This was posted 4 years 6 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Creality Ender 3 3D Printer $268.43 Shipped or Pro $293 Shipped (Aus Warehouse) @ Banggood

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Hi guys. Long time lurker, first time posting a deal.

With the crazy COVID19 pricing starting to rollback, the ever popular Ender 3 is on special at Banggood AUS warehouse for a great price of under $270 shipped or the Pro for under $293 shipped. Plenty of videos on this 3D printer for 3d printing newbies. I grabbed a Pro with the glass bed ($22) and a kg of filament ($35). Great bang for buck. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • Got a link to the glass bed?

      • And for the filament?

        • +2

          Only white is in stock in AU warehouse currently. But the comments below mention 3dfillies 1kg rolls for $25…

          • +1

            @Hazza: Any suggestion on what kind of filament is best to start out with?

            • +5

              @chu-oh: PLA is the cheapest and easiest to start with according to everything I have read.

              • +2

                @Hazza: yes, PLA is the most forgiving for new people to the printing game. PETG is a step up afterwards (more sturdy and other properties).

                After playing around with my ender 5 for 8 months i would suggest getting some replacement nozzles (i use 0.6mm on mine now and its awesome) and an additional bowden tube. Glass bed is great, i also use.

                Print your own upgrades too - just search Ender 3 on Thingiverse (cults3d, printshape or PartCloud) and you will find tons of user printable upgrades for your Ender 3.


                Also - print a Benchy boat as your first print….its a tradition i believe.

                • +1

                  @dogzilla: Yeah I have watched a heap of videos on printable upgrades. Will definitely be doing some of them. Have you printed with ABS? I want to print some things for automotive use so need better heat properties than what PLA offers. Was going to use ABS, but read it's more fussy and needs a higher temp. Yep benchy boat lol.

                  This is a pretty good upgrade vid -…

                  • +2

                    @Hazza: Nope, havent tried ABS, but PETG has some of the same properties without having to build an enclosure to keep the heat up. ABS is tricky and i havent bothered as PETG does everything i need.

                    Look up LAKK Ikea table hack - you stack 2 of them on top of each other with printable leg extenders and wham bam - you have an Ender 3 enclosure - just need acrylic side panels to enclose for ABS printing.

                  • @Hazza: I use a 60W bulb shining on my monoprice V2 and a few modifications to stop airflow from the fan on the extruder and I manage to do successful prints without an enclosure.

              • @Hazza: ABS is cheaper than PLA.

            • @chu-oh: Get good quality PLA from Cubictech or X3D

          • @Hazza: Much thanks man

    • -6

      link to the glass bed?

  • +9

    waiting for the aud to double the usd, shouldnt be too long if trump win the next election

    • -8

      and you think sleepy Joe's gona improve things if/when he finds his way out of his basement?

      • +2

        Bruh, it baffles me when people can't see Joe Biden's clear deterioration.

        • +3

          Oh they see it. But have you not heard who he is running against?

          A shame they don't have any candidates with Bernie Sanders youthful mind!

        • Really? You're baffled?

          What else baffles you sir?
          What are the other thing on this great green earth that just oodle your noodle?

        • -5

          Duude, it baffles me when people can't see the blatant leftism invading and permeating western society… can they not read history?

          • @raybies: Surprises me too. It permiates social media, oppose it and watch the verbal pop bashing. Trump is the devil since he doesn't kowtow to the Left. Since they seem to love socialism/marxist and quazi communist ideologies so much then why not just move to those regions and embrace all the incedible wonders of said. They should run their protests in such regions and watch the bodybags come out. Cmon angry inane Westerner when's the next protest? Getup!

    • +5

      Sure, the end of the world predicted years ago when he was elected is just around the corner, any day now

      • Yep the world is feeling very stable and safe right now.

        • +1

          Yep all Trump's fault :D. Damn Trump and his (insert current gripes here)

        • And the country clearly & indisputably responsible for all the cover-ups, death and uncertainty starting back in December 2019 is… USA! Yeah umm sure the W.H.O will agree though.

