• expired

$32 Cashback on $60 Woolworths 180-day Prepaid Plan @ Cashrewards


Hi all. Spent a lot of Friday afternoon brokering this deal with Woolies for you guys. Makes this deal a whole lot better with $32 cashback on the $60 180-day 12GB prepaid plan. Simply (1) click 'Shop Offer' from the main link in this post, (2) scroll down to 'Buy Now', (3) scroll down again to '180 day Long Expiry' and (4) buy SIM. Ends 11:59pm 25/08/20 4pm AEST 24/08/20 unless sold out or (withdrawn prior by Woolies Mobile). Stay safe, and enjoy :)

Also gets you 10% off your grocery shopping every month, saving up to a further $50 per month.

Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase to be eligible for cashback.

Don't forget to refer-a-friend for $10 each. Tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. And check out our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +3

    Awesome thank you

  • +2

    12gb/month or per 6months?

    • +1

      Per the entire 6 month period.

      • +16

        Yikes. 2GB/month… I wouldn’t let anyone i love with a smartphone go anywhere near that plan.

        • +5

          Yeah as mentioned in the other deal post, the catch and Kogan deals are much better :)

          • @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Very poor value plan.

            • +5

              @Bellpop: It’s not bad if you only need calls and text and a bit of data and require Telstra coverage.

              • +8

                @WoodYouLikeSomeCash: Even with the cash back hassle it’s a very poor value plan. If you’re after value and have a smart phone look at Kogan/catch or even better the three month deals for close to nothing and port.

                • +27


                  Even with the cash back hassle it’s a very poor value plan.

                  It's $28 for 6 months, plus you get 10% off a shop at Woolies once a month (although it might take 60 days to kick in). Allowing for the full 60 days, you only have to spend $70 a month in one shop for 4 months to make it a zero cost plan.

                  Plus should be able to get a $10 giftcard with a random referral.

                  Not aware of any other phone plans with a likely positive ROI?

                • +2

                  @Bellpop: Yeah i agree you can get like a 80$ belong stater kit for like 30-60$from someone with belong brodband, that is like 40$for first month, then 4 10$ bills and for that 5 month period, you get to have like 90gb at least, or 130gb if you dont activate on pay dates.

                • +2

                  @Bellpop: If my math is right, you get 25GB over 6mos for $35 via Belong (which is Telstra) if you buy a $40 pack on sale for $20, use a referral for +$20 credit, start on the $25 plan for 10+10GB and switch to $10 plan after first billing date for +1GB/month.

                • @Bellpop: If it was 12g per month I was slightly considering it but 2g , no thanks. Great set up for the mother though ;)

                • @Bellpop: My alarm sim doesn't think like this…

        • +12

          With covid I've been surprised how little data I've been using as I'm usually on WiFi.
          I'm 4 months into a 6 month boost plan and have used less than 4GB, even with walking to the shops and streets to play Pokemon go most days, checking prices while shopping and the odd bit of music streaming.

          • +3

            @CacheHunter: 100%. WFH you barely will use any data. Maybe a couple of times when you go to the shops or for a walk.

        • +2

          Good for older people who don't use much data or rarely leave the house. My mum is on a 2GB/month plan - uses wifi for everything.

          You need to look at more than just the SIM to find the best value but it would even suit some without the extra benefits.

          Also worth noting Belong is Telstra Wholesale (98.8%) which is closer to Optus (98.5%) in terms of coverage (compared to Telstra 99.4%)

          • @pennypincher98: Telstra network is just so much better
            Love the Telstra Network perks like Google assistant mobile calls.

  • +8

    Does the sim card activate when you buy it or can it be activated at a later date?

    • +1

      The prepaid SIM I got in the 365 deal has a three year expiration date.

    • +3

      Tell the kid to use their own.

      • +1

        Haha if only it were that easy 😂😂

    • +6

      Uhhh you know that
      a) your kid is responsible for their own data
      b) you can set data limits (at least on Android) every month
      c) if none of the above work, going 5 months without data should teach them.

      I’d advise anyone to avoid this deal at all costs

      Oh please, so because your kid can't download a video to watch it we should give them 100GB a month. Great lesson to be teaching.

    • +4

      Dude this is fantastic for a kid’s mobile.

    • +3

      Yes you are so correct, every single person here has the exact same usage as you ಠ_ಠ
      This plan is clearly not targeted at you, you are mistaking "value" for paying for more than you need. This is just one example but there are plenty of people like me who currently do not need more than 2gb a month because I'm in a lockdown area and have Internet/wifi at home anyway. Why should I pay for a glorious 30gb+ a month when all I'm using is probably <50mb a month?

