This was posted 4 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pandemic: Board Game $49 Delivered, Catan $59 or $49 (New Signups) Delivered @ Target


Limited stock in store but available online with free delivery.

$59 or $49 for new sign ups, delivered. Use voucher below. No need for additional items.

Pandemic: Board Game

Your team of experts must prevent the world from succumbing to a pandemic.

Players: Best with 4. Recommended 2 - 4.
Ages: 8+
Play time: 45 mins
Rated 7.6/10 BGG

Now, if you put in some effort you can get it cheaper.
There’s $10 off $50 spend for new sign-ups. A unique voucher arrives immediately. Then you need to find something worth $1 or more. There’s a variety of socks for $5, I went with the pizza design. Total was $44 for Pandemic and socks delivered. Fortunately free delivery for $45+ applies before discount.

You can also try for cashback, I got a tracking email for $0.49 from Cash Rewards but their terms state:

You may not be eligible for Cashback if a coupon code is used that is not listed on Cashrewards.

And of course there’s always discounted gift cards for a further 5% saving.

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +19

    I wonder if the DHHS is playing this game?

  • +45

    It is free at the moment :(

    • +34

      and we are not very good at it

      • +4

        That's because no one follows the rules

  • +4

    Does playing this mean I qualify to be one of the Presidents COVID advisers?

    • +5

      Which is pointless as he doesn't listen to his advisors - he attacks them publicly :)

      • +3

        to wear a mask or not to wear a mask, no "expert" seem to know

    • +1

      That would make you overqualified.

  • +27

    "Pandemic is a cooperative game"
    If only

  • …im kinda over pandemic. hard pass

  • +12

    Why pay $49 when we're playing the game in real life for free.

    • +4

      …much more realistic immersiveness than its cardboard cousin

    • I hope you are winnning this game or else it will be tragic and the whole world is going to hate you for spreading the pandemic!

  • -3

    Available for cheeper, $46.90, here:…

    Got mine delivered yesterday. Haven't opened yet.

    • +5

      Possibility a cheap bootleg chinese version, they are rampant on ebay for board games.

      • Yeah I would avoid to be honest, I bought Catan standard and expansion set which were clear fakes.

        • +3

          I did buy Terraforming Mars bootleg. The original was so cheaply made that even the bootleg is better quality!

    • +1

      Let us know if you get wooden markers or plastic knock offs. That's usually a sign of a bootleg version. Not worth the risk at $2.10 cheaper. Or actually more expensive if you go down the $10 voucher and additional item route.

      • Plastic markers in Pandemic mean a knock-off?

        Mine came from Ozgameshop a few years back…it has plastic markers. Everything about the game looks legit though.

        Good game.

        • The description mentions wooden pieces but only for some of the markers.

          Spelling mistakes and box quality can also be a give away. My fake Exploding Kittens has a card called “See the Futube”.

          • @sween64: Hey OzBargainers,

            I have received my Pandemic board game from Target this morning. I have noticed all the markers, pawns, cubes and stations are all made out of plastic.

            Anyone in the same situation? Do you guys think Target is selling knock-offs?

            Any comments welcome.

            • @Mr Bargain: I would take photos and maybe ask in the forums of Board Game Geek. My order hasn't arrived yet. The info I found saying that some pieces were wooden may be outdated.

              • @sween64: To be honest I actually prefer the markers to be plastic than wooden ones, at least it's more durable and not easy to damage. I do have to say they are in fact made from high quality plastic and no sharp edges. I might just wait and see what others think. Not that I can do much now even if that are know offs.

                • @Mr Bargain: If they're high quality it's probably legit. The only confirmed knock-offs I have were from Facebook Marketplace. The Exploding Kittens I got had a clear spelling mistake in the rules book (very common as it's not a scan but it's transcriped so that printing is better). The Catan Extension I got has a very poorly made box with raw edges showing. tldr; knock offs are usually easily spotted once in hand

                  I highly doubt Target would knowingly sell knock offs and a doubt it would even happen accidentally, ebay, Amazon, gumtree, facebook, local $2 shop etc is where it happens

    • +1

      With the $10 sign up bonus this deal is cheaper I added an extra $2 worth of stuff and the total came to $41

  • +2

    Very hard game to win

    • Same in real life it seems :(

    • I played this game with friends, months ago, and we won. Not sure why it is not working in real life… :(

  • +18

    I’ve been dying to play this game!

