This was posted 12 years 8 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Koorong - 30% off Bible Software: Word Biblical Commentary 59 Volumes $245


Mod — this post is on World Biblical Commentary offer at Koorong, and is not a place for religion debates.

59 Volumes of the WBC series in Libronix format.
Integrates into your Logos library if you have one.
Normally $350. I bought for $280 when it was 20% off.
It's currently 30% off.

It costs USD $690 direct from Logos.

These are high quality, academic, critical commentaries. Pick one up and have a read. If the best available evidence says "this part of the bible was made up and inserted after that section", that's how the text is treated and engaged. They're written by hardcore nerds (Christian and non-Christian) who have an insane grasp of their subject matter. Sure, "Koowrong" stocks a lot of rubbish, but these are well worth it.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Free Biblical Commentary is available in many places:…

    Not a bargain if it's free elsewhere

    • +14

      There's some alternative commentary here:…

      And, just to spoil it for you so you don't bother reading the whole thing: the guy dies in the end.

      • +11

        yeah, but he comes back.

        apparently part 2 is going to be released soon.

        • Nah man it's actually a reboot. I guess they thought 2000 years was a long enough time to justify re-invigorating the franchise. Jesus is going to be played by Ryan Reynolds and Judas will be played by Justin Timberlake.

        • +1

          Jesus 2 - the second coming.

          And this time, it's personal.

        • +1

          Don't listen to johno07 - Wayne Swan will play Judas.

    • +1

      "Free Biblical Commentary is available in many places"

      Is there are version with Richie Benaud ?

      • +5

        chateau l'eau de fleur :)

        Is the 12th man close enough?

        • +1

          Haha! The 12th Man is awesome.

    • +2

      I don't think your neg is valid. It's like if a Foxtel deal came up and with Foxsports added in for free, but you then go and neg it because it's free to watch at your local pub.

      • +4

        What channel on Foxtel has Biblical Commentary?

        • +3

          FOX News

      • +1

        Good point - However, one is usually obligated to consume a meal or beverage at Le Pub. This incurs a considerable cost of course, $17.90 for a damn burger.

        A church is usually free to attend, the only thing you incur is the loss of independent thought and precious time.

        • Actually.. now that i think of it, it's similar to having an official Wii-branded remote control, then comparing it to a non-Wii branded remote control that does the same job - except cheaper.

          The whole argument that 'it's not this brand though' or 'It's not written by xxx' can be applied to everything i guess…i can understand what you're saying.

          Hmmm…..Well all we know is that it was previously more expensive.
          But dman801 does have a good point though.

        • Hilarious

        • A church is usually free to attend, the only thing you incur is the loss of independent thought and precious time. >>
          Well said !!

  • I'm not sure how Koorong had that price to begin with. The next cheapest place is an online store on ebay for about $430.
    Tried buying but the shopping cart wouldn't recognise the discount.

  • +3

    I think the word 'Koorong' has conditioned those who have different views on Christianity or religion to voice their opinions. If it ain't related to the bargain, then don't post! If it's found cheaper elsewhere, then it's okay to post.

    You'd think the 10% Macs posts turn into a PC vs Mac flamewar with the type of comments posted here but they don't. Why treat this any differently?

    • +4

      Jedi-ism forever!

      • +1

        Yeah, that too :-)

      • +1

        "This is not the commentary you are looking for" waves fingers

      • How can that be a religion? You worship the Midi-chlorians in your blood?

        • Midichlorians were invented by the false one to confuse and confound the true believer. There is only one true trinity: Episode the IVth, Episode the Vth and Episode the VIth.

    • +3

      True, I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

      Also, whilst I don't necessarily approve of religious-related semi-bargains, this obviously is a bargain (given the price difference and inability to find this exact product elsewhere cheaper). +1.

      • … or not, given matt777's post below. :/

        • @seboya - I think that post was pointing to some illegal file downloads and hence was unpublished.

    • People have the right to believe in what they want to believe. If you don't like it, look elsewhere.

