This Bundle includes 2 x Chipolo ONE, and one Chipolo card for $48 USD, but if you buy using a referral that's 20% off the $48, making it $38.40 USD. If using a 28 Degree card or similar, this should be about $53.65 AUD based on today's rates.
I'm ditching Tile for this. What I like about Chipolo over Tile is that you don't need to pay for a premium subscription to get Out of Range Alerts or to share the Chipolo with whoever you want to. Plus, I just like the round shape of these better than the thick square tiles, and the card looks a lot smaller & thinner. I haven't got mine yet, but since I don't know when the bundle price ends (the website says it's a "Back to School Special") I thought I should post it now. I'll still use the Tiles I've got but they will be relegated to less important stuff like remotes that stay at home, but keys & important stuff that usually move with me will use Chipolo, where I want to receive alerts that I've left them behind somewhere.
The round shaped Chipolo ONE runs on a normal CR2032 battery and is expected to last 2 years before you need to replace it. With Free shipping this seals the deal - they normally deliver to Australia in 4-6 business days, but this may vary due to Covid-19.
Keep an eye on your home keys, car keys and your wallet with the ideal mix of Chipolos. Make them ring from your phone or double click any of them to make your phone ring instead. Get a friendly reminder on your phone if you ever leave any of your things behind.
RING CHIPOLO - Ring Chipolo from the Chipolo app on your phone.
FIND YOUR PHONE - Ring your phone by double clicking the Chipolo.
LAST KNOWN LOCATION - Track your item to where you last had it via the Chipolo app.
OUT OF RANGE ALERTS - Receive a notification from the app when you leave your item behind.
SHARING – You can share Chipolo with your loved ones and you can all use it to find the item you are sharing.
COMMUNITY SEARCH - Mark your item as lost in the app. When any Chipolo user comes near your item, you will receive an updated location.
VOICE CONTROL – Chipolo works with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Siri.
CHANGE RINGTONE – You can change the ringtone of your Chipolo.
WIDGET – You can ring Chipolo from your phone's home screen, without opening the app.
SELFIE – Use Chipolo as a wireless shutter of your phone's camera.Chipolo CARD SPECIFICATIONS:
37 mm x 68 mm x 2,15 mmWater resistance: splash proof (IPX5 Standard)
1-year battery (with Renewal program)
37,9 mm x 6,4 mmWater resistance: splash proof (IPX5 Standard)
Standard replaceable battery – CR2032. Lasts up to 2 years.
200ft - line of sight (60m)COMPATIBILITY:
Compatible with iOS 11 and later, and devices running Android 7 and later.See full list of officially supported devices.
Each Chipolo is packed individually.
I keep reading it Chipotle XD
Anyone tried one care to review?