• expired

$10/Month off nbn Plans for 6 Months (25, 50, 100 & Fixed Wireless) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


This deal is back again for September & October. Appeared on Facebook again today (code was showing as expired yesterday).

  • New Customers Only
  • Does not apply to higher speed plans (150Mbps or above)
  • Promotions cannot be applied retrospectively

From Ad:

EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Join Australia’s best nbn™️ broadband provider today and save $10/month for 6 months!*
Are you ready to work from home? Make sure your internet is up to the task!
With amazing speed, reliability & amazing customer service, you don't need to worry about your connection with Aussie Broadband.
Join Australia’s best broadband provider today!
*Promotion available for new customers only. Service not available at all premises. This offer is only available until October 31, 2020. For full terms and conditions see here

Edit 3/9: Related/Alternate Deal: 1 Month Free on nbn100 plans

Referral Links

Referral: random (246)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +30

    Shame existing customers on the 100/40 plans now need to fork out another $10 to maintain their plans… $110 is getting expensive.

    • +5

      I got an email form ABB today to say that my plan no longer exists and that I have to pay more for an upgraded plan that I don't need :(

      • +1

        Same thing happened to me with dodo. After a quick negotiation they offered me $65/M for 50/20 plan. I don't see a damn reason to sign up for these overpriced plans. It's been 3 years and I'm completely happy with them. It all depends on how lucky you are.

    • Considering switching to Superloop but I'm concerned they might lift their prices as well

      • +7

        There's a post from a Superloop rep on Whirlpool saying they have no plans to increase prices atm.

        Either way, with NBN it's very fast to churn and with month to month contracts you can just switch if they increase prices. When I churned over to Superloop it literally took 5 minutes after submitting the form, despite being 8PM at night.

        • +11

          Time to ditch ABB, doesn't seem that they care much bout their existing customers.

          "We're writing to let you know that, unfortunately, from your billing cycle in November 2020, we will need to increase the cost of your current plan to bring it in line with our current pricing. Your current NBN 25Mbps/5Mbps 500GB ($64.00) at $64.00 will increase to $65.00"

          Already pricey at $64 and getting shafted again calls for a churn

          • @spixder: Their current price for 25/10 500GB is $65. I had (until yesterday) 25/5 100GB for $55 for which i got an email saying they will increase it by $5 just after I upgraded mine to 25/10 100GB at $60.
            Maybe they are only doing it for their legacy (no longer available) 25/5 plans. Maybe you can go for an upgraded (at least the upload) 25/10 plan for the same price.

          • +5

            @spixder: A little perspective here.

            They aren't increasing the prices because they don't care about their customers, they are increasing their prices as they cannot support the amount of people currently chewing through data due to lockdown/WFH.

            There is already really little margin between their advertised prices what NBN charges.

            Most (if not all) NBN telcos operate by oversubscribing their customers on NBN; meaning, they expect a couple of flat-mates to chew through their data allowance, but they offset that with an elderly couple who aren't as demanding on their data needs.

            I hate that the increase will affect me too, but I have had so many good experiences with their support staff that it's become my expectation from support. I mean, how many residential providers have tech support available till Midnight?

      • +5

        https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/535547 $10 off superloop for 6 months

    • +3

      I'm on 100/40 with ABB that has 500GB data for $80pm, price hasn't changed since joining in 2018.
      Did I mention the speed is actually more than 100Mb/s https://www.speedtest.net/result/10013896121.png

      • +1

        That's about to change

      • on a good wicket! the rack rate for that is now $105, excl the above $10 off for 6 mths

        • Was at the same plan. $20 increase is too much.
          Now looking for another ISP

          • @raphael2012: take a look at launtel if you want similar support and performance etc, can also pause and change speeds no charge. about same prices as ABB tho. expanding their direct POI network too, but might depend where you are. referrals too for credit etc

      • I'm on the same except for $85pm and haven't been notified of any changes yet (signed up last year). I'm hoping it doesn't change because I'm quite happy at the moment!

      • +1

        The extra speed is from the NBN overprovisioning.