      Perfectly right, however, human nature is such that a (strong) belief usually results in action - something like, "your religion is bogus, convert to mine or else."

  • great price thanks

  • +7

    For some reason, I feel that bible commentary is like cheating. It gives you all the answers :P

  • +5

    It's funny/sad that more non-christians are outspoken than the christians in this thread.
    Just leave people be, if you want to be a comedian, tell your friend the brilliant joke you just cam up with, and don't post it here.

    • +3

      I love christmas presents!

    • +3

      Nothing wrong with being a Christian and believing in God…its a personal thing…I agree no need to make fun of what it represents to people

      • +1

        shooting down bad ideas is a good thing.. if rational ppl kept quiet we'd still be burning witches

      • +2

        But there is something wrong with trying to con $380….sorry $245, out of people for subjective information that may or may not be accurate.

        Hey, I've got a hair tonic that can cure baldness for a bargain price of $100, discounted to $50. Is that a deal? I don't think so.

        • +5

          It's not a con, people who buy this will be people who are fully aware of what they are purchasing.
          Not that hard to work out.

  • -5

    Not a bargain. Instead of paying $245 for lies, just buy Stephen Hawking or Christopher Hitchens' books for a fraction of the price.

    I love how people are saying that non-christians shouldn't post. Why not? We need to hear from all walks of life and in my opinion, this is genuinely not a good deal.

    • +2

      I often realise that "religious" people are too much fanatic about their believes, they discriminate other "humans" just because of different views of the life.

      I won't stand to any side, just I want those fanatics (and I would add anti-social) to realise that we live (fortunately) in a modern community where anyone has by Law the right to "freely" express their own views.

      Regarding this deal, you can find tons of free bibles online or available to download , just google it.

      • As opposed to you who has just summarised all religious people into one basket?

        • No sorry I should said "too many".

    • Post all you want, but your ignorance is gonna cost you a lot more later, so that's definitely not kind of bargain I'm interested around here. It's like pointing people to the banks that they're offering a great deal by giving out margin loans, but later the people who borrowed from them gets screwed over and lose everything they have. That's gotta call for some negative votes.

    • +4

      Because this is a bargain based site mate. If someone post a special on Koran learning material and its cheaper then anywhere else, its a bargain, end of story. Faith\non faith is irrelevant.

      Accept this or GTFO

      • +2

        "Accept this or GTFO" - A lot of religious people in a nutshell.

        • and the flip side isnt true?
          "Accept this or GTFO" - A lot of NON-religious people in a nutshell.

          Or the ALP?
          "Accept this or GTFO"

          "Accept this or GTFO"

          I suggest: "Accept this or GTFO" - A lot of PEOPLE in a nutshell.

          Anyway, Looks to be a bargain.

        • +1

          except rodripa didnt mention s/he was religious.

    • +4

      I laugh when Atheists become just as preachy as the people they purport to hate (Heck, I'm an Atheist myself). But how about you don't try to shove it down others' throats? Internet-Atheists who tell anyone who'll listen that they don't believe in God, with the same smug glee that a 6 year old has when he tells his friends he doesn't believe in Santa Claus. Because he's all 'growed up now.'

      For people who want this kinda thing, it's a bargain.

  • I'm sure this website is about finding a bargain and "your 2 cents" but not attacking certain group or being extremely negative. I'm a Catholic and I find most of the most of the comments here offensive. You make fun of Christians because discriminate human, some of you are doing the same. How about keep it clean please, no need to offend others. like some posted here, you don't want to pay for it there are plenty of free bibles out there.

    • Just read my post, this confirms that people who don't "comply" with a specific religion (in your case the Catholic) are seen as offensive (perhaps some do) and they don't deserve the right to live on this planet.

      Life isn't only praying, life is also working and "paying" taxes to help the community grow!