  • Hi TA can you tell me how long it will take to get cashback please? Can't find details

    • +1

      My email said anywhere from 1 to 100 days

  • -1

    If I buy two of these for ONE number, would I get 12 months and 24gb total?

    • Doubt you can stack.

  • +1

    Is this a recharge or sim? What if I already have a sim, do I need to buy sim (step 4) to get cashback?

  • -1

    I'm on Woolies postpaid 3gb small plan, but they give you 20gb bonus every 3 months and you can bank data, so have 100gb banked now. Don't know if they do similar for prepaid.

  • +4

    Worth it for the 10% off once a month but not much else.

    • Exactly, get a max $300 off a $28 investment. Having a dual SIM phone I'd chuck this in for the extra 12GB if my initial bank ran out.

      • +1

        You won't get 10% off grocery shopping in first two months.

        • +2

          So a max $200 off a $28 investment instead.

          • +1

            @pennypincher98: Woolies staff get 10% off everyday. In addition, from my exp, the account with this monthly offer seems to get fewer/no good points offers. It may not be as great as you think. Multiple cards are the way to go.

            • @Neoika: Uh, isn't it only 5% Woolies staff get off everyday?

              with this monthly offer seems to get fewer/no good points offers

              Kind of hard to base your experience to fit everyone, but would advise anyone to have multiple cards - if they have a partner that's even easier.

              Haven't had a good (or even any) Woolies offer in around 3+ months anyway though so..

              • @pennypincher98: 10% off has been last 5 months+, since early pandemic lockdown.

            • +1

              @Neoika: The 10% off @Woolies Deal suggested other Rewards cards can also be linked to the offer. Will try next month.

              With multiple Rewards cards - found the one linked to the monthly 10% discount misses the best offers (like 3K or 4k bonus points for $50 spend in last few months).

    • Would be good if the activation emails for linking to my rewards card came through. Do I need to ring them? Or just create a new rewards account (again)?

  • -3

    just bought this one with no increased cash back like 1 hour ago~
    possible to cancel the previous?

  • +2

    Hi TA, I purchased this one through cash rewards this afternoon. Any chance I could get $32 instead of normal $20 please?

  • +4

    When does it needs to be activated by?

    • +1

      according to Cashrewards, "Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase."

    • +2

      Please see here.

  • +2

    What is the date we'd have to activate by before it expires?

  • I'm all in.

  • Would the cash back work if I purchase two or these? In seperate transactions for myself and partner

    • You'll need 2 separate cashreward accounts.

      • Any chance of confirmation of this from TA? Looking to two of these as well

  • +2

    When is the Sim expiry date?

  • meanwhile, I just spent a lot of Friday afternoon ;)

  • +1

    Hi all. Spent a lot of Friday afternoon brokering this deal with Woolies for you guys.

    Well yeah, after I posted the deal?
    Just Kidding. Hope Shopback too matches this.

  • +2

    Beware the cost of buying extra data!

    Expect that's where Woolies will make their money with this offer - people paying high price for extra data!

    Buying data add-ons:
    1GB $10
    5GB $25


    Extra data may cost more than this 6 month 12GB Deal!

    Best to look for next SIM Deal before the data runs out, unless you only want calls & txt!

    This Deal is mainly for those who use very little data - checking Ozbargain etc😉
    Set data limits on phone!

  • Thanks OP, got one. Couldn't figure out how much it is after 6months?

    • SIM expires so I’m guessing you’ll have to roll onto another plan?

      • Apparently you need to recharge/autorecharge. Is $60/180d everyday price? Then that would be the price.

    • Ditch after 6 months.

  • +1

    The special terms said cashback is only eligible on post-paid handset sales when purchased in conjunction with a 24 or 36 Month Mobile Phone Plan or 12 month SIM Only Plan. Does it mean a handset has to be purchased together with the plan in order to enjoy the cashback?

    • That clearly states CashBacks that are related to handsets. Don’t see why it would apply to this.

  • Weird, I had ordered and got $20.02 cashback, not $32, what is going on?

    • +2

      To differentiate from the standard $20 cashback, we used $20.02 for our testing phase from 7:21pm to 8:57pm AEST. $32 cashback kicked in at 8.58pm, right when I posted this deal. Every sale since then is tracking at the correct amount. What time did you purchase? Any issues, PM me the details and I’ll look into it for you. Thank you.

