• expired

[VIC] 6 Weeks Free 100/20 Unlimited nbn @ Superloop Save $124.55


Superloop are offering Victorians 6 weeks free 100/20 NBN beginning tomorrow if you're in VIC and sign up to their 100/20 Ulimited plan using a referral code.

Our Victorian friends and family have it pretty tough at the moment with a mandatory lockdown in place that ensures everyone’s safety. We want to do our part to help them stay connected from the safety of their homes.

We are currently offering ALL new Victorian nbn referral connections FREE internet for 6 weeks on our SUPERFAST 100/20Mbps Unlimited plan!

In the fine print, it appears that they will credit your account with a one-off amount of $124.55.

Terms and Conditions (PDF File)

Referral Links

Referral: random (1026)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP, just signed up. It will start tmr but ppl can sign up now.

  • +1

    Good deal, although it seems strange to me that the offer is for people who "have it pretty tough" but is not available on the lower priced plans.

    • +3
      • +2

        That is also good but has quite a few stringent conditions attached (understandably).

  • +4

    they are fast, just after I clicked place order, my NBN got cut off, then after 3 seconds it's back online with 100M dl speed. and with $124 credit. Very happy.

    • Says tomorrow….

      • thought so and just wanna give it a try, turns out it works right away.

      • Warsome said they have adjusted it and it was already live.

  • Been with ABB now for around 8 months and the speed and connection has been flawless. I know a lot of it relies on your infrastructure and how you’re connected, but I’ve still been hesitant to jump ship for any sign up promos. Very tempted by this and to drop down to 50/20 for month 3. Anyone made the switch from ABB to these guys?

    • Also can anyone comment on how ABB do their billing? Ie if I was to switch mid billing cycle - would I get a percentage of my bill or get stung for a whole month?

    • Not me but as with anything some have no problems and some will run into problems. Both providers are month to month cancel anytime.

      Ask Aussie BB for pro rata.

      • Cool. So, let me get this right - do I first cancel Aussie BB or do I just sign up through superloop, superloop flicks the service over to them and then I cancel my Aussie BB account? Or do I need to flag my account first with Aussie BB to release my service and then superloop can flick it over?

        Wanna get the order of things right so I’m not stuck out of pocket or out of internet.

        • +1

          Sign up with SL and cancel Aussie BB.

  • I've just signup. Didnt get any confirmation email or sms but within few minutes, got disconnected, restarted the router and im now on superloop. Speed is great


    • what tech type are you on?

      edit: Just changed over myself, getting 106.7/18.3 on FTTN


      • +1

        I'm on HFC with Asus RT-AC68U router

    • +2

      you may not have got the SMS as we don't send them 'at night'
      they would have come through in the morning.

  • So the promo runs from 14th Aug to 30th of Sep. Can anyone confirm if the free period is just until the 30th of Sep? Ie you sign up tomorrow your get 6 weeks free. Or if I was to wait 2-3 weeks and sign up at the start of September, would I get 6 free weeks or only free til the 30th of Sep?

    • +3

      It’s 6 weeks free from when you sign up (or more the fact it’s just a $124.55 credit). The offer period is till 30th September for people to sign up and then their 6 weeks free starts from their sign up date.

      • Can you sign up now and connect the service later on another day before the expiry date.?

        • +1

          Yep, it’ll ask you to set a date when you want to connect. It should connect in the early hours of that day.

  • +1

    100/20? Am I the only one who cares about Upload?

    • +2

      It’s free…

      • i'm not criticising the value of the deal.. more surprised that such a tier exists in the first place

    • +1

      I agree Francis, I wish on anything above 50 down, a min upload speed of 40 is provided, such a sad state of affairs in AU :(

      Maybe in a few years? Months? Being hopeful ;).

      • I don't know, it seems like if anything providers are going lower with Up.

        Whistleout's new "faster than NBN 100" plan is 250Mbps Down and just 25 Up :((

        • +1

          this is forced on us By nbn.
          Superloop does have a 200/200 (this is what I'm on because I stream) but it is not a 'cheap' plan because nbn does not like uploads in resi plans.

          • @warsome: any deals for existing users ??

            are we still entitled to the free 6 weeks ?

          • @warsome: Unfortunately Superloop, DGTeck, etc all unavailable at my house in Highett, Melbourne.
            Could you elaborate on why NBN don't "like" uploads for residential? Is it a limitation of the equipment at the exchanges? Or that they are they hoping to maximise bandwidth/speed for downloaders, which is what most people notice?

  • My free Aussie Broadband month ends on the 16th-August

    Will this be running till then, and if I sign up with them, will it be 6 weeks from 16th August.

    Thanks if someone can help.

    • +1

      you can choose a connect by date and problem solved?

  • Dumb question. I am on FTTC. How do I know if my network actually supports 100 Mbps or not?

    • It does

    • FTTC supports 100 (but no more than 100). Only real limiting factor is if you have poor home wiring causing interference. Everyone can generally get 100mbps.

      • -1

        ABB gives me 250 on FTTC.

