Toilet Paper Shortages Soon?

Was at Costco Casula in the arvo and it seems like every second person had toilet paper in their carts. I'm wondering if the news about shortages in Melbourne has forced people to start loading up again? Thoughts?


  • use the work toilet fixes my TP shortage. Train that bowel to go during work time!

    • +1

      I did, but now work from home 😕

      • +1

        Garden hose from bunnings…

        • Yeah, got the one with the butt adapter 👍

  • +1

    I work in a DC for a large supermarket chain (Melbourne).. It started on Monday for us.

    Monday was a rush on toilet paper,

    Tuesday toilet paper, paper towel, hand sanitizer.

    Wednesday toilet paper, paper towel, hand sanitizer, pasta, canned food.

    Thursday more of the same in larger quantities.

    • +1

      ….sad. here we go again…

  • Went to the supermarket today and nothing was noticeably absent. TP was a bit low at maybe 50% capacity and mince was the the most impacted with the 1kg packs being nearly sold out but the 500g packs were plentiful.

    The staff member I spoke to said some of them are nervous because there are a lot more unfamiliar faces than normal and they’re worried people are coming from hotspots that have suffered from shortages.

  • +3

    Has anyone noticed that when there is panic buying of TP in your local area your 5G speeds go up?

    • panic buying of TP in your local area your 5G speeds go up?

      They need to ramp up the spread of COVID!

      Disclaimer: for those who don't get it, it is a joke. There is a conspiracy 5G spreads COVID.

  • I usually buy in bulk when it's cheap, I never had a problem during the last panic buy cos I already had stock. Hopefully, it should be ok this time around too.

  • Bloody media were at it yesterday, with predictable results.

  • +4

    I bought a 36 pack of Quilton. Put it in my safe, which is guarded by rottweilers, that are surrounded by bear traps. No one is taking my precious!

  • -4

    I stocked up several months worth of Quilton when there was plenty back on the shelves and my hoarding had zero affect on anybody else trying to get their hands on some

    If you want to panic buy, go right ahead. Just do it intelligently and not at the expense of others.

  • +1

    What's the deal with the toilet paper buying? It's not a necessity

    • Apparently it comforts some people and relieves their anxiety.

      • +2

        These people need a psychologist, not toilet paper.

  • If you don't have food you won't need toilet paper. And btw in the extreme case you don't have paper you can always use water and a bucket 😊

    • It's called a bidet.

  • +3

    Who here can honestly say they didn't contribute to the mass hysteria of panic buying last time. I'll put my hand up, I was part of the problem. Although I didn't have to buy TP during the panic (as I had already bought two 48 roll packs from Costco in January), I did encourage my family and friends to stock up just in case. Some took upon the advise, some laughed (and later regretted it).

    • +3

      normal family shopping here …just made sure i bought enough to not have to go back to the shops for anything for at least 10-14 days at a time between shopping trips. that way i was able to minimise contact with out side world as much as possible for my fams health & well being

    • +2

      Carried on as usual.

  • +1

    Thank god for mark mcgowan in WA
    No shortages to be seen

    • WA tourism workers would probably prefer a job instead of toilet paper.

      • +2

        Nah i think you'll find that we're good in our little Covid free bubble.
        Plus as long as we're able to travel around inside WA and Qantas doesn't jack up prices on flights Western Australians will be more than happy to spend time in Broome/Margaret River rather than Bali. If anything this might be a boon for tourism up north.

        I think the whole tourism argument is unfounded and largely for international visitors (few interstate visitors were choosing WA to holiday in anyway.)

        The backpackers have either gone home or happily already traversing our Covid free state.

        • our Covid free state.

          You wish :…

          Enjoy the millions lost to your state every day with the borders shut as well !

          • +1

            @popsiee: Thankyou for confirming my point, and I still struggle to see how we're losing millions of dollars. Freight and imports/exports are still allowed in, so the only loss is from grey nomads/the very few tourists who come from interstate. Hardly the lifeblood of wa.

            If anything we're still propping up the rest of Australia with our mines. If we let covid in and shut those down i can assure you the losses will be more than a few tourist dollars

  • +6

    The one thing I cannot believe these days is how easy it is to scare people. The general public seem like wimps with little to no resilience. People are incredibly selfish, stupid and greedy and those panic buying toilet paper would generally have a very low IQ. You won't find people who are generally well educated with high end jobs running to the supermarket panic buying stuff. Most of them tend to turn their brains on and think before they do things whereas those panic buying generally do little thinking, have little to no logic, act on emotions, have low levels of intelligence and are selfish individuals.

