• expired

[VIC] Third Wave Cafe - 25% off Orders (Pick up or Delivery Only)


25% off third wave restaurant pick up or delivery.
Currently have a wheelbarrow challenge that seems good value which can be combined with the code! Never tried them but seems like a lot of good reviews from their other deals.

Notice on website: cafe has moved to a new location. Address
181 Victoria Ave, Albert Park 3206 Australia

Related Stores

Third Wave BBQ
Third Wave BBQ

closed Comments

  • +10

    ironic name .. are they new?

    • +1

      Nope, been around since about 2012 (if not earlier)

  • +4

    Third wave… Hope we can all survive the second wave.

    • -2

      We're still on first wave, mind you

  • Scary Name, Scary Code.
    Dont really want second wave in NSW let alone third

    • nice one. haha

  • +1

    Well not if everyone is out picking up their orders, great idea. No wonder Melbourne is where it is today.

  • -1

    Maybe I'm getting old, but I feel like the name is a bit try hard to be funny or clever.

    Good deal though.

    • +1

      I highly doubt anyone opened a business specifically named "Third Wave" since COVID19 started.

  • +2

    The name is an awful coincidence but to then make that the code…kinda distasteful. I’ll pass.

    • +4

      A restaurant offering 25% off already cheap vacuum sealed meals during the Corona Stage 2 lock-downs to assist in minimising people leaving their homes, they use the code coronatime and people are getting uptight about it?

      Geez lighten up a bit.

      Having ordered from these guys a few times in the past there meals are great value and I can recommend them.

      • -1

        Good on the business, I have actually ordered from them from interstate before, but I totally disagree with any business offering pickup in Melbourne atm, assuming it is in a lock down area. Maybe the onus should be on the government to legislate against pick up atm.
        I mean those Melbournians can't help themselves but to be out and about, hence why they are in another lock down.

        • CAn you explain the logic why it’s more risky/ bad for someone to pick up food as opposed to have someone deliver it? Are delivery drivers safer against covid? Do delivery drivers have some special protection?

          • @cloudy: Hmmmm
            So 1 person delivering food to 50 people staying at home, as opposed to 50 people all going out to pick up their food. Probably drop in and get some dessert or drinks on the way too. Its that sort of attitude that has most likely got Melbourne into the trouble it is in now.
            I definitely don't wish it upon anyone, but I think back to when we, Adelaide, had a certain amount of days, weeks in a row without any cases, and we were starting to talk about easing restrictions, and for some reason even though Melbourne was still getting cases they were easing restrictions at the same pace, if not faster than us, it was baffling, and possibly poor management from their government.
            This comes off the top of my head, so don't quote me on dates and figures.

  • a wheelbarrow challenge - related to wheeling out the dead?

  • but I dun feel like the third wave! :P

  • +2

    Let's make this pandemic a joke they thought to themselves…

  • Good food and prices (tried them before), but a bit wary about ordering when they may be closed down if a stage 4 lockdown is ordered given they can take up to a week to deliver. I assume that is the reason why they are offering first a 10% and now a 25% off code now?

  • Any date for expiry on this code?

  • These guys have previously had a couple deals here - https://www.queyou.com.au for delivery.

  • Pork ribs 👌

    Used to eat here back when they were in Port Melb, haven't been there in years!

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