    • An extra $10 to get half the upload speed.

  • +4

    Cheapest I've found at the moment without being locked in on a contract is Kogan.
    $63.90 for 50/20, $78.90 for 100/20 for 6 months before you need to look at someone else.

    I was previously on ABB and Superloop and haven't found a difference in speed or stability for 50/20 (HFC).

    ABB is in theory faster for 100/20 and will have better customer service but I can't justify the difference. YMMV.

    • I'm looking at Internode 50/20 for $59.99 even with 6 month lock-in contract:

      • +9

        "Internode" aka TPG. Internode aren't what they once were, not even what they were in early 2018.

        I'd recommend people stay away from the TPG group unless they're confident in dealing with the insanity that lies before them.

        • +1

          Tangerine is a little cheaper for 50/20 plan on 6 month discount . I plan on signing up next week if the referral that gives u $25 credit.

        • +1

          Would agree with this. I had a nightmare dealing with TPG. Terrible customer service.

      • Got screwed royally by internode so even if they're cheap, I'd never go back to them. Sad, they use to be a premium ISP.

    • Try leaptel, they have $10 off for 6 months.

      Been using for 3 months, very good support and good speed.

    • Hmmn, that is tempting over superloop thats now 78$ a month

    • Tangerine is cheaper.

    • I've been with ABB for 2 years now Plasmapuff and love the service. I am on HFC as well. Do you get good pings with kogan? One of the reasons I have stayed with ABB is I get a 10ms ping whereas I used to be with dodo and my pings were around 100ms. If kogan can give a good ping I might just swap because I could use the extra money per month. I am on HFC too and get 10ms with about 55/20 on a 50/20 plan.. Any chance you can provide a speed test?

  • +3

    The $20 off is around the corner.


  • +3

    just left telstra to switch to these guys. it was absolutely seamless. fantastic service

    • +2

      Same. Telstra service is SO bad now. Took me at least an hour to get my service disconnected on chat.

      I'm much happier paying a little extra to not have to deal with terrible customer service (even if it was only 1-2 times a year).

    • Are you still able to use your Telstra modem?
      I have HFC and have the Telstra Gateway Frontier. Do you know if i'm able to use it with ABB?

      I've done research and half the people are saying you can but you'll lose the 4G SIM backup function others say it won't work at all.

      • You can use it for a router.

  • +2

    Easily the best ISP.

    • +10

      Thats the hype

      • -1

        Oh are we anti-abb now? What changed? Are we back to worshipping MyRepublic?

        • +13

          Expensive but good customer service. Who cares about customer service when you have steady internet? ABB doesn't reward or care about their existing customers so why be loyal?

          • +3

            @kobeduck: They care about them by providing high quality customer service. The fact I can have a technical chat with reps on Whirlpool about my connection is worth the extra money for me.

          • +5

            @kobeduck: Oh so they're like most other companies? No rewards for existing because their strategy is to entice new customers.

            Not a real big issue imo. I'd be more concerned about speeds, consistency and customer service.

        • Ive never worshipped my Rebublic.

          Back when Aussie started, they had huge capacity and few customers, it was easy to be stellar. Now they gain market share that becomes harder and sooner or later, money will guide their choices and prices say thats started already. Its not a dig at them, but the reputation they had, is true of the past, but not necessarily future. Its more expensive, so I would expect something I use a lot, that I dont already get.

          Tech support is awesome when needed. But if I need it enough to warrant $20 a month, the service Im calling about cant be great can it?

          • @Tuba: i think the way the ceo of abb speaks about nbn and is a vocal voice about improving the network connection fees for all isps shows that they are pro-internet access and have good intentions. where are the likes of telstra/etc saying we could do with a national pool for data or that the wholesale rate is crazy? the nbn doesn't need to pay itself back quickly but nbn co are acting like it has to be paid back tomorrow and charging crazy fees.

            • @sharks: All well and good that the ABB ceo is vocal, but when it actually doesn't SFA, then it's quite a pointless endeavour.

