$10 cheaper than Pre-order price.
same price as Kmart, Faster delivery
$10 cheaper than Pre-order price.
same price as Kmart, Faster delivery
Target's catalog mentions the intro price is $69 there.
Its still showing as $79 online, even though you can see in the catalogue the price.. instore only maybe? My local doesn't have any stock
the catalogue is for 6/8 - 26/8.
Maybe the online price will change starting tomorrow
I bought one from Hornsby Target on Sunday - advert on shelf said $69 but scanned at $79. Had to get them to fix it up.
Online catalog showing $79
Catalogue on Target's website is showing 79
perfect materials for melb lockdown
This set? Probably takes 3 mins to build.
You need something bigger and more complex for 6 weeks.
Cheers. Been holding off on this but just pulled the trigger.
If you have flybuys point you can redeem up to another $20 off.
With Amazon?
Sorry I meant those who are thinking of getting the $69 specials from Target.
Cant see the Catalogue online anymore…maybe they took it off?
Do you have a copy showing the special $69 price?
@bennib0i: yes, same. maybe it's wrong and they pulled it out.
the online price is still showing $79.
@Bargain80: They've replaced it with a new catalogue.
Unfortunately it shows $79 now in the catalogue.
Or convert more points to pay it off in full. For some reason I noticed Target only gives an option of $10 or $20 off with flubuys points. If you go to the flybuys site, you can convert as much as you want onto your card
Nice. Got a free mini set add on worth 6 bucks too.
That's tempting now.
Edit: Couldn't resist!
I ordered this yesterday and didn't see this :(
Did it add automatically as a separate item?
Got on chat with Amazon and they're telling me "bad luck"
So it was only available for a short time today and not yesterday when I ordered?
I sent them this https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B085JG1B3P/ which is the actual free item and they said "sorry that isn't the item you ordered"
Well duh!
Ended up getting $15 credit. It doesn't look like it's available for purchases anywhere though, apart from scalpers on eBay. My son really wants it now!
Could try and beg EB Games, they had it for pre orders as well, if you get the right person they might give you one if they have spares. I think Lego online have it free with orders over $99 too, unfortunately I missed the original Lego store pre order with the Monty mole set as a bonus, now it's only available in store and with restrictions and the fact I live 2 hours from Chadstone I don't think I'm going to be able to get one of those.
You also get a free gift with purchase:
Special offers and product promotions
Spend $50 or more on any Lego Super Mario product and receive a free Lego Super Mario gift. Offered by Amazon AU.
The free gift is only from Amazon and not from Kmart/Target?
It was a free gift with purchase at Lego.com too. I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere.
Did anyone receive the Amazon gift? Please let us know. Thanks.
Yep, it arrived Friday. Mario arrived today.
Thanks for sharing, so they can come separately. I just got my mario today but no gift with it. I do not even know what the gift actually is, though.
@Trhrd: I missed out on the gift even though I ordered the day before this was posted on ozbargain. I did get $15 credit from Amazon, but my son really wanted the free gift and it's not for sale anywhere except eBay for inflated prices. Ended up having to get it for $23. So this "free" gift left me out of pocket by $8 lol
I did. It was a small mushroom set
Looks like it's out of stock now
I'm a grown man. I am considering buying this. Any adults comment on whether it is good who have already purchased?
I returned mine yesterday. Just seems rubbish.
Good to know. I think that is my fear, looks like it needs the imagination of a kid, but if you are a kid you don't need it to make noises and such to be able to imagine with it.
Did you actually open and assemble it though?
No. It's for kids. It looks like Duplo.
I've got a 3yo and it's not for her.
@Gehirn: You asked if I opened it, I said no.
How many other people do you need to read suggesting it's for kids?
Why would I need to open and assemble it to make a judgement? 2 seconds looking at it proves it.
I love Lego, I love Nintendo, this is junk. I'm a 37yo father, I don't need to display Lego kits that are targeted for 8yos.
@scuderiarmani: Isn't the fun of LEGO to assemble them and use your imagination? As a 37-year-old who loves LEGO you know damn well you couldn't make an accurate judgement just by looking at it, and if you did, that's ignorance, has to be. Prove me wrong.
@RocketSwitch: It's a kids toy. This isn't an adult model. Many others here suggest that. I don't know why I need to justify it?
I looked at it in store and immediately requested a refund on my order.
I've gone through displaying collectables and the like, this isn't that. I don't play with them either.
Everyone's got their priorities, this isn't targeted for me.
@scuderiarmani: I understand what you mean.
I believe you would enjoy putting this together and going through the course.
Thanks, it doesn't look impressive, will pass.
It's good for kids. For an adult… nah. It doesn't display well. Although I'll be getting one at some point just for the Mario figure - which pairs with the NES set.
Big Nintendo and lego fan, but these sets were very disappointing. I would suggest waiting until the nes set gets released widely. It is what i imagined a Nintendo/Lego mash up should be and hopefully they do more in this vein. it sold out pretty quick on the lego site on saturday when it came out. https://www.lego.com/en-au/product/nintendo-entertainment-sy…
I just want that. Looks good.
That is beast! I will need that - thank you. I'll pass on this set and hold out for that - noice! (albeit a much pricier proposition).
Damn already gone.
Just got one with the bonus promo. Now to hope they don't send it in a satchel.
back in stock
ahh the free gift isnt anymore.
Is this the only pack that has a mario in it?
It’s $79 at target normal price
I ordered this from Amazon yesterday. I wonder if I'll get the free gift
Does it show in your order? Did you add it to your cart? There was an "Add both to cart" button.
Damn, I don't think so. I didn't even know about it until I saw this thread.
There's no way to buy that Mario figure separately is there? Got the NES lego set and want mario to sit on top.
Nintendo knows its what we'd want…
This is back in stock, just grabbed it. Wondering whether I can make an argument to amazon about 'not getting the pre order thing' and get some credit like it seems lots of people did here.
Edit: Cancelled and bought through target for $67.50 with the $10 off promo and then a bit less with Suncorp gift card. Saves battling with Amazon to try and make it cheaper than that.
Horses for courses but these super mario sets seem way too basic for adults even for fans of lego and super mario. The whole thing just feels like a massive gimmick. This is coming from someone who spent 4k in the last couple of months buying lego to add to my collection.
I think even kids will get bored after playing with it for 30 minutes.
I've got an 18 month old that ruddy loves little electric things. E.g. his Duplo train is like the equivalent of his teddy, so I am figuring a mario that makes silly noises as he flys him round and lies him down is worth it for me. The bonus is that I am a mega Nintendo and Mario fan, but yeah if it was just me, I wouldn't bother.
Sweet. Visited a few Kmarts yesterday to grab one of these, shelves were bare. Bowser's castle also dropped to match Kmart's $129 price.