      • +1

        There's a clear intent to offend here, or at the least to make fun of other people's beliefs.
        You can perhaps play it down, but to think it's not here is a massive failure to recognise the 'subtext'.

        fearlessplayr is being a little too sensitive in my opinion, but let's not pretend that references to the FSM (and comments of that nature) aren't a cheeky jab at the doubtful existence of god.

        • +1

          The FSM is satirical.
          Satire isn't meant to offend. Quite the opposite. It's actually a diplomatic way to point out a flaw in an argument, without getting into a heated debate.

    • +1

      "Im offended"

      So what?

  • +1

    Most expensive Cliffs Notes ever.

    It's the equivalent of an overpriced USB key. Definately not a bargain.

    • Believe it or not, people will buy this because they can use it, and it's much cheaper than usual.
      No one is going to buy it on a whim, then go "aww crap should have listened to daveted".

      • +2

        They will once they realise that Islam is the one true religion….or Hindu, or Buddhism, or Baha'i.

        There's lots of Deities to try. Don't lock yourself into just one.

        • +1

          Doesn't make it not a bargain.

    • How much are Cliffs notes?
      These work out to be like $5 each.

      That's GOTTA be a bargain!! =)

  • +3

    daveted (and others here) don't know what they're talking about. lol

    These are high quality, academic, critical commentaries. Pick one up and have a read. If the best available evidence says "this part of the bible was made up and inserted after that section", that's how the text is treated and engaged. They're written by hardcore nerds (Christian and non-Christian) who have an insane grasp of their subject matter. Sure, "Koowrong" stocks a lot of rubbish, but these are well worth it.

    And let's face it, for some of the 'poorly informed', being told what to think might be better than letting them talk rubbish about matters they know little to nothing about. =) (LoL)


    • -2



      Wouldn't matter to me if it who it was written by, as soon as it says 'insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology', it's lost my vote. You don't have to be a scholar to realize that it's a man-made work.

  • Some people like 144 condoms, some like Andrew Bolt's view of the world and some people like to explore their understanding of the Bible. Each to their own.

    But this is cheap compared to what you can get it for elsewhere, so fair call.

    • Condoms don't hurt people, religion does. The Bible should not be purported as divine revelation, it's dangerous and untrue.

      • +4

        Ha, dangerous! A book. Based on values.

        There are religious zealots who do bad things. There are atheists without any morality who do bad things. I really think people determine causation a little too quickly.

        • Aggressive warmongering, genocide, pillaging, plundering, wanton destruction, sexual slavery, rape, misogyny, child abuse, homophobia, unfair laws, cruel and unusual punishment, the punishment of innocents, and brutal chattel slavery.

          Some 'values' the Bible has.

        • +1

          Unfortunately the "bad" things in the Bible are often read out of context & need to be considered with respect to the whole text. Perhaps people need this Bible commentary to learn what it's really talking about from the minds of learned scholars.

      • +1

        Please, keep telling everyone on the internet about the dangers of religion. We're just waiting with bated breath (not). Ozbargain is not your soapbox.

        • -2

          I will continue to raise awareness of the dangers religion poses.

          I was replying to the original comment, yet I don't see you critizing him/her.

          You only want to take a jab at me, but I'm glad, because it means I've made an effective reply.

  • +2

    "But this is cheap compared to what you can get it for elsewhere, so fair call."

    So why did we all slam into this one?
    It had the cheapest novelty USB keys, but it ended up with negative votes, because the product was considered overpriced and not a bargain even at the reduced price.
    I see this as the same thing. It's over-priced software, reduced to make it look like a bargain. I don't expect theology students to share my opinion, but IN MY OPINION, it's no bargain. It's just reduced.

    John 11:35

    • +1

      IN MY OPINION, it's no bargain

      Surely you've been here long enough to understand that we don't give negatives based on opinion….. Everyone has one…

      If you've seen this product cheaper elsewhere, or you have information that the retailer or the product has problems, then neg away.

      Otherwise…. just comment

      • +1

        Did you get my point with the USB novelty key. I was actually a bargain for what it was, but it got lots of negative votes.