    • Seems like you’re not very good at it

  • +2

    Worth noting Catan is $59 which is good and if you use the sign up code mentioned $49 delivered. Cheapest I have seen known not to be fake is EB last year for $48 however that was not delivered.

    • +1

      Codenames for $19 would be good, but can't get delivery at that price.

    • Thanks, added Catan to OP

      • How did you get the $44 for catan + socks? The signup voucher gets the price down to $49, but no further

        edit: nevermind, you were referring to Pandemic ($49) + socks, my bad

        • Again, sorry. My formatting hasn’t been great.

  • +2

    I have this board game, great game. Very hard to win, just like IRL…

    • +2

      Something worth checking if you're having a really tough time: A common rules mistake new people make in this game is that you only need to develop the 4x cures to win the game. You don't need to sunset/completely eliminate all disease cubes to win.

  • +3

    2020: The Game

  • Aside from all the jokes and the fact we're actually in a pandemic… this is actually a really fun game!! :)

    • I take it that you have played this? how many players? and how long does it take to finish? roughly. thanks

      • Read the OP mate

      • +1

        I know you've already got the answer but this is defs better with 4 people!! :)

  • +8

    Came here for the comments and was certainly not disappointed.

  • Wasn't there a 2019 edition of this?

    • +6

      Were you referring to the swine flu or ebola expansion sets?

    • Not sure if you're making an obscure bad joke. There's the original 2008 version and "the 2013 edition of Pandemic includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist". There's also an entire series.

      • I'm here for the comments. Didn't expect the too-easy' covid memes to be obscure in this thread. Is it less obscure now?
        Definitely a great game, and thanks, I didn't know about about quarantine specialist!

  • +1

    Wikipedia describes some expansion packs:

    I wonder if they'll release the 2020 expansion pack with the deniers, sceptics, and script-reading-pretending-to-know-things characters

    • +3

      The Karen expansion

      • +1

        Yes. I specifically avoided using that term .. in case I offend any people actually named Karen who are not Karens.

        • It's ok my friend, you are entitled to freedom of speech too. It's not exclusive to Karens…

  • +7

    The best thing about playing this game is that if you don't feel like following the rules in the box, you can just ignore them.


    • +1

      That's how everyone seems to play monopoly anyway /seriously

  • +1

    Catan is also a pretty good price at $59

  • +1

    Free Covid-19 scenario for those interested:…

  • +1

    I am getting this game just to feel safer

  • This is also on Catch for the same price and free shipping if anyone has any referal bonuses left over from the zippay deal. I had $20 of referals from when I created new catch accounts to claim the zippay deal.

  • Thanks OP got Catan for $49 after the voucher. I used one my spam email account for the voucher code and redeemed it with an account under a different email address. This confirms that Target are not doing validations for the usage of the voucher code.

  • +1

    Product: Pandemic Board Game
    Correct as of: 07/08/2020 13:54
    In Stock: 1
    Low Stock: 104