        • FTTC? I thought NBN hasn't remove the 100Mb cap. Not sure when they'll enable G fast.

        • Are you sure? This is from ABB's site when I check with my FTTC connection:

          nbn™250/25 and Home Ultrafast speeds only available at FTTP and limited HFC technology locations.

          Did you do something special to get 250?

          • @Alzori: Woops my bad double checked and am HFC.
            I thought Fiber To The Curb should be better than Hybrid Fiber Coax?

            • @OpayuOnam: No worries :)

              They each have their ups and downs I guess. There has been ongoing talk that FTTC could be updated to allow 1Gbps+ connections but may require replacing the mini-node box in the pit outside your house - I'm hoping the newer ones they've been installing will be 1Gbps capable already but they may still need to replace the box in your house too to make it all work.

              HFC as rolled out is mostly (like 70%+) capable of 250mbps, and around 7% capable of 1Gbps, also with discussions of upgrades to boost capability.

              So HFC has issues with bandwidth sharing (you share a total amount of bandwidth with your immediate neighbors; if they all start downloading at fast speeds that can limit your speed), but isn't an issue if they roll out the network properly and you aren't sharing with too many people. FTTC just has the issue that everyone is currently limited to 100mbps, but that can change in future. Since the fibre runs nearly all the way to your house, it's a lot more feasible to upgrade to higher speeds or even upgrade to full FTTP rollout, but it all depends on what NBN decides to do.

              • +1

                @Alzori: I figured it might be something on NBN side… Honestly everytime I think about NBN I get very angry. So much mismanagement and wasted money. It's so sad.

                And now am dealing with an issue where ABB has disconnected me, Superloop cannot connect me. My connection is in NBN limbo and all I can do is wait.

              • +1

                @Alzori: FTTC can do a max of 109 Mbps downstream.

                NBN connection device doesn't need to be replaced.

  • +2

    Good luck to the 546 of you that have already got your referral codes in, here comes the free internet :)

  • +1

    I know it's free and all but I'm getting worse speed on this "100/20" on the wifi than my ABB 50/20 plan..

    • You did the right thing getting in early but I wonder what the speed will be like at the end of the offer with no doubt massive congestion .

      • +1

        we publish our CVC graphs to prove there should be no or very minimum congestion.
        Always check the home and check with a wired connection and then you can check our usage graphs to isolate where the problem is.

        • Hi there, just signed up and very happy with the switchover process.

          Do you know what would happen to the remaining promotion credit if I downgrade to a lower speed tier after the first month? Turns out my FTTN connection can't do 100mbps as it only syncs to around 70mbps. This is a NBN physical constraint so there's nothing much we can do about it. So for my use case I would prefer downgrading but just want to know if that would invalidate the remaining promotional credit? Many thanks in advance for your help.

  • How long is the deal available for? Ie is there a finish date or a maximum number of customers who can redeem, keen to signup but still have teo weeks paid for with existing provider, ideally would switch towards the end but also dont want to miss out.

  • +2

    @warsome … I'm already a Superloop user in Victoria. How can I take advantage of this offer? I've read through all the comments, but it seems that everyone is just churning in so far…

    Is this something I need to contact support about or do I just refer myself to receive the credit?


  • +1

    about to signup, but how does the referral link works?

    when i clicked, it only brought me to superloop link and the URL does not contain any unique code too? is that right?

    • When you click through, search for your address and select the plan etc… On the Detail tab where you have to fill your details, at the bottom it should say, how did you hear about us.. exisiting user is selected and their code is in there.

      • +1

        yea cool thanks! just did exactly that and it showed up at the bottom.

      • didn't show up for me
        maybe doing something wrong?
        edit was clicking on go to deal instead of referral link

    • just signed up and did not receive email notification etc at all. I am not sure what my current status is now…

      hopefully not gonna turn sour…

  • Switched over from Telstra, no email confirmation just yet but it has connected to Superloop already in like 5 min. The speed is low tho 35.8Mbps download, do I need to do anything else to see the right speed?


    • +1

      What technology are you on, and what speeds were you getting previously - if slower than on Telstra then suggest turning off your modem for a minute and turn back on again.

      If on FTTN or FTTC maybe turning the NCD off for a few minutes and then back on again will get the correct sync.

      • Was getting 40-ish on the Telstra 50 plan.

        It’s FTTC, just turned off and on the NCD but it doesn’t help much. I guess I need to call Support in the morning.

        • Are you sure it's not the wifi? Ping seems pretty decent.

        • Bit concerning. Im in a similair boat to you, 50/20 with ABB and FTTC getting 45ish down. I might hold off and see what others speeds are like if youre getting 35 down on a 100 plan.

          • +1

            @TightTerry: If you have done an isolation test, rebooted the 'things' and tested with a cable (not wifi) and it's still slow, defiantly contact support!

  • The link says you get 10% off as well? Is that right ? So you get the credit for 6 weeks and then 10% off 89.95?