    • +2

      Low IQ = Clean bum.

      • Low IQ = Stupid

    • You don't need to have a high IQ to care about others. People are just damn selfish. There are third world countries that have more respect for one another than a country as "advanced" as Australia. It just shows the lack of compassion and empathy in our people.

      The media has a field day just causing all this panic without a care for the consequences.

      It's just depressing.

  • -1

    Ffs, such Muppets.

  • Coles started restricting some products too, pasta is back to 2 units per person.

  • Whogivesacrap




    just to name a few worthy places to purchase your poop rolls.

  • +1

    ROLLS on the floor laughing.
    What CRAP situation.
    Best part of all the panic buying last time was the terrible puns the news media headlines carried.
    Now it’s the worst

  • Seriously can't believe it. You would have thought after the first time people started panic buying and just screwing over other people, that they would learn to think about others before hoarding everything, but here we are, the isles just emptying out for the second time, unf$%king-believable.

    • +1

      You would have thought after the first time

      People have short memories. Notice the more RAM / memory we get on phones and less people think for themselves?

  • +6

    With panic buying now happening outside of Victoria I don't think Victorians seem so stupid anymore. People in other states are now panic buying for no reason at all. That is so much worse.

  • Even if you run out of TP you can still wipe your butt with water?

    I'm sure everyone cleanas their butt when they're in the shower…

    • I thought it was now well established that the majority of toilet paper in Australia is manufactured here, not from China.

        • +1

          The shortage of toilet paper is not directly linked to COVID-19. It is directly due to the panic buying by part of the population and is without reason.

          Those same people would probably do the same thing if there was a different virus, or if a federal election was called, or if Trump talked our government into joining him in a war on some country, etc.

  • +2

    Bought 3000 rolls of toilet paper put them in my roof as insulator

  • +3

    Yeah, all toilet paper gone in local Woolies

  • Live scene in Melbourne.

  • +3

    I'm cynical…

    Supermarkets profits boomed massivly with panic buying, massive sales at awesome margins as specials just weren't needed to shift stock.

    This quarter isn't going so well.

    So, a few people in COVID hotspots start stocking up, supermarkets make sure people know VERY PUBLICLY that they are restricting sales NATIONWIDE. People panic, sales boom, profits go through the roof.

    Panic buying 2.0 fattening up this quarter's sales right at end of financial year.

    What do you think?

  • i brought 480 rolls from closing down cleaning warehouse last year. so do give a shit nah……

    • brought 480 rolls from closing down cleaning warehouse last year

      The owner must be at home wishing he had held on. Would have got JobKeeper, rent reduction and higher prices. Such is luck!

  • +1

    Talking to the checkout girl when I popped into woolworths at munno para to pick up some munchies for movie night and I asked her if there was anyone complaining about the toilet paper restrictions and she said nope

    • to be fair I don't think it's a real problem in SA, we just got declared COVID-free not too long ago.

  • -1

    Every Coles, Woolworths, Ritches/IGA I've been in the last three days around SE Melbourne has had PLENTY of toilet paper. Both Coles and Woolworths still have 40-50% off specials in some cases. There is no genuine shortage, just small pockets of panicked idiots.

    • why is this negged? I've noticed the same at my locals near home and work on the other side of the CBD.

  • It's just disappointing people would still hoard items after the first frenzy we had.

    You would think they had learnt their lesson and at least think about others, but nope. They behave as if we're in the fricken apocalypse and every man is for themselves.

    I swear, this virus is bad enough alone, but it just shows the worst in people as well. Maybe 100 years ago you would expect this kind of behaviour, but in 2020 and in a country as developed as Australia, it's just so disappointing and sad.

  • +1

    No toilet paper, oh well back to the 3 sea shells.

  • +1

    Things aren’t looking too good down there. Hope you guys are stocked up on toilet paper and pasta.

    • Well thanks to the thread there was plenty of warning .
      I'm won't be one of those going shop to shop trying to find TP wasting my precious time .
      That 45 roll $18 Amazon deal saved my a$$ even though mid July delivery .
      I won't state quantities ordered :)

  • I've seen tonnes of toilet paper in my locals near home and work… but fruit had disappeared today for some reason

  • people lining up again last night

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