Finally back in stock 22 June 2020 from Amazon US. $0.22 shy of free shipping on prime so add something cheap and save on shipping.
I added some of these:
Edit 14/6: Now $48.69 from $48.78 (regular currency fluctuation)
Finally back in stock 22 June 2020 from Amazon US. $0.22 shy of free shipping on prime so add something cheap and save on shipping.
I added some of these:
Edit 14/6: Now $48.69 from $48.78 (regular currency fluctuation)
Probably better quality than the Elite controller, which I’ve gone through 6 of over the 2 versions. Finally had enough and sold my last replacement so these while not giving as many options, I’ve read of very few issues with them.
Yeah I hear a lot of complaints about the Elite controller quality, which really isn't good enough for $200
I’m pretty sure their QA testing on this product is non-existent with both versions riddled with repeated issues.
Interestingly, i've had the first elite controller since release, and it's great. It's my only controller.
In saying that, I've heard bad things about the QC from the internet for the first one, but my experience has been amazing with it.
Also i dont actually use the weird metal bar trigger things on the back, tried for a while, just not feeling it.
Regardless, i'm not sure it was worth not just using a normal xbox controller the whole time, lol.
I like my Elite controller a lot, so you've talked me into it. I've ordered one. 20 cents under free shipping so I bought $80 in photo paper too, why not. The same paper costs four times as much here.
Poor man's Elite Controller, which is a poor man's SCUF.
Weird brand loyalty to a piece of plastic…
Jog on champ.
Someone said Is this "a poor man's Elite Controller?" I said said an Elite Controller was a poor man's SCUF.
I still have my xbox elite controller original version. I was one on the super lucky ones. Still brand new use it every day. it's 4 years old now. The only issue I have is I spilled a whole can of coke on it and after 2 weeks of taking it apart drying and cleaning it works flawlessly.
But 2 of the back toggles are alittle sticky but all work still. Lucky me I guess.
I'd be a little scared to replace with another one as build quality is hit and miss.
Yeah mines around 3 years old with no problems. After hearing so many stories about its horrible build quality, I guess I just got really lucky.
I have the Nacon evolution pro or whetever its called…. I just cant get over the dam sticks.
THeyre too spongy, I like the snappyness of the ps4 controller sooo no. Its not a poor mans version.
My back button thing still hasn't arrived yet.
Crazy to think these were selling for $300 on ebay only a couple of weeks ago… I was lucky to get one when they first released but then I wanted a second one so I don't need to swap between controllers when one needs to be charged… These have been coming in and out of stock on Amazon for the past week or so.. And within minutes they are out of stock.. But then they will have more later the same day…
Nice, stoked to have flipped mine for $100 recently.
Can someone explain why?
What needs explaining exactly?
One game I played recently which this made a huge difference for me was nioh 2. In nioh you need to hold X to run, so you then lose control of the right analog stick (to control the camera angle) in order to hold X. I used to play 'claw' hand where you hold X with your index finger but it's very awkward and you also then lose control of R1/R2 and R1 is used for changing stance in Nioh. Also, usable items in nioh can be assigned to the D-Pad buttons. To use them you briefly lose control of your left analog stick (player movement). I would set healing elixir to the 'up' button and then assign it to one of the back paddles. This made healing during combat much less stressful. As soon as I played with one of these it was a big difference. Pretty much every game I will find a button to reassign to a paddle that makes gameplay much more convenient. Any game that uses L3 to sprint (which I absolutely hate) I will assign it to a back paddle. Soooo much better than pressing L3 all the time.
Epic. Might just buy it for nioh. How liberating it must feel!
Platinum'd the game so would be good for doc
Finally grabbed one, cheers OP :)
thanks, never knew these things existed until now. Seems like a good product but a little too last in the PS4 lifecycle.
Damn it, what can I buy to get $49 free shipping? I'm a few cents out
I search for a single letter across all of Amazon, like just the letter A. Then sort by price lowest to highest. You'll see all the 20 cent hose adapters and 50 cent candy and stuff. Sometimes the free books get caught up in the search but just a straight up search usually gives me just real products. Changing the letter from A to E for example brings up other results. if you look through them you might find something for a dollar you want, like a cheap pen or card or something. I settled on $80 13x19 inch photo paper to push me over the $49 limit.
Not a bad idea. Thanks ;)
probably better getting the fps strike pack (collective minds)
That one doesn't have a display built into it.
Mines still going strong since release. The only issue I have with it is it gives a controller disconnected error randomly, sometimes during gunfights. According to them it’s normal. To fix it I have to unplug the cable and press the PS button again and if I’m using a headset change one of the settings so I can hear other people. Pretty annoying
The paddles on the back seem larger than this official one so might be easier to reach for some people
I used this and it was great but it's very flimsy… i accidentally dropped my controller with it and it started playing up to the point that it actually broke some buttons on my controller (like sometimes its rapid firing/slow triggers).
I now use this one (on deal post) its bulky but once you get used to it… it's actually really good.
Will wait for them to have it in stock in Australia. Hopefully soon…
I’ve checked with both EB and JB and both say they’ve heard absolutely nothing on if or when they’ll get more stock. I’ve waited long enough so I didn’t hesitate when this popped up.
I came here as i thought cheap controller, left disappointed
I was a day 1 purchaser and i have to say these do not fit the hand and way you hold a controller organically. Maybe its just because i have large hands or the way i hold a controller (pretty sure its normal) it just was not comfortable at all. The buttons are too high and protrude too far off the controller. My hands were very cramped after a night of gameplay
I ended up buying an Elite V2 for pc and its genuinely the best controller ive ever had.
Does anyone know when amazon will take the cash from your account? will it be now or on june 22nd?
Once it’s ready to ship.
why didn't Sony add these back buttons to the PS5 controller?
So they can sell you this accesory for $50 all over again, duh
Damn you Sony!!
also I think majority of people don't need this back button
and the dual sense already looks like it is quite expensive to make..
would be good to know if these can be attached to the ps5 dual sense controller..
but most likely not…
There's also possibly sony making a separate "elite/pro" controller with these back buttons built in..
like xbox elite controller.
So there would be 2 options for people to buy for their PS5 controller.
-back button attachment
-pro/elite controller.
Yeah Sony just following all big corporations playbook
Create a problem and sell the solution
Does it work if attached to pc?
No. you need attach this to PS4 controller.
I'm surprised Sony and Microsoft havent integrated this into their base controllers for the ps5/Xbox.
I think most people dont actually like the back paddles. If they were on every controller, you've have insane controller schemes become the normal in games, maybe too elaborate for the average console gamer.
I'm more surprised that sony kept that giant pointless touch pad thing, and made it bigger, lol. The actual controller being larger and more xbox shape I do like the look of though.
tbh it doesnt have much of a use apart from in fps games, and maybe shifting up and down in racing games. not really needed in the base controller
Having to take your thumb off the right stick to press crouch is annoying.
This is almost the same price as a controller WTF.
Mine arrived today so looking forward to giving it a good test tonight.
Mine finally got dispatched today
These sold out pretty quick and still out of stock. Anyone know how long the wait for stock was on these?
got mine delivered a few days ago.
Hoping for a restock but wondering if it'll be 1 week, 6 months or never
I missed the boat as well. They're back up for $79.81 at the time of writing, but I'm not willing to pay that. I bought one a few months ago from AliExpress for $60, it arrived today but was DOA.
Is this a poor man's Elite Controller?