        Can't you see the similarity here?

        • what relevance does it have to this deal?…..

          Just because some people have no idea (or care) for the negging system doesn't make it right….

          comment away….. but your neg is inappropriate

      • -3

        Andy, I decided to give this a negative vote because it is not a bargain. There was a post a while ago where you could get a free Bible, I didn't neg that. That was not false advertising - a bible is a bible - but this is. To claim that a commentary from a theological perspective is 'high quality, acadamic, and critical' is akin to calling creationism science.

        • +1

          have you read it?

    • Couldn't have said it better. Not a bargain.

  • +2

    waiting for a mod to come through and clean up this mess…. 3,2,1….

    plus vote because for someone looking to buy this software it IS a bargain.
    i dont want to buy it, but that's not the way to neg vote folks…. learn the rules!

  • +3

    I don't see why there's any need to bash religion whatsoever. If you're aetheist, ok, good for you, but why try and mock those who find solace in believing in a greater entity?

    I, on the other hand, have fallen victim to hardship and contemplated self-harm many times in my youth as a result of severe prolonged depression. Religion saved me when no one else cared or knew, and for that, I'll always be grateful for the warmth and open arm arms in which i accepted into. And for that, i'll continue to defend the right to believe without being hassled or abused. You 'jokers' out there may think you're the new Seth McFarlane with your satirical humor or whatnot, but in truth, you're just upsetting others.

    In saying, i don't want to be portrayed as a sanctimonious PC crusader (far from it actually), but I just think some people should just agree to disagree. That way, no one gets hurt.

    Btw sorry, sent from IPhone so apologies for the errors.

    • I think you will find that a sense of belonging amongst peers you found while in a spot of desperation saved you. Try mentioning God sometime when you speak about how religion saved you.

      also, Seth McFarlane didnt invent satire. Bob Satire did. that's why its called satire.

      • +1

        Seth McFarlane, for better or worse, has become the poster boy for militant Atheism in the media. ur2dads did not mention anything about him being the inventor of satire. McFarlane appeals to teenagers who then think they're 'edgy' by spouting off the same platitudes to any internet audience who'll listen.

        Then they'll inevitably discover Carlin, Maher, Dawkins, Sagan and any other number of more eloquent speakers and stop using Family Guy quotations.

        • +2

          What is a militant Atheist? Someone who believes in science, searches for facts, and questions religion?

          So what does that make a militant Christian?

    • -1

      You find religion comforting, that's fine (albeit argubly a sign of weakness, and avoiding the real problems contributing to your depression), but it doesn't qualify it as true or reasonable, and it certainly doesn't quality it to be forced upon others. Keep it to yourself!

      And before you accuse me of not understanding depression, I've had depression myself more serious than 'contemplating self-harm'. I've also been close to people who have attempted suicide. I was raised a Catholic, and when I became depressed I became sought refuge in religion and for a while became close to a 'true believer'. But guess where my research into religion took me? I became an atheist because I asked the priests the tough questions, I looked at the evidence, and realized what I had been taught was a complete fabrication that ruins many people's lives. I had a close friend once who was a homosexual and devout catholic, he felt ashamed of himself and repressed his sexuality, it was heartwrenching to watch. And you know why we aren't friends anymore? Because his parish priest advised him not to be around me anymore because I was a 'bad influence' as an atheist (this was only a few months after I started to become certain I was an atheist).

      So don't address me as a 'joker' Sir, for I assure you I am not being lighthearted when I say that religion is something to be fought against.

      • +2

        I don't believe the ppl or the bargain here is trying to force religion upon you.

        It feels like atheism is being forced upon us here tho :P

        • +2

          Nobody has been asked here to become an atheist as far as I am aware.

          Religion has been criticised, but that is not 'forcing' atheism upon others.

