Refused Drink Exchange from KFC Due to COVID

I ordered a meal at KFC and in a rush forgot to change the Pepsi Max to water.

When they gave it to me I asked if I could change the drink to water.

Was told I touched the drink and therefore not allowed to exchange.

Is this fair?

EDIT: Just adding some context and clarification.
- Ordered at the Kiosk Screen
- Forgot to swap the can of Pepsi to a bottle of water
- Asked for the drink exchange at the counter when they called my docket number

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +108


    • +1


    • I find this very entertainment. If I were KFC staff, I would say the same to you. As a customer, I saw they put a can of soft drink near the eftpos where both staffs and customers talk and order or pickup. Do they care about customers? maybe no. They just want to cover their a** from any troubles. In conclusion, if you touch it you get it at this time, no complain, period.

  • +28


  • +31

    Usually no, but given the circumstances yes

  • +21

    Perfectly fine in the current conditions.

  • +49

    You got what you ordered so whats your issue??

      • +24

        You should have asked before. Not the staff's fault you forgot

      • +1

        no it's not fair.
        KFC should pay your mortgage out in exchange for the inconvenience caused to you.

      • OzBargain emergency, how can I help you?

  • +2

    are you in Melbourne?

  • +19

    What you will find are businesses using COVID 19 for every excuse.
    I went to Coles, they are no longer packing bags… Covid 19.

    • +2

      I prefer to pack my own bags, but I prefer the self checkout as well.

    • Ugh I remember that

    • +4

      I am not even joking but in April, Bunnings told me they can't cut wood because there is a Covid issue.

      To OP: Yes, especially since covid lasts longer in the cold.

      • Was this because there were no masks available for PPE? If so, that's reasonable.

      • +4

        How much wood, would the wood-cuts cut, if the wood-cuts could cut wood?

    • -4

      Any excuse, even COVID, to rip you off and not provide service, even when there is no COVID issue with the transaction!

      Which KFC outlet was this and Where was it?

      I will ensure I avoid it.

      • +4

        how is there no covid issue? he has handled the product, the staff don't know whether he is potentially infected. Secondly he hasn't been ripped off, KFC is no better off him taking a pepsi instead of a water, in fact it is likely the water costs them even less.

      • +5

        Lol for a second I thought you were being funny.

      • +1

        Wow, the outrage is real

    • +9

      my local Coles packs bags, just not customer provided bags. Considering the state of some of the bags I see people using, I'd say that should be the rule all the time.

      • +2

        Thought both Woolies and Coles now pack customers' bags again since the policy change a little while back, at least in Vic.

      • +10

        I don't understand what is the point of not packing bags because people 'touched them' when they have just spent 30m in the shops handling all the things the cashier is going to pickup and touch to scan them?

    • My Coles say it’s still optional but they always ask. But there’s only 3 checkouts so I end up using self-serve anyway

    • The two Coles I've been to recently in Perth both still pack bags (customer provided bags too)

  • Of course, it's fair. This a no brainer.

  • +1

    Given the cases they’ve found in fast food places I can see their reasoning. Very unlikely there will be an issue but this disease is a right (insert appropriate swear word here and up it a notch).

  • Yes

  • +8

    # firstworldproblems

  • +25

    Was told I touched the drink and therefore not allowed to exchange.

    Would you accept water if you knew another customer had touched it before you and then changed their mind?

    • Exactly.

    • +6

      Presumably you haven't been in a supermarket recently. People squeezing the fruit and bread rolls. Richer people testing the avos.

    • -3

      What? lol

      Yes, I would accept it. I'm sure I touch a lot of things other people have touched and put back, or touched in general.

      That's why I sanitise.

    • +2

      That is silly in my opinion. Perhaps KFC should have people opening the doors as people walk in, can't expect people to touch a door handle that someone else has touched right?

  • +11

    You need fight for your human rights… I hear the UN will take up your infringement. Speaking on behalf of a friend of karen.