    • -8

      He's already done enough irreversible damage, things not going to get better any time soon even after sleepy Joe wins.

    • If he wins the next one I don't think it will be by being elected

  • +1

    Thats an incredibly good deal.

  • +10

    [In jv's voice] What's the normal price?

  • I've seen people talk about using a different nozzle to print miniatures. Any recommendations for what I should add to a Banggood order?

    • E3D or Microswiss are pretty damn good upgrades.

    • +2

      Standard is 0.4 but I think you can use smaller, like 0.2 for minis… though resin is prob better overall if you are only printing minis I believe.

      • yeah, i started looking into it. Plastic is probably fine for monsters, but faces and fine details better with resin.

        Keeping an eye out for a discount resin one!


      This guy uses stock from memory and gets incredible results, it's all about your slicer settings.

      • PLA quality impacts a lot on more detailed prints as well. One spool I ordered works fine at draft/standard layer heights, but produces horrid results at higher quality. Haven't had the problem with other spools.

    • -1

      Ask Bang good not to Bang your package up real good and then refuse a refund?

      • Did that happen to you? Pay the shipping insurance if your worried about that.

        • I just bought and Ender 3 V2, shipping insurance was something like $6. A no brainer for a $400 expense.

    • +1

      you can get a set of 0.1mm to 1mm nozzles for like $10….just order all of them

      Yon still print at 0.12mm with a 0.4mm nozzle FYI. Just the smaller nozzle has incrementally better detail

    • You'll get much better detail from a resin SLA printer at the cost of very small print size and having to cleanup unused resin. Ender 3 will still do miniatures but not nearly as well. Have a look at a comparison on youtube.

  • +3

    I do see the "Pro" version in the related products for $293, is it worth the extra to go for this version?

    • Yes.. the magnetic bed and improved power supply is worth it.

      • +1

        I disagree regarding the magnetic bed, as it is not guaranteed to fix any warping in the factory bed. From what I have read the glass bed is the best bet. Hence why I went with the standard version and add on glass bed.

        • very interesting…

        • I have an ender3 clone, geeetech A10 and it has a grippy textured / glass double sided bed.

          The glass bed + hairspray gets me good adhesion every time. Would recommend glass any day of the week.

        • Yeah I suppose if you have a warped bed then glass will help… however I have been using the magnetic bed for 18 months and 95% of stuff sticks fine with no messing around with hairspray and pops right off the flexible bed.. no real right answer.. if you have issues with glass, then going to magnetic may help, and vice versa… each machine is different and people also have different printing needs and the most underrated part, skill levels of building and setting the machine up properly.

          • +1

            @sarakoth: Very true. Most of my reading mentioned that for a first timer, bed levelling (and having a perfectly flat bad) can be the difference between giving up on 3d printing from the start, or having many successes. And since each machine/bed is different, in theory the glass bed should eliminate that variable. But your right success can be had with either.

            • @Hazza: I wrecked my magnetic bed from not getting it leveled off correctly. The wheels underneath are terribly inaccurate when trying to level it off.

              Ive just ordered a glass bed cant complain for $20

              • @gbnz: 2 compulsory upgrades… yellow springs & metal extruder…

        • Glass bed is much much better.

    • I literally only got the pro version delivered a week or two ago for the $293 you mentioned. It is much quieter than my friend's non pro version. Other than that they seem almost identical.

      • So your pro must have the new control board if it is much quieter than the non-pro. Can you confirm from any of the doco/marketing that is has a different board?

        • I also purchased a pro to add to the collection a while back, I had to actually check the board physically to see if it is was the newer style. Was going to chuck in a e3 mini but didnt. Also the Y extrusion is larger on the pro. I think it is well worth the 40$ extra for the pro.

          • @ajh: So your pro had the quieter control board then? Nice. I might change my order then. Also it's only an extra $24 not $40.

          • @ajh: My Pro arrived last week. What am i looking for to confirm the upgraded board.

            • @wpw: Easiest way is old one is light green new one is blueish. It’s in the box underneath the bed.