          I have given the 'bargain' a negative vote because I do not feel it is a bargain at all. It would be the same if a psychic healer offered her services for half price - It simply isn't a bargain because the product is false advertisting. The same with this. I would be fine with a product that examines religion historically, philosophically or scientifically - but this product purports to be 'within the framework of theology', which is not a valid discipline, just as creationism is not.

        • +1

          LOL, now ur jus trolling. Pls read ur prev comments.

          I never mentioned any1 wanting any1 to become an atheist. I think you proactively fighting against religion in this here post qualifies as "having atheism forced on us".

          Re: psychics, pls read my reponse to ur comment further down.

          PS. I can't resist feeding it :P

      • I think you've neg'd simply because you lack an understanding of the product's value. You've dismissed any possible worth it might hold purely by its association with the bible.

        The ability and willingness to deal with difficult issues is a mark of a church's stregnth and maturity and over all, the church (catholic or otherwise) has indeed shown itself to be weak.

        Let me suggest that if you're so serious about fighting religion, put some thought into your comments. Your analogies and examples have completly missed the point and your comparisons have little applcability to your arguments of the worthlessness of such commentaries. If the same strength of logic was applied in your thinking which lead you to atheism, i suggest your reconsider your position on the matter.

        • No, you've missed the point.

          I've neg'd the deal not because of it's association with the bible (I've pointed out in a seperate post that I had no problem with a bible post that was posted before), but because the product description says that it is made 'within the framework of theology'. Theology is junk philosophy in the same way that creationism is junk science. A work of theology is not a bargain at $245, just as a work of creationism would be a bargain at $245. You criticise my use of analogies and comparisons, but fail to explain what exactly you are criticising about them. Instead, you choose to attack me personally, by suggesting that I have a poor ability to apply logic.

          I await a rebuttal of actual substance.

        • yep, sorry. i interchanged 'bible' with 'theology'.
          it's the same point. your personal dimissal of the value of theology is by no means an valid measure of whether this is a bargain or not.

          not really a rebuttal, but a clarification.

          your analogies miss the crucial point of how one determine's value, which for the bargain vs. no bargain discussion is crucial.

          if you take the example of the USB sticks (no sure if that was you)… i suspect that, though the cheapest, people neg'd because the premium for the novelty wasn't deemed worth it. the relative pricing to the rest of the market is only one aspect, and i'd say a lesser aspect when compared to an item's percieved value. (i've now realised this was daveted, not you)

          i'd think you'd be pretty happy to pay for a book or at least attribute value to a book which which picks out the points against theology - something this series does in fact go into.

    • Well put, Ur2dads.Religion and belief in a greater entity has helped many people poor and affluent alike to get away from the emptiness of their lives which happens due to financial hardship or when materiaism.. all those shopping trips and sprees and holidays come to an end and in the aftermath start looking hard at what's important and where to go from that point in one's life.People will fill that void in many ways, .. self destruct- Hollywood style, indulge some more or get depressed.Religion offers Solace as church people tend to be kinder by default - because of what their religion preaches .The positive,hopeful messages either via the bible verses or church services and all that joyful singing and being among seemingly happy people is therapeutical for many… (if you cut out the doomsday stuff and mad prophets) .If you think about it same as going to the Shrink but cheaper

  • +2

    It might be cheaper but this doesn't seem like a deal at all to me.

  • +1

    There's a lot of boring trolls on here…

    • problem?

  • This is a solid deal, I bought these the last time there was a 20% off sale. The WBC set is an amazing piece of scholarship.

    It's always strange to me when people neg this sort of deal, i understand you disagree with the premise of Christianity, but a deal is a deal.

  • +4

    Note for everyone — more intolerance would land you in penalty box. This offer is on "30% off Word Biblical Commentary" and judging from the response is very useful information to a lot of people here.

    OzBargain is not fit for debate on the existence of God or differences in religions. Here are some pointers for those who are bored here, as the rest of us prefer focusing on finding good bargains.

    • The solution here is simple, just ban religious oriented "bargains". They appear infrequently, yet when they do, they have a divisive impact on what is an otherwise a harmonious online community.