    • but I feel the OP isn't a 'living women' like Karen from Bunnings, is that going to be an issue?

    • +1

      Greta, is that you?

    • Has anybody contacted Geoffrey Robertson? It sounds like a clear case for the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
      Hmmm - Dreyfus, Nuremberg, Milosevic, IceCreamsss. All celebrated precedent setting trials.

  • +7

    Doesn't take much for them to clean a bottle. They have to sterilise things around the place all the time so it wouldn't have been hard for them to leave the bottle somewhere they could wipe down when they wiped down the bench.


    Welcome to the new state! I won't say the new norm, because nothing about this is or should ever be normal.

    • -1

      I actually agree, LV80.

      Over-reaction by KFC staff.

      Just wipe the can, put it back and give him a water bottle.

      Not hard!

      • +6

        KFC staff just following the policy given to them by head office.

        Teenage kids working there just doing what they are instructed

  • +11

    The staff touch the drinks with bare hands stocking or fronting them.
    Of course it is a nonsense excuse.

    • +3

      Yes, but the staff have fairly rigid requirements in regards to health, sanitising and cleaning.

      Staff don't know what OP has/hasn't got / has/hasn't done.

    • +1

      They would have a sanitisation process before starting.

      Bugalugs in drive through could have touched who knows what.

  • +2

    Did they say it was because of COVID, or just that you already touched it?

    Once when I received Gravy (instead of Potato & Gravy) by mistake, they threw it in the bin immediately even though it was only a few seconds after they gave it to me in their takeaway bag. They let me exchange it though since it was their mistake.

    I also saw the same thing happen at Macca's when someone received the wrong burger. I was tempted to ask if I could have it, but it was in the bin before I had a chance to say anything.

    It's probably a food safety issue; Once the customer touches something, they're meant to throw it out, no exceptions.

    Edit: This all happened pre-COVID.

    • -1

      This all happened pre-COVID.


      When I got the wrong PEPSI pre-COVID at KFC before opening it, I went back and swapped it for a 7-UP no problem.

      They are just using COVID as an excuse.

    • except when they spit in the burgers

    • -8

      "Hey Jesus, can you turn these downvotes in to upvotes thanks?"

        • +2

          You need a tissue or something? 20 hours later and still sad. It's just a number on the internet, Jebus christ you'll live.

  • +5

    Wait… You wanted to pay for water?

  • Talk to Tracey. She'll sort it out for you.

  • entitled much??

    • Ikr. Op forgot to mention he wanted the drink changed and it’s kfc’s fault for not swapping. I wouldn’t want a drink another customer touched either.

      • +2

        I guess you don't go shopping much then huh? You think you are the very first person to touch a product? lol


        • -4

          Umm you completely missed the point. So you’re saying if you saw someone handed a cup of coke to the staff then the staff in turn handed it to you, you’d still drink it?

          It’s called hygiene and common sense, especially during a pandemic.

  • Definitely yes.

  • +6

    I didn't make a scene like a Karen haha, i just said okay and walked off with my Pepsi.

    Just got me thinking if it's something they could enforce. I mean some staff were not masked and she handed me the drink with her bare hands so….

    I'll remember to swap my drink next time moey dw lads!

    • +2

      Of course they could enforce it. They gave you what you ordered. It’s entirely up to them if they want to change it.

  • +1

    Just open a tap fam. There's your water

    • if it's gonna come with my meal for "free", I mean….

      but it didn't come with my meal this time!

      • +5

        Empty contents of the bottle down the sink and fill up from the tap with water.

      • Nothing comes for free.

  • -1

    Touch move 😷

  • Was it bottled Pepsi or in a cup?

    If cup, no, only because you may have sipped from it.
    Bottle, no excuse, should have exchanged it.

    If they gave you the wrong item, I’d bet they would exchange it in a flash. Question is, will they put the return item back in the fridge or throw it away?