    In Stock

    Narellan, NSW

    Low Stock

    Canberra Civic, ACT Albury, NSW Palmerston, NT Brisbane, QLD Centrepoint, SA Hobart, TAS Bendigo, VIC Armadale, WA
    Tuggeranong, ACT Bathurst, NSW Brookside, QLD Edwardstown, SA Launceston, TAS Caroline Springs, VIC Bull Creek, WA
    Blacktown, NSW Browns Plains, QLD Hollywood Plaza, SA Craigieburn, VIC Carousel, WA
    Broadway, NSW Bundaberg, QLD Marion, SA Cranbourne, VIC Fremantle, WA
    Broken Hill, NSW Cairns Central, QLD Newton, SA Dandenong, VIC Geraldton, WA
    Burwood, NSW Chermside, QLD Reynella, SA Forest Hill, VIC Joondalup, WA
    Castle Hill, NSW Coomera, QLD Sefton Park, SA Horsham, VIC Mandurah, WA
    Cessnock, NSW Earlville, QLD Tea Tree Plaza, SA Melbourne, VIC Midland, WA
    Charlestown, NSW Forest Lake, QLD West Lakes, SA Mildura, VIC Morley, WA
    Coffs Harbour, NSW Hervey Bay, QLD Whyalla, SA Pakenham, VIC Perth, WA
    Dubbo, NSW Indooroopilly, QLD Sale, VIC Rockingham, WA
    Erina, NSW Ipswich, QLD Shepparton, VIC Whitford City, WA
    Goulburn, NSW Mackay, QLD Somerville, VIC
    Grafton, NSW Mount Ommaney, QLD Sunbury, VIC
    Green Hills, NSW Mt. Gravatt, QLD Warrnambool, VIC
    Griffith, NSW North Lakes, QLD Watergardens, VIC
    Gunnedah, NSW Pacific Fair, QLD Waurn Ponds, VIC
    Kotara, NSW Redbank Plains, QLD Waverley Gardens, VIC
    Liverpool, NSW Rockhampton, QLD Wodonga, VIC
    Macarthur, NSW Runaway Bay, QLD
    Merrylands, NSW Springfield Orion, QLD
    Miranda, NSW Springwood, QLD
    Mt. Druitt, NSW Strathpine, QLD
    Parramatta, NSW The Willows, QLD
    Penrith, NSW
    Port Macquarie, NSW
    Shellharbour, NSW
    St Marys, NSW
    Tamworth, NSW
    Tuggerah, NSW
    Tweed Heads, NSW
    Ulladulla, NSW
    Warrawong, NSW
    Wetherill Park, NSW

    • Nice! Where’d you get this info?

      • Got the last one in stock at Perth CBD

        • Congrats!? :D

      • +1

        I made it up :D

  • Product: Catan: Trade Build Settle Board Game
    Correct as of: 07/08/2020 13:55
    In Stock: 6
    Low Stock: 121

    In Stock

    Belconnen, ACT Glendale, NSW Camberwell, VIC
    Hornsby, NSW Knox City, VIC
    Miranda, NSW

    Low Stock

    Canberra Civic, ACT Albury, NSW Palmerston, NT Brisbane, QLD Centrepoint, SA Hobart, TAS Airport West, VIC Armadale, WA
    Tuggeranong, ACT Bankstown, NSW Browns Plains, QLD Edwardstown, SA Mowbray, TAS Caroline Springs, VIC Bull Creek, WA
    Bathurst, NSW Bundaberg, QLD Hollywood Plaza, SA Chadstone, VIC Bunbury, WA
    Blacktown, NSW Cairns Central, QLD Marion, SA Chirnside Park, VIC Carousel, WA
    Broadway, NSW Capalaba, QLD Newton, SA Craigieburn, VIC Fremantle, WA
    Broken Hill, NSW Carindale, QLD Reynella, SA Cranbourne, VIC Geraldton, WA
    Burwood, NSW Castletown, QLD Sefton Park, SA Dandenong, VIC Joondalup, WA
    Carlingford, NSW Chermside, QLD West Lakes, SA Epping, VIC Mandurah, WA
    Cessnock, NSW Earlville, QLD Whyalla, SA Frankston, VIC Midland, WA
    Charlestown, NSW Forest Lake, QLD Geelong, VIC Morley, WA
    Chatswood, NSW Helensvale, QLD Glen Waverley, VIC Ocean Keys, WA
    Coffs Harbour, NSW Hervey Bay, QLD Greensborough, VIC Perth, WA
    Dubbo, NSW Indooroopilly, QLD Highpoint, VIC Rockingham, WA
    Eastgardens, NSW Ipswich, QLD Horsham, VIC Success, WA
    Erina, NSW Mackay, QLD Melbourne, VIC Whitford City, WA
    Goulburn, NSW Maroochydore, QLD Mildura, VIC
    Grafton, NSW Morayfield, QLD Pakenham, VIC
    Griffith, NSW Mount Ommaney, QLD Plenty Valley, VIC
    Gunnedah, NSW Mt. Gravatt, QLD Point Cook, VIC
    Liverpool, NSW North Lakes, QLD Sale, VIC
    Macarthur, NSW Pacific Fair, QLD Shepparton, VIC
    Macquarie, NSW Redbank Plains, QLD Southland, VIC
    Merrylands, NSW Robina, QLD Sunbury, VIC
    Mt. Druitt, NSW Rockhampton, QLD Warrnambool, VIC
    Narellan, NSW Runaway Bay, QLD Watergardens, VIC
    Parramatta, NSW Springwood, QLD Waurn Ponds, VIC
    Penrith, NSW The Willows, QLD Waverley Gardens, VIC
    Port Macquarie, NSW Toombul, QLD
    Rouse Hill, NSW Toowoomba, QLD
    Shellharbour, NSW
    St Marys, NSW
    Tamworth, NSW
    Tuggerah, NSW
    Tweed Heads, NSW
    Ulladulla, NSW
    Warrawong, NSW

