay a setup fee if you don’t sign up for 18 months. No set up fee with ABB.

    • +2

      You're comparing "the best", to another.

      These discussions are endless & yet-evolving. I've used them all. I always followed the 'why pay more' concept, following the bargains. My finances & priorities changed, and I chose ABB. Never forever.

      • Agreed. Its not a bargain if you pay less but the products inferior/doesnt meet your needs. ABB all the way

        • @aka nioh
          How do you feel about the $10 monthly increase coming soon

          • +1

            @yellowfever: I dont like paying more but i feel like i owe ABB for fixing for my service by constantly contacting nbn when no other providers lifted a finger. I can always downgrade from the 100/20 plan to 75/20 plan i believe for the same $89

    • why stop there? with belong you can get it for ~$50.

      • +1

        And get a $80 sim card✌️

  • +3

    Received email from them "We need to increase Cost of Your Plan"
    100/40 paying $99 now will be $109 thats 10.10101010% increase

    • +4

      Wtf $109?!? I thought $89 with super loop was steep. And I hate how providers are starting to push the 100/20 now instead of 100/40, especially given people working from home would actually benefit from higher Up speeds. I’m too scared to churn now and lose my current price.

      • I feel the same way!

      • Not comparing apples with oranges.

        ABB was $99 for 100/40 Unlimited, $89 for 100/20 Unlimited.

        Superloop is $98.95 100/40 Unlimited, $89 for 100/20 Unlimited.

        ABB is now $109 100/40 Unlimited, $99 for 100/20, Superloop remains the same.

        Also, ABB are first to move in the market, guarantee within 12 months you'll see the smaller RSP's like Superloop and Launtel moving their pricing upwards as well. I'm happy to pay $10 more to avoid using Telstra, TPG, etc.

        • I'm paying $89.99 for 100/40 unlimited on Superloop.

          • @chriise: How?

          • @chriise: For 6 months under a promotion as a new customer. Their regular price is $98.95.

            ABB also have the same promotion, which makes it $99.00 for 100/40 for a new customer.

            • @richie83: Nah I've been on their plan for over 12 months. First 6 months were $69.95 before going to $89.95. I guess they didn't hike the price for existing customers when they raised their prices to $98.95.

              Edit: ….yet..

              Edit 2: Here is the deal I signed up for, and comment in November with info of the offer going from $69.95 to $79.95 for unlimited 100/40, but confirming they will honour the grandfather pricing. So I guess I'm sticking with Superloop now..!


  • +8

    Got that email too, One month free because they increased all plans by $10. not cool

  • +21

    Currently with abb, the latest price increases are honestly unacceptable and I can no longer recommend them. Their call Center isn’t all that Great as it is made out to be either. Most would see better value elsewhere.

    • +7

      I was with them for like 5 years and only had to use their support a handful of times (when I first got FTTP under Labor and another time when someone disconnected me and they needed to investigate).

      Every single time when a deal like this was posted, I got jealous. If you call them up to negotiate a price they'll tell you "ok goodbye". Very very stubborn and unyielding. I remember how estatic I was when they reduced the prices but then hiked them back up a few months later. It's been a rising trend ever since.

      I finally bit the bullet and took up the Superloop 6 month offer, thinking I would flip flop between the two when Aussie released their 6 month discount offer.

      Come to find they have become extremely greedy. I can't fault the service say for initial growing pains, scheduling and that cisco router debacle but constant price hikes are a hard pull to swallow.

      I hate fanboys with a passion as I am mainly servicea and product agnostic but Aussie has veracious supporters that will put you under the knife for even questioning their overlord that is AussieBB.

      I'm currently enjoying my Superloop connection that's faster, has less latency and less dropouts / scheduled maintenance. Also have 2 referals and am paying $72 for the next 6 months on 100/40 unlimited.

      • -5

        put you under the knife for even questioning their overlord

        Dramatic much? I'm on ABB and highly rate their service. I'm not going to knife you for it though.
        There seem to be some individuals who really dislike that others really like ABB. Blindly or not, if the individuals have their own great reason for praising ABB, there's no need to badmouth ABB to balance it down - not you Hahuh, but hashtagbargain. I do intend to shop around once my discount period expires, but until I have a negative experience, my reviews for ABB will remain positive - I don't think that's being a fanboy with intent to knife anyone.

        • -1

          It’s a simple question really:

          Would you pay 10 bucks a month more for the same service?

          • @hashtagbargain: No, I wouldn't pay 10 bucks a month more for the same service.
            Although many are stating the service is better than others and are worth the 10 bucks a month more.

      • +3

        Can’t deny there’s a cultish vibe going on for abb. I have to admit that’s what caught my attention first before I joined.

        • Can't deny

          Sure, but is it a "knife for even questioning" type of cult?

  • Is this discount applied to the first month?

  • +3

    Wow, how fast the winds have changed.

    I’ve been barking on about how it’s not good value to pay $120-$240 a year extra, When someone like TPG has faster internet and equally reliable internet for a good year or two. I’ve always been scoffed at, about how customer service is bad compared to ABB etc.

    Now days it seems like some people realise ABB isn’t worth the price.

    • +1

      Lets see I had a quick look at TPG for my circumstance which is a 50/20 plan. ABB is now $79 a month and no contract. TPG are $69 however you need to sign up for a 18 month contract or pay a $100 setup fee to go uncontracted. ABB are also one of the few ISP's that will credit pro rata costs, that is you won't be charged the remaining days left on your monthly plan. Now I just signed up for Superloop on the 6 week free deal, they don't offer pro-rata credits, if I switch to a different ISP it's also their policy that I have to contact them to cancel the plan, ABB didn't work that way, they automatically ended my plan the day after I switched. ABB are just a much better customer service experience, it's a pity they are also expensive.

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