    • +1

      The 10% off is for the referrer

  • +1

    Pity they don't do home phone as I require it for my mother who I care for and who can't use a mobile :/

  • Anyone churnnover from TPG know if TPG pro-rata refund, or wait until closer to my billing date?

    • edit: 30 day notice period with TPG, can order with a cut-over date with Superloop. Done! Thanks OP!

  • -1

    why does this get so many votes? because of the savings or the speed?

    • +1

      this sites about savings, so I guess that answers your question?

    • +6

      How does free 100/20 NBN, with no contract or strings attached for 6 weeks get so many votes? Are you generally stumped by that one?

      • -4

        Looks to me that I need to signup to a 12months plan to get the free weeks?

        • +3

          Where are you seeing that?

          Considering that SL don’t have contracts at all with their NBN plans I have not idea where you’re getting that from.

        • +3

          Looks to me like you just made that up

          • -1

            @TightTerry: In the fine print, it appears that they will credit your account with a one-off amount of $124.55


            Referee gets $10 off for 6 months.

            how can i get a credit if it's free
            how can i get 10% off for 6 months if it's 6 weeks?
            why would they want my credit card?

            and finally

            As of the 2nd of April 2016, NBNco have implemented a $300
            ‘NBN New Development Fee’ to be charged on the first
            connection to a premises in an NBNco designated ‘New
            Development Area’.
            If you are in an NBN FTTN area, and request an additional
            copper lead-in, a $300 ‘Subsequent Installation’ Charge will

            • +1

              @MrBillions: I don’t think you quite understand what any of the above means.

              The $300 new development fee applies to all new NBN connections, that fee goes to the NBN. That’s literally for brand new developments ie you’re building a new house in one of those expansion areas eg the west of Melbourne. Nothing to do with Superloop.

              Why do they want your credit card? The same reason any free trial wants your credit card, to try and retain new customers and setup your account.

              Are you new to this whole ozbargain thing?

  • I am currently with Telstra and get 25% off. on a FTTN and pay $75/pm is it worth the switch?
    Difference is Telstra does not offer a 100/20 on FTTN, while superloop claims to. Extra speed is handy - for the kind of streaming and usage, I am good with the 50/20 speeds
    Without the discount Superloop would make sense.

    • +1

      Have you logged into your modem to find the line stats to see what your maximum line speed is?

      Not much point signing up for a 100/20 plan if your line speed is only capable of half that sadly. Another ‘joy’ of FTTN…

    • I'm in the same boat but with ABB, it's not really about the speed but the saving, means if we left and went back after 6 weeks we'd save $112.5

  • -4

    That's what the rest of us get for adhering to the social distancing rules

    • lol. yeah doesn't seem fair eh?

      well, you can go to the pub and get on the beers, which we can't. what's worth $124 to you? not sure why you got negged though. here, have an upvote.

      • Upvotes are good for you, cheers.

        I hope you can go out to have that beer soon mate!

  • +2

    took all of 5 minutes to switch this morning (few hours ago). disconnected the oldie citrus connection and didn't have to swap the UNI-D port. awesome work. was last on SL in late 2019.

    • +1

      Same. Surprised that internet suddenly went off after registering, then 5 mins later it's all back on at full speed =)))

  • +1

    awesome, up and connected in 10mins

  • +1

    Shame it's only 100/20… I don't want to give up my extra upload speed that I get on my aussieBB 100/40 plan…

  • Seems like I'm getting congestion during the day in 3PME:

    Today 1:30pm, 19.4/18.1
    speedtest result

    Yesterday 9:30pm, 106.7/18.3
    speedtest result

    Anyone else seeing similar?

    • Have you tried using a different speedtest server, just in case that's the problem?

      Also, what does the CVC chart in your member's area show?

  • No connection since switching over 2 hrs ago from ABB. SuperLoop technical team at a loss. Not a great start…

    Update: 2 hrs later - they had to do something at their end to fix it, but didn't bother calling me back to advise it was ready :( working now.

    • Unlucky, took 5 mins for me.

    • +3

      unfortunately, some times orders get stuck at NBN's end.
      the "SLA" for orders is 72 hours… so NBN are never very helpful if we call 5 minutes after ordering and kick up a stink. We have some internal buttons we can spam push that sometimes help, but they don't generate extra notifications as they are 'manual'
      -good that you got on and didn't get stuck in limbo, it's rare but it sucks when it happens.

  • whats the process like when switching isps? downtime? do i have to tell my current isp first?

    • +2

      You don't need to contact your current ISP first - your new ISP submits an order to nbn and takes over the access into your premises. (note - this might be different for FTTP as you can have multiple ports active simultaneously.)

      eg I'm on FTTN, I submitted an order to Superloop last night and was active with them <10 minutes later. I haven't spoken to ABB yet, although the advice on this thread (and on the Superloop website) has been to talk to ABB to ensure they stop charging me and refund anything owing/only charge me for the part of the month during which my service was active.

      • im clicking on the referral link above and when I get to the page where it asks for a referral code, I don't know where to get that from. Any insight?

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