  • I am looking for people to play this with. I need people from Melbourne so I can win. :)

  • +2

    I came here for the comments.

  • +1

    Why am I paying $49 for something I'm already playing?

    • +1

      Because this one ends a lot faster, and it’s a place where pretending to be a doctor, scientist etc is acceptable (as opposed to shouting about your rights to not wear a mask, and sitting on Facebook spurting our conspiracy theories).

  • Not sure if this is against the rules or not. You can play an unofficial browser version of catan online with friends and strangers.

  • +1

    Product: Pandemic Board Game
    Correct as of: 07/08/2020 21:30
    Low Stock: 73

    Low Stock

    Canberra Civic, ACT Albury, NSW Palmerston, NT Brisbane, QLD Centrepoint, SA Hobart, TAS Bendigo, VIC Armadale, WA
    Tuggeranong, ACT Bathurst, NSW Brookside, QLD Hollywood Plaza, SA Launceston, TAS Caroline Springs, VIC Carousel, WA
    Broken Hill, NSW Bundaberg, QLD Marion, SA Craigieburn, VIC Fremantle, WA
    Burwood, NSW Coomera, QLD Reynella, SA Cranbourne, VIC Geraldton, WA
    Cessnock, NSW Earlville, QLD Sefton Park, SA Dandenong, VIC Joondalup, WA
    Charlestown, NSW Hervey Bay, QLD Tea Tree Plaza, SA Forest Hill, VIC Mandurah, WA
    Coffs Harbour, NSW Mackay, QLD Whyalla, SA Horsham, VIC
    Dubbo, NSW Mount Ommaney, QLD Melbourne, VIC
    Erina, NSW Mt. Gravatt, QLD Mildura, VIC
    Goulburn, NSW Redbank Plains, QLD Pakenham, VIC
    Grafton, NSW Springfield Orion, QLD Sale, VIC
    Green Hills, NSW Springwood, QLD Shepparton, VIC
    Griffith, NSW Strathpine, QLD Somerville, VIC
    Gunnedah, NSW The Willows, QLD Sunbury, VIC
    Penrith, NSW Warrnambool, VIC
    Port Macquarie, NSW Watergardens, VIC
    Shellharbour, NSW Waurn Ponds, VIC
    Tamworth, NSW Waverley Gardens, VIC
    Tuggerah, NSW Wodonga, VIC
    Tweed Heads, NSW
    Ulladulla, NSW
    Wetherill Park, NSW

  • Just got an 'out of stock, we've cancelled your order,' email.
    Not too fussed (as much as I was looking forward to finally playing this game), because ordered it along with a few baby things for our soon-to-be newest family addition, I used the $10 voucher and got free delivery for over $50.
    The game will be refunded, but I've still been credited free delivery and the $10 voucher.

    Nice loophole there for people wanting something for nothing ($10 or under) and have it posted free.

  • It's out of stock, but you will only find that out after you complete the order. FYI, I did the socks + discount code that the OP suggested, and it looks like I might be getting the socks for free due to a loophole with the promo code + partial order cancellation.

  • We received this as a present a few mths ago. Finally decided to play it ladt night. Took ages to set it up.

    We then watched a youtube tutorial which was so long n confusing that we fell asleep. Had no idea how to ‘start’ playing the game. Games are suppose to be fun but this is so confysing. We will neber lay it unless someone comes n teaches us how to play.

    Get fun n easy games like Anomia, Codenanes, Sushi Go etc

  • Looks like Catan price has gone up to $69?

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