      • +1

        What if I activate the service after 30 days of purchase?

        • You'll probably get zip. I made that mistake with a previous Catch deal, which I activated a week too late. It was frustrating when I realised, but fair enough as I didn't meet the Ts and C's. The problem was my forgetfulness, not CRs.

          • +1

            @CacheHunter: Ye, Catch Connect is extremely severe on the 30 day activation requirement, and caught a few people out unfortunately. Please see my comment here re Woolies. Hopefully have clarification Monday. Have a great weekend :)

  • Bear in mind that postage is currently listed as 10-15 business days.

  • Delivery


    Delivered by Australia Post. Due to delays caused by COVID-19 ACT/NSW/QLD/TAS/VIC delivery estimates are approximately 10-12 business days. NT/WA/SA delivery estimates are approximately 10-15 business days.

    What if It takes more than 30 days for the sim to arrive?

    • +12

      I will get clarification from Woolies on Monday re activation period for the plan and report back here. My guess is that the 30 day term is a general one which obviously needs a little flexibility due to postage delays. Appreciate you raising this very valid point. Thank you.

      • Hi guys. Just heard back from Woolies Mobile. Please note the terms re activation are correct as originally stated. Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase to be eligible for cashback. They stated that absolute worst case scenario for delivery during COVID is 15 business days, which still allows enough time to activate. Thank you.

  • +2

    Thanks TA,this is awesome, I,'m going to get it:)

  • Is it possible to pay with Wish gift cards?

    No limit on how many? Thinking of getting it for my parents. Cheers.

    • Not according to the CR T&C.

      • where? i i can find is "Cashback will not be paid in conjunction with any other offer, voucher or discount code unless listed on this page, or with any other discounts such as staff, or student discount."" nevermind as credit card is the only payment option at the end

  • +1

    This is useful for those who are going to be working from home (and have home broadband) for the immediate future

  • +2

    Thanks TA - great deal!
    I bought one.. now waiting for order to be processed.

  • +1

    Thanks TA, this is a great deal!

    I noticed T&Cs says to be eligible for the 10% shop discount you must have recharged pre-paid mobile plans before credit expiry. Does this mean we do not get the 10% offer by just buying the SIM card?

    Also from the T&Cs:
    "To be eligible for the online offer and to receive your online promo code you need to have opted in for marketing preferences at least two weeks prior to the offer start date."

    From: https://mobile.woolworths.com.au/offers/10-off-your-shop

    • can anyone confirm the 10% discount is available without having to recharge?

  • -1

    If I buy 2 and redeem it on 1 account, does that increase the data to 24GB and the expiry to 360 days?

  • Does this offer qualify for international calls?

  • +1

    Thanks TA, purchased on 23:42, cc has been charged already.
    However it gave me the below prompt:

    Your order is being reviewed
    XXX, thank you for placing an order with Woolworths Mobile. We are currently reviewing your order and will let you know the outcome via email as soon as we can.

    It's been 20 mins, haven't got the woolworths confirmation email yet, and the $32 cashback hasn't been reflected on cashrewards either.
    I will check again tomorrow see if my transaction has been tracked by cashrewards.

    • Mine tracked correctly within 1.5 hours of purchase.

    • Ordered last night (the $20 CB one) and hasn't tracked for me yet. Received the woolworths confirmation email immediately after ordering…

    • +2

      Got the wws confirmation this morning and cashrewards tracked too, appreciated!

      • Thanks for confirming. Have a great weekend :)

        • ask them wtf is wrong with them when people want to pay for a service but they want to 'review' it first.
          and is tracking meant to only take place after the review (even though they've taken our money already) ?
          If this doesn't track you know it's a total ripoff :)

    • +1

      It's been almost 20 hours.. Has the click through but no sign of tracking.

  • +2

    Thanks, bought one, data is very small although.

  • How long does tracking usually take?

  • +5

    This deal is way beyond my math skills

  • +1

    When will ebay deal be on?? again ? or universal store cashback ?? Ozbargain exclusive one i mean

  • Thanks

  • +2

    Hey TA,

    Great work on the deal! I think the majority of users need at alot more data, and WW shafts you hard on data purchases.

    Any chance next one could be the 365 day in a CR deal?

  • Can I link existing Everyday rewards card to the new Woolworths mobile I take to get 10% discount? My existing Everyday rewards card is already linked to a different mobile number (Not Woolworths mobile). I want to check if I can link the same rewards card to two different mobile numbers at the same time.

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