              • @ajh: Just opened it up. green. has V1.1.4 on the board?
                Also has slight scratch to one side of the magnetic build plate , will this have any impact do you think.

                • +1

                  @wpw: V1.1.4 is an upgraded board compared to the original/non-pro pretty sure, hence why its quieter. The latest is V1.1.5 though. I doubt a scratch would have any impact.

                  • @Hazza: Hi, late reply!

                    Latest is 4.2.2.

    • +2

      There is version 2 as well.

      • +1

        Sadly shipped from cn if it was au would have got it!

        • Yeah, for now shipping cost is killing the value proposition for Ender 3 V2 and also for the similar BIQU B1.

          So if you want value for money you're better off with an Ender 3 Pro and D.I.Y mainboard upgrade eg. BTT Mini E3 V2.0 mainboard.

          If there was AU stock of all 3 I'd probably get the B1 myself. The pros and cons of V2 vs B1 have very comparable cost price I think so it just comes down to personal preference. Personally I bias the better mainboard on the B1, it's going to be useless extra cost for most buyers but personally it's something I was already looking at paying extra for over the BTT Mini E3 if I wind up buying an Ender 3 Pro.

          • @Joku: True the FLSun Q5 - prices has dropped to - shame also CN warehouse though is a Delta which is a different beast all together! (has had some frustration with a pred - but the Q5 is suppose to be real "good" OOB)

        • How much would be a fair price for a local v2?

    • +1

      It's worth getting from the Creality store, and having it ship from Australia.…

      • That link is for the Ender 3d pro. Unfortunately the Ender 3 V2 is sold out on the official Creality store. Agree with Scrobo that it's worth buying AU stock (if you can find it at a decent price…)

        • what about the ender 3x they have that one on the site at $207 USD.

  • How does this compare to the Anet A8?

    I've got an A8, about 3 years old. It's been giving me all kinds of problems lately. I need a new hot end, but it might be worth just getting a better printer at this point.

  • +2

    Yeah I'd go for the Pro at AU$24 extra.

    • +7

      I got this and used it to print a Pro

      • +1

        Should of printed a V2!

        • +6

          I'll use my pro to do that

          • @[Deactivated]: Need to start printing filament to keep up with all this printing.

        • +2

          Should "have".

          "of" and "have" are two very different words.

          • +1

            @keejoonc: Should'of known better…

          • @keejoonc: Mr grammar police, how long is the sentence for that crime…

  • Can you link to pro? Can't find for that price

    Also for complete newbie what else should I be ordering.?

  • +4

    Not a bad deal - Creality selling it on their official website for $207USD ($286AUD) with tempered glass bed and 5 nozzles from AU warehouse.…

    $35 p/kilo for filament. What brand was it?

    Can get esun PLA+ for $25 p/kilo OR 3d fillies for $26.90 p/kilo in oz. Both print very well.

    • Hmm very similar prices. Not sure now whether to get direct from Creality or use BG and get cashback + $5 points that I have… Also whether to spend $20 for the Pro version or not when everyone's saying the glass bed is better. So much information!

      • You can get the PRO and add the glass version. The PRO gives you quieter control board and better PSU if that is important to you.

      • I'd always prefer to buy it directly, much easier to deal with warranty (if needed). Who knows how/where BG sources it from

        EDIT: regarding glass-bed, I have a metal bed, it's totally fine. But if glass bed is only $20 more then hell yeah, get a glass bed!

    • +1

      That's a great price with the glass bed and extra nozzles. What are the extra nozzles for?

      It was just the creality PLA. Where do you get the esun or 3d fillies for $25 shipped from?

    • +2

      I've stopped using anything except 3DFillies filaments after some very patchy esun rolls.

      • +1

        From them direct I am guessing?

      • +1

        Yep.. PLA+ from them is great.. not as cheap as some ebay stuff but works really well from my experience.

    • Could you let us know where you get pla+ for those prices?

  • G'day, can any one advise a newbie what the difference is between the Pro and non-Pro versions? What you recommend for someone starting out?

    • +1

      Either is fine. The main benefit of the PRO is the better power supply. Whichever version you go for I recommend the glass bed.

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