    • Don’t they only use cups in foodcourts, which I would assume are all closed in Victoria currently?

  • +6

    I picked up hand of bananas the other day at the supermarket. They were a bit yellow and soft to my liking. I put them back and go a greener hand. I hope nobody got infected.

    • If you could tell the colour beforehand.Not sure why you would pick them up…

  • +2

    You from Victoria Karen?

  • +2

    how many ppl have touched the bottle before it even got to you. if you hadn't left the premises and bottle was in sight of staff (e.g. clearly not tampered with) then I think it should he exchanged

  • The kids working in all these close contact workplaces must be enduring a lot. I'm sure you were polite with your response, they are only trying their best to protect themselves and other customers. Good luck to them trying to find work after they've done with school.

  • you touched it . ikky stikky. nobody wants yr cooties

  • Why would the staff member want to touch anything handled by a customer in this climate? Even payments are touchless.

    • +2

      How did the staff member get it to the customer? A pair of tongs? I imagine it had been touched by multiple people, when it was being stacked in the fridge, potentially being rearranged in the fridge, being handed to the customer.

      Bit of over kill IMO, you probably touch other surfaces which are touched by countless others many many times more than 1 drink.

      In fact your whole life you would have been doing that but suddenly unacceptable, the idea that you could catch Covid19 from a drink bottle is ludicrous and advice from the WHO says it is highly unlikely and there is no evidence.

    • That is very different entirely.

      Customer passes the item but no contact.
      The risk increases exponentially for each new contact.

  • +2

    By "sorry Sir, you touched it" they really meant to say "you order that drink, retard … you moron … get off m'face …"
    Just saying …

    And yes, it makes sense such request to be rejected.
    It is a fast food outlet, not a sophisticated Maxim's restaurant.

    Besides, who on earth will eat re-fried fried chicken with water? Pepsi acts as a digestive. Obvious.

  • (profanity). How are you going to get through life?

  • +1

    And yet…they aren't so concerned about wiping down the doors every time a customer opens it….instead of say….chocking it open so no-one has to touch it.

    Total BS. KDF snowflakes

    • I hope you don’t go around licking doors

  • Should have chucked a Karen and put it on youtube for us to watch.

  • +2

    Didnt ask for the manager?

    Lv1 Karen or something?

  • +1

    Innocent until proven guilty, not sick until covid positive test result…

  • -2

    Coronavirus is airborne. Being worried about touching things is ridiculous when your magnitudes of times more likely to breathe it in. the Not touching stuff is nothing more than hygiene theater. Meanwhile the recirculated air from air conditioning is spreading coronavirus to everyone in the building.

    • Airborne particles land. What goes up…

  • Maybe not 'unfair', but very poor business decision to irritate a paying customer over something so trivial.

    If they were so concerned about contamination they could have just binned the Pepsi.

  • +2

    Because water is going to make KFC healthier

  • -1

    Stay home, stop the spread.

  • I hate to say it, but actually it is fair.

    Under Australian Consumer law, a retailer is not required to provide a remedy if a consumer simply changes their mind:…

    Here is a Victorian government website that makes it more clear:…

    So basically:
    You entered into a 'sales contract' for a Pepsi.
    By touching the drink you accepted the sales contract.
    As there was nothing wrong or defective with the Pepsi, the store is not obliged to offer a 'change of mind' purchase.

    Having said that, I'm kinda on your side.
    Morally I agree with you, but legally, I do not.

  • Go to nearest coles. Buy for a dollar. Save drink in fridge for sugar fix.

  • +2

    Haha wish they’d follow own standards. A month ago used KFC drive thru, girl accidentally handed my order to car in front. Then handed me same bag all ravaged through.. death stared me for wanting a fresh one, all this In peak melb corona times

    • That's not OK. Stand up for yourself next time.

      • Yeah i was pretty mad so reported it. They rang to apologise and gave me a voucher.

  • Is your name Karen?

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