            • @sharks: Agree with you on the ABB part, but the Federal Government want to recover "our tax payer investment" ASAP and have instructed NBNCo to do so; they're looking to position NBNCo as a profitable business in order to privatise it. Telstra won't do much as they've shown what they care about the national interest in the past (state of copper network); and if the whispers are true, they're tying to position themselves as a potential buyer for NBNCo. When it's privatised we can probably expect even higher prices and less competition. If Telstra manages to purchase it, we can probably expect an even crappier network going by their record.

              Like everyone else, I would like the pricing to be stable or actually come down, not go up, especially with the current situation. But that's the reality and people should take a few things into account when making a decision on whether to stay or go. Not all will though.

              In general ABB provide a top notch network (both local and international speeds), great support & service (that's not just the Aussie based call centre, but their app and it's functions, their communications about outages and their participation on online forums), not to mention the openness of the company with CvC reporting and their dealings. The only other company that I would say is quickly catching up to them in all aspects is Launtel. Superloop, FutureBroadband and Leaptel each have their strengths and are good too, they're just not as well rounded in my opinion.

              For the loyalty part, they are just like all other companies, they're looking to grow the business by enticing new customers, in saying that, they offer one of the most generous referral programs around.

  • +3

    Who's the idiot that deleted my post? It was posted months ago here in the forum by somebody else. The one month free code still works.


    Mod edit: Code is NBN100MONTHFREE

    • Agreed. Should not have been deleted!
      Am going to sign up with that code you mentioned. Thank u!

    • Nice find, you should post that up as a new deal if it's working :) I tested the FIVESTAR code only but that had expired.

      By the way the system automatically deleted your comment, as the link you added with the code was in the same format as the referral codes.

      • +1

        If somebody else wants to do for it…go for it. I'm taking a couple of days break from Ozbargain.

        Apologies to the Mods for the language.

        • +1

          I'm taking a couple of days break from Ozbargain.

          By being on OzB. That's only way to do it.

    • Are there any hidden fees with signing up to the NBN100 plan with his code, getting 1 month free then after one month drop down to the NBN50 plan?

      • I will probably do the same. My NBN will be installed on coming Saturday. I think you can change your plans anytime. I may as well switch to NBN50 coz I am on FTTC and I believe most FTTC don't reach 100 Mbps. Let's see.

      • No hidden fees for changing plans.

  • +1

    Predominantly had a great time on Aussie BB. But went back to Superloop (formerly with Nuskope pre NBN) after the recent price increases. The fortnight leading up to my switching I was having repeated drops on FTTN, after being pretty good for many months. Upload was resyncing from 3 to 20 to 40 constantly. Must be said I used a fair bit of data the previous month (without drops) after having to redownload game libraries.

    Switched, and not a single drop in a month. Also went down to 100/20. Unsure if that's partly to blame.

    My download sync went down for months, slightly up again with the over provision, but still ultimately kept slowing this year. Probably just FTTN…

    • I think their speeds have just gotten far worse overall. Went from 20/5 to 50/20 hoping it would help, but the speeds have still been atrocious. Realistically worse, because the benchmark of expectation is higher. To be on 50 down and getting sub 20 is disappointing.

      Edit: For reference this is on FTTP

      • Wow that's bad. Have you called up? Testing via Ethernet?

        • To be fair i havent, just assumed it must be a case of "it is what it is" and hope it improves. It used to be flawless until a few months back.

  • Just for my own knowledge, what does this ISP offer that other ISPs don't? $69.99 for only 6 months then back to $79.99 seems like bit of a hassle and looks quite expensive for what they are offering.
    I am a long time TPG customer and am on the $69.99 50/20 plan with no lock in contract and TPG internet works flawlessly for me. Currently getting 41 Mbps on FTTB. Do people have really bad experiences with their ISPs? I live 300m from my node if that makes a difference.

    • +1

      Distance to node has minimal impact for FTTB as they are using fibre, little light lose for fibre

      Lots of problem come from people using the slowest FTTN.