      • +13

        only cause atheists can't keep quiet. No one would put up with it if someone came on spreading racist hate, but atheists can't help themselves. Its not like anyone came on saying "buy this and be a christian or you will go to hell." people are choosing to actively hurt people because they can't keep their opinions to themselves. I don't think the problem is the religious bargains, but the fact people feel the need to even debate religion on a bargain site.

        I think if the inverse happened, and dicky dawkins had a book that was a bargain, the thread would not be filled with religious types being outraged about it. they just wouldn't look at it because it doesn't apply to them.

        it would be like me not having a baby and going into any baby/toy related bargain and saying " oh the real bargain is not having a kid in the first place" its silly and it has no relevance.

        • +1

          I cannot agree more. If Dawkin's "God Delusion" was 30% off, I'm pretty sure the response would've been different.

        • +1

          You equate racism to atheism. You say you would permit openly atheistic books on ozbargain, does that mean you'd have no quarrel with openly racist books either?

          This isn't a 'bargain' at all, you wouldn't pay money for a 50% off tarot reading, why should this be any different.

        • Oh come on, all these are justifications for holding an opinion you hold.

          Eg Ash2000 (Note the eg which means it applies to others as well)

          Likewise NO android or Apple posts they generate just as many comments by those who believe it is their universal (note I avoided the G word) right to ram their own personal belief or phone up someone else.

          Or Telstra/Optus/Vodafone vs Helstra/Floptus/Vodafail

          WE should ban all Dominoes V and Red Bull deals as they are pushing very very unhealthy products down peoples throats

          NO the real thing is we should just delete, religious opinions against ANY product posted here.

          Now we have some FORUMS to go and discuss things, and thats what they are for.

          IF you dont like it move on read some deal that saves YOU. And leave bargains that appeal to some for those some.

      • +3

        They appear infrequently, yet when they do, they have a divisive impact on what is an otherwise a harmonious online community

        @ash2000 — are you saying that they should appear more often here on OzBargain. I personally don't have problem with that, although the amount of debates here would probably not be helpful for those coming here looking for bargains.

        what is an otherwise a harmonious online community.

        Ha. Where were you in those Android vs. iOS "discussions"? Neither sides have exercised their virtue of tolerance in the mobile OS discussions. However from this very thread, all I have seen is atheists bashing Bible and Christianity. Whom should be on restraint here?

        • -2

          Scotty, surely this concerns liberty and freedom of speech rather than mere 'tolerance'.

          Of liberty, it is not just the right of the person who speaks to be heard. It is the right of everybody to listen. Everytime you silence somebody you make yourself a prisoner of your own action because you deny yourself the right to hear something. In other words, your own right to hear and be exposed is as much involved in all these cases is as much involved as the right of the other to express his or her view.

          The freedom of speech is meaningless unless it means the freedom of the person who thinks differently.

          Unless of course, Ozbargain does not favor liberty and freedom of speech…

          No atheist here has demanded the censorship of Christian comments as far as I can tell, though you would know better than me about that Scotty.

          I can't speak for the others, but I have given the deal a negative vote because if it is being presented in the 'framework of theology' as it is described on the website, then it is not the 'high quality, academic, critical commentary' it claims to be. Just as creationism wouldn't be 'high quality, academic, critical science'.

        • +4

          Unless of course, Ozbargain does not favor liberty and freedom of speech…

          No. It's not 4chan. Purpose of OzBargain is to provide a place for consumers to find bargains, and it's not your soapbox.

          Personal attacks and inappropriate comments will be removed, like how they have always been on OzBargain.

        • +2

          Mitchell given Scotty has replied, I will leave your really off topic comment.

          If you truly believe what you say, start up a Discussion thread in the forums.

          And this is not me taking sides in a religious war.

          My own personal belief is that there are more people killed in the name of the saviours (J M A B etc) than have EVERY been saved by them. But that in itself is an off topic comment.

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