      For FTTB I think you should be getting full 50/20 all the time as the max possible speed is > 100 anyways.

      So you are getting ripped off by TPG for a long time.

    • +6

      Their fanbois like to think they are the best because they have an Australian contact centre. It's not like customers really call up ISPs that often in their contract period. So to pay $10-30 more per month for that privilege is quite strange.

      • +2

        Strongly agree! This is ozbargain after all.

      • +1

        Exactly. I don’t understand the cult-like following on this and other forums when there are several other good RSPs to choose from. I can’t remember the last time I had to contact an ISP’s customer service and if you stick to no contract plans at most one month’s fee is all that is at stake if something couldn’t be resolved. Switching is so easy these days.

    • +2

      Apart from local support & adaquate CVC, I would add international. A lot of the time, people compare the cost of the product without going into much detail.

      If you only need to use the internet with caches (Netflix, YouTube etc) then they pretty much all do the same thing.

      If for instance you have time sensitive content conning from overseas (IPTV) then you need good transit. An example I tell people is the story of when I was with Aussie and wanted to move to Telecube. Since I have FTTP, I decided to test Telecubes network (think they were vocus reseller's) on port 2. Aussie would take 2-3 seconds to change channels for the IPTV service and Telecube would take something in the vicinity of 13. You can guess who I went with after a month.

      • But very few people would be doing what you are doing. Hence they don't want to pay the premium. Most people use internet to browse websites such as OzB, Netflix, YouTube, Email and Chat.

        • +2

          More than you think.

        • Like BigAntz has stated: more than people think. Also some application aren't apparent to the end user but benefit from a stronger network.

          I mean I want the internet not domestic-net / intranet so yes, I do pay a premium of sorts for the privilege.

    • +4

      ABB's strength is their customer service.

      The discrepancy between some users loving ABB and others saying "who even calls support?" comes down to very individual circumstances.

      Basically if your NBN service (i.e. the physical connection) is fine you will have no reason to call support and ABB's support is therefore of no value to you.

      However, if you have issues with your NBN service then ABB's support is genuinely great to work with.

      I have two services with ABB, one on FTTB (flawless) and one on HFC (issues every couple of months). I've had to call ABB for the HFC service many times and having had direct experience with support from the likes of Telstra, the difference is night and day.

      Telstra = waste 20 minutes following their support script, then watch them fail to follow up. ABB = 3 minutes tops, and they'll actually chase NBN.

      Another ABB value add is their My Aussie app — again this is most useful if you have NBN service issues. My Aussie lets you check & reset your connection which gives you a quick way to figure out if the issue is likely with NBN before you call support.

      ABB (and Superloop) are also far more approachable if you have routing issues to particular (mostly international) networks. A lot of people don't care about this because it simply doesn't affect them.

      TL;DR there are differences in service quality reflected in the price but the differences are not of value to a lot of people. Hence the common polar views seen on OzBargain.

      • +1

        Thanks for the detailed explanation. I guess I fall into the category that doesn't have issues with their NBN so the extra cost is of no value to me but I can see how it is appealing to people with NBN issues that don't want to spend hours on the phone rectifying their problems.

        • +1

          Yeah I would totally recommend going with the cheapest sensible option if you've been on NBN for a while and have no issues. FTTP and FTTB in particular have very few issues.

          Sensible options are those which make it free/easy to switch because although your NBN connection might be fine there is still the possibility that the provider runs congested networks upstream of NBN and you want to be able to get out of that if it becomes a problem.

          This is more likely to occur in the coming months as NBN had given providers a free 40% CVC boost which ends on 19 September. After that providers basically have a choice of buying the same or more CVC at their own expense and/or start running their links at higher utilisation (congestion). Some may raise prices to compensate.

          Aussie is basically the first to move.

  • Is the NBN modem worth it for $150 or should I buy one myself?

    • If you don't already have NBN then they'll give you a free NTP/modem which should plug straight into your router if you have one.

  • +2

    How long do you need to move off abb to qualify as a "new customer"?

  • +5

    $59/month for 12/1Mbps. Aussie BB you've lost the plot. That price should be 25/10 as a minimum.

  • Is ABB any good ? Currently with TPG and I am not happy at all :(

    • +4

      Yes. They are slightly more expensive than other providers but you get what you pay for. I'm super happy with it since I'd rather pay $10-$20 more for perfect service.

      • Thank you so much , I will call ABB tomorrow and see what happens :)

    • +1

      ABB, Superloop >>>> TPG.
      Try switching away from TPG and try it out. ABB offers 1st month free, no contract, so nothing to lose.

      • Thank you so much , I saw the offers from ABB yesterday and will give them a call tomorrow :) Cheers

  • Are you still able to use your Telstra modem?

    I have HFC and have the Telstra Gateway Frontier. Do you know if i'm able to use it with ABB?
    I've done research and half the people are saying you can but you'll lose the 4G SIM backup function others say it won't work at all.

    Looking to switch over but not willing to fork out the couple hundred for a new modem

    • Not aware of any issue with it. I used it on FTTN and still do with Superloop.

      • Was it just plug and play? Any config?
        I'm assuming you lost the 4g back though?

    • Yes it should work fine as a router connected to the Arris NBN modem that will be supplied. I've been using the Telstra Smart Modem Gen2 on Superloop for quite a while now and it's solid. No 4g back up though.

  • +1

    if people aren't happy with new ABB prices then superloop has $10 off for 6 months just click the random referral link, they appear to have improved the customer service offering https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/535547 I've got no complaints

  • +1

    Switched from TPG to ABB two weeks ago.
    Super happy with their service, so responsive and easy to get into touch with!

    • Yes, but how many times are you going to get in contact with them??

      • to be honest, in my case, i have cotacted them at least once a day…
        nbn in my area is having constantly drop-outs, and abb guys have been very very responsive.

    • for whom may interest, i have switched to abb from tpg, and tpg charges me a 30 day cancellation fee so i paid them one month for nothing basically

  • How long does it take for abb to enable your service? I've got tpg terminating end of this month, so want to time it well to coincide with (as close as possible) the termination of current service

    • +1

      Pretty fast. Had activated the service within the same day

  • +2

    It’s a shame that they have increased their Nbn 100/20 plan to $99pm and 100/40 to $109. No doubt their customer service is good but as a ozbargainer I would be happy with a better balance of service and prices.

    • +6

      Being an Ozbargainer doesn't necessitate being a tight ass. There are bargains to be had at both ends of the price spectrum.

      • +3

        That’s why I said ‘better balance’

        • +4

          But some people don't want balance, they want the best service they can get. And if they believe they can get that with Aussie Broadband, then this is still a bargain for them.

          • @MisterTee: Unless they can get the best service for $20 less at another ISP, and many do.

            • @Tuba: $20/month = $240 per year. Not a bad saving.

    • +2

      I totally agree, was looking at plans for someone else and when I saw my 100/40 plan is $109 now I was shocked. If they try and move me from $99 to $109 I'll find a new ISP. It's worth paying a bit more for good support but this is getting silly.

      • You'll be downgraded to 100/20 as that plan is the same as what you pay now.

  • +1

    was on superloop at $60 pm for 50/20 plan. Flawless service. changed after 6 months promo expired

    Now on Tangerine for 6 months promo offer of $60 pm for 50/20 plan. Had some speed issues once in the evening but nothing else besides that and works fine as per the advertised speeds. I am a heavy torrent user.

    • In the same position as you. My Superloop $60 pm promo ends mid Sep and looking to hop. How long did Tangerine take to connect?

      • It was pretty quick. They connected it same day(as per email) but i didn't change router settings until 2 days later as I still had time with superloop.

        • Edit: Jumped the gun too fast. It's all fine now. 47/18 on 50/20 service.
          Did you have any issues right after the switchover? My service just cut over to them and all I can connect is Google services (search, youtube etc). I put the username and password in the modem and restarted it already.

          • @notoriousft: Seems like dns issue. Try manually using a different dns in router settings like

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